Finite group actions on certain stably projectionless C$^*$-algebras with the Rohlin property
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- by Norio Nawata PDF
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), 471-493 Request permission
We introduce the Rohlin property and approximate representability for finite group actions on stably projectionless C$^*$-algebras and study their basic properties. We give some examples of finite group actions on the Razak-Jacelon algebra $\mathcal {W}$ and show some classification results of these actions. This study is based on the work of Izumi, Robert’s classification theorem and Kirchberg’s central sequence C$^*$-algebras.References
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Additional Information
- Norio Nawata
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Graduate School of Science, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage, Chiba, 263-8522, Japan
- Address at time of publication: Department of Arts and Sciences, Osaka Kyoiku University, 4-698-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka, 582-8582, Japan
- MR Author ID: 881100
- Email:
- Received by editor(s): November 13, 2013
- Published electronically: April 23, 2015
- Additional Notes: The author is a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
- © Copyright 2015 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), 471-493
- MSC (2010): Primary 46L55; Secondary 46L35, 46L40
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 3413870
Dedicated: Dedicated to Professor Yasuo Watatani on the occasion of his 60th birthday.