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Prize: Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory
Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2024 Victor Ostrik

The 2024 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory is awarded to Victor Ostrik of the University of Oregon "for his fundamental contributions to the theory of tensor categories, which have already found deep applications in modular representation theory and Lie theory. " Three papers were the basis for this award: "On symmetric fusion categories in positive characteristic," published in Selecta Mathematica, "Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories" (joint with Kevin Coulembier and Pavel Etingof), published in Annals of Mathematics, and "New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic" (joint with Dave Benson and Pavel Etingof), published in Duke Mathematical Journal.

Prize announcement as seen in the news release.

Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2022 Xuhua He

The 2022 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory will be awarded to Xuhua He for his substantial advances in at least three directions of Lie Theory: the study of the cocenter of Hecke algebras of p-adic groups, the study of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and the theory of modular representations of semisimple groups.

Prize announcement as seen in the news release.

Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2020 Huanchen Bao; Weiqiang Wang

The 2020 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory will be awarded to Huanchen Bao and Weiqiang Wang for their fundamental contributions to the theory of quantum symmetric pairs.

Prize announcement as seen in the news release.

Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2018 Dennis Gaitsgory

Second award: to Dennis Gaitsgory, for his work on the geometric Langlands program, especially his fundamental contributions to the categorical Langlands conjecture and its extension in his recent work with Dima Arinkin. Gaitsgory is largely responsible for having created a systematic theory from what had been a collection of provocative ideas and insights.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.

Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2016 Geordie Williamson

First award: to Geordie Williamson for his work on the representation theory of Lie algebras and algebraic groups. His results include proofs and re-proofs of some longstanding conjectures as well as spectacular counterexamples to the expected bounds in others.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.