Analysis of recovery type a posteriori error estimators for mildly structured grids

By Jinchao Xu and Zhimin Zhang


Some recovery type error estimators for linear finite elements are analyzed under regular grids. Superconvergence of order is established for recovered gradients by three different methods. As a consequence, a posteriori error estimators based on those recovery methods are asymptotically exact.

1. Introduction

A posteriori error estimates have become standard in modern engineering and scientific computation. There are two types of popular error estimators: the residual type (see, e.g., Reference 2, Reference 4) and the recovery type (see, e.g., Reference 21). The most representative recovery type error estimator is the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimator, especially the estimator based on gradient patch recovery by local discrete least-squares fitting Reference 22, Reference 23. The method is now widely used in engineering practice for its robustness in a posteriori error estimates and its efficiency in computer implementation. It is a common belief that the robustness of the ZZ estimator is rooted in the superconvergence property of the associated gradient recovery under structured meshes. Superconvergence properties of the ZZ recovery based on local least-squares fitting are proven by Zhang Reference 17 for all popular elements under rectangular meshes, by Li-Zhang Reference 11 for linear elements under strongly regular triangular meshes, and by Zhang-Victory Reference 18 for tensor product elements under strongly regular quadrilateral meshes.

While there is a sizable literature on theoretical investments for residual type error estimators (see, e.g., Reference 1, Reference 3, Reference 10, Reference 14 and references therein), there have not been many theoretical results on recovery type error estimators. Nevertheless, the recovery type error estimators perform astonishingly well even for unstructured grids. The current paper intends to explain this phenomenon. We observe that for an unstructured mesh, when adaptive procedure is used, a mesh refinement will usually bring in some kind of local structure. It is then reasonable to assume that for most of the domain, every two adjacent triangles form an approximate parallelogram. Under this assumption, we are able to establish superconvergence of the gradient recovery operator for three popular methods: weighted averaging, local -projection, and the ZZ patch recovery. Furthermore, by utilizing an integral identity for linear elements on one triangular element developed by Bank and Xu Reference 5, we are able to generalize their superconvergence result between the finite element solution and the linear interpolation from an regular grid to an regular grid. Finally, we are able to prove asymptotic exactness of the three recovery error estimators.

The topic of a posteriori error estimates has recently attracted more and more attention in the scientific community (see, e.g., Reference 5, Reference 6, Reference 7, Reference 9, Reference 16, Reference 20; also see recent books Reference 1, Reference 3 for some general discussions). The literature regarding finite element superconvergence theory can be found in the books Reference 8, Reference 10, Reference 12, Reference 15, Reference 19.

2. Geometry identities of a triangle

In this section, we shall generalize the result in Reference 5 for to all . Following the argument in Reference 5, we consider in Figure 1, a triangle with vertices , , oriented counterclockwise, and corresponding nodal basis functions (barycentric coordinates) . Let denote the edges of element , the angles, the unit outward normal vectors, the unit tangent vectors with counterclockwise orientation, the edge lengths, and the perpendicular heights. Let be the point of intersection for the perpendicular bisectors of the three sides of . Let denote the distance between and side . If has no obtuse angles, then the will be nonnegative. Otherwise, the distance to the side opposite the obtuse angle will be negative.

Let be a symmetric matrix with constant entries. We define

The important special case corresponds to , and in this case . Let denote the quadratic bump function associated with edge and let .

The following fundamental identity is proved in Reference 5 for :

where is the linear interpolation of on .

We say that two adjacent triangles (sharing a common edge) form an () approximate parallelogram if the lengths of any two opposite edges differ only by .


The triangulation is said to satisfy Condition if there exist positive constants and such that every two adjacent triangles inside form an parallelogram and


There are two important ingredients in an automatic mesh generation code. One, called swap diagonal, changes the direction of some diagonal edges in order to obtain near parallel directions for adjacent element edges and to make as many nodes as possible have six triangles attached. Another, known as Lagrange smoothing, iteratively relocates nodes to place each node near a mesh symmetry center (see condition (Equation 3.1) in Section 3).

Clearly, both swap diagonal and Lagrange smoothing are intended to make every two adjacent triangles form an parallelogram. Eventually, only a small portion of elements (including boundary elements) do not satisfy this condition. These elements then belong to , which has a small measure. Therefore, Condition is a reasonable condition in practice and can be satisfied by most meshes produced by automatic mesh generation codes.

Denote , the linear finite element space associated with .

Lemma 2.1.

Assume that satisfy Condition . Let be a piecewise constant matrix function defined on , whose elements satisfy

Here and are a pair of triangles sharing a common edge. Then for any

where is the interpolation of .


Applying (Equation 2.1),


is easily estimated by

To estimate , we separate all interior edges into two different groups. is the set of edges such that the two adjacent triangles sharing form an approximate parallelogram and is the set of the remaining interior edges. The set of all interior edges is given by .

For each , there are two triangles, say and , that share as a common edge. Denote, with respect to ,

and with respect to ,

Taking and to correspond to , we can write


for , and

It is easy to see that, if on , then . Otherwise, we have the following estimate:

Setting and , we estimate

By definition, for , and . Therefore

Combining this with Equation 2.6, we have

Now we turn to the estimate for . Since adjacent elements in do not form an approximate parallelogram, we simply estimate

Similarly to Equation 2.7, this leads to

Combining this with Equation 2.5 and Equation 2.7 leads to

Finally, applying Equation 2.4 and Equation 2.8 to Equation 2.3, we obtain Equation 2.2.

3. Gradient recovery operators

We define as the nodal set of a quasi-uniform triangulation . Given , we consider an element patch around , which we choose as the origin of a local coordinates. Let be the barycenter of a triangle , . We require that one of the following two geometric conditions be satisfied for :

Here we use to represent a vector in conditions (Equation 3.1) and (Equation 3.2).


Condition implies both conditions (Equation 3.1) and (Equation 3.2) for . Indeed, conditions (Equation 3.1) and (Equation 3.2) are trivially (with ) satisfied by uniform meshes of the regular pattern, the Union Jack pattern, and the criss-cross pattern, and allow an deviation from those meshes. For example, a strongly regular mesh is an deviation from a uniform mesh of the regular pattern. Note that the condition (Equation 3.1) depends only on relative positions of the barycenters of the triangles and is independent of the shapes, sizes, and numbers of those triangles.

A boundary node usually leads to . However, if is an interior node with , then there are no restrictions and we have a completely unstructured mesh around .

Let be the linear interpolation of a given function . We shall discuss a gradient recovery operator and prove the superconvergent property between and .

The value of is first determined at a vertex and then linearly interpolated over the whole domain. There are three popular ways to generate at a vertex .

(a) Weighted averaging.

(b) Local -projection. We seek linear functions (), such that

Then we define .

(c) Local discrete least-squares fitting proposed by Zienkiewicz-Zhu Reference 22. We seek linear functions (), such that

Then we define .

Note that (c) is a discrete version of (b). The existence and uniqueness of the minimizers in (b) and (c) can be found in Reference 11, Lemma 1. The following theorem generalizes the result in Reference 11 from to .

Theorem 3.1.

Let be an element patch around a node , let , and let be produced by either the local -projection or the weighted averaging under condition Equation 3.2, or by the local discrete least-squares fitting under condition Equation 3.1. Then


(a) For the weighted averaging, we have

where, by the Taylor expansion,

Since the barycenter is the derivative superconvergent point for the linear interpolation, then

Recall the condition (Equation 3.2), and we derive


(b) For the local -projection, we set in (Equation 3.4) to obtain


Using (see Reference 11, Lemma 2)

and condition (Equation 3.2), we obtain

Combining (Equation 3.6) and (Equation 3.8), we have proved

(c) For the local discrete least-squares fitting, we set in (Equation 3.5) to obtain


Using (Equation 3.7) and condition (Equation 3.1), we obtain


with . Therefore,

Combining (Equation 3.10) and (Equation 3.11), we obtain (Equation 3.9) for the current case.

Theorem 3.2.

The recovery operator satisfies

in all three cases unconditionally. Furthermore, for

(a) the weighted averaging unconditionally;

(b) the local -projection under the condition Equation 3.2;

(c) the local discrete least-squares fitting under the condition Equation 3.1.


The assertion is obvious for the weighted averaging case.

Choose . Then the minimizer and in both cases (b) and (c). Therefore,

Now we let . Then for the local discrete least-squares fitting, ’s are given by

Note that

and under condition (Equation 3.1),

By scaling argument we see that



A similar argument shows that

for the local -projection when condition (Equation 3.2) is satisfied.

Under the given condition, the recovered gradient at a vertex is a convex combination of gradient values on the element patch surrounding .

4. Superconvergence of the recovery operators

We consider the non-self-adjoint problem: find such that

Here is a symmetric, positive definite matrix, and is a linear functional. We assume that all the coefficient functions are smooth, and the bilinear form is continuous and satisfies the inf-sup condition on . These conditions insure that (Equation 4.1) has a unique solution.

The finite element solution satisfies

To insure a unique solution for (Equation 4.2), we further assume the inf-sup condition of to be satisfied on .

We define the piecewise constant matrix function in terms of the diffusion matrix as follows:

Note that is symmetric and positive definite.

Theorem 4.1.

Let the solution of Equation 4.1 satisfy , let be the solution of Equation 4.2 and let be the linear interpolation of . Assume that the triangulation satisfies Condition . Then


We begin with the identity

The first term is estimated using Lemma 2.1 and and can be easily estimated by


We complete the proof using the inf-sup condition in

Theorem 4.2.

Let the solution of Equation 4.1 satisfy , let be the solution of Equation 4.2, and let be a recovery operator defined by one of the three: (a) the weighted averaging, (b) the local -projection, and (c) the local discrete least-squares fitting. Assume that the triangulation satisfies Condition . Then


We decompose

where is the linear interpolation of . By the standard approximation theory,

We observe that when we pick an element patch on , both conditions (Equation 3.1) and (Equation 3.2) are satisfied. Therefore, using Theorem 3.1, we have

On the other hand,

by Condition . Combining (Equation 4.5) with (Equation 4.6), we have

Similarly as in (Equation 4.5), we have, by using the fact proved in Theorem 3.2, that is a convex combination of ’s;

by Theorem 4.1. In addition,

Combining (Equation 4.8) and (Equation 4.9) yields

The conclusion follows by applying (Equation 4.4), (Equation 4.7), and (Equation 4.10) to the right-hand side of (Equation 4.3).

Theorem 4.2 requires the global regularity which is too restrictive in practice. The next theorem turns to interior maximum norm estimates and relaxes the global regularity assumption on the solution.

Theorem 4.3.

Consider an interior patch with for some constant . Let be the solution of Equation 4.1, let be the solution of Equation 4.2, and let be a recovery operator defined by one of the three: (a) the weighted averaging, (b) the local -projection, and (c) the local discrete least-squares fitting. Then we have


We denote as the finite element subspace that has a compact support on and start from


where is the edge set of . By the same argument as in (Equation 2.7), we have


Recall Theorem 1.2 of Schatz-Wahlbin Reference 13 (it is straightforward to verify that all conditions of that theorem are satisfied under the current situation):

where satisfies . Now, setting , , , and , we obtain

Applying (Equation 4.11) and results in

Now we decompose

By Theorem 3.2, is a convex combination of values of on . Consequently, is a bounded operator in the sense


The conclusion follows by applying Theorem 3.1 and (Equation 4.12) to the right-hand side of (Equation 4.13).


When , we choose and obtain

When , we choose with and obtain

We see that when , the recovery is more accurate as leaves the boundary.

5. Asymptotic exactness of the recovery type error estimators

With preparation in the previous sections, it is now straightforward to prove the asymptotic exactness of error estimators based on the recovery operator . The global error estimator is naturally defined by

Theorem 5.1.

Assume the hypotheses of Theorem . Furthermore, assume that there exists a constant such that



By Theorem 4.2 and hypothesis (Equation 5.2), we have

The pointwise error estimator at a vertex is naturally defined by

The next theorem shows that the pointwise error estimator is asymptotically exact.

Theorem 5.2.

Assume the hypotheses of Theorem . Let be a vertex of elements and assume that there exists a constant such that

Then we have (a) when ,

with ; and (b) when ,

with .


We only prove the case when . By Theorem 4.3 and hypothesis (Equation 5.4), we have

We see that the error estimators (Equation 5.1) and (Equation 5.3) based on the gradient recovery operator are asymptotically exact under Condition . As we mentioned above, this condition is not a very restrictive condition in practice. An automatic mesh generator usually produces some grids which are mildly structured. In practice, a completely unstructured mesh is seldom seen. Our analysis explains in part the good performance of the ZZ error estimator based on the local discrete least-squares fitting for general grids.


The authors would like to thank Professor Wahlbin for the intriguing discussion which led to the proof of Theorem 4.3.


Figure 1.

Parameters associated with the triangle

Graphic without alt text Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (2.1)
Lemma 2.1.

Assume that satisfy Condition . Let be a piecewise constant matrix function defined on , whose elements satisfy

Here and are a pair of triangles sharing a common edge. Then for any

where is the interpolation of .

Equation (2.3)
Equation (2.4)
Equation (2.5)
Equation (2.6)
Equation (2.7)
Equation (2.8)
Equation (3.1)
Equation (3.2)

Condition implies both conditions (Equation 3.1) and (Equation 3.2) for . Indeed, conditions (Equation 3.1) and (Equation 3.2) are trivially (with ) satisfied by uniform meshes of the regular pattern, the Union Jack pattern, and the criss-cross pattern, and allow an deviation from those meshes. For example, a strongly regular mesh is an deviation from a uniform mesh of the regular pattern. Note that the condition (Equation 3.1) depends only on relative positions of the barycenters of the triangles and is independent of the shapes, sizes, and numbers of those triangles.

A boundary node usually leads to . However, if is an interior node with , then there are no restrictions and we have a completely unstructured mesh around .

Let be the linear interpolation of a given function . We shall discuss a gradient recovery operator and prove the superconvergent property between and .

The value of is first determined at a vertex and then linearly interpolated over the whole domain. There are three popular ways to generate at a vertex .

(a) Weighted averaging.

(b) Local -projection. We seek linear functions (), such that

Then we define .

(c) Local discrete least-squares fitting proposed by Zienkiewicz-Zhu Reference 22. We seek linear functions (), such that

Then we define .

Note that (c) is a discrete version of (b). The existence and uniqueness of the minimizers in (b) and (c) can be found in Reference 11, Lemma 1. The following theorem generalizes the result in Reference 11 from to .

Equation (3.6)
Equation (3.7)
Equation (3.8)
Equation (3.9)
Equation (3.10)
Equation (3.11)
Equation (4.1)
Equation (4.2)
Equation (4.3)
Equation (4.4)
Equation (4.5)
Equation (4.6)
Equation (4.7)
Equation (4.8)
Equation (4.9)
Equation (4.10)
Equation (4.11)
Equation (4.12)
Equation (4.13)
Equation (5.1)
Theorem 5.1.

Assume the hypotheses of Theorem . Furthermore, assume that there exists a constant such that


Equation (5.3)
Theorem 5.2.

Assume the hypotheses of Theorem . Let be a vertex of elements and assume that there exists a constant such that

Then we have (a) when ,

with ; and (b) when ,

with .


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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 65N30 (Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, finite methods)
Secondary: 65N50 (Mesh generation and refinement), 65N15 (Error bounds), 65N12 (Stability and convergence of numerical methods), 65D10 (Smoothing, curve fitting), 74S05 (Finite element methods), 41A10 (Approximation by polynomials), 41A25 (Rate of convergence, degree of approximation)
  • Gradient recovery
  • ZZ patch recovery
  • superconvergence
  • a posteriori error estimates
Author Information
Jinchao Xu
Center for Computational Mathematics and Applications, Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Zhimin Zhang
Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202
Additional Notes

The work of the first author was supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant DMS-9706949 and the Center for Computational Mathematics and Applications, Penn State University.

The work of the second author was supported in part by the National Science Foundation grants DMS-0074301, DMS-0079743, and INT-0196139.

Journal Information
Mathematics of Computation, Volume 73, Issue 247, ISSN 1088-6842, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2003 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-03-01600-4
  • MathSciNet Review: 2047081
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{2047081}{article}{ author={Xu, Jinchao}, author={Zhang, Zhimin}, title={Analysis of recovery type a posteriori error estimators for mildly structured grids}, journal={Math. Comp.}, volume={73}, number={247}, date={2004-07}, pages={1139-1152}, issn={0025-5718}, review={2047081}, doi={10.1090/S0025-5718-03-01600-4}, }


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