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Levi L. Conant Prize 2025 Jinyoung Park
Jinyoung Park of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, will receive the 2025 Levi L. Conant Prize for her article "Threshold Phenomena for Random Discrete Structures," which was published in Notices of the American Mathematical Society 70 (2023), no. 10, 1615-1625.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2024 Jennifer Hom
The 2024 Levi L. Conant Prize is awarded to Jennifer Hom of Georgia Tech for her article Getting a handle on the Conway knot,
which was published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 59 (2021), 19–29.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2023 Josh Greene
Joshua Greene receives the 2023 Levi L. Conant Prize for the article "Heegaard Floer homology", Notices of the AMS, 68 (2021), No. 1, pp. 19-33.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2022 Andrej Bauer
Andrej Bauer receives the 2022 Levi L. Conant Prize for the article "Five Stage of Accepting Constructive Mathematics", Bulletin of the AMS, 54 (2017), 481-498.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2021 Dan Margalit
Dan Margalit receives the 2021 Levi L. Conant prize for the article "The Mathematics of Joan Birman," Notices of the AMS, 66 (2019), 341-353 . In just ten pages Margalit conveys the breadth and depth of the mathematics of Joan Birman.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2020 Amie Wilkinson
Amie Wilkinson is awarded the 2020 Levi. L. Conant prize for the article "What are Lyapunov exponents, and why are they interesting?", published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society in 2017. The article provides a broad overview of the modern theory of Lyapunov exponents and their applications to diverse areas of dynamical systems and mathematical physics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2019 Alex Wright
Alex Wright received the 2019 Conant Prize for his article "From rational billiards to dynamics on moduli spaces" published in 2016 in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (Vol. 53, pp. 41-56).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2018 Henry L. Cohn
Henry Cohn received the 2018 Conant Prize for his article "A Conceptual Breakthrough in Sphere Packing," published in the February 2017 issue of the Notices of the AMS.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2017 David Bailey; Jonathan Borwein; Andrew Mattingly; Glenn Wightwick
Seventeenth award: to David Bailey, Jonathan Borwein, Andrew Mattingly, and Glenn Wightwick for their article "The Computation of Previously Inaccessible Digits of π2 and Catalan's Constant," Notices of the AMS, August 2013.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2016 Daniel Rothman
Sixteenth award: to Daniel Rothman for his his paper "Earth's Carbon Cycle: A Mathematical Perspective", Bulletin of the AMS (2015). He gives the reader an understanding of the Earth's carbon cycle by applying classical ideas from applied mathematics to the data at hand.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2015 Jeffrey Lagarias; Chuanming Zong
Fifteenth award: to Jeffrey Lagarias and Chuanming Zong for their article, "Mysteries in Packing Regular Tetrahedra," which appeared in Notices of the AMS, Volume 59, No. 11, (2012), 1540-1549. The article leads the broad range of Notices readers through the 2000-year history of the subject, including its appearance in 1900 in Hilbert's 18-th problem, into its mathematical heart.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2014 Alex Kontorovich
Fourteenth award: to Alex Kontorovich for his article, "From Apollonius to Zaremba: Local-global phenomena in thin orbits", which appeared in Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 50. This article introduces a new field of number theory that has proven to be extremely fruitful, even in shedding light on some ancient problems.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2013 John Baez; John Huerta
Thirteenth award: to John Baez and John Huerta for their article, "The algebra of grand unified theories" (Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc., 47 (2010), no. 3, 483-552).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2012 Persi Diaconis
Twelfth award: to Persi Diaconis for his article, "The Markov chain Monte Carlo revolution" (Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 46 (2009), no. 2, 179-205).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2011 David A Vogan Jr
Eleventh award: to David Vogan for his article, "The character table for E8" (Notices of the AMS 54 (2007), no. 9, 1122-1134).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2010 Bryna Kra
Tenth award: to Bryna Kra for her article, "The Green-Tao Theorem on arithmetic progressions in the primes: An ergodic point of view" (Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 43 (2006), no. 1, 3-23).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2009 John Morgan
Ninth award: John Morgan for his article, "Recent Progress on the Poincaré Conjecture and the Classification of 3-Manifolds," Bulletin of the AMS 42 (2005), 57-78.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2008 J. Brian Conrey
Eighth award: J. Brian Conrey for his article "The Riemann Hypothesis," Notices of the AMS 50 (2003) no. 3, 341-353; and to Shlomo Hoory, Nathan Linial, and Avi Wigderson for their article "Expander graphs and their applications", Bulletin of the AMS 43 (2006), no. 4, 439-561.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2007 Jeffrey Weeks
Seventh award: to Jeffrey Weeks for his article "The Poincare Dodecahedral Space and the Mystery of the Missing Fluctuations," Notices of the AMS 51 (2004) no. 6, 610-619.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2006 Ronald Solomon
Sixth award: to Ronald Solomon for his article "A Brief History of the Classification of the Finite Simple Groups", Bulletin of the AMS 38 (2001), no. 3, 315-352.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2005 Allen Knutson; Terence Tao
Fifth award: to Allen Knutson and Terence Tao for their stimulating article "Honeycombs and Sums of Hermitian Matrices" Notices of the AMS 48, no. 2 (2001), 175-186.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2004 Noam D. Elkies
Fourth award: to Noam D. Elkies for his enlightening two-part article "Lattices, Linear Codes, and Invariants", Notices of the AMS 47, nos. 10-11 (2000): Part I, 1238-45; Part II, 1382-91.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2003 Nicholas Katz; Peter Sarnak
Third award: to Nicholas Katz and Peter Sarnak for their expository paper "Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry", Bulletin of the AMS 36 1-26 (1999).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2002 Elliott H. Lieb; Jakob Yngvason
Second award: to Elliott H. Lieb and Jakob Yngvason for their article, "A Guide to Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, " Notices of the AMS 45, no. 5 (1998), 571-581.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2001 Carl Pomerance
First award: to Carl Pomerance for his paper,"A Tale of Two Sieves," Notices of the AMS 43, no. 12 (1996), 1473-1485.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.