No $L_ 1$-contractive metrics for systems of conservation laws
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- by Blake Temple
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 288 (1985), 471-480
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Let $(\ast )$ \[ \quad {u_t} + F{(u)_x} = 0\] be any $2 \times 2$ system of conservation laws satisfying certain generic assumptions on $F$ in a neighborhood $\mathcal {N}$ of $u$-space. We prove that for every nondegenerate metric $D$ on $u$-space there exists states ${u_1}$ and ${u_2}$ in $\mathcal {N}$ such that $\int _{ - \infty }^\infty {D(u(x,t),{u_1})\;dx}$ is a strictly increasing function of $t$ in a neighborhood of $t = 0$, where $u$ is the admissible solution of $( \ast )$ with initial data \[ u(x,0) = \left \{ {\begin {array}{*{20}{c}} {{u_1},} \hfill & {x \leqslant 0,} \hfill \\ {{u_2},} \hfill & {0 < x < 1,} \hfill \\ {{u_1},} \hfill & {x \geqslant 1.} \hfill \\ \end {array} } \right .\] This contrasts with the case of a scalar equation in which $\int _{ - \infty }^\infty {D(u(x,t),v(x,t))\;dx}$ is a decreasing function of $t$ for all admissible solution pairs $u$ and $v$ when $D$ is taken to be the absolute value norm.References
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Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1985 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 288 (1985), 471-480
- MSC: Primary 35L65; Secondary 76L05, 76N10
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 776388