Vertex operators for twisted quantum affine algebras
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- by Naihuan Jing and Kailash C. Misra
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), 1663-1690
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We construct explicitly the $q$-vertex operators (intertwining operators) for the level one modules $V(\Lambda _i)$ of the classical quantum affine algebras of twisted types using interacting bosons, where $i=0, 1$ for $A_{2n-1}^{(2)}$ ($n\geq 3$), $i=0$ for $D_4^{(3)}$, $i=0, n$ for $D_{n+1}^{(2)}$ ($n\geq 2$), and $i=n$ for $A_{2n}^{(2)}$ ($n\geq 1$). A perfect crystal graph for $D_4^{(3)}$ is constructed as a by-product.References
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Bibliographic Information
- Naihuan Jing
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
- MR Author ID: 232836
- Email:
- Kailash C. Misra
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
- MR Author ID: 203398
- Email:
- Received by editor(s): August 30, 1996
- Received by editor(s) in revised form: March 11, 1997
- Additional Notes: The first author is supported in part by NSA grants MDA 904-94-H-2061 and MDA 904-96-1-0087. The second author is supported in part by NSA grant MDA 904-96-1-0013.
- © Copyright 1999 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), 1663-1690
- MSC (1991): Primary 17B37, 17B67; Secondary 82B23, 81R10, 81R50
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 1458306