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AMS Journal Abstract Help


AMS journals abstract page

The abstract page provides readers a free overview of the article contents and additional information about the article and its authors. The journals abstract page consists of several components, listed below.

Navigational links
Each abstract page contains two types of navigational links. Those at the top right-hand side of the page allow users to navigate through AMS journals, i.e., Journals Home, Search Journals, etc. Displayed horizontally below these are links that assist users in traversing journal issues, i.e., Most recent issue, Previous issue, etc.
Article title and citation information
This section contains the article title, author name(s), abbreviated journal name, and MSCs. Once an article is published electronically, the published date is included; once an article appears in an issue, the volume, issue, and page span are also included. Users will see either 1991, 2000, or 2010 author-supplied MSCs depending on when the article was written. Additionally, readers will find links to corrigenda, supplements, errata, comments, addenda, and corrections, when available.
Retrieve article in
Links allow users to download the full article text in PDF.
An author-provided summary of the important points of the article.
Authoritative works cited by the author for support, illustration, or proof of the work. References contain links to reviews from the MathSciNet database when available.
Similar articles
Links provide predefined searches for articles with the same MSCs as the current article, within the same journal and across all AMS journals.
Additional information
This section contains additional data about the article and its author(s). A listing of additional information fields appears below.


Additional information fields

Note: Most of these fields are conditional and may not appear in every article.


Additional information fields defined

Additional note(s)
Acknowledgements of personal or financial support.
Address at time of publication
The author's address at the time the article was published.
The author's affiliation at the time the article was written and/or submitted.
Communicated by
For Proceedings of the AMS and Proceedings of the AMS, Series B, the editor who accepted the article for publication.
Copyright of article
Composed of the year of copyright and copyright holder, and if specified by the author (for articles copyrighted by the AMS) notice of copyright donation to the public domain. For articles published in an AMS Open Access journal, copyright is held by the author; notice of Creative Commons license selection is given. In rare instances, including some articles by government employees, an article does not have a copyright.
The author's tribute to a person, organization, etc.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
A name (not a location) for an entity on digital networks. DOI names are used to provide current information, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet.
Email address
The author's email address at the time the article was published.
A set of author-supplied descriptive and searchable terms.
Publisher Item Identifier (PII)
Alphanumeric string of characters that uniquely identifies the article and can be used for future cataloging, searching, and electronic retrieval.
Published electronically
Date the article was published electronically to the AMS website. Articles are published individually soon after proof is returned from authors and before appearing in an issue.
Received by editor(s)
Date that the editor received the manuscript from the author.
Received by editor(s) in revised form
Date(s) that the editor received the manuscript in revised form from the author.
