Torification and factorization of birational maps

By Dan Abramovich, Kalle Karu, Kenji Matsuki, and Jarosław Włodarczyk


Building on work of the fourth author and Morelli’s work, we prove the weak factorization conjecture for birational maps in characteristic zero: a birational map between complete nonsingular varieties over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero is a composite of blowings up and blowings down with nonsingular centers.

0. Introduction

We work over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. We denote the multiplicative group of by .

0.1. Statement of the main result

The purpose of this paper is to give a proof for the following weak factorization conjecture of birational maps. We note that another proof of this theorem was given by the fourth author in Reference 82. See section 0.13 for a brief comparison of the two approaches.

Theorem 0.1.1 (Weak Factorization).

Let be a birational map between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties and over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let be an open set where is an isomorphism. Then can be factored into a sequence of blowings up and blowings down with nonsingular irreducible centers disjoint from , namely, there exists a sequence of birational maps between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties





are isomorphisms on , and


either or is a morphism obtained by blowing up a nonsingular irreducible center disjoint from .

Furthermore, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism. In particular, if and are projective, then all the are projective.

0.2. Strong factorization

If we insist in the assertion above that and be morphisms for some , we obtain the following strong factorization conjecture.

Conjecture 0.2.1 (Strong Factorization).

Let the situation be as in Theorem 0.1.1. Then there exists a diagram

where the morphisms and are composites of blowings up of nonsingular centers disjoint from .

See section 6.1 for further discussion.

0.3. Generalizations of the main theorem

We consider the following categories, in which we denote the morphisms by “broken arrows”:


the objects are complete nonsingular algebraic spaces over an arbitrary field of characteristic 0, and broken arrows denote birational -maps, and


the objects are compact complex manifolds, and broken arrows denote bimeromorphic maps.

Given two broken arrows and we define an absolute isomorphism as follows:

In the case and are algebraic spaces over , and , are over , then consists of an isomorphism , together with a pair of biregular -isomorphisms and , such that .

In the analytic case, simply consists of a pair of biregular isomorphisms and , such that .

Theorem 0.3.1.

Let be as in case (1) or (2) above. Let be an open set where is an isomorphism. Then can be factored, functorially with respect to absolute isomorphisms, into a sequence of blowings up and blowings down with nonsingular centers disjoint from . Namely, to any such we associate a diagram in the corresponding category





are isomorphisms on , and


either or is a morphism obtained by blowing up a nonsingular center disjoint from .


Functoriality: if is an absolute isomorphism, carrying to , and is the factorization of , then the resulting rational maps give absolute isomorphisms.


Moreover, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism.


Let be the exceptional divisor of respectively, in case respectively, . Then the above centers of blowing up in have normal crossings with . If, moreover, respectively, is a normal crossings divisor, then the centers of blowing up have normal crossings with the inverse images of this divisor.


Note that, in order to achieve functoriality, we cannot require the centers of blowing up to be irreducible.


Functoriality implies, as immediate corollaries, the existence of factorization over any field of characteristic 0, as well as factorization, equivariant under the action of a group , of a -equivariant birational map. If one assumes the axiom of choice, then a standard argument shows that equivariance implies functoriality. In our proofs we do not use the axiom of choice, with the exceptions of (1) existence of an algebraic closure, and (2) section 5.6, where showing functoriality without the assumption of the axiom of choice would require revising some of the arguments of Reference 56. We hope that the interested reader will be able to rework our arguments without the assumption of the axiom of choice if this becomes desirable.


The same theorem holds true for varieties or algebraic spaces of dimension over a perfect field of characteristic assuming that canonical embedded resolution of singularities holds true for varieties or algebraic spaces of dimension in characteristic . The proof for varieties goes through word for word as in this paper, while for the algebraic space case one needs to recast some of our steps from the Zariski topology to the étale topology (see Reference 38, Reference 53).


While this theorem clearly implies the main theorem as a special case, we prefer to carry out the proof of the main theorem throughout the text, and to indicate the changes one needs to perform for proving Theorem 0.3.1 in section 5.

0.4. Applying the theorem

Suppose one is given a biregular invariant of nonsingular projective varieties and one is interested in the behavior of this invariant under birational transformations. Traditionally, one would (1) study the behavior of the invariant under blowings up with nonsingular centers, (2) form a conjecture according to this study, and finally (3) attempt to prove the conjecture using additional ideas.

Sometimes such additional ideas turn out to be fairly simple (e.g. birational invariance of spaces of differential forms). Sometimes they use known but deep results (e.g. Hodge theory for showing the birational invariance of in characteristic 0; abelian varieties for the birational invariance of in general; or Deligne’s work on the Weil conjectures for the results of Reference 47). Sometimes they lead to the development of beautiful new theories (e.g. Motivic integration for the invariance of Hodge numbers of birational Calabi-Yau varieties, Reference 45, Reference 7, Reference 8, Reference 22, Reference 50; see also Reference 10 where our theorem is applied).

Our theorem implies that, in characteristic 0, step (3) above is no longer necessary: once such a conjecture is compatible with blowings up with nonsingular centers, it holds for any birational map. At the time of the revision of this paper we know of two announced applications for which no alternative methods of proof are known: (a) construction of elliptic genera of singular varieties by L. Borisov and A. Libgober Reference 11, and (b) showing that the algebraic cobordism ring of a field is the Lazard ring, by M. Levine and F. Morel (Reference 48, Théorème 1.1, Reference 49).

When we set out to write this paper, we attempted to give a statement detailed enough and general enough to apply in all applications we had imagined. As soon as the paper was circulated, it became clear that there are applications not covered by Theorem 0.3.1, even though the methods apply. In the preprint Reference 27 of H. Gillet and Ch. Soulé, the authors use the behavior of localized Todd classes under proper birational maps of schemes which are projective over a discrete valuation ring of residue characteristic 0. In their proof they rely on deep (and yet unpublished in complete form) results of J. Franke Reference 25; alternatively, they could have used weak factorization for such maps. While proving this case may be a straightforward exercise using our methods, this would still leave a plethora of other possible applications (more general base schemes, real analytic geometry, -adic analytic geometry, to name a few).

One could imagine a statement of a general “weak factorization – type” result relying on a minimal set of axioms needed to carry out our line of proof of weak factorization. We decided to spare ourselves and the reader such formalism in this paper.

0.5. Early origins of the problem

The history of the factorization problem of birational maps could be traced back to the Italian school of algebraic geometers, who already knew that the operation of blowing up points on surfaces is a fundamental source of richness for surface geometry: the importance of the strong factorization theorem in dimension 2 (see Reference 83) cannot be overestimated in the analysis of the birational geometry of algebraic surfaces. We can only guess that Zariski, possibly even members of the Italian school, contemplated the problem in higher dimension early on, but refrained from stating it before results on resolution of singularities were available. The question of strong factorization was explicitly stated by Hironaka as “Question (F)” in Reference 30, Chapter 0, §6, and the question of weak factorization was raised in Reference 61. The problem remained largely open in higher dimensions despite the efforts and interesting results of many (see e.g. Crauder Reference 15, Kulikov Reference 46, Moishezon Reference 55, Schaps Reference 72, Teicher Reference 76). Many of these were summarized by Pinkham Reference 64, where the weak factorization conjecture is explicitly stated.

0.6. The toric case

For toric birational maps, the equivariant versions of the weak and strong factorization conjectures were posed in Reference 61 and came to be known as Oda’s weak and strong conjectures. While the toric version can be viewed as a special case of the general factorization conjectures, many of the examples demonstrating the difficulties in higher dimensions are in fact toric (see Hironaka Reference 29, Sally Reference 70, Shannon Reference 73). Thus Oda’s conjecture presented a substantial challenge and combinatorial difficulty. In dimension 3, Danilov’s proof of Oda’s weak conjecture Reference 21 was later supplemented by Ewald Reference 24. Oda’s weak conjecture was solved in arbitrary dimension by J. Włodarczyk in Reference 80, and another proof was given by R. Morelli in Reference 56 (see also Reference 57, and Reference 4, where the result is generalized to the toroidal situation). An important combinatorial notion which Morelli introduced into this study is that of a cobordism between fans. The algebro-geometric realization of Morelli’s combinatorial cobordism is the notion of a birational cobordism introduced in Reference 81.

Our proof of the main theorem relies on toric weak factorization. This remains as one of the most difficult theorems leading to our result.

In Reference 56, R. Morelli also proposed a proof of Oda’s strong conjecture. A gap in this proof, which was not noticed in Reference 4, was recently discovered by K. Karu. As far as we know, Oda’s strong conjecture stands unproven at present even in dimension 3.

0.7. A local version

There is a local version of the factorization conjecture, formulated and proved in dimension 2 by Abhyankar (Reference 1, Theorem 3). Christensen Reference 13 posed the problem in general and solved it for some special cases in dimension 3. Here the varieties and are replaced by appropriate birational local rings dominated by a fixed valuation, and blowings up are replaced by monoidal transforms subordinate to the valuation. The weak form of this local conjecture, as well as the strong version in the threefold case, was recently solved by S. D. Cutkosky in a series of papers Reference 16Reference 17. Cutkosky also shows that the strong version of the conjecture follows from Oda’s strong factorization conjecture for toric morphisms. In a sense, Cutkosky’s result says that the only local obstructions to solving the global strong factorization conjecture lie in the toric case.

0.8. Birational cobordisms

Our method is based upon the theory of birational cobordisms Reference 81. As mentioned above, this theory was inspired by the combinatorial notion of polyhedral cobordisms of R. Morelli Reference 56, which was used in his proof of weak factorization for toric birational maps.

Given a birational map , a birational cobordism is a variety of dimension with an action of the multiplicative group . It is analogous to the usual cobordism between differentiable manifolds and given by a Morse function (and in fact in the Kähler case the momentum map of is a Morse function, making the analogy more direct). In the differential setting one can construct an action of the additive real group , where the “time” acts as a diffeomorphism induced by integrating the vector field ; hence the multiplicative group acts as well. The critical points of are precisely the fixed points of the action of the multiplicative group, and the homotopy type of fibers of changes when we pass through these critical points (see Reference 54). Analogously, in the algebraic setting “passing through” the fixed points of the -action induces a birational transformation. Looking at the action on the tangent space at each fixed point, we obtain a locally toric description of the transformation. This already gives the main result of Reference 81: a factorization of into certain locally toric birational transformations among varieties with locally toric structures. More precisely, it is shown in Reference 81 that the intermediate varieties have abelian quotient singularities, and the locally toric birational transformations can be factored in terms of weighted blowings up. Such birational transformations can also be interpreted using the work of Brion-Procesi, Thaddeus, Dolgachev-Hu and others (see Reference 12Reference 77Reference 78Reference 23), which describes the change of Geometric Invariant Theory quotients associated to a change of linearization. We use such methods in section 2.5 in showing that the intermediate varieties are projective over or . A variant of our construction using Geometric Invariant Theory, in terms of Thaddeus’s “Master Space”, is given by Hu and Keel in Reference 34.

0.9. Locally toric versus toroidal structures

Considering the fact that weak factorization has been proven for toroidal birational maps (Reference 80, Reference 56, Reference 4), one might naïvely think that a locally toric factorization, as indicated in the previous paragraph, would already provide a proof for Theorem 0.1.1.

However, in the locally toric structure obtained from a cobordism, the embedded tori chosen may vary from point to point, while a toroidal structure (see Definition 1.5.1) requires the embedded tori to be induced from one fixed open set. Thus there is still a gap between the notion of locally toric birational transformations and that of toroidal birational maps. Developing a method for bridging over this gap is the main contribution of this paper.

0.10. Torification

In order to bridge over this gap, we follow ideas introduced by Abramovich and de Jong in Reference 2, and blow up suitable open subsets, called quasi-elementary cobordisms, of the birational cobordism along torific ideals. This operation induces a toroidal structure in a neighborhood of each connected component of the fixed point set, on which the action of is a toroidal action (we say that the blowing up torifies the action of ). Now the birational transformation “passing through is toroidal. We use canonical resolution of singularities to desingularize the resulting varieties, bringing ourselves to a situation where we can apply the factorization theorem for toroidal birational maps. This completes the proof of Theorem 0.1.1.

0.11. Relation with the minimal model program

It is worthwhile to note the relation of the factorization problem to the development of Mori’s program. Hironaka Reference 28 used the cone of effective curves to study the properties of birational morphisms. This direction was further developed and given a decisive impact by Mori Reference 58, who introduced the notion of extremal rays and systematically used it in an attempt to construct minimal models in higher dimension, called the minimal model program. Danilov Reference 21 introduced the notion of canonical and terminal singularities in conjunction with the toric factorization problem. This was developed by Reid into a general theory of these singularities Reference 66Reference 67, which appear in an essential way in the minimal model program. The minimal model program is so far proven up to dimension 3 (Reference 59, see also Reference 39Reference 40Reference 41Reference 44Reference 74), and for toric varieties in arbitrary dimension (see Reference 68). In the steps of the minimal model program one is only allowed to contract a divisor into a variety with terminal singularities, or to perform a flip, modifying some codimension loci. This allows a factorization of a given birational morphism into such “elementary operations”. An algorithm to factor birational maps among uniruled varieties, known as Sarkisov’s program, has been developed and carried out in dimension 3 (see Reference 71Reference 69Reference 14, and see Reference 52 for the toric case in arbitrary dimension). Still, we do not know of a way to solve the classical factorization problem using such a factorization.

0.12. Relation with the toroidalization problem

In Reference 3, Theorem 2.1, it is proven that given a morphism of projective varieties , there are modifications and , with a lifting which has a toroidal structure. The toroidalization problem (see Reference 3, Reference 4, Reference 43) is that of obtaining such and which are composites of blowings up with nonsingular centers (maybe even with centers supported only over the locus where is not toroidal).

The proof in Reference 3 relies on the work of de Jong Reference 36 and methods of Reference 2. The authors of the present paper have tried to use these methods to approach the factorization conjectures, so far without success; one notion we do use in this paper is the torific ideal of Reference 2. It would be interesting if one could turn this approach on its head and prove a result on toroidalization using factorization.

More on this in section 6.2.

0.13. Relation with the proof in Reference 82

Another proof of the weak factorization theorem was given independently by the fourth author in Reference 82. The main difference between the two approaches is the following: in the current paper we are using objects such as torific ideals defined locally on each quasi-elementary piece of a cobordism. The blowing up of a torific ideal gives the quasi-elementary cobordism a toroidal structure. These toroidal modifications are then pieced together using canonical resolution of singularities. In contrast, in Reference 82 one works globally: a new combinatorial theory of stratified toroidal varieties and appropriate morphisms between them is developed, which allows one to apply Morelli’s -desingularization algorithm directly to the entire birational cobordism. This stratified toroidal variety structure on the cobordism is somewhere in between our notions of locally toric and toroidal structures.

0.14. Outline of the paper

In section 1 we discuss locally toric and toroidal structures. We also use elimination of indeterminacies of a rational map to reduce the proof of Theorem 0.1.1 to the case where is a projective birational morphism.

Suppose now we have a projective birational morphism . In section 2 we apply the theory of birational cobordisms to obtain a slightly refined version of factorization into locally toric birational maps, first proven in Reference 81. Our cobordism is relatively projective over , and using a geometric invariant theory analysis, inspired by Thaddeus’s work, we show that the intermediate varieties can be chosen to be projective over .

In section 3 we utilize a factorization of the cobordism into quasi-elementary pieces , and for each piece construct an ideal sheaf (Definition 3.1.4) whose blowing up torifies the action of on (Proposition 3.2.5). In other words, acts toroidally on the variety obtained by blowing up along .

In section 4 we prove the weak factorization theorem by putting together the toroidal birational maps obtained from the torification of the quasi-elementary cobordisms (Proposition 4.2.1), and applying toroidal weak factorization. The main tool in this step is canonical resolution of singularities.

In section 5 we prove Theorem 0.3.1. We then discuss some problems related to strong factorization in section 6.

1. Preliminaries

1.1. Quotients

We use the following definitions for quotients. Suppose a reductive group acts on an algebraic variety . We denote by the space of orbits, and by the space of equivalence classes of orbits, where the equivalence relation is generated by the condition that two orbits are equivalent if their closures intersect; such a space is endowed with a scheme structure which satisfies the usual universal property, if such a structure exists. In such a case, the space is called a categorical quotient and the space is called a geometric quotient.

A special case where exists as a scheme is the following: suppose there is an affine -invariant morphism . Then we have . When this condition holds we say that the action of on is relatively affine.

A particular case of this occurs in geometric invariant theory (discussed in section 2.5), where the action of on the open set of points which are semistable with respect to a fixed linearization is relatively affine.

1.2. Canonical resolution of singularities and canonical principalization

In the following (especially Lemma 1.3.1, section 4.2, section 5), we will use canonical versions of Hironaka’s theorems on resolution of singularities and principalization of an ideal, proved in Reference 9Reference 79.

1.2.1. Canonical resolution

Following Hironaka, by a canonical embedded resolution of singularities we mean a desingularization procedure uniquely associating to a composite of blowings up with nonsingular centers, satisfying a number of conditions. In particular:


“Embedded” means the following: assume the sequence of blowings up is applied when is a closed embedding with nonsingular. Denote by the exceptional divisor at some stage of the blowing up. Then (a) is a normal crossings divisor, and has normal crossings with the center of blowing up, and (b) at the last stage has normal crossings with .


“Canonical” means “functorial with respect to smooth morphisms and field extensions”, namely, if is either a smooth morphism or a field extension, then the formation of the ideals blown up commutes with pulling back by ; hence can be lifted to a smooth morphism .

In particular: (a) if is an automorphism (of schemes, not necessarily over ), then it can be lifted to an automorphism , and (b) the canonical resolution behaves well with respect to étale morphisms: if is étale, we get an étale morphism of canonical resolutions .

An important consequence of these conditions is that all the centers of blowing up lie over the singular locus of .

We note that the resolution processes in the work of Bierstone and Milman and of Villamayor commute with arbitrary formally smooth morphisms (in particular smooth morphisms, field extensions, and formal completions), though the treatment in any of the published works does not seem to state that explicitly.

1.2.2. Compatibility with a normal crossings divisor

If is embedded in a nonsingular variety, and is a normal crossings divisor, then a variant of the resolution procedure allows one to choose the centers of blowing up to have normal crossings with , where is the inverse image of . This follows since the resolution setup, as in Reference 9, allows including such a divisor in “year 0”.

1.2.3. Principalization

By canonical principalization of an ideal sheaf in a nonsingular variety we mean “the canonical embedded resolution of singularities of the subscheme defined by the ideal sheaf making it a divisor with normal crossings”; i.e., a composite of blowings up with nonsingular centers such that the total transform of the ideal is a divisor with simple normal crossings. Canonical embedded resolution of singularities of an arbitrary subscheme, not necessarily reduced or irreducible, is discussed in section 11 of Reference 9, and this implies canonical principalization, as one simply needs to blow up at the last step.

1.2.4. Elimination of indeterminacies

Now let be a birational map and an open set on which restricts to a morphism. By elimination of indeterminacies of we mean a morphism , obtained by a sequence of blowings up with nonsingular centers disjoint from , such that the birational map is a morphism.

Elimination of indeterminacies can be reduced to principalization of an ideal sheaf: if one is given an ideal sheaf on with blowing up such that the birational map is a morphism, and if is the result of principalization of , then the birational map is a morphism, therefore the same is true for . If the support of the ideal is disjoint from the open set where is an morphism, then the centers of blowing up giving are disjoint from .

Proving that such an ideal exists (say, in the nonprojective case), and in a sufficiently natural manner for proving functoriality (even if are projective), is nontrivial. We make use of Hironaka’s version of Chow’s lemma, as follows.

We may assume that is a morphism; otherwise we replace by the closure of the graph of . Now we use Chow’s lemma, proven by Hironaka in general in Reference 31, Corollary 2, p. 504, as a consequence of his flattening procedure: there exists an ideal sheaf on such that the blowing up of along factors through . Hence the canonical principalization of also factors through .

Although it is not explicitly stated by Hironaka, the ideal is the unit ideal in the complement of the open set : the blowing up of consists of a sequence of permissible blowings up (Reference 31, Definition 4.4.3, p. 537), each of which is supported in the complement of . Another important fact is that the ideal is invariant, namely, it is functorial under absolute isomorphisms: if is another proper birational map, with corresponding ideal , and are isomorphisms such that , then . This follows simply because at no point in Hironaka’s flattening procedure is there a need for any choice.

It must be pointed out that Hironaka’s flattening procedure, and therefore the choice of the ideal , does not commute with smooth morphisms in general — in fact Hironaka gives an example where it does not commute with localization.

The same results hold for analytic and algebraic spaces. While Hironaka states his result only in the analytic setting, the arguments hold in the algebraic setting as well. See Reference 65 for an earlier treatment of the case of varieties.

We emphasize again that Chow’s lemma in the analytic setting, and its delicate properties in both the algebraic and analytic settings, rely on Hironaka’s difficult flattening theorem (see Reference 31, or the algebraic counterpart Reference 65).

1.3. Reduction to projective morphisms

We start with a birational map

between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties and defined over and restricting to an isomorphism on an open set .

Lemma 1.3.1 (Hironaka).

There is a commutative diagram

such that and are composites of blowings up with nonsingular centers disjoint from , and is a projective birational morphism.


By Hironaka’s theorem on elimination of indeterminacies (see 1.2.4 above), there is a morphism which is a composite of blowings up with nonsingular centers disjoint from , such that the birational map is a morphism:

By the same theorem, there is a morphism which is a composite of blowings up with nonsingular centers disjoint from , such that is a morphism. Since the composite is projective, it follows that is projective.

Thus we may replace by and assume from now on that is a projective morphism.

Note that, by the properties of canonical principalization and Hironaka’s flattening, the formation of is functorial under absolute isomorphisms, and the blowings up have normal crossings with the appropriate divisors. This will be used in the proof of Theorem 0.3.1 (see section 5).

1.4. Toric varieties

Let be a lattice and a strictly convex rational polyhedral cone. We denote the dual lattice by and the dual cone by . The affine toric variety is defined as

For we denote its image in the semigroup algebra by .

More generally, the toric variety corresponding to a fan in is denoted by ; see Reference 26, Reference 62.

If and are two toric varieties, the embeddings of the torus in both of them define a toric (i.e., -equivariant) birational map .

Suppose acts effectively on an affine toric variety as a one-parameter subgroup of the torus , corresponding to a primitive lattice point . If and , the action on the monomial is given by

where is the natural pairing on . The -invariant monomials correspond to the lattice points , hence

If , then is a full-dimensional cone in , and it follows that is again an affine toric variety, defined by the lattice and cone , where is the projection. This quotient is a geometric quotient precisely when is a bijection.

1.5. Locally toric and toroidal structures

There is some confusion in the literature between the notion of toroidal embeddings and toroidal morphisms (Reference 42, Reference 3) and that of toroidal varieties (see Reference 20), which we prefer to call locally toric varieties. A crucial issue in this paper is the distinction between the two notions.

Definition 1.5.1.

A variety is locally toric if for every closed point there exists an open neighborhood of and an étale morphism to a toric variety . Such a morphism is called a toric chart at .


An open embedding is a toroidal embedding if for every closed point there exists a toric chart at such that , where is the torus. We call such charts toroidal. Sometimes we omit the open set from the notation and simply say that a variety is toroidal.


We say that a locally toric (respectively, toroidal) chart on a variety is compatible with a divisor if , i.e., corresponds to a toric divisor on .

A toroidal embedding can equivalently be specified by the pair , where is the reduced Weil divisor supported on . We will sometimes interchange between and for denoting a toroidal structure on . A divisor is compatible with the toroidal structure if it is supported in .

For example, the affine line is clearly locally toric, is a toroidal embedding, and is a different toroidal embedding, where a chart at the point can be obtained by translation from the point .

Toroidal embeddings can be naturally made into a category:

Definition 1.5.2.

Let be toroidal embeddings. A proper birational morphism is said to be toroidal if, for every closed point and any , there is a diagram of fiber squares


is a toroidal chart at ,

is a toroidal chart at , and

is a toric morphism.


A toroidal embedding as defined above is a toroidal embedding without self-intersection according to the definition in Reference 42, and a birational toroidal morphism satisfies the condition of allowability in Reference 42.


To a toroidal embedding one can associate a polyhedral complex , such that proper birational toroidal morphisms to , up to isomorphisms, are in one-to-one correspondence with certain subdivisions of the complex (see Reference 42). It follows from this that the composition of two proper birational toroidal morphisms and is again toroidal: the first morphism corresponds to a subdivision of , the second one to a subdivision of , hence their composition is the unique toroidal morphism corresponding to the subdivision of .


Some of the many issues surrounding these definitions we avoided discussing here are addressed in the third author’s lecture notes Reference 53.

We now turn to birational maps:

Definition 1.5.3 (Reference 30, Reference 35).

Let be a rational map defined on a dense open subset . Denote by the closure of the graph of in . We say that is proper if the projections and are both proper.

Definition 1.5.4.

Let be toroidal embeddings. A proper birational map is said to be toroidal if there exists a toroidal embedding and a commutative diagram

where are proper birational toroidal morphisms. In particular, a proper birational toroidal map induces an isomorphism between the open sets and .


It follows from the correspondence between proper birational toroidal morphisms and subdivisions of polyhedral complexes that the composition of toroidal birational maps given by and is again toroidal. Indeed, if and correspond to two subdivisions of , then a common refinement of the two subdivisions corresponds to a toroidal embedding such that and are toroidal morphisms. For example, the coarsest refinement corresponds to taking for the normalization of the closure of the graph of the birational map . The composite maps are all toroidal birational morphisms.


It can be shown that a morphism between toroidal embeddings which is a toroidal birational map in the sense of Definition 1.5.4 is a toroidal morphism in the sense of Definition 1.5.2. In other words, Definitions 1.5.2 and 1.5.4 are compatible.

For locally toric varieties, there are no satisfactory analogues of the definitions of toroidal morphisms and birational maps. One can define a “locally toric morphism” to be one which is toric on suitable toric charts, but this notion is neither stable under composition nor amenable to combinatorial manipulations. An extensive and quite delicate theory involving stratifications of locally toric varieties is developed in Reference 82 in order to resolve this issue. Here we use a different remedy. We define a restrictive class of birational transformations between locally toric and toroidal varieties, in which all charts are “uniform” over a common base . These are still not stable under composition, but their local combinatorial nature suffices for our goals. These are the only transformations we will need in the considerations of the current paper.

Definition 1.5.5.

A tightly locally toric birational transformation is a proper birational map together with a diagram of birational maps

between locally toric varieties and satisfying the following condition:

For every closed point there exist a toric chart at , and a diagram of fibered squares

such that


are toric charts for , , and


are toric morphisms


Analogously, let be toroidal embeddings. A tightly toroidal birational transformation between them is a tightly locally toric birational transformation where the toric charts above can be chosen to be toroidal.


While tightly locally toric birational transformations are essential in our arguments, tightly toroidal transformations are not: the argument used before to show that a composition of toroidal birational maps is toroidal shows that a tightly toroidal birational transformation gives a toroidal birational map. This is the only property of such transformations we will use.

1.6. Weak factorization for toroidal birational maps

The weak factorization theorem for proper birational toric maps can be extended to the case of proper birational toroidal maps. This is proved in Reference 4 for toroidal morphisms, using the correspondence between birational toroidal morphisms and subdivisions of polyhedral complexes. The general case of a toroidal birational map can be deduced from this, as follows. By toroidal resolution of singularities we may assume is nonsingular. We apply toroidal weak factorization to the morphisms , to get a sequence of toroidal birational maps

consisting of toroidal blowings up and down with nonsingular centers.

We state this result for later reference:

Theorem 1.6.1.

Let and be nonsingular toroidal embeddings. Let be a proper toroidal birational map. Then can be factored into a sequence of toroidal birational maps consisting of toroidal blowings up and down of nonsingular centers in nonsingular toroidal embeddings.

This does not immediately imply that one can choose a factorization satisfying a projectivity statement as in the main theorem, or in a functorial manner. We will show these facts in sections 2.7 and 5, respectively. It should be mentioned that if toric strong factorization is true, then the toroidal case follows.

1.7. Locally toric and toroidal actions

Definition 1.7.1 (see Reference 60, p. 198).

Let and be varieties with relatively affine -actions, and let be a -equivariant étale morphism. Then is said to be strongly étale if


the quotient map is étale, and


the natural map

is an isomorphism.

Definition 1.7.2.

Let be a locally toric variety with a -action, such that exists. We say that the action is locally toric if for any closed point we have a toric chart at and a one-parameter subgroup of the torus in , satisfying

, where is the projection;

is -equivariant and strongly étale.


If is a toroidal embedding, we say that acts toroidally on if the charts above can be chosen toroidal.

The definition above is equivalent to the existence of the following diagram of fiber squares:

where the horizontal maps provide toric (resp. toroidal) charts in and . It follows that the quotient of a locally toric variety by a locally toric action is again locally toric; the same holds in the toroidal case.


If we do not insist on the charts being strongly étale, then the morphism of quotients may fail to be étale. Consider, for instance, the space with the action . The quotient is There is an equivariant étale cover with the action , where the map is defined by . The quotient is which is a branched cover of , since .

The following lemma shows that locally toric -actions are ubiquitous. We note that it can be proven with fewer assumptions; see Reference 81, Reference 53.

Lemma 1.7.3.

Let be a nonsingular variety with a relatively affine -action, that is, the scheme exists and the morphism is an affine morphism. Then the action of on is locally toric.


Taking an affine open set in , we may assume that is affine. We embed equivariantly into a projective space and take its completion (see, e.g., Reference 75). After applying equivariant resolution of singularities to this completion (see section 1.2) we may also assume that is a nonsingular projective variety with a -action, and is an affine invariant open subset.

Let be a closed point. Since is complete, the orbit of has a limit point in . Now is fixed by , hence acts on the cotangent space at . Since is reductive, we can lift a set of eigenvectors of this action to semi-invariant local parameters at . These local parameters define a -equivariant étale morphism from an affine invariant open neighborhood of to the tangent space at . The latter has a structure of a toric variety, where the torus is the complement of the zero set of .

Separating the parameters into -invariants and noninvariants, we get a factorization , where the action of on is trivial and the action on has as its unique fixed point. Thus we get a product decomposition .

By Luna’s Fundamental Lemma (Reference 51, Lemme 3), there exist affine -invariant neighborhoods of and of , such that the restriction is strongly étale. Consider first the case , in which case we may replace by . Denote . Then is affine open, and, using the direct product decomposition above, is affine open. Denote . This is affine open in , and it is easy to see that is an open embedding: an orbit in is closed if and only if it is closed in . Writing , it follows that is a strongly étale toric chart.

In the case , replace by . Now is injective on any orbit, and therefore it is injective on the orbit of . Let be the affine open toric subvariety in which the torus orbit of is closed, and let . Now consider the restriction , where the -orbits of and are closed. By Luna’s Fundamental Lemma there exist affine open -invariant neighborhoods and of such that the restriction is a strongly étale morphism. Since is a geometric quotient, we have an open embedding and we have a strongly étale toric chart .

It remains to show that the charts can be chosen saturated with respect to the projection . If the orbit of has a limit point or in , which is necessarily unique as is affine, then an equivariant toric chart at also covers . So we may replace by and assume that the orbit of is closed. Now is closed and does not contain , so we can choose an affine neighborhood in its complement, and replace by .

2. Birational cobordisms

2.1. Definitions

Definition 2.1.1 (Reference 81).

Let be a birational map between two algebraic varieties and over , isomorphic on an open set . A normal algebraic variety is called a birational cobordism for and denoted by if it satisfies the following conditions:


The multiplicative group acts effectively on .


The sets

are nonempty Zariski open subsets of .


There are isomorphisms


Considering the rational map induced by the inclusions and , the following diagram commutes:

We say that respects the open set if is contained in the image of .

Definition 2.1.2 (Reference 81).

Let be a birational cobordism, and let be a subset of the fixed-point set. We define

Definition 2.1.3 (Reference 81).

Let be a birational cobordism. We define a relation among connected components of as follows: let be two connected components, and set if there is a point such that and .

Definition 2.1.4.

A birational cobordism is said to be quasi-elementary if any two connected components are incomparable with respect to .

Note that this condition prohibits, in particular, the existence of a “loop”, namely a connected component and a point such that both and .

Definition 2.1.5 (Reference 81).

A quasi-elementary cobordism is said to be elementary if the fixed point set is connected.

Definition 2.1.6 (cf. Reference 56, Reference 81).

We say that a birational cobordism

is collapsible if the relation is a strict pre-order, namely, there is no cyclic chain of fixed point components

2.2. The main example

We now recall a fundamental example of an elementary birational cobordism in the toric setting, discussed in Reference 81:

Example 2.2.1.

Let and let act by

We assume acts effectively, namely . We regard as a toric variety defined by a lattice and a nonsingular cone generated by the standard basis

The dual cone is generated by the dual basis , and we identify . The -action then corresponds to a one-parameter subgroup

We assume that . We have the obvious description of the sets and :

We define the upper boundary and lower boundary fans of to be

Then we obtain the description of and as the toric varieties corresponding to the fans and in .

Let be the projection. Then is again an affine toric variety defined by the lattice and cone . Similarly, one can check that the geometric quotients and are toric varieties defined by fans and . Since both and are subdivisions of , we get a diagram of birational toric maps

It is easy to see (see, e.g., Reference 81) that the varieties have only abelian quotient singularities. Moreover, the map can be factored as a weighted blowing up followed by a weighted blowing down.

More generally, one can prove that if is a subdivision of a convex polyhedral cone in with lower boundary and upper boundary relative to an element , then the toric variety corresponding to , with the -action given by the one-parameter subgroup , is a birational cobordism between the two toric varieties corresponding to and as fans in .

For the details, we refer the reader to Reference 56, Reference 81 and Reference 4.

2.3. Construction of a cobordism

It was shown in Reference 81 that birational cobordisms exist for a large class of birational maps . Here we deal with a very special case.

Theorem 2.3.1.

Let be a projective birational morphism between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties, which is an isomorphism on an open set . Then there is a complete nonsingular algebraic variety with an effective -action, satisfying the following properties:


There exist closed embeddings and with disjoint images.


The open subvariety is a birational cobordism between and respecting the open set .


There is a coherent sheaf on , with a -action, and a closed -equivariant embedding .


Let be an ideal sheaf such that is the blowing up morphism of along and . Let be the ideal of the point . Consider and let and be the projections. Let . Let be the blowing up of along . (Paolo Aluffi has pointed out that this is used when constructing the deformation to the normal cone of .)

We claim that and lie in the nonsingular locus of . For this is clear. Since is nonsingular, embedded in as the strict transform of , to prove that lies in the nonsingular locus it suffices to prove that is a Cartier divisor in . We look at local coordinates. Let for some affine open subset , and let be a set of generators of on . Then on the affine open subset with coordinate ring , the ideal is generated by . The charts of the blowing up containing the strict transform of are of the form

where acts on the second factor. The strict transform of is defined by , hence it is Cartier.

Let be a canonical resolution of singularities. Then conditions (1) and (2) are clearly satisfied. For condition (3), note that , being a composition of blowings up of invariant ideals, admits an equivariant ample line bundle. Twisting by the pullback of we obtain an equivariant line bundle which is ample for . Replacing this by a sufficiently high power and pushing forward we get .

We refer the reader to Reference 81 for more details.

We call a variety as in the theorem a compactified, relatively projective cobordism.

2.4. Collapsibility and projectivity

Let be a birational cobordism. We seek a criterion for collapsibility of .

Let be the set of connected components of , and let be a function. We say that is strictly increasing if . The following lemma is obvious:

Lemma 2.4.1.

Assume there exists a strictly increasing function . Then is a strict pre-order, and is collapsible. Conversely, suppose is collapsible. Then there exists a strictly increasing function .


It is evident that every strictly increasing function can be replaced by one which induces a strict total order. However, it will be convenient for us to consider arbitrary strictly increasing functions.

Let be a strictly increasing function, and let be the values of .

Definition 2.4.2.

We denote











The following is an immediate extension of Proposition 1 of Reference 81.

Proposition 2.4.3.

is a quasi-elementary cobordism.


For we have .

The following is an analogue of Lemma 1 of Reference 81 in the case of the cobordisms we have constructed.

Proposition 2.4.4.

Let be a coherent sheaf on with a -action, and let be a compactified, relatively projective cobordism embedded -equivariantly. Then there exists a strictly increasing function for the cobordism . In particular, the cobordism is collapsible.


Since acts trivially on , and since is reductive, there exists a direct sum decomposition

where is the subsheaf on which the action of is given by the character . Denote by the characters which figure in this representation. Note that there are disjoint embeddings .

Let be a fixed point lying in the fiber over . We choose a basis

of where and use the following lemma:

Lemma 2.4.5.

Suppose is a fixed point with homogeneous coordinates

Then there is a such that whenever . In particular, .

If is a connected component of the fixed point set, then it follows from the lemma that for some . We define

To check that is strictly increasing, consider a point such that and for some fixed point components and . Let the coordinates of in the fiber over be . Now


Thus, if is not fixed by , then

2.5. Geometric invariant theory and projectivity

In this section we use geometric invariant theory and ideas (originating in symplectic geometry) developed by M. Thaddeus and others (see, e.g., Reference 78), in order to obtain a result about relative projectivity of quotients.

We continue with the notation of the last section. Consider the sheaf and its decomposition according to the character. Let be the characters of the action of on and the subset of those that are in the image of . If we use the Veronese embedding and replace by , we may assume that are even, in particular (this is a technical condition which comes in handy in what follows).

Denote by the action of on . For any consider the “twisted” action . Note that the induced action on does not depend on the “twist” . Considering the decomposition , we see that acts on by multiplication by .

We can apply geometric invariant theory in its relative form (see, e.g., Reference 63, Reference 33) to the action of . Recall that a point is said to be semistable with respect to , written , if there is a positive integer and a -invariant local section , such that . The main result of geometric invariant theory implies that

moreover, the quotient map is affine. We can define analogously, and we automatically have .

The numerical criterion of semistability (see Reference 60) immediately implies the following:

Lemma 2.5.1.

For we have







In other words, the triangle of birational maps

is induced by a change of linearization of the action of .

In particular we obtain:

Proposition 2.5.2.

The morphisms , and are projective.

2.6. The main result of Reference 81

Let be a collapsible nonsingular birational cobordism. Then we can write as a union of quasi-elementary cobordisms , with . By Lemma 1.7.3 each has a locally toric structure such that the action of is locally toric.

Lemma 2.6.1.

Let be a quasi-elementary cobordism, with a relatively affine locally toric -action. Then , , are locally toric varieties and we have a diagram of locally toric maps

where is a tightly locally toric birational transformation.

In case is nonsingular, the diagram above can be described in toric charts by the main example in section 2.2.

If the action of on is toroidal, then all these varieties and maps are also toroidal, and is a toroidal birational map.


Let be a strongly étale -equivariant toric chart in giving a locally toric structure to the action of . Then and the morphism is again strongly étale, providing locally toric structures on the variety and the morphism . Similarly for .

Now we assume is open in a compactified, relatively projective cobordism. When we compose the birational transformations obtained from each we get a slight refinement of the main result of Reference 81.

Theorem 2.6.2.

Let be a birational map between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties and over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let be an open set where is an isomorphism. Then there exists a sequence of birational maps between complete locally toric algebraic varieties





are isomorphisms on , and


for each , the birational transformation is tightly locally toric and étale locally equivalent to a map described in 2.2. In particular have finite abelian quotient singularities, and can be obtained as a weighted blowing up followed by a weighted blowing down.

Furthermore, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism. In particular, if and are projective, then all the are projective.


For the projectivity claim (2), we take the first terms in the factorization to come from Hironaka’s elimination of indeterminacies in Lemma 1.3.1, which is projective over , whereas the last terms come from , which is projective over , and the geometric invariant theory considerations as in Proposition 2.5.2.

2.7. Projectivity of toroidal weak factorization

The following is a refinement of Theorem 1.6.1, in which a projectivity statement is added:

Theorem 2.7.1.

Let and be nonsingular toroidal embeddings. Let be a proper toroidal birational map. Then can be factored into a sequence of toroidal birational maps consisting of toroidal blowings up and down of nonsingular centers, namely:





are isomorphisms on , the embeddings are toroidal, and are toroidal birational maps, and


either or is a toroidal morphism obtained by blowing up a nonsingular irreducible toroidal center.

Furthermore, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism. In particular, if and are projective, then all the are projective.


As in Reference 4, Lemma 8.7, we reduce to the case where the polyhedral complex of is embeddable as a quasi-projective toric fan in a space . Indeed that lemma gives an embedding preserving the -structure for the barycentric subdivision of any simplicial complex, and since is nonsingular this embedding preserves integral structures as well. A further subdivision ensures that the fan is quasi-projective. (We note that this embedding is introduced for the sole purpose of applying Morelli’s -desingularization lemma directly, rather than observing that the proof works word for word in the toroidal case.)

As in 1.3.1 we may assume is a projective morphism. Thus the complex of is a projective subdivision of . Our construction of a compactified relatively projective cobordism for the morphism yields a toroidal embedding whose complex is a quasi-projective polyhedral cobordism lying in such that and , where is the projection onto . Moreover, the toroidal morphism gives a polyhedral morphism induced by the projection . Morelli’s -desingularization lemma gives a projective subdivision , isomorphic on the upper and lower boundaries , such that is -nonsingular. We still have a polyhedral morphism . The complex corresponds to a toroidal birational cobordism between and . Since is -nonsingular, any elementary piece corresponds to a toroidal blowing up followed by a toroidal blowing down between nonsingular toroidal embeddings, with nonsingular centers. It follows that the same holds for every quasi-elementary piece of (here the centers may be reducible, but blowing up a reducible center is the composition of blowings up of its connected components one at a time). As in Theorem 2.6.2 above, these toroidal embeddings can be chosen to be projective over .

3. Torification

We wish to replace the locally toric factorization of Theorem 2.6.2 by a toroidal factorization. This amounts to replacing with a locally toric -action by some with a toroidal -action. We call such a procedure torification. The basic idea, which goes back at least to Hironaka, is that if one blows up an ideal, the exceptional divisors provide the resulting variety with useful extra structure. The ideal we construct, called a torific ideal, is closely related to the torific ideal of Reference 2.

3.1. Construction of a torific ideal

Let be a normal variety with a relatively affine -action. We denote by the quotient morphism, which by assumption is affine.

Consider the quasi-coherent sheaf of algebras together with a -action on it. For an integer we denote by the subsheaf of semi-invariant sections of -character :

Definition 3.1.1.

The -equivariant ideal sheaf on , generated by , is called the -torific ideal sheaf of the action of .

We sometimes omit the superscript and write if there is no risk of confusion.

Let be a locally toric, quasi-elementary cobordism with a relatively affine, locally toric -action; for some according to our previous notation. We continue to denote by the quotient morphism.

Recall that by Definition 1.7.2 of a locally toric action, the birational cobordism is covered with locally toric charts of the form

with both squares Cartesian and the horizontal maps étale. For a chart as above, let be the -torific ideal sheaf on .

Lemma 3.1.2.

We have

Moreover, the ideal sheaf is generated by monomials of -character .


Assume that is regular at . Replacing by a smaller open set if necessary, we may assume that is regular on . We have

Now acts trivially on sections of , hence lies in the ideal generated by pullbacks of sections of of -character . The second statement is clear.

Note that the zero function lies in every , and it is conceivable that some is the zero ideal. This does not happen for a cobordism:

Lemma 3.1.3.

For any , the ideal is nonzero.


By Lemma 3.1.2 it suffices to prove this for the ideals on the toric charts . Let be an affine toric variety, with an effective -action on given by a primitive lattice point . Since is a nonempty open subset, it follows that . This implies that the set of points such that is nonempty. Thus the set of nonzero of -character is nonempty. Hence the ideal is nonzero.

Assume further that the locally toric quasi-elementary cobordism is nonsingular, covered with a finite number of locally toric charts as above. For each chart we choose monomial coordinates generating . Let be a finite set of integers containing the characters of -action on the coordinates for all charts. Let

be the product of the -torific ideals, and let be the normalized blowing up of along . Since is -equivariant, the action of lifts to . Denote by the total transform of the zero set of , and .

Definition 3.1.4.

We call a torific ideal and a torific blowing up.

It follows that , being the normalized blowing up of the product , satisfies a universal property: it is the minimal normal modification of such that the inverse image of is principal for all . This implies that is canonically isomorphic to the normalization of the variety obtained from by first blowing up , then the inverse image of , and so on.

3.2. The torifying property of the torific ideal

To justify the terminology of Definition 3.1.4 we are going to show that is a toroidal embedding on which acts toroidally. It clearly suffices to prove this for the toric varieties obtained by blowing up the locally toric charts along monomial ideals . We are thus led to the following problem: given a toric variety with a -action and a divisor , when are the embedding and the -action on it toroidal?

In this situation we find it useful to keep in mind the pair instead of the open embedding . Denote by the reduced Weil divisor , and write . Following Reference 3, section 3, we say that is obtained by removing the divisor from the toroidal structure . Therefore the question above can be rephrased as follows: which reduced Weil divisors can be removed from the toroidal structure so that the resulting pair is toroidal, with toroidal -action?

Example 3.2.1.

Consider the affine line , a toric variety with the standard -action , and toric divisor . The pair is toroidal and the action of is toroidal. The pair is also toroidal, but the action on this pair is not toroidal.

Example 3.2.2.

Consider the affine plane , a toric variety with toric divisor . Consider the -action . If we denote , the pair is toroidal and the action of is toroidal. Thus the divisor can be removed from the standard toroidal structure keeping the action toroidal.

We start with some combinatorics. Let be an affine toric variety. If is a face of , we say that splits off from with complement if we have

where is a subcone, not necessarily a face, and (resp. ) is the sublattice of generated by (resp. ).

Lemma 3.2.3.

Let be a subset of the codimension faces of , and let . The following are equivalent:


For each the face splits off from with complement :


are linearly independent, generating a unimodular sublattice of , and the face splits off from with complement :


The implication is trivial. The converse follows by induction on . One writes and shows that for all the face splits off from with complement .

The geometric content of the lemma is the following:

Lemma 3.2.4.

Let be an affine toric variety with the irreducible toric divisors of . Assume that are Cartier and let be a set of monomials defining these divisors. The following are equivalent:


For each we can write as a product of toric varieties


We can write as a product of toric varieties

where are the irreducible toric divisors in defined by .

If these conditions are satisfied, then is a toroidal pair, i.e.,

is a toroidal embedding. If, moreover, acts on as a subgroup of the torus and are invariant for all , then acts toroidally on this embedding.


The equivalence of the two conditions follows from the previous lemma. (Note that because define distinct divisors , the complementary faces of are distinct.) For the last statements it suffices to cover with charts of the form .

Note that in the lemma is the toroidal pair obtained from by removing the divisors from the toroidal structure .

We are now ready to prove the main result of this section. Recall that is a nonsingular quasi-elementary birational cobordism, with relatively affine -action, and is the torifying blowup constructed in section 3.1.

Proposition 3.2.5.

The variety is a quasi-elementary cobordism, with and .


The embedding is toroidal and acts toroidally on this embedding.


Let us first see that the action of on is relatively affine, which also implies that is quasi-elementary: otherwise the closure of a -orbit is a complete rational curve, which cannot be contained in the fiber of an affine morphism.

The ideal is defined as for some finite set of characters . Each is the ideal generated by , the subsheaf of of functions with -character . Therefore is generated by , which is a coherent sheaf on . We thus have a surjective sheaf homomorphism , inducing a closed embedding

Since the normalization morphism is finite and the quotient morphism is affine, it follows that is an affine invariant morphism, showing that the action is relatively affine.

We note that is the inverse image of . For this it suffices to show that the fiber of over a fixed point consists of fixed points. This follows since the coordinate ring of an affine chart in a -invariant fiber of the morphism is generated by fractions where are generators of the ideal , hence acts trivially on .

Combining this with the fact that is proper, we get that if and only if its image is in , and similarly for . This proves the first part of the proposition. For the same reason, if an open set is saturated (i.e., ), then the same holds for its inverse image .

To prove that is toroidal and acts toroidally on this embedding, we consider toric charts in giving the action of on a locally toric structure. For simplicity we write . By Lemma 3.1.2 the ideal restricted to is the inverse image of the ideal in . It follows that the normalization of the blowing up of in provides a toric chart for such that the action of on is again locally toric. Let be the support of the divisor defined by the total transform of . Then

and we are reduced to proving that is a toroidal embedding on which acts toroidally. In other words, we have to show that the irreducible toric divisors that do not lie in can be removed from the standard toroidal structure given by the toric structure, keeping the -action toroidal. By Lemma 3.2.4 we can remove them one at a time.

Write where , , and let act on by character . The only irreducible toric divisors in that do not lie in the total transform of are among the strict transforms of the divisors . Consider the divisor . The ideal contains . If is principal, then the strict transform of is a component of and there is nothing to prove. Assume that this is not the case and choose monomial generators for corresponding to lattice points in . We may assume that are not divisible by . To study the strict transform of in we first blow up , then the rest of the , and then normalize.

Let be an affine chart of the blowing up of along (which is not necessarily normal), obtained by inverting one of the generators of , and let be the strict transform of in . Then is nonempty if and only if is the chart of the blowing up where we invert one of the , say . We have

where the second equality follows since does not divide . Here the strict transform of is defined by , on which acts trivially.

It remains to be shown that if we blow up the ideals for pulled back to and normalize, this product structure is preserved. We define the ideals on generated by all monomials on which acts by character . The lemma below shows that is equal to the inverse image of . Hence we may blow up instead of the inverse image of . Since acts trivially on , the ideals are generated by monomials in the second term of the product. Thus, blowing up preserves the product, and so does normalization.

Lemma 3.2.6.

For an affine toric variety with an action of as a one-parameter subgroup of the torus, let be the ideal generated by all monomials on which acts by character . If is a chart of the blowing up of , then

for all .


Clearly . For the converse, let the monomial generators of the coordinate ring of be for some generators of . Thus a regular monomial on can be written as a product

for some integers , where for , . If happens to be a generator of , i.e., acts on by character , then also acts on by character , and is in .

Corollary 3.2.7.

The embeddings are toroidal embeddings, and the birational transformation is toroidal.


This is immediate from the proposition and Lemma 2.6.1.

In fact, as the following lemma, in conjunction with 3.2.6, shows, the map is an isomorphism if the set in the definition of the torific ideal is chosen large enough. Since we do not need this result, we only give a sketch of the proof.

Lemma 3.2.8.

Let be a nonsingular affine toric variety, and assume that acts on by character . Let be divisible by all , and let and be the ideals generated by all monomials of -character and , respectively. If is the normalization of the blowing up of , then the birational map

is an isomorphism. The same holds for any torific ideal corresponding to a set of characters containing and .

Sketch of the proof.

Let , and let be the projection from . If maps isomorphically to , then and are isomorphic already. Otherwise, there exist unique rays and such that the star subdivision of at is equal to the star subdivision of at . Now the normalized blowings up of and turn out to correspond to star subdivisions of at and . The resulting subdivision clearly satisfies .

In our arguments in the next section we will use a more detailed description of the coordinate ring of some affine toric charts of . If acts on the variable via and if the ideal is not principal, then the strict transform of the divisor is removed from the toroidal structure in , i.e., it is not contained in . Assume is a cone in the subdivision associated to the normalization of the blowing up of a torific ideal, and denote the rays in corresponding to the divisors which are removed from the toroidal structure by . After renumbering, we may assume that these are . We have seen above that for each the corresponding affine toric variety decomposes as

Here the strict transform of is the zero locus of . Since , we have that for . Since is positive on , we have

which means that does not divide for We also have that does not appear in any monomial in the ring of for .

Applying Lemma 3.2.4 with , we obtain the following:

Corollary 3.2.9.

Let be a nonsingular affine toric variety, and assume that acts on by character . Let be an affine toric chart corresponding to a cone , and assume that the rays in corresponding to divisors which are removed from the toroidal structure are . Then there exist and a toric variety , such that


for ,


are -invariant,


does not appear in any monomial in the ring of , and


Example 3.2.10.

Consider , where acts as

We have the following generators of the torific ideals :

To illustrate Lemma 3.2.8 we also consider

The ideal is unnecessary here, being principal. Let . If we regard as the toric variety corresponding to the cone

then is described by the fan covered by the following four maximal cones:

If we do not include the factor in , then the cones and are combined to one nonsimplicial cone. Including has the effect that becomes an isomorphism.

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{SVG*} \begin{center} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.0005in} \begingroup\makeatletter\ifx\SetFigFont\undefined\def\x#1#2#3#4#5#6#7\relax{\def\x{#1#2#3#4#5#6}}\expandafter\x\fmtname xxxxxx\relax\def\y{splain}\ifx\x\y\gdef\SetFigFont#1#2#3{\ifnum#1<17\tiny\else\ifnum#1<20\small\else\ifnum#1<24\normalsize\else\ifnum#1<29\large\else\ifnum#1<34\Large\else\ifnum#1<41\LARGE\else\huge\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\csname#3\endcsname}\else\gdef\SetFigFont#1#2#3{\begingroup\count@#1\relax\ifnum25<\count@\count@25\fi\def\x{\endgroup\@setsize\SetFigFont{#2pt}}\expandafter\x\csname\romannumeral\the\count@ pt\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@empty @\romannumeral\the\count@ pt\endcsname\csname#3\endcsname}\fi\fi\endgroup{\renewcommand{\dashlinestretch}{30} \begin{picture}(7721,6918)(0,-10) \path(450,636)(3750,6636)(7050,636) (450,636)(450,636) \dashline{180.000}(2175,3711)(4050,636) \dashline{180.000}(5325,3711)(5175,636) \dashline{60.000}(3750,6636)(4575,636) \spline(1800,4986) (2925,4536)(2925,2886) \path(2865.000,3126.000)(2925.000,2886.000)(2985.000,3126.000) \spline(5100,6111) (4950,5061)(4125,4461) \path(4283.806,4650.685)(4125.000,4461.000)(4354.387,4553.637) \spline(6825,2886) (6225,2061)(5400,1686) \path(5593.660,1839.935)(5400.000,1686.000)(5643.316,1730.691) \put(0,336){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}$v_1$}}}}} \put(3450,6711){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}$v_3$}}}}} \put(7275,336){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}$v_2$}}}}} \put(1125,3636){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{10}{12}{rm}$v_1+v_3$}}}}} \put(5625,3711){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{10}{12}{rm}$v_2+v_3$}}}}} \put(2925,261){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{10}{12}{rm}$v_1+v_2$}}}}} \put(4125,36){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{10}{12}{rm}$2v_1+3v_2$}}}}} \put(5325,261){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{10}{12}{rm}$v_1+2v_2$}}}}} \put(1350,4911){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}$I_2$}}}}} \put(5250,6111){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}$I_6$}}}}} \put(6975,2811){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}$I_3$}}}}} \end{picture} } \end{center} \end{SVG*}

The torifying property can be illustrated on the affine toric variety corresponding to . The dual cone has the product description

Thus, even if we remove the divisor from the original toric structure of

we still have the toroidal embedding structure

As is invariant, the action of is toroidal. For example, at we have a toric chart

Globally, the divisors corresponding to the new rays

together with coming from , are obtained through the blowing up of the torific ideals. Considering

we obtain a toroidal structure with a toroidal -action.

4. A proof of the weak factorization theorem

4.1. The situation

In Theorem 2.6.2 we have constructed a factorization of the given birational map into tightly locally toric birational transformations

where (here is in the notation of Theorem 2.6.2, and is ). Since is nonsingular, we can apply the results of section 3.

For a choice of a torific ideal on , denote by the corresponding torific blowing up. Write , and . We have a natural diagram of birational maps

By Corollary 3.2.7 the embeddings are toroidal, and the birational transformation is toroidal.

We say that the ideal is balanced if . It follows from Lemma 3.1.3 that we can always enlarge the set to get a balanced torific ideal .

As in section 3 we denote by the quotient morphism.

Lemma 4.1.1.

Suppose the torific ideal is balanced. Then the morphism is the normalized blowing up of the ideal sheaf defined as the pullback to of .


By Lemma 3.1.2, the ideal is generated by -invariant sections, and we can identify as the inverse image of an ideal sheaf in generated by the same sections — which we can take to be . Let be the pullback of this ideal sheaf to via the map . Then is the normalized blowing up of because taking the quotient by commutes with blowing up the sheaf .

From now on we assume that the torific ideals are chosen to be balanced. The proof of the main theorem can be carried out without this assumption, but it would make the presentation more complicated.

Note that if the varieties were nonsingular and the morphisms were composites of blowings up of nonsingular centers, we would get the weak factorization by applying Theorem 1.6.1 to each . This is not the case in general. In this section we replace by nonsingular varieties and by composites of blowings up with nonsingular centers.

4.2. Lifting toroidal structures

Let be the canonical resolution of singularities. Note that, since , we have .

Denote . Let be the canonical principalization of the ideal , and let be the induced morphism.

Denote . The crucial point now is to show:

Proposition 4.2.1.

The embedding is a toroidal embedding, and the morphism is toroidal.


For simplicity of notation we drop the subscripts and , as we treat each quasi-elementary piece separately. We may assume that all the varieties and the morphisms between them are toric. Indeed, if is a toric chart at some point , obtained from a toric chart in , we get a toric chart for by blowing up a torific ideal in , which is a toric ideal since it is generated by monomials. Similarly, resolution of singularities and principalization over the toric variety provide toric charts for and . The canonicity of resolution and principalization implies that the maps are toric (i.e., torus equivariant).

Consider now the diagram of toric morphisms between toric varieties and the corresponding diagram of fans:

Let be an affine open toric subvariety corresponding to a cone , and write

where the toric divisors pulled back from are the ones removed in order to define the toroidal structure on . Let be the inverse image of in . We need to show that we have a decomposition such that the resulting map is a product, with the first factor being the identity map.

Write , where is the affine open toric subvariety lying over .

By Corollary 3.2.9, the coordinate rings of and can be written as

where , and where are monomials on which acts with the same character as on , such that for .

Lemma 4.2.2.

For each consider the automorphism of

defined by



defines an action of the additive group on .


The action of commutes with the given -action.


The ideals are invariant under this action.


The action leaves invariant, and descends to .


The action lifts to .


This action on leaves the open set invariant.


The induced action on descends to a fixed-point-free action of on .


The resulting action on is given by


Since for , we have that the commute with each other, and thus defining a -action. Since acts on and through the same character, it commutes with . For the same reason the ideals are invariant: has -character if and only if does, therefore . Since , we have that is invariant, and similarly for ; since the -action commutes with , it descends to . Since , we have that is -invariant (i.e., ) and therefore the -action lifts to . Since for , we have . Also since does not appear in monomials in , the action on is trivial, which implies the rest of the statement.

Back to the proposition. Since is the canonical resolution of singularities, the action of lifts to . Since the ideal is generated by -invariants in , and since the action of commutes with , we have that is invariant under , and therefore is invariant under as well. Since is the canonical principalization of , the action of lifts to . In particular, the map is -equivariant. By the lemma, the action of on the invariant open set is fixed-point free, therefore the action on the inverse image is fixed-point free. Writing for the inverse image of the -slice , we have that is a -slice of , giving a decomposition as needed.

4.3. Conclusion of the proof of Theorem 0.1.1

Since and are nonsingular, we have and . For each we have obtained a diagram



the canonical principalizations and are composites of blowings up with nonsingular centers,


is a toroidal birational map.

Applying Theorem 2.7.1 to the toroidal map we see that is a composite of toroidal blowings up and blowings down, with nonsingular centers, between nonsingular toroidal embeddings. Thus we get a factorization

where all are nonsingular, and the birational maps are composed of a sequence of blowings up and blowings down. We do not touch the open subset on which is an isomorphism. Projectivity over follows from the projectivity statement in Theorem 2.6.2, the projectivity of , and the projectivity statement in Theorem 2.7.1. Finally, blowing up a nonsingular center can be factored as a sequence of blowings up of irreducible centers, simply blowing up one connected component at a time; since blowing up is a projective operation, this preserves projectivity. This completes the proof of Theorem 0.1.1.

5. Generalizations

5.1. Reduction to an algebraically closed overfield

We begin our proof of Theorem 0.3.1. We claim that, in case (1) of algebraic spaces, it suffices to prove the result in case is algebraically closed. Let be an algebraically closed field containing . Given , isomorphic on , consider the map . Assuming the generalized factorization theorem applies over such a field, we get . The functoriality of this factorization guarantees that the Galois group acts on , and are Galois equivariant. Therefore, denoting , we get as required.

5.2. Reduction to an algebraically closed subfield

Still considering case (1), suppose are algebraically closed fields, and suppose we have the theorem for algebraic spaces over fields isomorphic to . If is a birational map over , with factorization given by , then we claim that the induced map is functorial over . Indeed, any isomorphism carries to an isomorphic field, and the functoriality over induces the desired morphisms .

5.3. Reduction to

Still considering case (1), let be algebraically closed and let be a birational map of complete algebraic spaces over . Then, by definition, are given by étale equivalence relations , where and are varieties over , and is defined by suitable correspondences between . Also the open set corresponds to a Zariski open set in . All these varieties can be defined over a finitely generated subfield , and therefore over its algebraic closure . But any such can be embedded in . Therefore, by the previous reductions, it suffices to consider the case of algebraic spaces over a field isomorphic to .

By considering the associated analytic spaces, the GAGA principle allows us to use structures (e.g. locally toric, toroidal) defined in the analytic category, as long as we note that the constructions (e.g. birational cobordism, torific ideals) are algebraic, and ensure that the resulting blowings up are functorial in the algebraic sense, namely, independent of a choice of isomorphism .

5.4. Reduction to a projective morphism

Now we consider both cases (1) and (2). To simplify the terminology, we use the term “birational map” to indicate also a bimeromorphic map. Given isomorphic on , let be the canonical principalizations of (endowed with reduced structure). It is convenient to replace by and assume from now on that is a simple normal crossings divisor.

We note that Lemma 1.3.1 works word for word in the cases of algebraic spaces or analytic spaces. As we have already remarked, this procedure is functorial. Also, the centers of blowing up have normal crossings with the inverse image of .

It is also easy to see that the resulting morphism is endowed with a relatively ample line bundle which is functorial under absolute isomorphisms. Indeed, the construction of a blowing up gives a functorial relatively ample line bundle for each blowing up. Furthermore, if and are given relatively ample line bundles and , then there is a minimal positive integer such that is relatively ample for ; thus we can form a functorial relatively ample line bundle for a sequence of blowings up. In an analogous manner we can form a functorial ideal sheaf on such that is the blowing up of .

From now on we assume is a simple normal crossings divisor and is a projective morphism.

5.5. Analytic locally toric structures

There are various settings in which one can generalize locally toric and toroidal structures to algebraic and analytic spaces, either using formal completions (see Reference 42), or étale charts (see Reference 53), or logarithmic structures (see Reference 38). Here we try to keep things simple, by sticking to the analytic situation, and modifying our earlier definitions slightly.

An analytic toric chart , is defined to be a neighborhood of in the euclidean topology, with an open immersion in the euclidean topology. The fact that we use open immersions simplifies our work significantly.

The notions of analytic locally toric structures, analytic toroidal embeddings, modifications, toroidal birational maps and tightly locally toric birational transformations are defined as in the case of varieties, using analytic toric charts.

We note that in an analytic toroidal embedding, the toroidal divisors may have self-intersections. If is an analytic toroidal embedding, and if is the canonical embedded resolution of singularities of , then is a strict toroidal embedding, namely one without self-intersections.

For strict toroidal embeddings, the arguments of Reference 42 regarding rational conical polyhedral complexes, modifications and subdivisions go through, essentially word for word. The divisorial description of the cones (see Reference 42, page 61) shows that the association of a polyhedral complex to a toroidal embedding is functorial under absolute isomorphisms in both the analytic and algebraic sense, and similarly for the modification associated to a subdivision.

5.6. Functorial toroidal factorization

Consider an analytic toroidal birational map of complete nonsingular toroidal embeddings . By the resolution of singularities argument above, we may assume are strict toroidal embeddings. Theorem 2.7.1 applies in this situation, but we need to make the construction functorial. It may be appropriate to rewrite Morelli’s proof in a functorial manner, but this would take us beyond the intended scope of this paper. Instead we show here that the result can be made equivariant under the automorphism group of a fan cobordism, which, assuming the axiom of choice, implies functoriality.

Let be the polyhedral complex of . Denote by the automorphism group of . Since an automorphism of is determined by its action on the primitive points of the rays in , these groups are finite.

Consider the barycentric subdivision (see Reference 42, III 2.1, or Reference 5). It corresponds to a composition of blowings up , which is functorial. The group acts on . The subdivision has the following property: given a cone in , an element , and a ray in such that is also in , we have . This means, in particular, that for any subgroup and any -equivariant subdivision the quotient is also a polyhedral complex (see Reference 5).

Let be the canonical resolution of singularities of the graph of . This is clearly functorial in . Now are toroidal birational morphisms, corresponding to subdivisions . Let be the subgroup stabilizing the subdivision .

Fix a representative in the isomorphism class of , and, using the axiom of choice, fix an isomorphism of any element of the isomorphism class with this representative. Note that the absolute automorphism group of maps to .

We claim that in order to construct a functorial factorization of it suffices to construct an -equivariant combinatorial factorization of our representative of the isomorphism class, which by abuse of notation we call . Indeed, such a combinatorial -equivariant factorization corresponds to a sequence of -equivariant subdivisions such that either or its inverse is a nonsingular star subdivision on each cone, such that factors through an isomorphism , and such that . Pulling back by the chosen isomorphism, we get an equivariant combinatorial factorization for every element in the isomorphism class, which fit together to give a functorial combinatorial factorization. According to the construction of Reference 42, this functorially corresponds to a sequence of modifications which fit together as a functorial factorization of .

Now is a subdivision of nonsingular polyhedral complexes, and the toroidal weak factorization theorem says that it admits a combinatorial factorization, as a sequence composed of nonsingular star subdivisions and inverse nonsingular star subdivisions. Lifting these subdivisions to , we get an -equivariant factorization, which in turn corresponds to a functorial toroidal factorization of . We now apply the same procedure to . This gives the desired functorial toroidal factorization of .

5.7. Analytic toroidal -actions

The nature of -actions on analytic spaces differ significantly from the case of varieties. However, the situation is almost the same if one restricts to relatively algebraic actions.

Definition 5.7.1.

Let be a morphism of analytic spaces and a relatively ample line bundle for . An action of on over is relatively algebraic if there is an open covering , an algebraic action of on a projective space , and a Zariski-locally-closed -equivariant embedding , such that for some integer we have that is -isomorphic to the pullback of .

It is easy to see that if is a projective morphism, a line bundle, with a relatively algebraic -action, then , where the sheaf is a completely reducible sheaf.

In the analytic category we use embedded charts rather than étale ones. Accordingly, we say that a -equivariant open set is strongly embedded if for any orbit , the closure of in is contained in . This implies that is an open embedding. We define an analytic locally toric -action on using strongly embedded toric charts (we still have the requirement that , where is the projection, which means that is also strongly embedded).

It is not difficult to show that a strongly embedded toric chart exists for each point , the analogue of Luna’s fundamental lemma.

With these modifications, Lemma 1.7.3 is proven in the same manner in the analytic setting. We also note that, if is a simple normal crossings divisor, then toric charts can be chosen compatible with . Indeed, we only need to choose semi-invariant parameters so that is a defining equation for , for .

5.8. Analytic birational cobordisms

Analytic birational cobordisms are defined the same way as in the case of varieties, with the extra assumption that the -action is relatively algebraic.

Given a projective birational morphism we construct a compactified, relatively projective cobordism as in the algebraic situation, with the following modification: using canonical resolution of singularities we make the inverse image of in into a simple normal crossings divisor, crossing and normally. Note that these operations are functorial in absolute isomorphisms of .

As indicated before, this construction endows with a functorial relatively ample line bundle. Since this bundle is obtained from the construction of the blowing up of an invariant ideal, it comes with a functorial -action as well.

The considerations of collapsibility and geometric invariant theory work as in the algebraic setting, leading to Theorem 2.6.2. We note that the resulting locally toric factorization is functorial, and the toric charts on can be chosen compatible with the divisor coming from or .

5.9. Functoriality of torification and compatibility with divisors

We note that the definition of the -torific ideals is clearly functorial, and it is easy to make a functorial choice of a balanced set of characters in the construction of a torific ideal (Definition 3.1.4). The proof of its existence works as in the case of varieties. The same is true for its torifying property. In order to make this construction compatible with divisors, we replace the total transform of by adding the inverse image of . This guarantees that the resulting toroidal structure on is compatible with the divisors coming from .

5.10. Conclusion of the proof of Theorem 0.3.1

Canonical resolution of singularities is functorial, therefore the construction of is functorial. We can now replace by the canonical principalization of the inverse image of , making the latter a simple normal crossings divisor. Since the ideal is functorial, the construction of is functorial, and the locally toric structure implies that the centers of blowing up in have normal crossings with the inverse image of . We can now apply functorial toroidal factorization to the toroidal birational map . Note that the centers of blowing up, being toroidal, automatically have normal crossings with . The theorem follows.

6. Problems related to weak factorization

6.1. Strong factorization

Despite our attempts, we have not been able to use the methods of this paper to prove the strong factorization conjecture, even assuming the toroidal case holds true.

In the construction of the torific ideal in 3.1 and the analysis of its blowing up in 3.2 and 4.2, the assumption of the cobordism being quasi-elementary is essential. It is easy to give examples where the formation of the torific ideal does not commute with taking affine open sets, therefore we cannot glue together the ideals defined on the individual quasi-elementary pieces into one ideal over the entire birational cobordism .

One can extend each of these ideals separately, for instance by taking the Zariski closure of its zero scheme, but the behavior of this extension (as well as others we have considered) along is problematic.

The weak factorization theorem reduces the strong factorization conjecture to the following problem:

Problem 6.1.1.

Let be a sequence of blowings up with nonsingular centers, with nonsingular, and such that the center of blowing up of has normal crossings with the exceptional divisor of . Let be a blowing up with nonsingular center. Find a strong factorization of the birational map .

We believe that at least the threefold case of this problem is tractable.

6.2. Toroidalization

Problem 6.2.1 (Toroidalization).

Let be a surjective proper morphism between complete nonsingular varieties over an algebraically closed field of characteristic . Do there exist sequences of blowings up with nonsingular centers and so that the induced map is a toroidal morphism? Can such maps be chosen in a functorial manner, and in such a way that they preserve any open set where admits a toroidal structure?

This can be viewed as a problem of finding a Hironaka-type logarithmic desingularization of a morphism. The result of Reference 3, Theorem 2.1, gives a logarithmic desingularization of a morphism, but not using blowings up with nonsingular centers.

A similar conjecture was proposed in Reference 43. We note that the toroidalization conjecture concerns not only birational morphisms but also generically finite morphisms or morphisms with . The solution to the above conjecture would reduce the strong factorization conjecture to the toroidal case, simply by considering the case of a birational morphism and then applying the toroidal case to . Until recently the authors knew of a complete proof only if either (see below), or (which follows immediately from resolution of singularities; see Reference 42, II §3). Recently, S. D. Cutkosky worked out a highly nontrivial solution of the case Reference 18.

The conjecture is false in positive characteristics due to wild ramifications. See, e.g., Reference 19.

One general result which we do know is the following.

Theorem 6.2.2.

Let be a surjective morphism between complete varieties over an algebraically closed field of characteristic . Then there exists a modification and a sequence of blowings up with nonsingular centers so that the induced map is a toroidal morphism.


In Reference 3, Theorem 2.1, it is shown that modifications and such that is toroidal exist, assuming and are projective and the generic fiber of is geometrically integral. We can reduce to the projective case using Chow’s lemma. The case where the generic fiber is not geometrically integral is resolved in the second author’s thesis Reference 37. Since the latter is not widely available we give a similar argument here. The inductive proof of Reference 3, Theorem 2.1, reduces the problem to the case where is generically finite. By Hironaka’s flattening (or by taking a resolution of the graph of ), we may assume that is finite. Using resolution of singularities, we may assume is nonsingular and the branch locus is a normal crossings divisor. By normalizing we may assume normal. Denoting the complement of the branch locus by and its inverse image in by , Abhyankar’s lemma says that is a toroidal embedding and is toroidal, which is what we needed.

It remains to be shown that can be chosen to be a sequence of blowings up with nonsingular centers. Let be an elimination of indeterminacies of and let be the canonical principalization of the pullback of the ideal of the toroidal divisor of . Let be the normalization of the dominant component. Then is a sequence of blowings up with nonsingular centers. Applying Reference 3, Lemma 6.2, we see that is still toroidal, which is what we needed.

Since every proper birational morphism of nonsingular surfaces factors as a sequence of point blowings up, we get:

Corollary 6.2.3.

The toroidalization conjecture holds for a generically finite morphism of surfaces.

In this case, it is not difficult to deduce that there exists a minimal toroidalization (since the configuration of intermediate blowings up in or forms a tree). This result has been proven in an algorithmic manner by Cutkosky and Piltant Reference 19. Similar statements can be found in Reference 6.


We heartily thank E. Bierstone, L. Bonavero, S. Iitaka, Y. Kawamata, P. Milman, Y. Miyaoka, S. Mori, N. Nakayama B. Siebert, and V. Srinivas for helpful comments.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 0. Introduction
    1. 0.1. Statement of the main result
    2. Theorem 0.1.1 (Weak Factorization).
    3. 0.2. Strong factorization
    4. Conjecture 0.2.1 (Strong Factorization).
    5. 0.3. Generalizations of the main theorem
    6. Theorem 0.3.1.
    7. 0.4. Applying the theorem
    8. 0.5. Early origins of the problem
    9. 0.6. The toric case
    10. 0.7. A local version
    11. 0.8. Birational cobordisms
    12. 0.9. Locally toric versus toroidal structures
    13. 0.10. Torification
    14. 0.11. Relation with the minimal model program
    15. 0.12. Relation with the toroidalization problem
    16. 0.13. Relation with the proof in 82
    17. 0.14. Outline of the paper
  3. 1. Preliminaries
    1. 1.1. Quotients
    2. 1.2. Canonical resolution of singularities and canonical principalization
    3. 1.3. Reduction to projective morphisms
    4. Lemma 1.3.1 (Hironaka).
    5. 1.4. Toric varieties
    6. 1.5. Locally toric and toroidal structures
    7. Definition 1.5.1.
    8. Definition 1.5.2.
    9. Definition 1.5.3 (30, 35).
    10. Definition 1.5.4.
    11. Definition 1.5.5.
    12. 1.6. Weak factorization for toroidal birational maps
    13. Theorem 1.6.1.
    14. 1.7. Locally toric and toroidal actions
    15. Definition 1.7.1 (see 60, p. 198).
    16. Definition 1.7.2.
    17. Lemma 1.7.3.
  4. 2. Birational cobordisms
    1. 2.1. Definitions
    2. Definition 2.1.1 (81).
    3. Definition 2.1.2 (81).
    4. Definition 2.1.3 (81).
    5. Definition 2.1.4.
    6. Definition 2.1.5 (81).
    7. Definition 2.1.6 (cf. 56, 81).
    8. 2.2. The main example
    9. Example 2.2.1.
    10. 2.3. Construction of a cobordism
    11. Theorem 2.3.1.
    12. 2.4. Collapsibility and projectivity
    13. Lemma 2.4.1.
    14. Definition 2.4.2.
    15. Proposition 2.4.3.
    16. Proposition 2.4.4.
    17. Lemma 2.4.5.
    18. 2.5. Geometric invariant theory and projectivity
    19. Lemma 2.5.1.
    20. Proposition 2.5.2.
    21. 2.6. The main result of 81
    22. Lemma 2.6.1.
    23. Theorem 2.6.2.
    24. 2.7. Projectivity of toroidal weak factorization
    25. Theorem 2.7.1.
  5. 3. Torification
    1. 3.1. Construction of a torific ideal
    2. Definition 3.1.1.
    3. Lemma 3.1.2.
    4. Lemma 3.1.3.
    5. Definition 3.1.4.
    6. 3.2. The torifying property of the torific ideal
    7. Example 3.2.1.
    8. Example 3.2.2.
    9. Lemma 3.2.3.
    10. Lemma 3.2.4.
    11. Proposition 3.2.5.
    12. Lemma 3.2.6.
    13. Corollary 3.2.7.
    14. Lemma 3.2.8.
    15. Corollary 3.2.9.
    16. Example 3.2.10.
  6. 4. A proof of the weak factorization theorem
    1. 4.1. The situation
    2. Lemma 4.1.1.
    3. 4.2. Lifting toroidal structures
    4. Proposition 4.2.1.
    5. Lemma 4.2.2.
    6. 4.3. Conclusion of the proof of Theorem 0.1.1
  7. 5. Generalizations
    1. 5.1. Reduction to an algebraically closed overfield
    2. 5.2. Reduction to an algebraically closed subfield
    3. 5.3. Reduction to
    4. 5.4. Reduction to a projective morphism
    5. 5.5. Analytic locally toric structures
    6. 5.6. Functorial toroidal factorization
    7. 5.7. Analytic toroidal -actions
    8. Definition 5.7.1.
    9. 5.8. Analytic birational cobordisms
    10. 5.9. Functoriality of torification and compatibility with divisors
    11. 5.10. Conclusion of the proof of Theorem 0.3.1
  8. 6. Problems related to weak factorization
    1. 6.1. Strong factorization
    2. Problem 6.1.1.
    3. 6.2. Toroidalization
    4. Problem 6.2.1 (Toroidalization).
    5. Theorem 6.2.2.
    6. Corollary 6.2.3.
  9. Acknowledgements

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 0.1.1 (Weak Factorization).

Let be a birational map between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties and over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let be an open set where is an isomorphism. Then can be factored into a sequence of blowings up and blowings down with nonsingular irreducible centers disjoint from , namely, there exists a sequence of birational maps between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties





are isomorphisms on , and


either or is a morphism obtained by blowing up a nonsingular irreducible center disjoint from .

Furthermore, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism. In particular, if and are projective, then all the are projective.

Theorem 0.3.1.

Let be as in case (1) or (2) above. Let be an open set where is an isomorphism. Then can be factored, functorially with respect to absolute isomorphisms, into a sequence of blowings up and blowings down with nonsingular centers disjoint from . Namely, to any such we associate a diagram in the corresponding category





are isomorphisms on , and


either or is a morphism obtained by blowing up a nonsingular center disjoint from .


Functoriality: if is an absolute isomorphism, carrying to , and is the factorization of , then the resulting rational maps give absolute isomorphisms.


Moreover, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism.


Let be the exceptional divisor of respectively, in case respectively, . Then the above centers of blowing up in have normal crossings with . If, moreover, respectively, is a normal crossings divisor, then the centers of blowing up have normal crossings with the inverse images of this divisor.

Lemma 1.3.1 (Hironaka).

There is a commutative diagram

such that and are composites of blowings up with nonsingular centers disjoint from , and is a projective birational morphism.

Definition 1.5.1.

A variety is locally toric if for every closed point there exists an open neighborhood of and an étale morphism to a toric variety . Such a morphism is called a toric chart at .


An open embedding is a toroidal embedding if for every closed point there exists a toric chart at such that , where is the torus. We call such charts toroidal. Sometimes we omit the open set from the notation and simply say that a variety is toroidal.


We say that a locally toric (respectively, toroidal) chart on a variety is compatible with a divisor if , i.e., corresponds to a toric divisor on .

A toroidal embedding can equivalently be specified by the pair , where is the reduced Weil divisor supported on . We will sometimes interchange between and for denoting a toroidal structure on . A divisor is compatible with the toroidal structure if it is supported in .

Definition 1.5.2.

Let be toroidal embeddings. A proper birational morphism is said to be toroidal if, for every closed point and any , there is a diagram of fiber squares


is a toroidal chart at ,

is a toroidal chart at , and

is a toric morphism.

Definition 1.5.4.

Let be toroidal embeddings. A proper birational map is said to be toroidal if there exists a toroidal embedding and a commutative diagram

where are proper birational toroidal morphisms. In particular, a proper birational toroidal map induces an isomorphism between the open sets and .

Theorem 1.6.1.

Let and be nonsingular toroidal embeddings. Let be a proper toroidal birational map. Then can be factored into a sequence of toroidal birational maps consisting of toroidal blowings up and down of nonsingular centers in nonsingular toroidal embeddings.

Definition 1.7.2.

Let be a locally toric variety with a -action, such that exists. We say that the action is locally toric if for any closed point we have a toric chart at and a one-parameter subgroup of the torus in , satisfying

, where is the projection;

is -equivariant and strongly étale.


If is a toroidal embedding, we say that acts toroidally on if the charts above can be chosen toroidal.

Lemma 1.7.3.

Let be a nonsingular variety with a relatively affine -action, that is, the scheme exists and the morphism is an affine morphism. Then the action of on is locally toric.

Proposition 2.5.2.

The morphisms , and are projective.

Lemma 2.6.1.

Let be a quasi-elementary cobordism, with a relatively affine locally toric -action. Then , , are locally toric varieties and we have a diagram of locally toric maps

where is a tightly locally toric birational transformation.

In case is nonsingular, the diagram above can be described in toric charts by the main example in section 2.2.

If the action of on is toroidal, then all these varieties and maps are also toroidal, and is a toroidal birational map.

Theorem 2.6.2.

Let be a birational map between complete nonsingular algebraic varieties and over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let be an open set where is an isomorphism. Then there exists a sequence of birational maps between complete locally toric algebraic varieties





are isomorphisms on , and


for each , the birational transformation is tightly locally toric and étale locally equivalent to a map described in 2.2. In particular have finite abelian quotient singularities, and can be obtained as a weighted blowing up followed by a weighted blowing down.

Furthermore, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism. In particular, if and are projective, then all the are projective.

Theorem 2.7.1.

Let and be nonsingular toroidal embeddings. Let be a proper toroidal birational map. Then can be factored into a sequence of toroidal birational maps consisting of toroidal blowings up and down of nonsingular centers, namely:





are isomorphisms on , the embeddings are toroidal, and are toroidal birational maps, and


either or is a toroidal morphism obtained by blowing up a nonsingular irreducible toroidal center.

Furthermore, there is an index such that for all the map is a projective morphism, and for all the map is a projective morphism. In particular, if and are projective, then all the are projective.

Lemma 3.1.2.

We have

Moreover, the ideal sheaf is generated by monomials of -character .

Lemma 3.1.3.

For any , the ideal is nonzero.

Definition 3.1.4.

We call a torific ideal and a torific blowing up.

Lemma 3.2.4.

Let be an affine toric variety with the irreducible toric divisors of . Assume that are Cartier and let be a set of monomials defining these divisors. The following are equivalent:


For each we can write as a product of toric varieties


We can write as a product of toric varieties

where are the irreducible toric divisors in defined by .

If these conditions are satisfied, then is a toroidal pair, i.e.,

is a toroidal embedding. If, moreover, acts on as a subgroup of the torus and are invariant for all , then acts toroidally on this embedding.

Proposition 3.2.5.

The variety is a quasi-elementary cobordism, with and .


The embedding is toroidal and acts toroidally on this embedding.

Lemma 3.2.6.

For an affine toric variety with an action of as a one-parameter subgroup of the torus, let be the ideal generated by all monomials on which acts by character . If is a chart of the blowing up of , then

for all .

Corollary 3.2.7.

The embeddings are toroidal embeddings, and the birational transformation is toroidal.

Lemma 3.2.8.

Let be a nonsingular affine toric variety, and assume that acts on by character . Let be divisible by all , and let and be the ideals generated by all monomials of -character and , respectively. If is the normalization of the blowing up of , then the birational map

is an isomorphism. The same holds for any torific ideal corresponding to a set of characters containing and .

Corollary 3.2.9.

Let be a nonsingular affine toric variety, and assume that acts on by character . Let be an affine toric chart corresponding to a cone , and assume that the rays in corresponding to divisors which are removed from the toroidal structure are . Then there exist and a toric variety , such that


for ,


are -invariant,


does not appear in any monomial in the ring of , and


Proposition 4.2.1.

The embedding is a toroidal embedding, and the morphism is toroidal.


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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 14E05 (Rational and birational maps)
Author Information
Dan Abramovich
Department of Mathematics, Boston University, 111 Cummington Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Kalle Karu
Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, One Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Kenji Matsuki
Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 1395 Mathematical Sciences Building, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1395
Jarosław Włodarczyk
Instytut Matematyki UW, Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland
Additional Notes

The first author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9700520 and by an Alfred P. Sloan research fellowship. In addition, he would like to thank the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Centre Emile Borel (UMS 839, CNRS/UPMC), and Max Planck Institut für Mathematik for a fruitful visiting period.

The second author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9700520.

The third author has received no financial support from NSF or NSA during the course of this work.

The fourth author was supported in part by Polish KBN grant 2 P03 A 005 16 and NSF grant DMS-0100598.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 15, Issue 3, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2002 American Mathematical Society
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  • DOI 10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00396-X
  • MathSciNet Review: 1896232
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{1896232}{article}{ author={Abramovich, Dan}, author={Karu, Kalle}, author={Matsuki, Kenji}, author={W{\l}odarczyk, Jaros{\l}aw}, title={Torification and factorization of birational maps}, journal={J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={15}, number={3}, date={2002-07}, pages={531-572}, issn={0894-0347}, review={1896232}, doi={10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00396-X}, }


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