Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory
The Chevalley Prize is awarded for notable work in Lie Theory published during the preceding six years; a recipient should be at most twenty-five years past the Ph.D.About this Prize
The Chevalley Prize was established in 2014 by George Lusztig to honor Claude Chevalley (1909-1984). Chevalley was a founding member of the Bourbaki group. He made fundamental contributions to class field theory, algebraic geometry, and group theory. His three-volume treatise on Lie groups served as standard reference for many decades. His classification of semisimple groups over an arbitrary algebraically closed field provides a link between Lie's theory of continuous groups and the theory of finite groups, to the enormous enrichment of both subjects.
The current prize amount is US$8000, awarded in even-numbered years, without restriction on society membership, citizenship, or venue of publication.
Most Recent Prize: 2024The 2024 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory is awarded to Victor Ostrik of the University of Oregon "for his fundamental contributions to the theory of tensor categories, which have already found deep applications in modular representation theory and Lie theory. " Three papers were the basis for this award: "On symmetric fusion categories in positive characteristic," published in Selecta Mathematica, "Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories" (joint with Kevin Coulembier and Pavel Etingof), published in Annals of Mathematics, and "New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic" (joint with Dave Benson and Pavel Etingof), published in Duke Mathematical Journal.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
See previous winnersNext Prize: January 2026
Nomination Period: 1 February - 31 May
Nomination Procedure:
Submit a letter of nomination, complete bibliographic citations for the work being nominated, and a brief citation that might be used in the event that the nomination is successful.