On the number and size of holes in the growing ball of first-passage percolation
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- by Michael Damron, Julian Gold, Wai-Kit Lam and Xiao Shen;
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377 (2024), 1641-1670
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/tran/9035
- Published electronically: December 22, 2023
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First-passage percolation is a random growth model defined on $\mathbb {Z}^d$ using i.i.d. nonnegative weights $(\tau _e)$ on the edges. Letting $T(x,y)$ be the distance between vertices $x$ and $y$ induced by the weights, we study the random ball of radius $t$ centered at the origin, $\mathbf {B}(t) = \{x \in \mathbb {Z}^d : T(0,x) \leq t\}$. It is known that for all such $\tau _e$, the number of vertices (volume) of $\mathbf {B}(t)$ is at least order $t^d$, and under mild conditions on $\tau _e$, this volume grows like a deterministic constant times $t^d$. Defining a hole in $\mathbf {B}(t)$ to be a bounded component of the complement $\mathbf {B}(t)^c$, we prove that if $\tau _e$ is not deterministic, then a.s., for all large $t$, $\mathbf {B}(t)$ has at least $ct^{d-1}$ many holes, and the maximal volume of any hole is at least $c\log t$. Conditionally on the (unproved) uniform curvature assumption, we prove that a.s., for all large $t$, the number of holes is at most $(\log t)^C t^{d-1}$, and for $d=2$, no hole in $\mathbf {B}(t)$ has volume larger than $(\log t)^C$. Without curvature, we show that no hole has volume larger than $Ct \log t$.References
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Bibliographic Information
- Michael Damron
- Affiliation: School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 686 Cherry St., Atlanta, Georgia 30332
- MR Author ID: 883682
- Email: mdamron6@protonmail.com
- Julian Gold
- Affiliation: Center for Statistics and Machine Learning, Princeton University, 26 Prospect Ave., Princeton, New Jersey 08544
- MR Author ID: 1073993
- Email: julian.thomas.gold@gmail.com
- Wai-Kit Lam
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Astronomy Mathematics Building 5F, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- MR Author ID: 1236212
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6282-3561
- Email: waikitlam@ntu.edu.tw
- Xiao Shen
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, 155 South 1400 East, JWB 233, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
- Email: xiao.shen@utah.edu
- Received by editor(s): May 20, 2022
- Received by editor(s) in revised form: January 24, 2023
- Published electronically: December 22, 2023
- Additional Notes: The research of the first author was supported by an NSF grant DMS-2054559 and an NSF CAREER award.
The research of the second author was supported by NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship DMS-1803622 while at Northwestern. The second author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Schmidt DataX Fund at Princeton University made possible through a major gift from the Schmidt Futures Foundation.
The research of the third author was supported by the National Science and Technology Council in Taiwan Grant 110-2115-M002-012-MY3 and NTU New Faculty Founding Research Grant NTU-111L7452. - © Copyright 2023 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377 (2024), 1641-1670
- MSC (2020): Primary 60K35
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/tran/9035
- MathSciNet review: 4744738