The algebro-geometric method: Solving algebraic differential equations by parametrizations

By Sebastian Falkensteiner, Johann J. Mitteramskogler, J. Rafael Sendra, and Franz Winkler


We present a survey of the algebro-geometric method for solving algebraic ordinary differential equations by means of parametrizations of the associated algebraic sets. In particular, we deal with equations of order one, and also systems of algebro-geometric dimension one. Various classes of solutions are treated symbolically, such as rational, algebraic, and power series solutions. We also consider classes of algebraic transformations of the associated algebraic sets preserving the solutions of the differential equations. Two Maple packages, implementing some of these solution methods, are presented.

1. Introduction

A differential equation is a relation between a function, finitely many of its derivatives, and possibly the variable of differentiation. If the function depends on more than one variable, the derivatives will be partial. Correspondingly, we speak of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs). In a system of differential equations we simultaneously consider more than one equation. The study and analysis of differential equations is a well-established branch in mathematics. One may distinguish, among others, some main directions of study in this field: the existence of solutions, the analysis of properties of solutions, the actual computation of solutions, and the applications. Moreover, approximate solutions can be computed by means of numerical methods, or exact expressions for solutions can be derived by symbolic computer algebra methods.

In this paper, we describe several methods for the exact computation of solutions of some classes of algebraic ordinary differential equations (AODEs), that is, equations where the relationships between the functions and their derivatives are given by polynomials. This approach we call the algebro-geometric method. The key idea will be to use information derived from the geometric object defined by these polynomials. In order to give a more precise motivation for the ideas and methods presented in this survey, we conduct this introduction with the help of some examples.

Let us consider the differential equation (see Example 2.6 for further details)

where denotes the usual derivative with respect to the independent variable . This differential equation is algebraic, since it is defined as , where is the polynomial . The idea now is to use the algebraic curve defined by the polynomial ; that is, is the zero-locus of in (see Figure 1 for a plot of the real part of the cubic curve ). The irreducible curve has genus zero and admits the rational parametrization

We look for a rational function such that the reparametrization takes into account the differential aspect of the given equation, i.e., such that . This is the case exactly for . Since is also a rational parametrization of , we have that

and is a rational solution of the differential equation . In Section 2.1 we explain that the general solution covers all rational solutions of .

Let us now consider the AODE

Note that Equation 1 and Equation 2 only differ in one term, namely . Since the algebraic curve corresponding to the polynomial has genus one, there is no rational parametrization of . It will be shown that this also means does not have nonconstant rational solutions. Instead we can work with local parametrizations. A Puiseux expansion of at is

The corresponding local parametrization describes the curve around the curve-point . Again we look for a reparametrization such that . Setting , this is exactly the case for

Then defines a formal power series solution of the differential equation Equation 2.

When trying to solve Equation 2 by using the local parametrization

one obtains that the above strategy cannot be followed. The reason is that the corresponding solution is a formal power series expanded around infinity. For this type of solution, and for formal power series with fractional exponents, some additional transformations have to be performed, as will be explained in the second part of Section 2.1.

Let us also remark that if, instead of having one autonomous first-order algebraic ODE, we have a system of autonomous AODEs of maximum order , we can associate to it a system of algebraic equations that will define a zero-set in . Now, if this zero-set is a space curve, the previous ideas can be extended; this is explained in Section 3.

In examples Equation 1 and Equation 2, the differential equations were autonomous and of order one. This allowed us to associate a planar curve to them. When working with nonautonomous first-order AODEs , we can either try to parametrize the surface or consider as a polynomial in the variables , and take the zero-set of in the algebraic closure of the field , i.e., using the curve . Although these associated geometric objects are more complicated, it is possible to develop a theory on the existence of rational general solutions of as we explain in Section 2.2.

Sometimes one can transform a given nonautonomous AODE into an autonomous AODE. Following the general idea of working with the algebraic sets associated to the AODEs, in Section 4 we describe the class of transformations that can be used for this purpose.

Historical Background

The problem of finding exact solutions of ODEs and also PDEs has been extensively studied in the literature. The huge majority of these methods, however, make implicit assumptions on the structure of the equations, such as that the system is in normal form where the well-known Cauchy–Kovalevskaya theorem can be applied. We focus here on methods where these assumptions are dropped and note that there are a lot of famous examples which are not of normal form, such as Navier–Stokes equations, Maxwell equations, and many others.

In Zwillinger Reference Zwi98, Section II.B several different exact methods are proposed. In Hubert Reference Hub96 one can find a method for computing the implicit general and singular solutions of AODEs by means of Gröbner bases. Eremenko Reference Ere98 provides a degree bound for rational solutions of AODEs and hence a method for determining them. In Ince Reference Inc26, linear differential equations and generic solutions of first-order AODEs are considered.

The treatment considered in this paper is the so-called algebro-geometric approach, which relies on the combination of three fields: differential algebra (see Reference Rit50 and Reference Kol73), computer algebra (see Reference Win96 and Reference vzGG13), and algebraic geometry (see Reference CLO05). The main idea, introduced in Reference FG04 for autonomous first-order AODEs, is as follows: we associate to the given AODE, or the system of AODEs, an algebraic set. Now we have two problem levels: the differential level corresponding to the input AODEs, and the purely algebraic geometric level corresponding to the algebraic set. In this situation, the underling strategy is to analyze whether, and how, the properties and computations on the algebraic geometric level can be translated to the input differential equations. For a wide panoramic vision, we refer to the PhD theses Reference Ngô11Reference Gra15Reference Vo16, and Reference Fal20.

In this paper we focus on AODEs and some special systems of this type of equation. For the case of algebraic partial differential equations we refer, e.g., to Robertz Reference Rob14 or Grasegger et al. Reference GLSW18.


Section 2 is devoted to first-order AODEs. The stage is prepared with some basic definitions. Then we first focus on the autonomous case, dealing with the existence and actual computation of rational general solutions, algebraic general solutions, and finally formal power series solutions. Afterward the nonautonomous case is treated. Here we take two different approaches: the given AODE may be considered geometrically as a surface over the ground field, or it may be considered as a curve with coefficients in the field of rational functions in the independent variable. In a comparison of these approaches, we find that they essentially determine the same rational general solutions. Additionally, algebraic general solutions of nonautonomous AODEs are also treated. In Section 3 systems of autonomous AODEs of dimension one are studied. We distinguish first the case of rational solutions and later the case of formal power series solutions. In Section 4 we treat the problem of detecting those rational transformations, on the algebraic level, that preserve the differential information of the given AODE. This analysis is first performed for linear transformations and later for birational transformations. In Section 5 we briefly describe two Maple packages for dealing with some of the algorithmic ideas introduced in this paper. Finally, in Section 6, we summarize the algebro-geometric approach and we give an outlook to some future research topics. In the appendices, basic notions and results on formal power series (Appendix A) and local parametrizations (Appendix B) are recalled.


We finish this section by introducing the notation and terminology that will be used throughout this paper.

For every set containing a zero-element, we use the notation . In particular, and .

Let be an integral domain, and let be a map which is additive, i.e., , and satisfies the product rule or Leibniz rule, i.e., for . Then is called a differential ring, and in the case where it is a field, we speak of a differential field. We will work with differential rings and fields of characteristic zero. When we extend a differential ring or field algebraically by some , the derivation extends uniquely according to the minimal polynomial. In a transcendental extension by we are free to define the derivation of .

The ring of differential polynomials in the variable over the differential ring , written , consists of the polynomials in in infinitely many variables, where , , etc. For we also write .

We consider as a field of constants (i.e., for ) and we extend the derivation to by letting . An AODE over is an equation of the form

where . By abuse of notation we often do not distinguish between the polynomial and the associated differential equation . Additionally, in Section 3, we will deal with some particular systems of AODEs. We use the notation to represent a solution of the differential equation.

When working with the geometric counterpart of the differential problem, we will denote by the -dimensional affine space over , the algebraic closure of . Sometimes, for a set of polynomials , we will use the notation to represent the algebraic set defined by .

Let be a field of characteristic zero, and let be a differential ring. In Table 1 we introduce the basic algebraic structures with coefficients in or , respectively, an independent variable and indeterminates , …, . For more detail on formal power series we refer to Appendix A.

2. AODEs of order one

Let be a differential field of characteristic zero. We assume that is equipped with a derivation, written as , such that maps all elements of to 0, i.e., is its own field of constants. Over we can consider various types of functions, such as rational or algebraic functions, and the derivation can be extended to such classes of functions.

Definition 2.1.

Let be a differential polynomial in . This polynomial generates an AODE over of the form

If does not explicitly depend on , we have an autonomous AODE of the form

This differential equation is called the AODE defined by , and is called the defining polynomial of the differential equation Equation 3. If the degree of in is positive, we call the order of the AODE. If is a differential polynomial of positive order , then the separant of , denoted by , is the partial derivative of with respect to (w.r.t.) .

Observe that an algebraic equation is simply an AODE of order zero. When we substitute for the variable in , we often simply write instead of .

Definition 2.2.

We extend the differential field to , so that . Let be a differential extension field of . An element is a zero of iff . We call a zero of also a solution of the AODE Equation 3 defined by .

If can be factored as

over , then the set of solutions of is simply the union of the sets of solutions of the factors . So let us assume that the defining polynomial is irreducible over .

By we denote the radical differential ideal generated by . According to Ritt Reference Rit50, Chapter II, this ideal can be decomposed as the intersection of two divisor ideals, namely the ideal of all differential polynomials , with the property that , and the radical differential ideal generated by and . In terms of the solutions this means that a solution is either a solution for which the separant does not vanish, or a solution for which the separant does vanish.

Definition 2.3.

Let be an irreducible differential polynomial in . Then

So can be decomposed into a so-called general component and a singular component. By we mean the quotient of the radical generated by and the ideal generated by .

According to Ritt, the general component is a prime differential ideal. So it has a generic zero in some differential extension field, such that (s.t.) a differential polynomial is in if and only if .

Definition 2.4.

Let and be as above. A generic zero of the prime differential ideal is called a general solution of the AODE .

Ritt proves in Reference Rit50, Chapter II, Section 13 that a differential polynomial is in the general component of if and only if can be pseudo-reduced to 0 modulo . So cannot be in the general component, because the pseudo-remainder of modulo is itself, which is not 0. In other words, if is a general solution of , then .

From the point of view of analysis (compare Reference Inc26) we know that the family of solutions of a differential equation of order one depends on an arbitrary constant . So a general solution of Equation 3 must be an element of a transcendental extension field of , expressible in terms of a transcendental element , s.t. . Such a is called an arbitrary constant. For the case of rational general solutions of AODEs of order one, this is stated in Reference NW10, Lemma 3.12.

Example 2.5.

Consider the AODE

A general solution of this AODE is , where is an arbitrary constant. The separant of is and the singular solution of is .

So how can we determine a general solution of an AODE Equation 3? We can implicitly describe a generic zero of the prime differential ideal by the congruence class of in the quotient ring , which is actually an integral domain. Or we could describe the solution by computing a Gröbner basis for , as Hubert does in her paper Reference Hub96 for the case that is of order one. But this is an implicit description of the general solution. In this section we want to describe ways for determining explicit solutions of first-order AODEs.

2.1. Autonomous AODEs of order one

We consider an autonomous AODE over of order one, i.e., a differential equation of the form

where is absolutely irreducible. Once we fix a class of functions in which we want to find solutions, there may or may not be an algorithm for deciding the existence of solutions, and, in the positive case, determining the solutions. The starting point is the work of Feng and Gao Reference FG04Reference FG06 and generalizes either to a bigger class of differential equations or to more general functions where the solutions are sought.

Rational general solutions

This case is considered by R. Feng and X.-S. Gao in Reference FG04Reference FG06, where an algorithm is given for deciding the existence of a rational general solution and, in the positive case, for determining the rational general solution. We describe their approach to this situation.

If equation Equation 4 has a nonconstant rational solution , then , and therefore is a rational parametrization⁠Footnote1 of the corresponding algebraic curve defined by . For the theory of parametric curves we refer to Reference SWPD08. Feng and Gao prove that (see Reference FG06, Theorem 3.7), which implies (for instance by Reference SWPD08, Theorem 4.14) that the parametrization is proper, i.e., it induces a birational map from onto the curve . And this implies that every other proper parametrization can be expressed as , where is a Möbius transformation, i.e., a linear birational map of the form with . Moreover, if Equation 4 has a rational solution, then such a solution can be found with coefficients in (see Reference FG04, Theorem 6).


A pair of rational functions is a rational parametrization of the irreducible curve iff induces a rational mapping from onto . is proper iff the mapping is birational.

So we have an algorithm for deciding whether Equation 4 has a rational solution:


Compute a proper rational parametrization of over , e.g., by the algorithm in Reference SW97. If such a parametrization cannot be found, then there is no rational solution of the differential equation Equation 4.


Compute the coefficients of a Möbius transformation s.t. solves Equation 4. The existence of such a transformation can be decided by a Gröbner basis computation. If such a transformation cannot be found, then there is no rational solution of the differential equation Equation 4.


is a rational solution.

In fact, the existence of such a Möbius transformation as in (b) can be decided by very basic means. Let . If is a constant in , then the desired transformation is . If for and , then the desired transformation is . Otherwise, such a Möbius transformation does not exist.

Once we have found a particular rational solution , then is a rational general solution (see Reference FG06, Lemma 3.1). So we have a decision algorithm for the existence of a rational general solution of an autonomous AODE over of order one.⁠Footnote2


As stated here, the algorithm does not detect the rational general solution for the family of AODEs , where . This is due to the fact that AODEs of this form do not have nontrivial rational solutions. However, this is the only case that requires special treatment.

Example 2.6.

We consider the differential equation , where

defines a cubic curve in of genus zero (see Figure 1), which can be properly parametrized as


we know that has a rational solution, and the required Möbius transformation is

Applying , we get

Therefore, is a rational solution of , and

is a rational general solution of .

Algebraic general solutions

The work of Feng and Gao on rational solutions was extended to algebraic solutions in Reference ACFG05 and further examined in Reference Fal20. In particular, in Reference ACFG05 an algorithm for deciding the existence of an algebraic general solution and, in the positive case, for computing its minimal polynomial is presented. It is worth mentioning that rational functions are particular instances of algebraic functions.

Definition 2.7.

Let be a solution of a differential equation , and let be an irreducible polynomial with . Then is called an algebraic solution (over ).

If equation Equation 4 has a nonconstant algebraic solution with minimal polynomial , then every conjugate root of is a solution of Equation 4. Moreover, all algebraic solutions of Equation 4 are found by a shift of the independent variable. Let us summarize this in the following theorem (see Reference Fal20, Theorem 4.1.22).

Theorem 2.8.

Let be as in Equation 4, and let be an algebraic solution of with minimal polynomial . Then all formal Puiseux series solutions of are algebraic and are given by , where .

Since, by Theorem 2.8, it is equivalent to find any algebraic solution or all of them, we simplify the problem by additionally considering an initial value with and . There exists a unique formal power series solution of Equation 4 fulfilling the initial values . This solution can be easily computed term by term (see Reference Fal20, Proposition 2.1.7).

By using elementary properties on places of the algebraic curve and the Riemann–Hurwitz formula, a degree bound on the minimal polynomial can be derived Reference ACFG05, Theorems 3.4 and 3.8:

Theorem 2.9.

Let be as in Equation 4, and let be the minimal polynomial of an algebraic solution of . Then

The above theorems lead to the following algorithm for computing all algebraic solutions of a given differential equation Equation 4:


Compute sufficiently many terms of a formal power series solution of .


Make an ansatz of unknown coefficients for fulfilling the degree bound from above, and perform coefficient comparison for in order to determine a set of candidates.


Check whether there is an irreducible polynomial implicitly defining a solution of in the set of candidates.


In the negative case, no algebraic solution exists; in the affirmative case, all solutions are given by .

Example 2.10.

Let us consider the differential equation

For the initial value , we obtain the formal power series solution

(see Figure 2). Let . Then leads to the possible choice and the solutions, namely for , are determined by .

Power series solutions

In Reference FS20 formal power series solutions with nonnegative integer exponents of equations of the type Equation 4 are studied. It is shown that every formal power series solution of is convergent. This result is generalized in Reference CFS20 to formal Puiseux series, i.e., formal power series with rational exponents (see Appendix A). The proof is constructive and provides an algorithm to describe all Puiseux series solutions. Let us outline it here in a similar manner as shown above for rational and algebraic solutions. Additionally, let us note that algebraic functions can always be expanded as formal Puiseux series. Hence, these results generalize Reference ACFG05 and the previous two sections.

If equation Equation 4 has a nonconstant formal Puiseux series solution with ramification index equal to , then , and therefore is a local parametrization of the corresponding algebraic curve defined by , called a solution parametrization. For the theory of local parametrizations we refer to Reference Duv89Reference Wal50. By performing order comparison in , the necessary condition

follows. Since reparametrizations are of the same order, a necessary condition on a place is found such that it can contain a solution parametrization. If the place indeed contains a solution parametrization, we may speak about a solution place.

It turns out that condition Equation 5 is already a sufficient condition Reference CFS20, Theorem 10. This can be seen by expanding the reparametrization in order to obtain the equation

which can be solved for formal power series of order one, for example by the Newton polygon method for differential equations Reference Can93. For positive there exist exactly solutions, and after computing the first coefficient of , the next coefficients are uniquely determined. The solutions of corresponding to are now given by .

Theorem 2.11.

Let be as in Equation 4, and let be an irreducible local parametrization of centered at . Then is a solution place if and only if equation Equation 5 holds for an . In the affirmative case, there are many solutions of corresponding to and all of them have ramification index equal to .

The above observations address power series solutions expanded around 0. Since the given differential equation is autonomous, the independent variable can be shifted and solutions expanded around any can be found. Formal power series expanded around infinity are obtained in a similar way as described above, coming from the solutions of the associated differential equation

Equation Equation 7 has either no solution or infinitely many. More precisely, solutions of Equation 7 and, therefore, solutions of expanded around infinity involve an unspecified parameter.

Using results on the convergence of Puiseux expansions (see Reference Duv89), we can show convergence of the solutions. The components of local parametrizations arising from such Puiseux expansions are convergent. Then, also the solutions of Equation 6 and Equation 7 have a positive radius of convergence. This property remains valid for the composition leading to the following result Reference CFS20, Theorem 11.

Theorem 2.12.

Let . Then all formal Puiseux series solutions of , expanded around any finite point or around infinity, are convergent.

The algorithm for computing all local solutions of Equation 4 with given initial data follows from the proof of Theorem 2.11 and is given by the following:


Compute for every curve branch of centered above a local parametrization , e.g., by the algorithm in Reference Duv89.


Check whether the necessary condition Equation 5 is fulfilled for positive .


In the affirmative case, compute all reparametrizations by solving Equation 6.


are the Puiseux series solutions.

Let us emphasize that in Reference Duv89 computational bounds are presented such that all local parametrizations centered above a given are in one-to-one correspondence to a set of truncations. This enables us to represent the Puiseux series solutions as truncated Puiseux series where existence and uniqueness are ensured.

For almost every , there exist many values such that corresponds to a formal power series solution with ramification index equal to 1 and . Curve points where this may not happen are as follows:

Singular curve points and points of ramification with respect to the projection onto the -axis computed by .

Curve points lying on the -axis computed by .

Curve points with second component equal to infinity computed with , where is the leading coefficient of considered as polynomial in .

Such points are called critical curve points. Curve points with first component equal to infinity correspond to solutions of negative order. They can be found by considering the numerator of and the initial value .

The above reasonings enable the representation of all local solutions of Equation 4 as follows:


Compute the critical curve points of . For every other value the solution is represented by .


Compute for every critical curve point the solution truncations with as initial value by the preceding algorithm.


Compute the solutions with negative order by considering the numerator of and as initial value.


Compute the solutions expanded around infinity.

Example 2.13.

Let us continue Example 2.10. For the differential equation , we obtain a generic solution represented by the truncation , where is an arbitrary initial value, and the particular solutions are represented as

where . The solution corresponds to the expansion of at infinity, where , and also to the expansion of the general solution . The solution corresponds to the particular choice .

Example 2.14.

Let us consider

The corresponding algebraic set given by is called the Devil’s curve (see Figure 3) and has the critical curve points , where and .

The local parametrizations centered at are , which do not provide any solution (see equation Equation 5) and the constant is the only solution with as an initial tuple.

A local parametrization at is, for example,

and Equation 5 is fulfilled with . Then equation Equation 6 corresponding to is and has the unique solution


is a solution truncation of . Similarly, we can find solution truncations coming from the other local parametrizations, such as

centered at . Equation Equation 5 is fulfilled with and leads to the Puiseux series solutions

where are the roots of .

For the numerator of , the local parametrizations at the origin, given by , do not fulfill Equation 5 and no solutions with negative order exist.

2.2. Nonautonomous AODEs of order one

Now let us consider AODEs of order one in which the variable might appear explicitly. In particular, we consider an algebraic differential equation over of the form

If we apply the same approach as for autonomous equations, we might take two paths. First, we could associate to the differential equation (Equation 8) the surface in defined by . Every rational solution of the AODE gives rise to a rational curve on parametrized by . Alternatively, we might associate to the AODE (Equation 8) the curve defined by , where we consider this as an equation in and with coefficients in . In this case, a rational solution of the AODE corresponds to a point on . If we can parametrize either the surface or the curve by suitable rational functions, then it is possible to find a rational general solution of the differential equation (Equation 8) by a reparametrization of these rational functions, provided such a solution exists.

In what follows we investigate both approaches and compare them w.r.t. their applicability.

Rational general solutions via surface parametrization

This approach has been pursued by Ngô and Winkler in Reference NW10Reference NW11b. Consider the surface defined by . Assume that is parametrizable by rational functions, and let

be a proper rational parametrization.⁠Footnote3 We call AODEs whose surface is parametrizable in this way surface parametrizable. Observe that by Castelnuovo’s theorem (see, e.g., Reference Zar58), any unirational algebraic surface over is rational. In other words, if has a rational parametrization, then we can find a proper rational parametrization as well. Any rational solution of the AODE (Equation 8) gives rise to a rational solution curve parametrizable by if and only if the space curve is almost contained in , viz. except for finitely many points of . By Reference NW10, Proposition 3.4 and the subsequent remark, we can turn the search for a rational solution of (Equation 8), and in particular for a rational general solution, into the search for a rational solution of a planar rational system. Namely, a surface parametrizable AODE (Equation 8) has a rational solution whose solution curve is parametrizable by if and only if the autonomous system


Similarly to the case of algebraic curves, a triple of rational functions is a rational parametrization of the irreducible surface iff induces a rational mapping from onto such that the Jacobian has rank two. is proper iff the mapping is birational.

has a rational solution, where are given by

We call the system (Equation 9) the associated system of the differential equation (Equation 8) w.r.t. the parametrization . By construction, the associated system is an autonomous system of quasi-linear differential equations of order one. Solution methods for systems of this particular shape have been studied in Reference NW11b, for example. Assume that we have a method for finding rational general solutions of system (Equation 9). In this case, Reference NW10, Theorem 3.15 asserts that we can construct a solution of the differential equation (Equation 8) via a reparametrization of . In particular, if is a rational general solution of the associated system (Equation 9) w.r.t. , then

is a rational general solution of the AODE (Equation 8), where

is a constant. In other words, we translate the solution of the associated system by a constant and substitute this quantity into the parametrization . By construction, for some rational function , cf. Reference NW10, Proposition 3.4. Every parametrization of annihilates the polynomial and so does the reparametrization , i.e., , which means that is a rational solution of the differential equation (Equation 8). Furthermore, if is constructed from a general solution of the associated system, then it is a rational general solution of the original AODE.

Note that proper rational parametrizations of algebraic surfaces are far from being unique, and system (Equation 9) depends on the parametrization being used. However, the existence of a rational general solution is an invariant among the systems obtained in this way. In particular, the success of the method described above does not depend on the proper rational parametrization being used. Furthermore, in the case of rational general solutions, we can assume without loss of generality that the corresponding solution curve is parametrizable by , cf. Reference NW11a, the remarks preceding Theorem 2.1. Consequently, if the differential equation (Equation 8) is surface parametrizable, then it has a rational general solution if and only if its associated system w.r.t. any proper rational parametrization of has such a solution.

We summarize these ideas in the subsequent algorithm for computing rational general solutions of surface parametrizable first-order AODEs:


Given , a surface parametrizable AODE of order one. Compute a proper rational parametrization

of the associated surface , e.g., by using the algorithm in Reference Sch98.


Construct the associated system (Equation 9) w.r.t. and compute a rational general solution of this system. An algorithm for finding such solutions is given in Reference NW11b. If no such solution exists, then the input AODE does not have a rational general solution.


Compute the constant and return

a rational general solution of the input AODE.

Example 2.15.

Let us consider a first-order AODE , where

The zero-locus of defines a rational surface in (see Figure 4) which has the proper rational parametrization

With the aid of this parametization, we are able to reduce the differential equation to the following associated system:

Due to the simplicity of this system, it is clear that a rational general solution is of the form , where and are arbitrary constants. Since the system is autonomous, we can eliminate one of these constants by a suitable translation⁠Footnote4 and use the simpler solution with arbitrary constant . Finally, we compute the constant and obtain . This translated solution of the associated system yields the following rational general solution of the differential equation :


The class of solutions of an autonomous system of differential equations is invariant under translation by a constant. In the present case, the shift is used to eliminate the second arbitrary constant from the solution.

Rational general solutions via curve parametrization

Another approach for computing rational general solutions of first-order AODEs has been investigated by Vo, Grasegger, and Winkler in Reference VGW18. Instead of viewing as the defining equation of a surface in three-dimensional affine space over , we consider the curve defined by the zero-locus of , where the latter is considered as a polynomial in and with coefficients from the rational function field . We assume that the curve is parametrizable by rational functions, analogous to the previous approach, but with coefficients from this rational function field. Let

be a proper rational parametrization of . A first-order AODE is called curve parametrizable if its curve has a parametrization of the antecedent form. Notice the requirement on the coefficients of the parametrization: If we would allow coefficients in an algebraic extension of —as is typically required for parametrizing curves defined over a nonalgebraically closed field—then we might not get a rational solution after a reparametrization of . The requirements on the parametrization, however, do not impose restrictions in addition to the unirationality of . By Lüroth’s theorem and Reference VGW18, Theorem 4.3, unirationality of implies the existence of a proper rational parametrization of this particular form.

Given a rational solution of the differential equation (Equation 8), we see that the pair describes a point on the curve . Since is a rational parametrization, at most finitely many points of cannot be covered by , i.e., is finite. However, we cannot miss a rational general solution as such can be seen as an infinite family of rational solutions. By Reference VGW18, Lemma 5.2, the search for a rational general solution of (Equation 8) can be reduced to the search for a rational general solution of a single quasi-linear ODE of order one. Namely, the curve parametrizable AODE (Equation 8) has a rational general solution if and only if

has a rational general solution. We call the quasi-linear ODE (Equation 10) the associated differential equation of the AODE (Equation 8) w.r.t. the parametrization . Any rational general solution of the associated differential equation gives rise to

a rational general solution of the AODE (Equation 8) by Reference VGW18, Theorem 5.3.

We see that the computation of a rational general solution is reduced to a reparametrization of . By construction, for some rational function and, by a similar reasoning as in the preceding section, yields a rational general solution of the differential equation (Equation 8). Notice that the associated differential equation depends again on the chosen parametrization—which is not unique.

It is known that equation (Equation 10) cannot have a rational general solution if it is neither a linear differential equation nor a Riccati equation. Computing rational general solutions of linear differential equations is easily done via integration. For Riccati equations, Kovacic Reference Kov86 describes an algorithm for finding all rational solutions of such an equation. Chen and Ma Reference CM05 later modified this method to look for rational general solutions only. Therefore, the existence of a rational general solution of the associated differential equation (Equation 10) can be decided, and such solutions are computable.

We summarize these steps in the subsequent algorithm for computing rational general solutions of curve parametrizable AODEs:


Given , a curve parametrizable AODE of order one, compute a proper rational parametrization

of the associated curve , e.g., by using Reference VGW18, Algorithm 1.


Construct the associated differential equation (Equation 10) w.r.t. . If this is neither a linear differential equation nor a Riccati equation, then the input AODE does not have a rational general solution.


Find a rational general solution of the associated differential equation. If no such solution exists, then the input AODE does not have a rational general solution.


Return , a rational general solution of the input AODE.

Example 2.16.

Consider again the first-order AODE from Example 2.15. The curve defined by the zero-locus of , considered as a polynomial in and with coefficients in , has the proper rational parametrization

By utilizing this parametrization, the differential equation can be reduced to the following associated differential equation:

This associated differential equation is a Riccati equation and has the rational general solution , where is an arbitrary constant. From the solution we obtain that

is a rational general solution of the differential equation . Substitution of by in results in the same solution as in Example 2.15.

Comparison of the previous approaches

In the case of autonomous first-order AODEs, a rational general solution is constructed by translating a nontrivial rational solution by an arbitrary constant; cf. Section 2.1. As it turns out, adjoining a single arbitrary constant to the coefficient field is the only extension needed for constructing a rational general solution of an autonomous first-order AODEs, granted that such a quantity exists. Solutions of this particularly simple form are of major interest in the rest of this section and warrant a special name. Let be a general solution of a (not necessarily autonomous) first-order AODE. If , where is an arbitrary constant, then we call a strong rational general solution Reference VGW18.

A simple extension by an arbitrary constant is, in general, no longer sufficient in the general (nonautonomous) case: there exist first-order AODEs which have a rational general solution, but not a strong rational general solution.

Example 2.17.

The subsequent AODE can be found in Reference MW22, Example 4.4:

A rational general solution is given by , which is not strong since the arbitrary constant does not appear purely rationally. Furthermore, it can be shown that there does not exist a strong rational general solution of the above AODE.

The previously introduced algorithms for computing rational general solutions of AODEs of order one require that the associated curve and surface are parametrizable. However, not all first-order AODEs are parametrizable as a curve or as a surface. The antecedent example describes such an AODE which is not solvable by either approach since it cannot be parametrized. Naturally, this leads to the question of whether there is a specific class of AODEs which can be solved by either of the algorithms introduced. For this we introduce the following notation: Let denote the class of all first-order AODEs, and let and be the subclass of curve parametrizable and surface parametrizable AODEs, respectively. By we denote the class of AODEs of order one which have a rational general solution and stands for the subclass which have a strong rational general solution.

It is known that every first-order AODE which has a strong rational general solution is curve parametrizable. Conversely, if an AODE of order one has a rational general solution and is curve parametrizable, then it has a strong rational general solution Reference VGW18, Theorem 5.4(i) and Corollary 5.5. In other words, .

Every curve parametrizable first-order AODE is surface parametrizable in a natural way: Let be a proper rational parametrization of the associated curve, where we indicate the dependency on the independent variable in the components of . By interpreting as an additional parameter, can be turned into the surface parametrization . Furthermore, properness of implies that is proper as a surface parametrization Reference MW22, Theorem 4.1(I). On the other hand, there exist surface parametrizable AODEs which cannot be parametrized as a curve.

Example 2.18.

The first-order AODE can be parametrized as a surface by . However, the associated curve of this AODE is not rational and cannot be parametrized. This AODE does not have a rational general solution; cf. Reference MW22, Example 4.1.

Recall that the algorithm via curve parametrization cannot solve AODEs outside the class . One might expect that, given that is a strict superclass of , the algorithm via surface parametrization can solve AODEs beyond those that possess a strong rational general solution. As it turns out, this is not the case. If an AODE is surface parametrizable and has a rational general solution, then it has a strong rational general solution Reference MW22, Theorem 4.3(II). Therefore, , and we see that first-order AODEs which are surface parametrizable but not curve parametrizable cannot have a rational general solution.

Finally, let be a proper rational parametrization of the associated curve of a first-order AODE, and let be the corresponding surface parametrization. In this case, it can be shown that the associated system w.r.t. actually reduces to the associated differential equation w.r.t. ; cf. Reference MW22, Section 4.2. In other words, for a common rational parametrization the methods via curve parametrization and surface parametrization actually have to solve the same associated equation(s). We illustrate this by an example.

Example 2.19.

Consider the subsequent AODE:

Its associated curve is rational and has the proper parametrization . The associated differential equation w.r.t. is

and has the rational general solution . From this we obtain the rational general solution of the AODE (Equation 11). Alternatively, from we obtain the proper rational parametrization of the associated surface. The associated system w.r.t. is

The first equation has the trivial solution , and substituting this into the second equation shows that the associated system reduces to the associated differential equation (Equation 12). A rational general solution of the associated system is given by which yields the solution of the AODE (Equation 11).

Since both methods compute solutions in the same solution class, it is natural to ask if one approach is to be preferred over the other. In general, the method via curve parametrization provides a complete decision algorithm, while the surface parametization method can do so only in the generic case. If the corresponding surface of the differential equation is of a special geometric shape, however, then it is worthwhile to follow the method via surface parametrization. In this case, the parametrization can be deduced easily and some results on the solvability of the associated planar system exist; cf. Ngô, Sendra, and Winkler Reference NSW12b, Sections 4 and 5.

Algebraic general solutions

Aroca et al. Reference ACFG05 presented a polynomial time algorithm for computing algebraic general solutions of autonomous AODEs . Vo and Winkler (in Reference VW15) adapted the algebro-geometric method in order to compute algebraic general solutions of nonautonomous parametrizable AODEs . But in the absence of a degree bound for such algebraic solutions, a bound for the algebraic extension degree must be specified.

As in the previous development, via a proper rational parametrization

of the corresponding surface , one reduces the problem of solving to an associated planar rational system of the form

where and are rational functions in and ; compare (Equation 9). If the surface parametrizable AODE has an algebraic general solution, then its associated system w.r.t. a proper rational parametrization has a rational first integral; i.e., a nonconstant rational function such that ; cf. Reference VW15, Proposition 3. Furthermore, by Reference VW15, Corollary 1, if is a rational first integral in reduced form of the associated system and is an algebraic general solution, then is an algebraic general solution of the autonomous first-order AODE , where

analogously for . Theorem 2 in Reference VW15 states that if is an algebraic general solution of the associated system, then

is an algebraic general solution of the original AODE.

As in Reference ACFG05, we need to bound the degree of the desired algebraic solution. Theorem 5 in Reference VW15 states that if has an algebraic solution with minimal polynomial of degree less than or equal to , then the associated system has a rational first integral of degree ; an explicit formula for is given. So we can decide the existence of an algebraic solution having extension degree less than or equal to .

Example 2.20 (from Reference VW15).

Consider the differential equation

The solution surface of the differential equation is rational and has the proper rational parametrization

The associated system with respect to is

If we look for an algebraic general solution of degree at most , we need to find a rational first integral of degree at most of the associated system. In this case, the associated system has the rational first integral . Thus it has an algebraic solution , where is a root of the algebraic equation . So, by Reference VW15, Theorem 2, we see that

is an algebraic general solution of the differential equation.

3. Systems of autonomous AODEs of dimension one

In Section 2 we have seen how to deal with the rational solutions and the formal Puiseux series solutions of an autonomous AODE by analyzing the associated curve of the given differential equation. In this section we show how to extend these results to the case of systems of AODEs in one differential indeterminate. For this propose, the key property is that the dimension of the associated geometric object has dimension one. In Section 3.1 we treat the case of rational solutions, and in Section 3.2 we focus on the case of formal Puiseux series solutions. The results and ideas presented in this section are essentially based on Reference LSNW15 for the case of rational solutions and on Reference CFS21 for the case of formal Puiseux series solutions. Recently, these results were extended to systems involving several differential indeterminates Reference CFRS21.

Throughout this section, we will work with the ground field of rational numbers and with its algebraic closure . In addition, we consider finitely many polynomials

where is a finite subset. Associated to , we consider the autonomous algebraic system of ordinary differential equations

where is an indeterminate over a differential extension field of , and denotes the differentiation w.r.t. . We impose on the following two hypotheses:


The algebraic variety defined by , in the affine space , has dimension one, not necessarily pure; note that this dimension is the algebro-geometric one and not the usual concept of dimension in differential algebra. This hypothesis will allow us to connect to the theory in Section 2. We denote by this one-dimensional variety.


For all , there exists such that or, equivalently, none of the equations in is purely algebraic.

For finding solutions of , we will present two different approaches:

project the system, compute solution candidates, and check whether they are indeed solutions;

derive a simplified system of differential equations with the same solution set as , where solutions can be found directly.

The first approach is used for rational solutions. The projection can be applied either to the parametrization, as is done here, or to the rational solution, see Reference LSNW15, Section 5. This approach works if the parametrizations and solutions are described in a closed form. Thus, for finding formal Puiseux series solutions, we have to simplify first by (differential) elimination methods. As we will show in the examples, for computing rational solutions, this approach could be used as well.

3.1. Rational solutions

In this section, we analyze the existence, and actual computation, of rational solutions of . We start by observing that if is a nonconstant rational solution of , then , where is transcendental over , is a rational general solution (see Reference LSNW15, Theorem 2.3). Therefore, for our purposes, it is enough to find one nonconstant rational solution. But first, we deduce some necessary conditions for the existence of such solutions. If there exists a nonconstant rational solution of the system , then is a parametrization of . Thus, has to be a rational curve. Furthermore, is proper (see Reference LSNW15, Corollary 2.2). Since all proper parametrizations of a curve are related by the composition with a Möbius transformation, the properness of implies that all proper parametrizations of must have, as first component, a nonconstant rational function. See also Reference LSNW15, Corollary 2.4 for the analysis of polynomial solutions. In addition to the above conditions, in Reference LSNW15, Section 3 the notion of partial degree of a space curve is introduced, and from there new sufficient conditions are derived (see Reference LSNW15, Theorem 4.1).

Now, let us say that satisfies the minimal sufficient conditions mentioned above: let be rational, and let

be a proper parametrization of the space curve , where is not constant. Then, the following theorem shows how to proceed in order to decide, and compute, the nonconstant rational solutions of .

Theorem 3.1 (Reference LSNW15, Theorem 4.2).

Let be as in Equation 16. The following assertions are equivalent:


admits a nonconstant rational solution.


There exist , such that either


for every , …, , or


for every , …, .

Moreover, if one of these equivalent statements holds, then (if holds) and (if holds) is a nonconstant rational solution of .

Clearly, Theorem 3.1 provides an algorithm for our purposes. In Reference LSNW15 a second computational approach, based on a suitable projection of over a plane curve, is discussed. Moreover, in Reference LSNW15 one can also find a detailed analysis on the optimality of the required field to express the coefficients of the rational general solution of . In the following, we illustrate these ideas by an example.

Example 3.2.

We consider the set , where

The autonomous system is obtained by the substitution for , …, . The genus of the associated curve is zero, and can be properly parametrized as

Condition (2.1) in Theorem 3.1 does not hold. Nevertheless, condition (2.2) holds with

So taking

we get that

is a nonconstant rational solution of . Therefore, the rational general solution of is

3.2. Formal power series solutions

In this section, we generalize the previous section to formal Puiseux series. More precisely, existence, uniqueness and convergence of formal Puiseux series solutions of as in Equation 15 are covered. In contrast to Section 3.1, we first simplify the given system and then apply the results from Section 2.1.

By using algebraic decomposition methods such as regular chains Reference Kal93, can be decomposed into a finite union of subsystems with the same set of regular zeros. In our case it turns out that regular zeros are the nonconstant Puiseux series solutions. The are of the form

with and for every . By using differential elimination methods (see Reference Rit50), we can further simplify to obtain a single differential equation of order one, namely an equation of the type

such that . We call the reduced differential equation of .

Theorem 3.3 (Reference CFS21, Theorem 3).

Let be a differential system as in Equation 15. Then there are reduced differential equations , …, such that the union of the nonconstant Puiseux series solutions is equal to the solution set of .

Note that the cases and are not excluded and are indeed possible. If this happens, there are no or only constant solutions, respectively, and the subsystem and its reduced differential equation can be neglected.

Hence, in order to find all nonconstant solutions (rational, algebraic, or formal Puiseux series solutions) of , we can analyze the reduced differential equations of the subsystems of . In particular, the convergence of the formal Puiseux series solutions and the computational bounds from Section 2.1 remain true Reference CFS21, Theorems 4 and 6. Let us highlight the result on convergence:

Theorem 3.4.

Let be a differential system as in Equation 15. Every formal Puiseux series solution of , expanded around any finite point or around infinity, is convergent.

From the reduced differential equations, all Puiseux series solutions and algebraic solutions can be computed. For the Puiseux series the representation of the solutions is done by a set of truncations such that they are in one-to-one correspondence with the series. Algebraic solutions are represented by their minimal polynomials.

Example 3.5.

Let us continue Example 3.2 and apply the reduction process to the system . The regular chain decomposition of consists of the single subsystem

By differential elimination, we obtain that are consequences of and the reduced differential equation is

(see Figure 5). Using the results from Section 2.1 on rational general solutions,

can be deduced. The local solutions are given by the generic solution

and the solutions at the critical points by

By plugging the constant solutions of into , it can be checked that they are not solutions. The generic solution corresponds to the expansion of the rational general solution with . The solution is covered by for . The other particular solutions at the critical points are not covered by and, hence, do not correspond to rational solutions.

4. Transformations of AODEs

As we have seen in the previous sections, in order to solve an AODE or a system of AODEs, we associate an algebraic variety, and from its properties we derive, if possible, the solutions belonging to some class of functions as the rational functions. On the other hand, in the study of algebraic varieties, birational transformations play an important role since they preserve the essential information of the geometric object. So, the natural question arises: how do these transformations affect the differential equation or a system of differential equations? In this section we study the subset, indeed a group, of these transformations that preserve the rational solvability of the differential equation establishing a direct connection on the sets of rational solutions of the given AODE and its transformation. The ideas and results presented here have been elaborated in Reference NSW12b, Reference NSW15; see also Reference NH20.

In this situation, we introduce the set

where is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Moreover, for , we denote by the hypersuface defined by in . Note that in Section 2.2, where is of order one, i.e., , we have introduced the surface that, with the notation here, is . Similarly, in Section 2.1, if is autonomous, we have associated to the differential equation a plane algebraic curve that, in fact, can be seen as a cylinder in .

Additionally, we also introduce the set

4.1. Affine linear transformations

We start by analyzing the case of affine linear transformations. We describe the theory for first-order AODEs, but it can be easily extended to other orders, as we show in Section 4.2. We consider the group of all affine linear transformations of

where is a nonsingular matrix over and is a matrix over . By abuse of notation, we will also denote by the natural extension of the map to .

We represent , given as in Equation 21, as the pair of matrices . In this situation, we introduce the set

Note that is a subgroup of .

defines a left group action on each of the sets and and, in consequence, the corresponding orbits induce a partition of and , respectively. More precisely, given (similarly for ), the equivalence relation is defined as if and only there exists such that .

The important fact is that the solvability (in particular, the rational solvability) is invariant within the equivalent classes: if , with and , and is a solution of and , then is a solution of .

Moreover, in Reference NSW12b, Theorem 3.1 it is shown that, in the classes induced in , the associated system (see Equation 9) is preserved. We refer the reader to Reference NSW12b for a detailed analysis of associated systems for different types of elements in .

Let us illustrate these ideas by means of an example.

Example 4.1.

We consider the differential equation , where

First we check whether there exists an autonomous AODE in the equivalence class of . For this purpose, we compute for generic, we collect the coefficients of in , and we analyze the existence of solutions of the algebraic system of equations, in the parameters that define , corresponding to . In this case, one gets that by taking

is autonomous. Indeed

Applying the ideas in Section 2.1 (see Example 2.6), one gets that

is a rational general solution of . Now,


is a rational general solution of the initial equation .

4.2. Birational transformations

In this section we treat a more general case. On one hand, we consider AODEs of order , and, on the other, we extend the analysis to birational transformations. For this purpose, let denote the set of all birational transformations of . In the following we introduce a subgroup of that will preserve the information of the differential equation. First, we consider the Möbius transformations of , that is, rational functions of the form

where and . Let consist in the set of all Möbius transformations of . Then, for every , we consider the rational map defined as


and we define the set of transformations as

In Reference NSW15, Proposition 2.1 it is proved that is a subgroup of . Similarly, as in Section 4.1, this group generates a left group action on , and on , that induces an equivalence relation. Namely, if , similarly if , then and are related if there exists such that . In this situation, in Reference NSW15, Theorem 3.1, it is stated that the existence of rational solutions is an invariant property within each equivalence class. Moreover, in Reference NSW15, Theorem 3.2, it is proved that the associated system for all elements in a class, given by an equation in , are related. Also, let us mention that Reference NSW15, Theorem 3.3 shows how to determine the transformed equation, via an element in , of an element in .

Similarly as in Section 4.1, the equivalence class of a nonautonomous equation could contain an autonomous equation, and hence it might be possible to simplify the process of solving the first given equation. Nevertheless, differently from what happened in Section 4.1, here it is still an open problem to derive a complete algorithm for this task. Some special situation can be treated as explained in Reference NSW12a. Let us briefly give some hints here. First of all, we say that an AODE is normal if the leading coefficient of w.r.t. belongs to ; note that all first-order AODEs are normal. In this situation, the following result holds (see Reference NSW12a, Theorem 4.1).

Theorem 4.2.

Let be an th-order normal differential equation, and let be the leading coefficient of w.r.t. .


If has a nonlinear irreducible factor over , then no element in the equivalence class of is autonomous.


If and are two different linear factors of over , then the possible transformations , such that is autonomous, are defined by

In this case, if none of these functions, for every pair of linear factors, transforms into an autonomous AODE, then there is no autonomous AODE in the equivalence class of .

Let us finish this section illustrating the previous ideas by an example.

Example 4.3.

We consider the second-order AODE , where

Its defining polynomial has leading coefficient (w.r.t. )

that factors as

Therefore, according to Theorem 4.2, the possible are those such that

Taking the first option, i.e., , we get that (see Reference NSW15, Theorem 3.3)

The primitive part w.r.t. of the numerator of the above rational function is

Hence, the autonomous AODE

belongs to the equivalence class of the nonautonomous AODE . The equation has the solution

Thus, taking into account Reference NSW15, Remark 2.1,

is a solution of the original AODE .

5. Software

In this section, we present the structure and content of the software packages AGADE and FirstOrderSolve. These packages are developed for the popular computer algebra system Maple and consist of the algorithmic methods introduced in Section 2.

5.1. The Maple package AGADE

The package AGADE (Algebro-Geometric methods for solving Algebraic Differential Equations) implements several algebro-geometric methods for computing rational general solutions of first-order AODEs. The package can be obtained via the website Download the library AGADE.mla from the online repository and make sure that Maple can find this file in its library path. Afterward, the package is loaded via:

> with(AGADE);
[RGSautonomousFOAODE, RGScurveParametrizableFOAODE, RGSplanarRationalSystem, RGSsurfaceParametrizableFOAODE]

where the abbreviations RGS and FOAODE stand for rational general solution and first-order AODE, respectively. These four commands perform the following tasks:

RGSautonomousFOAODE: an implementation of the algorithm from Section 2.1 for computing rational general solutions of autonomous first-order AODEs.

RGScurveParametrizableFOAODE: implements the algorithm for computing rational general solutions of first-order AODEs via curve parametrization, cf. Section 2.2.

RGSsurfaceParametrizableFOAODE: an implementation of the algorithm from Section 2.2 for computing rational general solutions of first-order AODEs via surface parametrization.

RGSplanarRationalSystem: computes a rational general solution of a planar rational system. This is the preferred method for finding solutions of the associated planar system for the surface parametrization approach (see Reference NW11b, Algorithm RATSOLVE).

All methods, except for the last,⁠Footnote5 take as input a first-order AODE , where ,⁠Footnote6 and two symbols and denoting the dependent and the independent variable of the differential equation, respectively. For example, consider the autonomous first-order AODE from Section 2.1. We wish to compute a rational general solution with the method for autonomous AODEs. This can be accomplished using the subsequent commands:


The method RGSplanarRationalSystem takes as input the planar rational system in the form of a list of equations, symbols denoting the two dependent variables and the independent variable, and a degree bound for the rational first integrals of the system.


Note that must be an element of if the first method is used.

> F := 20*y(x)^3 + y(x)^2 + 20*y(x)*diff(y(x), x) - 25*diff(y(x), x)^2 + diff(y(x), x);
3 2 /d \ /d \2 /d \
F := 20 y(x) + y(x) + 20 y(x) |-- y(x)| - 25 |-- y(x)| + |-- y(x)|
\dx / \dx / \dx /

> RGSautonomousFOAODE(F=0, y, x);
25 _C1 + 25 x + 120
(5 x + 5 _C1 - 1)

All commands support additional arguments which can be used to pass specific parametrizations to the algorithms or to determine information about the used parametrization and the constructed associated equations. A complete specification can be found in Mitteramskogler Reference Mit21.

Finally, consider the AODE . We want to solve this differential equation with the method via curve parametrization and determine the used parametrization⁠Footnote7 and the constructed associated differential equation. For this, we pass the additional argument extendedOutput=true:


The third argument of the output parametrization is a symbol, denoting the name of the parameter.

> F := x^2*diff(y(x), x)^2 - 2*x*y(x)*diff(y(x), x) - 5*diff(y(x), x)^2 - x^2;
2 /d \2 /d \ /d \2 2
F := x |-- y(x)| - 2 x y(x) |-- y(x)| - 5 |-- y(x)| - x
\dx / \dx / \dx /

> output := RGScurveParametrizableFOAODE(F=0, y, x, extendedOutput=true):
> output:-Solution;
2 2
-1 + (x - 5) _C1
2 _C1

> output:-Parametrization;
2 2 2 2
T x - 5 T - x
[-----------------, T, T]
2 x T

> output:-AssocQuasilinEquation;
d T(x)
-- T(x) = ----
dx x

Additional examples of how to use the package AGADE can be found in the online demo file

5.2. The Maple package FirstOrderSolve

The Maple package FirstOrderSolve contains several procedures that implement algorithms for computing algebraic and (formal) Puiseux series solutions of first-order autonomous AODEs (cf. Section 2.1). The package is available at the online repository Detailed information on the commands can be found in the included help or in Reference BCFS21.

After downloading the library, the package is initialized by the command

> with(FirstOrderSolve);
[AlgebraicSolution, GenericSolutionTruncation, ProlongSolutionTruncation, SolutionTruncations]

These main procedures perform the following tasks:

SolutionTruncations: for computing all formal Puiseux series solutions, expanded around zero and around infinity;

AlgebraicSolution: for computing the minimal polynomials of the algebraic solutions;

GenericSolutionTruncation: for computing a truncation of the solutions with noncritical initial values;

ProlongSolutionTruncation: for prolonging the solution truncations up to a higher degree.

For every command a differential polynomial is required as input. In case a specific precision of the Puiseux series solutions (the degree of its truncations) is desired, this number has to be given as input. Otherwise, this value will be chosen minimally such that the output truncations are distinct and the truncations are in one-to-one correspondence with the solutions. A specific initial value for the solutions is optional. There are several more options available such as avoiding factorization of and omitting solutions of a specific type, for example Puiseux series solutions expanded around infinity.

Let us demonstrate the package for Examples 2.10 and 2.14.

> F := y(x)^4 + 3*diff(y(x), x);
F := y(x)^4 + 3*diff(y(x), x)

> AlgebraicSolution(F);
{x*y^3 + y^3 - 1}

> SolutionTruncations(F);
[{[_CC - 1/3*_CC^4*x, {}]}, {0, RootOf(_Z^3 - 1)^2/x^(1/3)}, {RootOf(_Z^3 - 1)/x^(1/3) + _CC/x^(4/3)}]

The first output covers the algebraic solutions given by the shift in the output minimal polynomial. The generic solution and the two additional power series solutions correspond to particular initial values and expansion points (cf. Example 2.13).

For the second example we first compute the generic solution. Then, we use the optional argument for computing the Puiseux series solutions at two exceptional initial values, namely and , where .

> G := diff(y(x), x)^4 - diff(y(x), x)^2 - y(x)^4 + 4*y(x)^2/9;
G := diff(y(x), x)^4 - diff(y(x), x)^2 - y(x)^4 + (4*y(x)^2)/9

> GenericSolutionTruncation(G, 1);
{[_CC + RootOf(-9*_CC^4 + 9*_Z^4 + 4*_CC^2 - 9*_Z^2)*x, {0, -2/3, RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9), 2/3}]}

> SolutionTruncations(G, iv=0);
{0, x, -x}

> SolutionTruncations(G, iv=RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9));
{RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9) + RootOf(2*_Z^2 - 1)*x + ((4*RootOf(65*_Z^2 + 144*RootOf(2*_Z^2 - 1)*RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9)^3 + 98*RootOf(2*_Z^2 - 1)*RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9))*RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9)^3)/3 - (8*RootOf(65*_Z^2 + 144*RootOf(2*_Z^2 - 1)*RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9)^3 + 98*RootOf(2*_Z^2 - 1)*RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9))*RootOf(36*_Z^4 - 16*_Z^2 + 9))/27)*x^(3/2)}

6. Conclusion and outlook

We have presented the algebro-geometric method for explicitly solving algebraic ordinary differential equations of order one. The central feature of this method consists of associating to the given differential equation an algebraic set, parametrizing this algebraic set, and then transferring this parametrization—if possible—to a solution of the differential equation. Different classes of solution formulas have been considered, such as rational, algebraic, and formal Puiseux series solutions. For some of these solution classes we have given decision procedures. Algebro-geometric transformations may lead to formulations which are advantageous for solving; we have dealt with affine and birational transformations. And finally we have briefly described two Maple packages implementing some of these approaches.

This new symbolic approach to solving algebraic differential equations might open a door to a wide landscape of differential problems. Higher-order equations need a closer analysis of the associated algebraic set. The case of partial differential equations needs to be investigated in the future.

Another possibility for further research is to study necessary field extensions in every step of the computations and restrict to real solutions only. In this way, also the presented algorithms might be adapted and optimized.

Appendix A. Formal power series

Here we recall some classical terminology from Reference Wal50. Let be a field of characteristic zero. The main algebraic structures used in this paper are listed in Table 1. Formal power series are infinite sums that can be manipulated with the usual algebraic operations on series (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, differentiation, etc.). Formal Puiseux series are a special type of formal power series. When expanded around zero, formal Puiseux series with coefficients in are of the form

Formal Puiseux series expanded around infinity are of the form

Here , , and . In case that , we may also speak about formal Laurent series.

With the change of variables , where , a formal Puiseux series can be expanded around any (finite) point instead of 0. With the change of variables , the series can be expanded around infinity.

Let us recall the relations , , , , and

It is well known that is the fraction field of and that

For algebraically closed , is the algebraic closure of . The minimal natural number such that is called the ramification index of . Note that the ramification index of formal Puiseux series with integer exponents and formal Laurent series is equal to one. The order of the series is defined as the least index with nonzero coefficient .

Algebraic Puiseux series are formal Puiseux series which are the root of a nontrivial polynomial , i.e., . Algebraic Puiseux series with coefficients in have a positive radius of convergence. Since not every formal power series with nonnegative integer exponents is algebraic, the inclusion is strict.

The composition of formal Puiseux series is well defined and again a formal Puiseux series as long as . If both series and have positive radius of convergence, then also the composition is convergent as Puiseux series.

Appendix B. Local parametrizations

Let define a plane algebraic curve in , where is algebraically closed. A local parametrization centered at is a pair of formal Laurent series such that and . In the set of all local parametrizations of , we introduce the equivalence relation by defining if and only if there exists a formal power series of order one such that . A local parametrization is said to be reducible if it is equivalent to another one in for some . Otherwise, it is called irreducible. An equivalence class of an irreducible local parametrization is called a place of centered at the common center point and is denoted by . Observe that the components of the local parametrizations in the same place have the same order.

In the case of finite , the local parametrizations are obtained from the formal Puiseux series , expanded around , by solving

Since is algebraically closed, there are many such Puiseux expansions. If is the ramification index of , then are local parametrizations of and are local parametrizations of the original curve centered at the with possibly distinct . Such local parametrizations are called classical Puiseux parametrizations centered above and they are unique up to the substitution . The case can be treated by suitable change of coordinates. In algebraic geometry one would consider . However, in the algebro-geometric approach presented in this paper, the polynomial also defines a differential equation such that has to be considered in order to keep the differential relation.


We thank the anonymous referee for helping us to improve the presentation of this paper.

About the authors

Sebastian Falkensteiner is a postdoctoral university assistant at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. His research is mainly focused on differential algebra and applications of algebraic geometry.

Johann Mitteramskogler is a doctoral student at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, working in computational algebraic geometry and differential algebra. He is particularly interested in the application of symbolic computational methods for studying ODEs.

J. Rafael Sendra is professor in applied mathematics at the University of Alcalá, Spain. His main research interests include symbolic computation and its applications, approximate algebraic methods, symbolic linear algebra, effective algorithms in real and complex algebraic geometry, theory and algorithms for curves and surfaces, and applications to computer aided geometric design and algebraic differential equations.

Franz Winkler is a retired professor of mathematics at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. Throughout his scientific career he has worked on problems in computer algebra and symbolic computation, such as elimination theory, geometric theorem proving, parametrization of algebraic curves, and differential algebra.


Table 1.

Notation for basic algebraic structures.

algebraic closure of
ring of polynomials
field of rational functions
ring of formal power series with exponents in
field of formal Laurent series
field of algebraic Puiseux series
field of formal Puiseux series
ring of differential polynomials
Figure 1.

The real part of the cubic curve defined by the AODE of Example 2.6. Note that the point at is an isolated singularity of the curve.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 2.

The real part of the curve defined by the AODE of Example 2.10. The highlighted point at denotes the initial value of the used formal power series solution.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 3.

The real part of the Devil’s curve from Example 2.14. The highlighted points denote the critical curve points.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 4.

The real part of the surface defined by the AODE of Example 2.15. The highlighted curves on the surface correspond to the space curves generated by particular rational solutions. These particular solutions are obtained from the general solution by setting the arbitrary constant to values from the real interval .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 5.

The real part of the plane curve , obtained from the reduced differential equation of Example 3.5. The highlighted points denote the critical curve points.

Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1)
Equation (2)
Definition 2.1.

Let be a differential polynomial in . This polynomial generates an AODE over of the form

If does not explicitly depend on , we have an autonomous AODE of the form

This differential equation is called the AODE defined by , and is called the defining polynomial of the differential equation 3. If the degree of in is positive, we call the order of the AODE. If is a differential polynomial of positive order , then the separant of , denoted by , is the partial derivative of with respect to (w.r.t.) .

Equation (4)
Example 2.6.

We consider the differential equation , where

defines a cubic curve in of genus zero (see Figure 1), which can be properly parametrized as


we know that has a rational solution, and the required Möbius transformation is

Applying , we get

Therefore, is a rational solution of , and

is a rational general solution of .

Theorem 2.8.

Let be as in Equation 4, and let be an algebraic solution of with minimal polynomial . Then all formal Puiseux series solutions of are algebraic and are given by , where .

Example 2.10.

Let us consider the differential equation

For the initial value , we obtain the formal power series solution

(see Figure 2). Let . Then leads to the possible choice and the solutions, namely for , are determined by .

Equation (5)
Equation (6)
Theorem 2.11.

Let be as in Equation 4, and let be an irreducible local parametrization of centered at . Then is a solution place if and only if equation Equation 5 holds for an . In the affirmative case, there are many solutions of corresponding to and all of them have ramification index equal to .

Equation (7)
Example 2.13.

Let us continue Example 2.10. For the differential equation , we obtain a generic solution represented by the truncation , where is an arbitrary initial value, and the particular solutions are represented as

where . The solution corresponds to the expansion of at infinity, where , and also to the expansion of the general solution . The solution corresponds to the particular choice .

Example 2.14.

Let us consider

The corresponding algebraic set given by is called the Devil’s curve (see Figure 3) and has the critical curve points , where and .

The local parametrizations centered at are , which do not provide any solution (see equation Equation 5) and the constant is the only solution with as an initial tuple.

A local parametrization at is, for example,

and Equation 5 is fulfilled with . Then equation Equation 6 corresponding to is and has the unique solution


is a solution truncation of . Similarly, we can find solution truncations coming from the other local parametrizations, such as

centered at . Equation Equation 5 is fulfilled with and leads to the Puiseux series solutions

where are the roots of .

For the numerator of , the local parametrizations at the origin, given by , do not fulfill Equation 5 and no solutions with negative order exist.

Equation (8)
Equation (9)
Example 2.15.

Let us consider a first-order AODE , where

The zero-locus of defines a rational surface in (see Figure 4) which has the proper rational parametrization

With the aid of this parametization, we are able to reduce the differential equation to the following associated system:

Due to the simplicity of this system, it is clear that a rational general solution is of the form , where and are arbitrary constants. Since the system is autonomous, we can eliminate one of these constants by a suitable translation⁠Footnote4 and use the simpler solution with arbitrary constant . Finally, we compute the constant and obtain . This translated solution of the associated system yields the following rational general solution of the differential equation :


The class of solutions of an autonomous system of differential equations is invariant under translation by a constant. In the present case, the shift is used to eliminate the second arbitrary constant from the solution.

Equation (10)
Example 2.19.

Consider the subsequent AODE:

Its associated curve is rational and has the proper parametrization . The associated differential equation w.r.t. is

and has the rational general solution . From this we obtain the rational general solution of the AODE (11). Alternatively, from we obtain the proper rational parametrization of the associated surface. The associated system w.r.t. is

The first equation has the trivial solution , and substituting this into the second equation shows that the associated system reduces to the associated differential equation (12). A rational general solution of the associated system is given by which yields the solution of the AODE (11).

Equation (15)
Equation (16)
Theorem 3.1 (Reference LSNW15, Theorem 4.2).

Let be as in Equation 16. The following assertions are equivalent:


admits a nonconstant rational solution.


There exist , such that either


for every , …, , or


for every , …, .

Moreover, if one of these equivalent statements holds, then (if holds) and (if holds) is a nonconstant rational solution of .

Example 3.2.

We consider the set , where

The autonomous system is obtained by the substitution for , …, . The genus of the associated curve is zero, and can be properly parametrized as

Condition (2.1) in Theorem 3.1 does not hold. Nevertheless, condition (2.2) holds with

So taking

we get that

is a nonconstant rational solution of . Therefore, the rational general solution of is

Equation (21)
Theorem 4.2.

Let be an th-order normal differential equation, and let be the leading coefficient of w.r.t. .


If has a nonlinear irreducible factor over , then no element in the equivalence class of is autonomous.


If and are two different linear factors of over , then the possible transformations , such that is autonomous, are defined by

In this case, if none of these functions, for every pair of linear factors, transforms into an autonomous AODE, then there is no autonomous AODE in the equivalence class of .


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 34A26 (Geometric methods in ordinary differential equations), 34A09 (Implicit ordinary differential equations, differential-algebraic equations), 34A05 (Explicit solutions, first integrals of ordinary differential equations), 68W30 (Symbolic computation and algebraic computation), 14H50 (Plane and space curves), 14J26 (Rational and ruled surfaces)
  • Algebraic differential equation
  • general solution
  • local solution
  • parametrization of algebraic sets
  • symbolic computation
Author Information
Sebastian Falkensteiner
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz, Austria
Johann J. Mitteramskogler
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz, Austria
J. Rafael Sendra
Universidad de Alcalá, Dpto. de Física y Matemáticas, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Franz Winkler
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz, Austria
Additional Notes

The first and third authors were partially supported by the grant PID2020-113192GB-I00 (Mathematical Visualization: Foundations, Algorithms and Applications) from the Spanish MICINN.

The second and fourth authors were partially supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under grant no. P31327-N32 (Symbolic Solutions of Algebraic Differential Equations (ADE-solve)).

Journal Information
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 60, Issue 1, ISSN 1088-9485, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2022 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bull/1773
  • MathSciNet Review: 4520777
  • Show rawAMSref\bib{4520777}{article}{ author={Falkensteiner, Sebastian}, author={Mitteramskogler, Johann}, author={Sendra, J.}, author={Winkler, Franz}, title={The algebro-geometric method: Solving algebraic differential equations by parametrizations}, journal={Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={60}, number={1}, date={2023-01}, pages={85-122}, issn={0273-0979}, review={4520777}, doi={10.1090/bull/1773}, }Close amsref.


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