Data on the Profession

Looking for information on current trends in the mathematical sciences community?

Read the statistics on mathematics education, PhD production, faculty size and salaries, employment trends, and demographics in the Annual Survey, the CBMS Survey,  and other government data reports. A special hiring survey was conducted in Spring, 2010.

Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (AMS-ASA-IMS-MAA-SIAM)

The Annual Survey collects information about departments, faculties, and students in the mathematical sciences at four-year colleges and universities in the United States.  The data gathered provides the community with valuable information regarding faculty recruitment, hiring and salaries, course enrollments, degrees awarded, and the gender, race/ethnicity and citizenship of new Ph.D. recipients along with their employment status.  Survey results are vital in aiding department chairs in gaining support for program expansions and faculty salary negotiations. 

The Annual Survey is conducted annually (since 1957) by the AMS under the guidance of the Joint Data Committee.

CBMS Surveys

The Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) sponsors a national survey of undergraduate mathematical and statistical sciences in the nation's universities and colleges, both four-year and two-year. The national data collected on enrollments, curriculum, degrees, and faculty are of use to academic planners at all levels and department chairs seeking additional resources from college and university administrators. Survey results are used at the state and national level in making a case for greater attention to and funding for programs in mathematics, science, and technology.

CBMS Surveys are conducted every five years (since 1965) with the support of the National Science Foundation.   

Other Sources of Data in the Mathematical Sciences

There are other sources of information about the U.S. mathematical sciences. The AMS occasionally publishes special reports on issues facing the mathematics community, and a number of federal agencies produce a range of reports and associated data sets related to the mathematical sciences along with the other science and engineering disciplines.

For additional information on data in the Mathematical Sciences, contact the AMS at 800-321-4267, ext. 4124 or submit an inquiry.