ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: March  2012  Volume 59  Issue 03 
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The March issue features a fascinating and broadly based article on circulant matrices. Two other feature articles highlight the distinct personalities of Abel Laureate John Milnor and recently deceased mathematician Vladimir Arnold. There are also interesting contributions concerning author rights and teaching students about ethical issues. --Steven G. Krantz, Editor (pp. )

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On Circulant Matrices

Irwin Kra and Santiago R. Simanca

(pp. 368)

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Tribute to Vladimir Arnold

Boris Khesin and Serge Tabachnikov, Coordinating Editors

(pp. 378)

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Interview with John Milnor

Martin Raussen and Christian Skau

(pp. 400)

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2011--2012 Faculty Salaries Report
Richard Cleary, James W. Maxwell, and Colleen Rose

Organic Mathematics: Then and Now
Jonathan M. Borwein and Veselin Jungic

WHAT Affine Sphere?
Daniel J. F. Fox

Doceamus: Ethics for Undergraduate Researchers
Mike Axtell and Chad Westphal

Scripta Manent: Do Mathematicians Get the Author Rights They Want?
Kristine K. Fowler


International Summer School for Students
Etienne Ghys and Sergei Tabachnikov

Letters to the Editor

The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice--A Book Review
Reviewed by Timothy Bays

Chasing Shadows: Astronomy, and the Early History of Eclipse Reckoning--A Book Review
Reviewed by Christopher Linton


From the AMS Secretary

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