Levi L. Conant Prize

About this Prize
Levi L. Conant was a mathematician and educator who spent most of his career as a faculty member at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.He was head of the mathematics department from 1908 until his death and served as interim president of WPI from 1911 to 1913. Conant was noted as an outstanding teacher and an active scholar. He published a number of articles in scientific journals and wrote four textbooks. His will provided for funds to be donated to the AMS upon the death of his wife.
Prize winners are invited to present a public lecture at Worcester Polytechnic Institute as part of their Levi L. Conant Lecture Series, which was established in 2006. Find and download videos of previous Conant Lectures.
The Conant Prize is awarded annually in the amount of US$1,000.
Most Recent Prize: 2025Jinyoung Park of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, will receive the 2025 Levi L. Conant Prize for her article "Threshold Phenomena for Random Discrete Structures," which was published in Notices of the American Mathematical Society 70 (2023), no. 10, 1615-1625.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
See previous winnersNext Prize: January 2026
Nomination Period: 1 February - 31 May
Nomination Procedure:
Nominations with supporting information should be submitted online. Nominations should include a letter of nomination, a short description of the work that is the basis of the nomination a complete bibliographic citation for the article being nominated.