Advertising in AMS Publications

Advertising with the American Mathematical Society offers a tremendous opportunity to get your message to more than 27,000 members worldwide. Our membership consists of leaders in education, research, and government: decision-makers who can act upon your message.

The AMS is known for publishing top-quality research and expository articles. So when you advertise in our publications, your message is seen by the very audience that you want to reach.

Current AMS Advertising Opportunities

Notices of the AMS

The Notices is the journal of record of the Society and is one of the most widely read periodicals in the world dealing with matters of interest to the mathematical community. Both display ads and classified ads are published. There are 11 issues published each year.

Job Openings

Web-only advertising opportunities for job openings are available at

Find Graduate Programs in the Mathematical Sciences

Starting in July 2012, prospective graduate students and their advisors can use our Find Graduate Programs in the Mathematical Sciences resource for comparative information on graduate programs in the mathematical sciences.