AMS Sectional Meeting AMS Special Session
Current as of Sunday, October 15, 2023 03:30:03
2023 Fall Central Sectional Meeting
- Creighton University, Omaha, NE
- October 7-8, 2023 (Saturday - Sunday)
- Meeting #1189
Associate Secretary for the AMS Scientific Program:
Betsy Stovall, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Special Session on Commutative Algebra, Differential Operators, and Singularities I
Saturday October 7, 2023, 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Special Session on Commutative Algebra, Differential Operators, and Singularities I
361, Hixson-Lied Science Building
Uli Walther, Purdue University
Claudia Miller, Syracuse University
Vaibhav Pandey, Purdue University
8:00 a.m.
Colength, multiplicity, and ideal closure operations
Linquan Ma*, Purdue University
Pham Hung Quy, FPT University
Ilya Smirnov, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
(1189-13-26326) -
8:30 a.m.
Resolutions of differential operators
Rachel N Diethorn*, Oberlin College
Jack Jeffries, University of Nebraska
Claudia Miller, Syracuse University
Nicholas Packauskas, SUNY Cortland
Josh Pollitz, University of Utah
Hamidreza Rahmati, Syracuse University
Sophia Vassiliadou, Georgetown University
(1189-13-26401) -
9:00 a.m.
Differential Modules and Deformations of Free Complexes
Maya Banks*, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Keller VandeBogert, University of Notre Dame
(1189-13-26562) -
9:30 a.m.
Ideals of minors of certain sparse matrices and associated simplicial complexes
Vinh Nguyen, University of Arkansas
Hunter Simper*, University of Utah
(1189-13-26484) -
10:00 a.m.
Equivariant resolutions over Veronese rings
Ayah Almousa, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Michael Perlman, University of Minnesota
Alexandra Pevzner*, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Victor Reiner, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Keller VandeBogert, University of Notre Dame
(1189-13-26512) -
10:30 a.m.
Cartier algebras through the lens of $p$-families
Anna Brosowsky*, University of Michigan
8:00 a.m.
Saturday October 7, 2023, 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Special Session on Commutative algebra, differential operators, and singularities II
361, Hixson-Lied Science Building
Uli Walther, Purdue University
Claudia Miller, Syracuse University
Vaibhav Pandey, Purdue University
3:00 p.m.
Minimal exponents of local complete intersections
Qianyu Chen*, University of Michigan
(1189-14-26333) -
3:30 p.m.
Finite F-representation type for homogeneous coordinate rings
Devlin Mallory*, University of Utah
(1189-13-26516) -
4:00 p.m.
Granularity of Betti polynomials over complete intersections
Luchezar Avramov, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alexandra Seceleanu*, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Zheng Yang, Sichuan University - Pittsburgh Institute
(1189-13-26387) -
4:30 p.m.
Local cohomology with support in Schubert varieties of the Grassmannian
Michael Perlman*, University of Minnesota
(1189-13-26533) -
5:00 p.m.
A formalism of $F$-modules for rings with complete local finite $F$-representation type
Eamon Quinlan-Gallego*, University of Utah
(1189-13-26334) -
5:30 p.m.
On the collapsing of homogeneous bundles in arbitrary characteristic
Andras Cristian Lorincz*, University of Oklahoma
3:00 p.m.
Sunday October 8, 2023, 8:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Special Session on Commutative algebra, differential operators, and singularities III
361, Hixson-Lied Science Building
Uli Walther, Purdue University
Claudia Miller, Syracuse University
Vaibhav Pandey, Purdue University
8:30 a.m.
Proving Bernstein's Inequality in Singular Rings
Jack Jeffries, University of Nebraska
David Lieberman*, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(1189-13-26811) -
9:00 a.m.
Socle degrees for local cohomology modules of determinantal thickenings
Jiamin Li*, Univ of Illinois At Chicago Math, Stat & Comp Sci Dept
Michael Perlman, University of Minnesota
(1189-13-25598) -
9:30 a.m.
Combinatorics of Castelnuovo--Mumford Regularity of Binomial Edge Ideals
Adam LaClair*, Purdue University
(1189-13-26461) -
10:00 a.m.
Linkage and $F$-Regularity of Determinantal Rings
Vaibhav Pandey, Purdue University
Yevgeniya Tarasova*, University of Michigan
(1189-13-26554) -
10:30 a.m.
Sandwich Bernstein-Sato polynomials
Jack Jeffries*, University of Nebraska
David Lieberman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
8:30 a.m.