Remote Access allows you to access your institution's subscriptions to AMS electronic products
from anywhere, as
long as you have internet access and your device has:
local storage
cookies enabled
JavaScript enabled
Please note that you must be connected to your institution's network
in order to activate remote access.
Do you want to continue pairing this device to your institution's
subscriptions to AMS electronic products?
To find out what AMS electronic products your institution subscribes to, please
Note that you must be connected to your institution's network to view available subscriptions.
AMS Remote Access License Agreement
You are requesting remote access of this device with the network of
By clicking 'Accept' below, you agree to the posted terms and conditions of
use of AMS electronic products, and you confirm that you are an
authorized user as per the terms and conditions of the signed
license agreement(s) of the subscribing institution with which
you are pairing.
Note that any violation of the posted terms and conditions and/or
the terms and conditions of the signed license agreement(s) will
result in termination of your remote access.
To find out what AMS electronic products your institution subscribes to, please
Note that you must be connected to your institution's network to view available subscriptions.
Pairing Successful
Your device has been paired with the network of
You will now be able to access the above institution's subscriptions to
AMS electronic products on this device from anywhere
(as long as you have internet access) for the next 90 days.
To find out what AMS electronic products your institution subscribes to, please
Note that you must be connected to your institution's network to view available subscriptions.
Changing network affiliation
Your device is currently paired with
and that pairing can continue for another days.
You are currently connected to the network of
and you can switch and pair with that institution instead. Note that switching to the
new institution will cancel your pairing with
Do you want to change your pairing affiliation?
Doing so may change the electronic products to which you
currently have access.
To find out what AMS electronic products your institution subscribes to, please
Note that you must be connected to your institution's network to view available subscriptions.
Mobile Pairing unsuccessful
We cannot enable mobile pairing at this time,
your device is not currently connected to
a subscribing institution's network.
However, you are already paired with
and you can remain paired with that institution
for another days.
To find out what AMS electronic products your institution subscribes to, please
Note that you must be connected to your institution's network to view available subscriptions.
Not changing network affiliation
Your device pairing has not been changed. You are still
paired with
To find out what AMS electronic products your institution subscribes to, please
Note that you must be connected to your institution's network to view available subscriptions.
Not pairing device
You have chosen not to pair your device at this time.
To find out what AMS electronic products your institution subscribes to, please
Note that you must be connected to your institution's network to view available subscriptions.
Cannot pair this device
Your device does not have the capability
for mobile pairing.