Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for elliptic homogenization problems

By Weinan E, Pingbing Ming, and Pingwen Zhang


A comprehensive analysis is presented for the heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM for short) applied to various elliptic homogenization problems. These problems can be either linear or nonlinear, with deterministic or random coefficients. In most cases considered, optimal estimates are proved for the error between the HMM solutions and the homogenized solutions. Strategies for retrieving the microstructural information from the HMM solutions are discussed and analyzed.

1. Introduction and main results

1.1. General methodology

Consider the classical elliptic problem

Here is a small parameter that signifies explicitly the multiscale nature of the coefficient . Several classical multiscale methodologies have been developed for the numerical solution of this elliptic problem, the most well known among which is the multigrid technique Reference 8. These classical multiscale methods are designed to resolve the details of the fine scale problem Equation 1.1 and are applicable for general problems, i.e., no special assumptions are required for the coefficient . In contrast modern multiscale methods are designed specifically for recovering partial information about at a sublinear cost, i.e., the total cost grows sublinearly with the cost of solving the fine scale problem Reference 18. This is only possible by exploring the special features that might have, such as scale separation. The simplest example is when

where can either be periodic in , in which case we assume the period to be , or random but stationary under shifts in , for each fixed . In both cases, it has been shown that Reference 5Reference 36

where is the solution of a homogenized equation:

The homogenized coefficient can be obtained from the solutions of the so-called cell problem. In general, there are no explicit formulas for , except in one dimension.

Several numerical methods have been developed to deal specifically with the case when is periodic in . References Reference 3Reference 4Reference 7 propose to solve the homogenized equations as well as the equations for the correctors. Schwab et al. Reference 29Reference 38 use multiscale test functions of the form where is periodic in to extract the leading order behavior of , extending an idea that was used analytically in the work of Reference 2Reference 15Reference 34Reference 44 for the homogenization problems. These methods have the feature that their cost is independent of , hence sublinear as , but so far they are restricted to the periodic homogenization problem. An alternative proposal for more general problems but with much higher cost is found in Reference 20Reference 25.

1.2. Heterogeneous multiscale method

HMM Reference 16Reference 17Reference 18 is a general methodology for designing sublinear algorithms by exploiting scale separation and other special features of the problem. It consists of two components: selection of a macroscopic solver and estimating the missing macroscale data by solving locally the fine scale problem.

For Equation 1.1 the macroscopic solver can be chosen as a conventional finite element method on a triangulation of element size which should resolve the macroscale features of . The missing data is the effective stiffness matrix at this scale. This stiffness matrix can be estimated as follows. Assuming that the effective coefficient at this scale is , if we knew explicitly, we could have evaluated the quadratic form

by numerical quadrature: For any , the finite element space,

where and are the quadrature points and weights in , is the volume of . In the absence of explicit knowledge of , we approximate by solving the problem:

where is a cube of size centered at , and is the linear approximation of at . We then let

Equation 1.5 and Equation 1.7 together give the needed approximate stiffness matrix at the scale . For convenience, we will define the corresponding bilinear form: For any

where is defined for in the same way that in Equation 1.6 was defined for .

In order to reduce the effect of the imposed boundary condition on , we may replace Equation 1.7 by

where . For example, we may choose . In Equation 1.6, we used the Dirichlet boundary condition. Other boundary conditions are possible, such as Neumann and periodic boundary conditions. In the case when and is periodic in , one can take to be , i.e., and use the boundary condition that is periodic on .

So far the algorithm is completely general. The savings compared with solving the full fine scale problem comes from the fact that we can choose to be smaller than . The size of is determined by many factors, including the accuracy and cost requirement, the degree of scale separation, and the microstructure in . One purpose for the error estimates that we present below is to give guidelines on how to select . As mentioned already, if and is periodic in , we can simply choose to be , i.e., . If is random, then should be a few times larger than the local correlation length of . In the former case, the total cost is independent of . In the latter case, the total cost depends only weakly on (see Reference 31).

The final problem is to solve

Figure 1.

Illustration of HMM for solving Equation 1.1. The dots are the quadrature points. The little squares are the microcell .

Graphic without alt text

To summarize, HMM has the following features:


It gives a framework that allows us to maximally take advantage of the special features of the problem such as scale separation. For periodic homogenization problems, the cost of HMM is comparable to the special techniques discussed in Reference 3Reference 7Reference 29Reference 35. However HMM is also applicable for random problems and for problems whose coefficient does not has the structure of . For problems without scale separation, we may consider other possible special features of the problem such as local self-similarity, which is considered in Reference 19.


For problems without any special features, HMM becomes a fine scale solver by choosing an that resolves the fine scales and letting .

Some related ideas exist in the literature. Durlofsky Reference 14 proposed an up-scaling method, which directly solves some local problems for obtaining the effective coefficients Reference 33Reference 40Reference 41. Oden and Vemaganti Reference 35 proposed a method that aims at recovering the oscillations in locally by solving a local problem with some given approximation to the macroscopic state as the boundary condition. This idea is sometimes used in HMM to recover the microstructural information. Other numerical methods that use local microscale solvers to help extract macroscale behavior are found in Reference 26Reference 27.

The numerical performance of HMM including comparison with other methods is discussed in Reference 31.

This paper will focus on the analysis of HMM. We will estimate the error between the numerical solutions of HMM and the solutions of Equation 1.4. We will also discuss how to construct better approximations of from the HMM solutions. Our basic strategy is as follows. First we will prove a general statement that the error between the HMM solution and the solution of Equation 1.4 is controlled by the standard error in the macroscale solver plus a new term, called , due to the error in estimating the stiffness matrix. We then estimate . This second part is only done for either periodic or random homogenization problems, since concrete results are only possible if the behavior of is well understood. We believe that this overall strategy will be useful for analyzing other multiscale methods.

We will always assume that is smooth, symmetric and uniformly elliptic:

for some . We will use the summation convention and standard notation for Sobolev spaces (see Reference 1). We will use to denote the absolute value of a scalar quantity, the Euclidean norm of a vector and the volume of a set . For the quadrature formula Equation 1.5, we will assume the following accuracy conditions for th-order numerical quadrature scheme Reference 11:

Here , for , …, . For , we assume the above formula to be exact for .

1.3. Main results

Our main results for the linear problem are as follows.

Theorem 1.1.

Denote by and the solution of Equation 1.4 and the solution, respectively. Let

where is the Euclidean norm. If is sufficiently smooth and Equation 1.10 holds, then there exists a constant independent of and , such that

If there exits a constant such that , then there exists a constant such that for all ,

At this stage, no assumption on the form of is necessary. can be the solution of an arbitrary macroscopic equation with the same right-hand side as in Equation 1.1. Of course for to converge to , i.e., , must be chosen as the solution of the homogenized equation, which we now assume exists. To obtain quantitative estimates on , we must restrict ourselves to more specific cases.

Theorem 1.2.

For the periodic homogenization problem, we have

In the first case, we replace the boundary condition in Equation 1.6 by a periodic boundary condition: is periodic with period . For the second result we do not need to assume that the period of is a cube: In fact it can be of arbitrary shape as long as its translation tiles up the whole space.

Another important case for which a specific estimate on can be obtained is the random homogenization. In this case, using results in Reference 43, we have

Theorem 1.3.

For the random homogenization problem, assuming that in the Appendix holds (see Reference 43), we have


for any . By choosing small, can be arbitrarily close to .

The probabilistic set-up will be given in the Appendix. To prove this result, we assume that Equation 1.8a is used with .

1.4. Recovering the microstructural information

In many applications, the microstructure information in is very important. by itself does not give this information. However, this information can be recovered using a simple post-processing technique. For the general case, having , one can obtain locally the microstructural information using an idea in Reference 35. Assume that we are interested in recovering and only in the subdomain . Consider the following auxiliary problem:

where satisfies and . We then have

Theorem 1.4.

There exists a constant such that

For the random problem, the last term was estimated in Reference 43.

A much simpler procedure exists for the periodic homogenization problem. Consider the case when and choose , where is the barycenter of . Here we have assumed that the quadrature point is at .

Let be defined piecewise as follows:


, where is the solution of Equation 1.6 with the boundary condition that is periodic with period and .


is periodic with period .

For this case, we can prove

Theorem 1.5.

Let be defined as above. Then

Similar results with some modification hold for nonlinear problems. The details are given in §5.

1.5. Some technical background

In this subsection, we will list some general results that will be frequently referred to later on.

Given a triangulation , it is called regular if there is a constant such that

and if the quantity

approaches zero, where is the diameter of and is the diameter of the largest ball inscribed in . satisfies an inverse assumption if there exists a constant such that

A regular family of triangulation of satisfying the inverse assumption is called quasi-uniform.

The following interpolation result for the Lagrange finite element is adapted from Reference 10. Here and in what follows, for any is understood in a piecewise manner.

Theorem 1.6 (Reference 10).

Let be th-order Lagrange interpolate operator, and assume that the following inclusions hold:


If is regular, we have the global estimate

Inequality Equation 1.18 is proven in Reference 10, Theorem 3.1.6, and Equation 1.19 is a direct consequence of Equation 1.18 and the inverse inequality below.

Using Equation 1.19 with and , we have . Hence

We will also need the following form of the inverse inequality.

Theorem 1.7 (Reference 10, Theorem 3.2.6).

Assume that is regular, and assume also that the two pairs and with and satisfy

Then there exists a constant such that

for any .

If in addition satisfies the inverse assumption, then there exists a constant such that

for any and , with

The following simple result will be used repeatedly.

Lemma 1.8.

Let and be symmetric matrices satisfying Equation 1.9. Let be the solution of

with either the Dirichlet or periodic boundary condition on . Let be a solution of Equation 1.23 with and replaced by and , respectively, and let satisfy the same boundary condition as . Then


Inequality Equation 1.24 is a direct consequence of

The following simple result underlies the stability of HMM for problem Equation 1.1.

Lemma 1.9.

Let be the solution of

where is a linear function and satisfies

Then we have


Notice that on the edges of , using the fact that is a constant in , and integration by parts leads to

which implies

This gives the first result in Equation 1.26. Multiplying Equation 1.25 by and integrating by parts, we obtain

This gives the second part of Equation 1.26.

Remark 1.10.

For this result, the coefficient may depend on the solution, i.e., Equation 1.25 may be nonlinear.

Remark 1.11.

The same result holds if we use instead a periodic boundary condition: is periodic with period .

2. Generalities

Here we prove Theorem 1.1. We will let for convenience.

Since is the numerical solution associated with the quadratic form , is the exact solution associated with the quadratic form , defined for any as

To estimate , we view as an approximation to , and we use Strang’s first lemma Reference 10.

Using Equation 1.26 with and Equation 1.9, for any , we have

Similarly, for any , we obtain

The existence and the uniqueness of the solutions to Equation 1.8 follow from Equation 2.1 and Equation 2.2 via the Lax-Milgram lemma and the Poincaré inequality.

To streamline the proof of Theorem 1.1, we introduce the following auxiliary bilinear form .

Classical results on numerical integration Reference 11, Theorem 6 give for any ,

Moreover, for any , if and are bounded, we have Reference 11, Theorem 8,

Proof of Theorem 1.1.

Using the first Strang lemma Reference 10, Theorem 4.1.1, we have

Let and using Equation 1.19 with , we have

It remains to estimate for and . Using Equation 2.3, we get

This gives Equation 1.11

To get the L estimate, we use the Aubin-Nitsche dual argument Reference 10. To this end, consider the following auxiliary problem: Find such that

The standard regularity result reads Reference 24

Putting into the right-hand side of Equation 2.7, we obtain

Using Equation 2.6 with , we bound the first two terms in the right-hand side of the above identity as


The last term in the right-hand side of Equation 2.9 may be decomposed into

It follows from Equation 2.4 that

By definition of and using Equation 1.20, we get

Combining the above estimates and using Equation 2.8 lead to Equation 1.12.

It remains to prove Equation 1.13. As in Reference 37, for any point , we define the regularized Green’s function and the discrete Green’s function as

where is the regularized Dirac- function defined in Reference 37. It is well known that

A proof for Equation 2.11 can be obtained by using the weighted-norm technique Reference 37. We refer to Reference 9, Chapter 7 for details. Using the definition of and , a simple manipulation gives

Using Equation 2.11, we obtain

Using Equation 2.6, we get

where we have used the inverse inequality Equation 1.21.

Similarly, we have

A combination of the above three estimates yields

If , then there exits a constant such that for all ,

We thus obtain Equation 1.13 and this completes the proof.

Combining the foregoing proof for the L and W estimates, using the Green’s function defined in Reference 39, we obtain

Remark 2.1.

Under the same condition for the W estimate in Theorem 1.1, we have

3. Estimating

In this section, we estimate for problems with locally periodic coefficients. The estimate of for problems with random coefficients can be found in the Appendix.

We assume that , where is smooth in and periodic in with period . Define , and we introduce as

where is defined as: For , …, , is periodic in with period and satisfies

Given , the homogenized coefficient is given by

Note that is smooth and bounded in all norms.

First let us consider the case when , and Equation 1.6 is solved with the periodic boundary condition. Denote by the solution of Equation 1.6 with the coefficients replaced by . may be viewed as a perturbation of . Using Lemma 1.8, we get

Observe that . A direct calculation yields

Using Equation 3.3, we get

Next we consider the more general case when is a cube of size not necessarily equal to . The following analysis applies equally well to the case when the period of is of general and even nonpolygonal shape. This situation arises in some examples of composite materials Reference 30. We will show that if is much larger than , then the averaged energy density for the solution of Equation 1.6 closely approximates the energy density of the homogenized problem. We begin with the following observation:

We first establish some estimates on the solution of the cell problem Equation 1.6. We will write instead of if there is no risk of confusion.

Lemma 3.1.

There exists a constant independent of and such that for each ,


We still denote by the solution of Equation 1.6 with the coefficient replaced by . Using Lemma 1.8, we get

Define , which obviously satisfies

Note that is simply the boundary layer correction for the cell problem Equation 1.6 Reference 5. It is proved in Reference 45, (1.51) in §1.4, using the rescaling over and .

This together with Equation 3.7 gives

A straightforward calculation gives

which together with Equation 3.10 leads to

This gives Equation 3.6.

As in Equation 3.6, we also have

Theorem 3.2.

Note that . We have


Using Equation 3.7 and Equation 2.2, we bound as

Using the symmetry of , and

where , and

Using Equation 1.6 and , integrating by parts makes the first term in the right-hand side of vanish; therefore we write as

Using Equation 3.12, we bound as

Using Equation 3.2 and integrating by parts, we obtain

which together with Equation 3.5 gives

The last term of is bounded by

where we have used . Using Equation 3.11, we get

Consequently, we obtain

Combining the estimates for and gives the desired result Equation 3.13.

Remark 3.3.

An explicit expression for is available in one dimension, from which we may show that the bound for is sharp.

4. Reconstruction and compression

4.1. Reconstruction procedure

Next we consider how to construct better approximations to from . We will restrict ourselves to the case when .

Proof of Theorem 1.4.

Subtracting Equation 1.1 from Equation 1.14, we obtain

Using classical interior estimates for elliptic equation Reference 24, we have

Using the Hopf maximum principle, we get

A combination of the above two results implies Theorem 1.4.

Proof of Theorem 1.5.

Denote and define as the solution of

with the boundary condition that is periodic on and

where is the barycenter of .

It is easy to verify that takes the explicit form

Note that the periodic extension of is still . This means that is also well defined for the whole of and takes the same explicit form as Equation 4.2.

Using for , …,  and that is a piecewise constant on , we obtain

As in Equation 3.7, we have

From the construction of , we have for any ,

Since is constant over , we get

Adding up for all and using the a priori estimate , we obtain

Using Equation 4.2, a straightforward calculation gives

Define the first order approximation of as

where is the solutions of Equation 3.2. Obviously,

A combination of the above estimates leads to

Summing up for all and using Theorem 1.1 for and Theorem 1.2 for the case , we get

which together with Equation 4.5 and the classical estimate for Reference 5Reference 32Reference 45, i.e.,


Corollary 4.1.

Using the definition of , we have . Together with Equation 4.3, we have

An application of the Poincaré inequality gives

As before for any , , note that is a constant on . We obtain

On each element , we have

Combining the above and summing up for all , we get

which together with

leads to Equation 4.6, where we have used the estimate for Reference 5Reference 32Reference 45, i.e.,

4.2. Compression operator

The compression operator (denoted by ) maps the microvariables to the macrovariables Reference 16. It plays an important role in the general framework of HMM, even though for the present problem HMM can be formulated without explicitly specifying the compression operator beforehand. Typically the compression operator is some spatial/temporal averaging, or projection to some slow manifolds. It is of interest to consider the error bound for . We first list some natural properties of the compression operator.

For any ,.

There exists a constant such that

For any , if , then

Theorem 4.2.

Assume that satisfies all three requirements and for any . Then

Moreover, if is quasi-uniform, then


We decompose into

Using the fact that is bounded in L, we obtain

Using the third property of , we have

Using Theorem 1.1 and the first estimate in Theorem 1.2, we have

A combination of these three estimates implies Equation 4.8, which together with the inverse inequality (cf. Theorem 1.7) leads to Equation 4.9.

It remains to give some examples of the compression operator. The following two types of operators meet all three requirements:

the L-projection operator onto ,

the Clément-type interpolation operator Reference 12.

Remark 4.3.

Notice that in one dimension, the standard Lagrange interpolant does not meet the second requirement. However, it is still possible to derive Equation 4.9 via another approach. Moreover, a careful study of one dimensional examples shows that the term in Equation 4.9 is sharp.

5. Nonlinear homogenization problems

5.1. Algorithms and main results

We consider the following nonlinear problem which has been discussed in Reference 6Reference 23:

In this section, we define with and is defined as the finite element subspace of .

We assume that satisfies

with . Moreover, we assume that is equi-continuous in uniformly with respect to and .

The homogenized problem, if it exists, is of the following form:

If we let


where is the dual space of .

The linearized operator of at is defined for any by

where . induces a bilinear form through

Our basic assumption is that the linearized operator is an isomorphism from to , so must be an isolated solution of Equation 5.2.

To formulate HMM, for each quadrature point , define to be the solutions of

We can define similarly.

For any , define


The HMM solution is given by the problem:

Problem 5.1.

Find such that

For any , define

It is easy to see that for any and satisfying ,

for and (see Reference 42, Lemma 3.1 for a similar result). Therefore we have

Lemma 5.2.

is the solution of Problem 5.1 if and only if

For any , define

Define as

The existence and uniqueness of the solution of Problem 5.1 are proved in the following lemma.

Lemma 5.3.

Assume that with and is an isomorphism from to . If is uniformly bounded and there exist constants and such that for and

then Problem 5.1 has a solution satisfying

where is defined as

Moreover, if there exists a constant with such that

for all and , satisfying , then there exists a constant such that for , the HMM solution satisfying Equation 5.11 is locally unique.


Since is an isomorphism from to , there exists a constant such that

Using Reference 42, Lemma 2.2, we conclude that there exists a constant such that for ,

Therefore there is a unique solution satisfying Equation 5.12 and

Moreover, let be the finite element approximation of the regularized Green’s function associated with . Using Reference 42, equation 2.11, or using Equation 5.14, similarly to Equation 2.11, we have

Define a nonlinear mapping by

for any . Obviously is continuous due to Equation 5.14 and Equation 5.6.


We next prove that there exists a constant such that for all , .

Notice that

Taking in the above equation, using Equation 5.16 and Equation 5.6, we obtain, for ,

Since and is uniformly bounded, e.g., , we have

Combining the above two estimates, we obtain

Define . Using Equation 5.10, we obtain

Therefore there exits a constant such that for , we have

Let . Then for , we have . An application of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem gives the existence of a such that . By definition, satisfies Equation 5.11. Together with Equation 5.15 it yields Equation 5.11.

To prove uniqueness, assume that both and are solutions of Equation 5.4 satisfying Equation 5.11. Using Equation 5.14, we obtain

where . Note that

Since both and sit in the set , we can use Equation 5.17 to get . Using Equation 5.13, we obtain

If we choose such that

then if , we have . Therefore the HMM solution is locally unique.

From here on, when we talk about the HMM solution, we are referring to this particular solution that satisfies the condition in Lemma 5.3.

Based on the above lemma, we prove a nonlinear analog of Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 5.4.

Under the assumptions in Lemma 5.3, let and be solutions of Equation 5.2 and Equation 5.4, respectively. Assume in addition that . Then there exist constants and such that if and , then


Note that and from Equation 5.14, we have

Using Equation 5.7 with and Equation 5.14 and Equation 2.3, we obtain

Using the interpolation inequality

together with Equation 5.20 and Equation 5.17 gives

Let in Equation 5.7. Using Equation 5.16, we obtain

Since Equation 5.10 holds, using Equation 5.11 and Equation 5.20, we obtain

Now we choose

and such that , and therefore

Thus we obtain

Using Equation 5.20 once again gives Equation 5.18 and Equation 5.19.

5.2. Estimating

It remains to estimate and verify assumptions Equation 5.10 and Equation 5.13. We assume that , and for , the coefficients are smooth in and periodic in with period . These types of problems, among others, have been considered in Reference 5Reference 6Reference 23. The homogenized coefficient is given for any by

where is defined for any by

with the periodic boundary condition in and . It is clear that is also smooth in and and satisfies Reference 6, Proposition 3.5

Using Lemma 1.9 and Remark 1.10, for the solution of Equation 5.3, we have

This gives a bound for :

which together with Equation 5.23 implies

This shows that is uniformly bounded.

To simplify the presentation, we will show how to estimate when Equation 5.3 is changed slightly to

and is changed to

If , we replace the Dirichlet boundary condition in Equation 5.26 by the periodic boundary condition, i.e., is periodic on .

Theorem 5.5.

If is sufficiently small, then Equation 5.10 and Equation 5.13 hold and

In the case of , if is sufficiently small, then Equation 5.10 and Equation 5.13 hold and

In what follows, we concentrate on the first case. The second case when will be commented on.

Let us first fix more notation. Denote by the solutions of Equation 5.26 with the coefficient replaced by . Similarly we define to be the solution of Equation 5.26 with replaced by . Also, can be defined in the same way and and can be viewed as the perturbations of and , respectively. Moreover, we define

Observe that and also satisfy Equation 5.24, and using Lemma 1.8, we have

Lemma 5.6.

We have


Observe that

Both and vanish on . Using Lemma 1.8, we obtain

Using Equation 5.24 for , we obtain

which together with gives Equation 5.30.

Next we establish the estimate for . Let and . Clearly, vanish on and satisfy

Lemma 5.7.

We have


Using Lemma 1.8, we have


from Equation 5.29, we have . Collecting the above estimates and using Equation 5.30, we obtain Equation 5.31.


where are the solutions of Equation 5.22 with coefficient replaced by .

Denote and . Observe that


Similarly to Equation 3.9, we have

Let be defined as in Equation 3.14 and define

Observe that and vanish on and satisfy

Lemma 5.8.

We have


Using Lemma 1.8, we obtain

A direct computation gives that

which together with Equation 5.33 gives

Note that

Using the continuity of , a direct computation gives

Adding these up, we obtain Equation 5.34.

In the next lemma, we shall prove that has certain continuity with respect to .

Lemma 5.9.

For any satisfying , there exists a constant such that Equation 5.13 holds with .


Using the definition of and noticing that , we obtain

which together with gives



can be decomposed into

Using Equation 5.29 and Equation 5.31, we bound as

Similarly, using Lemma 5.8, we bound as

can be rewritten as

As in and using Equation 5.32, we bound as

Adding these up, we get

Consequently we obtain

Using the inverse inequality Equation 1.21 on each element, we obtain

Similarly . A combination of the above estimates gives Equation 5.13 with .

Proof of the first case in Theorem 5.5.

Let in Equation 5.35 and note that . We obtain Equation 5.27. Therefore if is sufficiently small, then can be smaller than any given threshold; this verifies Equation 5.10.

Next let . Then if is sufficiently small, we have ; this verifies Equation 5.13.

Remark 5.10.

Compared to the linear case, the upper bound for for the case when degrades to . This is due to the fact that is nonsymmetric.

In the case of , note that and . So a direct calculation gives Lemma 5.6 for this case. Lemma 5.7 is also valid with replaced by . We also have and . Observing that for any ,

we may rewrite as

Consequently, Equation 5.13 holds with .

Proof of the second case in Theorem 5.5.

Let in Equation 5.35 and note that . We obtain Equation 5.28. Therefore if is sufficiently small, then can be smaller than any given threshold; this verifies Equation 5.10.

Next let . Then if is sufficiently small, we have . This proves Equation 5.13.

Appendix A. Estimating for problems with random coefficients

Here we estimate for the random case. Our basic strategy follows that of Reference 43.

Denote a probability space by and let be a random field whose statistics are invariant under integer shifts and which satisfies the uniform ellipticity condition that there exist constants and such that

for almost all and . For , …, , denote by the solutions of the cell problem:

where are the standard basis in . is required to be stationary under integer shift. The existence of is proved in Reference 28Reference 36. In general is not stationary. The homogenized coefficient Reference 28Reference 36 is given by

Here and in the following, we use the notation


where denotes the expectation in the probability space .

As in Reference 43, we will consider the following auxiliary problem:

for any , where is of the form

with which is defined as

and is a random field whose statistics are stationary with respect to integer shifts.

The solution of Equation A.2 can be expressed with the help of a diffusion process generated by the operator .

For each fixed realization of , denote by the diffusion process generated by and starting from at , and denote by the expectation with respect to . Let

Then it is well known Reference 21 that the solution of Equation A.2 is given by

The following results are either standard or proved in Reference 28Reference 43.

Lemma A.1.

If is the solution of Equation A.2, then there exists a constant independent of such that

Because of the lowest order term , the Green’s function associated with the operator decays exponentially with rate . To make this statement precise, we define the norm , and

Let be the first exit time of starting at . Let .

Lemma A.2 (Reference 43).

If is sufficiently small, then

To prepare for the discussion on the consequence of the mixing condition, we mention

Lemma A.3 (Reference 43).

Let and be two sets of data such that

for , where is a domain in , and let and be the solutions of Equation A.2 associated with and , respectively (with ). Then

where is the indicator function of the domain .

Now we introduce the crucial mixing condition Reference 22. Let be a domain in . Denote by the -algebra generated by . Let be two random variables that are measurable with respect to and , respectively. Then

where , is a fixed constant.

Lemma A.4.

Under condition , we have


For , denote by the cube of size centered at , and let . Then

We first estimate . If , then

If , then let and , where is a ball of size in the norm . Denote by the solution of Equation A.2 in which the coefficient is modified in such that it is measurable with respect to , and similarly denote by the solution of Equation A.2 in which the coefficient is modified in such that it is measurable with respect to . The modified coefficients should still satisfy the condition on listed in the beginning of this subsection. From and , we can similarly define and . Using Equation A.6, we have



we thus have


Proceeding along the same line as in Reference 43, Theorem 2.1, using condition , we have

Lemma A.5.

For any , under condition , there exists a constant such that

where , and is the solution of Equation A.1 with .

Now we are ready to estimate . Define and denote by the solution of Equation A.1 on with the boundary condition that on , and let . Then

Define similarly. We have



with . It was proved in Reference 43, Lemma 2.5 that

The above inequality together with Lemma A.5 gives

To estimate , denote by the first exit time for the domain . Then . For any ,


we get

Optimizing in , we get

Using standard interior estimates, we have

As for , proceeding along the same line as in the estimate of , we get

To sum up, we have

Optimizing in with respect to the first two terms, we get with . Hence


Obviously, the factor in Equation A.11 can be absorbed into the factor . This proves Theorem 1.3 for .

Remark A.6.

The estimate Equation A.11 is unlikely to be optimal. If , a direct calculation gives

whereas the estimate Equation A.11 does not apply for and . We may use the techniques in Reference 13 to derive improved bounds for if the magnitude of the oscillation in the coefficients is sufficiently small.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Equation (1.4)
Equation (1.5)
Equation (1.6)
Equation (1.7)
Equation (1.8a)
Equation (1.8)
Equation (1.9)
Equation (1.10)
Theorem 1.1.

Denote by and the solution of Equation 1.4 and the solution, respectively. Let

where is the Euclidean norm. If is sufficiently smooth and Equation 1.10 holds, then there exists a constant independent of and , such that

If there exits a constant such that , then there exists a constant such that for all ,

Theorem 1.2.

For the periodic homogenization problem, we have

Theorem 1.3.

For the random homogenization problem, assuming that in the Appendix holds (see Reference 43), we have


for any . By choosing small, can be arbitrarily close to .

Equation (1.14)
Theorem 1.4.

There exists a constant such that

Theorem 1.5.

Let be defined as above. Then

Theorem 1.6 (Reference 10).

Let be th-order Lagrange interpolate operator, and assume that the following inclusions hold:


If is regular, we have the global estimate

Equation (1.20)
Theorem 1.7 (Reference 10, Theorem 3.2.6).

Assume that is regular, and assume also that the two pairs and with and satisfy

Then there exists a constant such that

for any .

If in addition satisfies the inverse assumption, then there exists a constant such that

for any and , with

Lemma 1.8.

Let and be symmetric matrices satisfying Equation 1.9. Let be the solution of

with either the Dirichlet or periodic boundary condition on . Let be a solution of 1.23 with and replaced by and , respectively, and let satisfy the same boundary condition as . Then

Lemma 1.9.

Let be the solution of

where is a linear function and satisfies

Then we have

Remark 1.10.

For this result, the coefficient may depend on the solution, i.e., Equation 1.25 may be nonlinear.

Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.2)
Equation (2.3)
Equation (2.4)
Equation (2.6)
Equation (2.7)
Equation (2.8)
Equation (2.9)
Equation (2.11)
Equation (3.2)
Equation (3.3)
Equation (3.5)
Lemma 3.1.

There exists a constant independent of and such that for each ,

Equation (3.7)
Equation (3.9)
Equation (3.10)
Equation (3.11)
Equation (3.12)
Theorem 3.2.
Equation (3.14)
Equation (4.2)
Equation (4.3)
Equation (4.5)
Corollary 4.1.
Theorem 4.2.

Assume that satisfies all three requirements and for any . Then

Moreover, if is quasi-uniform, then

Equation (5.2)
Equation (5.3)
Problem 5.1.

Find such that

Equation (5.6)
Lemma 5.2.

is the solution of Problem 5.1 if and only if

Lemma 5.3.

Assume that with and is an isomorphism from to . If is uniformly bounded and there exist constants and such that for and

then Problem 5.1 has a solution satisfying

where is defined as

Moreover, if there exists a constant with such that

for all and , satisfying , then there exists a constant such that for , the HMM solution satisfying 5.11 is locally unique.

Equation (5.14)
Equation (5.15)
Equation (5.16)
Equation (5.17)
Theorem 5.4.

Under the assumptions in Lemma 5.3, let and be solutions of Equation 5.2 and Equation 5.4, respectively. Assume in addition that . Then there exist constants and such that if and , then

Equation (5.20)
Equation (5.22)
Equation (5.23)
Equation (5.24)
Equation (5.26)
Theorem 5.5.

If is sufficiently small, then Equation 5.10 and Equation 5.13 hold and

In the case of , if is sufficiently small, then Equation 5.10 and Equation 5.13 hold and

Equation (5.29)
Lemma 5.6.

We have

Lemma 5.7.

We have

Equation (5.32)
Equation (5.33)
Lemma 5.8.

We have

Equation (5.35)
Equation (A.1)
Equation (A.2)
Lemma A.2 (Reference 43).

If is sufficiently small, then

Lemma A.5.

For any , under condition , there exists a constant such that

where , and is the solution of Equation A.1 with .

Equation (A.11)


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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 65N30 (Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, finite methods), 74Q05 (Homogenization in equilibrium problems)
Secondary: 74Q15 (Effective constitutive equations), 65C30 (Stochastic differential and integral equations)
  • Heterogeneous multiscale method
  • homogenization problems.
Author Information
Weinan E
Department of Mathematics and PACM, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 and School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, People’s Republic of China
Pingbing Ming
No. 55, Zhong-Guan-Cun East Road, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, People’s Republic of China
Pingwen Zhang
School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, People’s Republic of China
Additional Notes

The work of the first author was partially supported by ONR grant N00014-01-1-0674 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China through a Class B Award for Distinguished Young Scholars 10128102.

The work of the second author was partially supported by the Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Projects G1999032804 and was also supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 10201033.

The work of the third author was partially supported by the Special Funds for the Major State Research Projects G1999032804 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scholars 10225103.

We thank Bjorn Engquist for inspiring discussions on the topic studied here.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 18, Issue 1, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2004 American Mathematical Society; reverts to public domain 28 years from publication
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/S0894-0347-04-00469-2
  • MathSciNet Review: 2114818
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{2114818}{article}{ author={E, Weinan}, author={Ming, Pingbing}, author={Zhang, Pingwen}, title={Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for elliptic homogenization problems}, journal={J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={18}, number={1}, date={2005-01}, pages={121-156}, issn={0894-0347}, review={2114818}, doi={10.1090/S0894-0347-04-00469-2}, }


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