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Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

This award is given annually to a mathematician (or group of mathematicians) who has made significant contributions of lasting value to mathematics education.

Priorities of the award include recognition of:
(a) accomplished mathematicians who have worked directly with pre-college teachers to enhance teachers' impact on mathematics achievement for all students, or
(b) sustainable and replicable contributions by mathematicians to improving the mathematics education of students in the first two years of college.

About this Award

The Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics was established by the AMS Committee on Education in 2013. The endowment fund that supports the award was established in 2012 by a contribution from Kenneth I. and Mary Lou Gross in honor of their daughters Laura and Karen.

The US$1,000 award is given annually.

Most Recent Award: 2025

Yvonne Lai will receive the 2025 AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. "Dr. Yvonne Lai exhibits a deep, energetic, and abiding commitment to supporting improvements in mathematics education at all levels, and to creating a more inclusive and equitable mathematics community," according to the prize citation. "She leads in bridging the gap between the mathematics and mathematics education communities, working to find common ground even in the face of divisive issues."

Award announcement as seen in the news release.

See previous winners

Next Award:  January 2026

Nomination Period:  February 1-May 31

Nomination Procedure: 

Letters of nomination may be submitted by one or more individuals. The letter of nomination should describe the significant contributions made by the nominee(s) and provide evidence of the impact these contributions have made on the teaching and learning of mathematics. The letter of nomination should not exceed two pages, and may include supporting documentation not to exceed three additional pages. A brief curriculum vitae for each nominee should also be included. The non-winning nominations will automatically be reconsidered, without further updating, for the awards to be presented over the next two years. 

To nominate a colleague, please complete our online nomination form using the button below.

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