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Roland Speicher
Saarland University
MR ID: 264050
Reference #


Posted date
2017-02-18 06:17:17
Revised date
2017-02-18 06:17:17
Notes type
   Topics Course
      Functional Analysis
      Geometric Topology and Knot Theory

Von Neumann Algebras, Subfactors, Knots and Braids, and Planar Algebras

These are the lecture notes of a course which was given in the summer term 2016 at Saarland University by Roland Speicher. It covers the basic work of Vaughan Jones on subfactors, Jones index, the relation to knots and the Jones polynomial, and planar algebras. It assumes some familiarity with basic functional analysis and operator algebraic notions.

Course Notes and Supplementary Material (PDF format)

TypeFile (Size)Date
Course notes v1 PDF (1.1M) 02/18/17