Moving Mathematics Online - Creating high quality online STEM content from existing sources
Date: January 19-20, 2021 · 12:00 - 3:00 pm EST. (Rescheduled from January 18-19)
About the Workshop
For many years there has been a push for moving teaching and learning material online. But the Covid pandemic has made this a pressing issue, forcing all faculty to focus on how to deliver lectures, tutorials, exercises and exams online. Unfortunately, rushing materials online can lead to poor quality content, poor maintainability by the authors, bad student experiences and insurmountable obstacles in making content accessible.
This workshop will teach you how to move your mathematical documents to the web. You will learn how to convert your existing material for the web and how to render it in a browser. We will also work on techniques for authoring new content for the web and creating online presentations and teaching material. During the workshop you will learn how to apply tools to convert documents containing formulas, how these formulas can be rendered and how you can customize your documents to improve your student’s learning experience and in particular to make them accessible to help learners with special needs.
While our course will focus mainly on how to convert LaTeX documents, we will also touch on other sources, like Word, MathType, etc. Considerations like reuse of existing material, support for traditional authoring workflows and accessibility of created content will play an important role in the workshop.
What you will learn—and how you can apply it
Register Here
Registration Cost: \$75 AMS members, \$150 non-members
This is a live-taught Zoom workshop and the number of participants is therefore limited. Registrations will be handled on a first come, first served basis.
Professor Volker Sorge has studied Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy at the University of Würzburg, University of Texas at Austin, and University Saarbrücken. He holds Research Masters in Mathematics and a PhD in Computer Science (Computational Logic).
- Volker Sorge is Professor in Document Analysis and Accessibility at the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK. He leads the Scientific Document Analysis group whose research primarily focuses on mathematical document analysis, diagram recognition and handwriting recognition.
- For many years Volker has worked on Maths accessibility. As a visiting scientist at Google he integrated mathematics support into the ChromeVox screen reader. As a member of the MathJax consortium he has worked on formula accessibility on the web. Most recently, in collaboration with the PreTeXt group, the NFB and the American Institute of Mathematics he contributed to the automatic transcription of LaTeX textbooks into tactile Braille books.
- Volker also manages Progressive Accessibility Solutions, a start-up company that is focusing on exploiting pattern recognition and image analysis technology for automatically making STEM diagrams accessible for teaching and science.
Dr. Peter Krautzberger is a mathematician by training working as an independent consultant and developer in Bonn, Germany, working primarily to help academic publishers improve their content conversion workflows for STEM content.
- After leaving research, Peter managed the MathJax Consortium from 2012 to 2017 and he currently leads the work on the AMS HTML platform, including MathViewer for Journal articles and ebook (Kindle and EPUB) production. Peter is also an invited expert on the W3C Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group (ARIA WG).
Interested in running a professional development workshop, contact the AMS Programs Department.