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Foundations and Applications of Statistics: An Introduction Using R
Randall Pruim 
Publication Year: 2011
ISBN-10: 0-8218-5233-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-5233-0
Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts, vol. 13

This page is maintained by the author.

Contact information:

Randall Pruim
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Calvin College
1740 Knollcrest Circle SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4403
Email: Randall Pruim

Errata list
An errata list is available here [PDF 147 KB].  It will be updated as needed.  Please contact the author if you find errors not already on the errata list.
You may also check for corrections.  

R Reference Materials
-The fastR package can be installed in R using the following command:
                install.packages ('fastR')

-A summary of R commands used, by chapter, in PDF format [132 KB]. Posted 03-October-2011.  These also appear in a slightly different format at the end of each chapter. 
-An R reference card in PDF format that the author provides to his students [60 KB].  Posted 03-October-2011.
-Other reference cards and longer documents introducing R are available at CRAN

Tables A, B, and C
Tables A, B, and C (from the back end leaf pages) are available in PDF format [86 KB].  Posted 03-October-2011.

Additional Content and Problems
An update to R Programming in the book is available here [PDF 315 KB].  
You may also check for updates. 

Some additional online content and problems will likely appear shortly after the end of each semester and over the summer.  If you have a suggested topic or want to contribute some additional problems, feel free to contact the author.

Solutions to Exercises
For instructors who wish to obtain copies of solutions for the problems, please email the author, and provide the URL to your department's faculty listing where your name occurs.