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Author Name Changes

The AMS will facilitate author name changes after publication:

  • Requested name changes may be made directly in the article, without the need for a formal correction.
  • Authors may request name changes with or without a note or indication, within the article or otherwise, that a change has been made. The presence or wording of any notification of a change will be agreed in consultation with the author, and need not detail the nature of the change.
  • The AMS respects the right to privacy of those involved.
  • Once the update is complete, all co-authors on the manuscript (if not the requesting author) will be informed that a change has been made to their paper. This notification will be carried out only with express permission from the requesting author and with due sensitivity. Updated article meta-data should be resupplied to indexers.
  • The AMS will retain an original copy of the article to ensure that changes have been made accurately, and to be able to demonstrate what versions of the article have been published at any given point, should that be required (e.g. for legal purposes). The original version will not be made publicly available.
  • To begin the process of changing your name in your publication record, please send an email to