The fixed-point construction in equivariant bordism
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- by Russell J. Rowlett PDF
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 246 (1978), 473-481 Request permission
Consider the bordism ${\Omega _ {\ast }}(G)$ of smooth G-actions. If K is a subgroup of G, with normalizer NK, there is a standard $NK/K$-action on ${\Omega _ {\ast }}(K)$(All, Proper). If M has a smooth G-action, a tubular neighborhood of the fixed set of K in M represents an element of ${\Omega _ {\ast }}(K){({\text {All, Proper}})^{NK/K}}$. One thus obtains the “fixed point homomorphism” $\phi$ carrying ${\Omega _ {\ast }}(G)$ to the sum of the ${\Omega _ {\ast }}(K){({\text {All, Proper}})^{NK/K}}$, summed over conjugacy classes of subgroups K. Let P be the collection of primes not dividing the order of G. We show that the P-localization of $\phi$ is an isomorphism, and give several applications.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1978 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 246 (1978), 473-481
- MSC: Primary 57R85
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 515553