Irreducibility of Newton strata in Shimura varieties

By Jeffrey D. Achter


Let be a quadratic imaginary field, inert at the rational prime . Fix an integer , and let be the moduli space (in characteristic ) of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension equipped with an action by of signature . We show that each Newton stratum of , other than the supersingular stratum, is irreducible.

1. Introduction

For a complex abelian variety , the isomorphism class of its -torsion group scheme and of its -divisible group depend only on the dimension of . In contrast, in characteristic , there are different possibilities for the corresponding isomorphism (or even isogeny) class. Each such invariant provides a stratification of a family of abelian varieties in positive characteristic.

The isogeny class of is called the Newton polygon of . The goal of the present paper is to prove that the space of abelian varieties with given Newton polygon and a certain, specified endomorphism structure is irreducible.

More precisely, let be a quadratic imaginary field, inert at the rational prime . Fix an integer , and let be the moduli space (over ) of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension equipped with an action by of signature . Our main result is:

Theorem 1.1.

Let be an admissible Newton polygon for which is not supersingular. Then the corresponding stratum is irreducible.

The proof of Theorem 1.1 is modelled on, but considerably easier than, that of Reference 4, Theorem A. This is possible because the Newton and Ekedahl-Oort stratifications of are much simpler than those of .

In the special case where and is or , essentially coincides with a component of the moduli space of cyclic triple covers of the projective line. Theorem 1.1 provides a crucial base case for forthcoming work of Ozman, Pries and Weir on such covers Reference 11, and that work was the initial impetus for the present study.

For a topological space , let denote the set of irreducible components of . If , then is its closure in . The symbol will denote an arbitrary algebraically closed field of characteristic .

2. Background on

2.1. Moduli spaces

Let be the moduli stack (over ) of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension with an action by of signature . Somewhat more precisely, consists of isomorphism classes of data , where is an abelian variety of relative dimension , is an embedding taking to such that , as a module over , has signature , and is a principal polarization such that if is the induced Rosati involution on , then for each one has . It is standard that .

In fact, is the moduli stack attached to the Shimura (pro-)variety constructed from a certain group , as follows.

Let be an -dimensional vector space over , equipped with a Hermitian pairing of signature . Let be the group of unitary similitudes of , and let be the unitary group of . Fix a hyperspecial subgroup . For each sufficiently small open compact subgroup , there is a moduli space of abelian varieties of dimension as above with structure; see Reference 7 for more details. If is sufficiently small, then is a smooth, quasiprojective variety, and may be constructed as the quotient of any by an appropriate finite group.

2.2. Newton polygons in

Newton and Ekedahl-Oort stratifications on Shimura varieties are well understood Reference 2. There are exactly (тАЬadmissibleтАЭ) Newton polygons which occur, and the poset of admissible Newton polygons is actually totally ordered. Let be the supersingular Newton polygon, so that for any admissible Newton polygon for . For a Newton polygon , let denote the locally closed locus corresponding to abelian varieties with Newton polygon . Then is pure of dimension . By purity Reference 5Reference 9, if and , then there exists some such that , the closure of in .

The Newton stratification of is described in Reference 2, as follows. Each admissible Newton polygon is determined by its smallest slope. For each integer , there is a Newton polygon with smallest slope

then has codimension in . (Admittedly, in many ways this normalization is more awkward than that of Reference 2, in which is labeled , but it will be more convenient for the deformation theory below.)

Away from the supersingular locus , the Newton, Ekedahl-Oort, and final stratifications coincide; a -divisible group is determined by its truncation Reference 2, Theorem 5.3. This is recalled in greater detail in Section 2.3.

The Newton polygon and Ekedahl-Oort type of a polarized -abelian variety with prime-to- level structure do not depend on the level structure, and we set .

2.3. -divisible groups

In contrast to the Siegel case, it is possible to write a finite, explicit collection of those principally quasipolarized -divisible groups with -action which occur as for . Following Wedhorn, we describe such -divisible groups in terms of their covariant Dieudonn├й modules, as follows.

For , let be the following Dieudonn├й module:


As a -module, admits basis .


A display Reference 10Reference 13 for is


The two eigenspaces for the action of on are and .


The quasipolarization is given by the symplectic pairing , where

We also define the Dieudonn├й module :


As a -module, admits basis .


A display for is


The quasipolarization is given by the symplectic pairing .


The two eigenspaces for the action of are and .

With this notation in place, one has the following result of B├╝ltel and Wedhorn:

Theorem 2.1 (Reference 2).

Suppose . There exists an integer such that if , then


There exists an open dense subspace such that if , then

2.4. Hecke operators

An inclusion of open compact subgroups of induces a cover of Shimura varieties . More generally, an element induces, for each open compact , a natural morphism .

Let . Its prime-to- (unitary) Hecke orbit, , is defined as follows. Consider the pro-variety . Choose a lift of to . Then is the projection to of . (One can also construct the тАЬsimilitudeтАЭ Hecke orbit of by replacing the orbit with . However, the unitary Hecke orbit is both the output of Reference 12, Theorem 4.6 and the input to Reference 6, Theorem 1.4, and thus is better suited to the task at hand.)

3. Closures of Newton strata

Let be an admissible Newton polygon for such that .

Lemma 3.1.

The locus is smooth.


The isomorphism class of for is independent of the choice of point (Theorem 2.1). By the Serre-Tate theorem, the formal neighborhoods of all points of are thus isomorphic. Since is by definition equipped with the reduced subscheme structure, it must be smooth.

Lemma 3.2.

If , then there exists such that .


We prove the following apparently stronger result. Suppose and are admissible Newton polygons with , and . We show that there exists such that . It suffices to prove this statement under the assumption that is the immediate predecessor of , so that . The statement is trivially true if is the locus with positive -rank; henceforth, we assume that is strictly smaller than .

It is is slightly more convenient to work with fine moduli schemes. Let be an open compact subgroup which is small enough that is a smooth, quasiprojective variety. Let be an irreducible component of lying over . It suffices to show that the closure of in contains an irreducible component of .

Let be a toroidal compactification of (e.g., Reference 8, It is a smooth, projective variety. Let be the closure of in , and let . Newton strata (other than the supersingular stratum) coincide with Ekedahl-Oort strata, and the latter are known to be affine (e.g., Reference 9). Because is positive dimensional, is nonempty. The first slope of is positive, while the boundary of parametrizes semiabelian varieties with nontrivial toric part. Consequently, is empty, and . Again by purity (Reference 9), . By semicontinuity of Newton polygons, there is an a priori containment . The result now follows from dimension counts: is pure of dimension , while if , then .



Lemma 3.3.

If , then there is a unique such that .


The existence of such a follows from purity and dimension-counting. If there were two such components, then they would intersect along , which would contradict the smoothness shown in Lemma 4.1.


4. Local calculations

Lemma 4.1.

Let be an admissible Newton polygon which is not supersingular, and suppose . Then is smooth at .


This follows directly from the explicit calculation (Lemmas 4.3 and 4.8) of the Newton stratification on the formal neighborhood of .


The necessary calculations are somewhat sensitive to the parity of . We first work out the details when is odd and then indicate the changes necessary to accommodate even .

4.1. The case of odd

Throughout this section, assume that is odd.

4.1.1. Explicit deformations

Suppose . Our goal is to understand the Newton stratification on the formal neighborhood of in . This will be accomplished using (covariant) Dieudonn├й theory. Suppose . Then the Dieudonn├й module is isomorphic to (Theorem 2.1).

Deformations of are parametrized by ; those which preserve the -structure are classified by (e.g., Reference 1). The display we have chosen gives coordinates on and :


and the universal equicharacteristic deformation ring of is

For , let be its Teichm├╝ller lift to . Then is displayed over by

The pairing extends to by linearity. We would like to identify the largest quotient of to which extends as a pairing of Dieudonn├й modules, for then .

The quasipolarization extends to a ring if and only if, for each , one has

Suppose , and let . Then


Consequently, if is quasipolarized by , then for each , the image of in is zero.

Similarly, by considering , we see that the image of in such an must be zero.

The quotient of by these relations is a smooth, local ring of dimension , and thus we identify with

where is the image of in . We record these calculations as follows.

Lemma 4.2.

The formal neighborhood of is isomorphic to

Over , the Dieudonn├й module of the universal deformation of is displayed by

4.1.2. Newton strata in local coordinates

In this choice of coordinates, it is easy to calculate the Newton stratification on . For , let

be the locus in parametrizing those deformations whose first slope is strictly larger than .

Lemma 4.3.

Suppose . Then

Before proceeding with the proof, we construct a graph to encode part of the structure of (a deformation of) . Initially, construct a graph as follows (see Figure 1). With a slight abuse of notation, let the vertex set be . For , draw a (light) gray arrow from to , to encode the fact that . Similarly, draw a gray arrow from to .

Also, for each , draw a black arrow from to , to encode the fact that . Similarly, draw a black arrow from to .

Note that is a (colored) cycle. In fact, starting from vertex , one successively visits

Now let be an integral domain equipped with a surjection , and let be the field of fractions of . Construct a graph by (possibly) augmenting the edge set of , as follows.

For each , if , then add a gray edge from to . (For the sake of completeness, if , then add a black edge from to . For each , if , then add a black edge from to . These additional black edges will not affect the final calculation.)

Let be a cycle or path in . The length of is the number of edges in , while the weight of is the number of black edges in . Define the slope of to be

Note that for the trivial deformation, corresponding to itself, we have .

Lemma 4.4.

If is a cycle through , then the smallest slope of the Newton polygon is at most .


It is harmless, and convenient, to replace by its perfection. Suppose there is a cycle of length and weight ; let . Then but , and is an --crystal of slope at most . Therefore, the smallest slope of is at most .

Remark 4.5.

Let ; then the -span of in is all of . Therefore, one can in fact show that the smallest slope of is

Lemma 4.6.

If , then there is a cycle in of length and weight .


In , the unique path from to has length and weight . If , then in there is a cycle, obtained by concatenating to , of length and weight .

Lemma 4.7.

If the smallest slope of is greater than , then


The contrapositive follows immediately from Lemmas 4.6 and 4.4. If there is some with , then the smallest slope of is at most .

Proof of Lemma 4.3.

By Lemma 4.7, the sought-for neighborhood is the formal spectrum of a quotient of . We thus have . Since both and have codimension , the result follows.


4.2. The case of even

We now indicate the changes which must be made in order to perform the calculations of Section 4.1 in the case where is even.

Suppose . The quasipolarized Dieudonn├й module of , as a -divisible group with -action, is (Theorem 2.1). A calculation exactly like the one in Section 4.1.1 shows that ; the corresponding deformation of is displayed by

Construction and analysis of graphs and , for quotients of , shows that Lemma 4.3 holds for even too:

Lemma 4.8.

Suppose . Then

5. Hecke orbits for the supersingular locus

Lemma 5.1.

Let be a compact open subgroup. The -Hecke operators act transitively on .


Let be a geometric generic point of . The central leaf , which in a general PEL Shimura variety context parametrizes those with , in this case coincides with (the union of a choice of geometric point over each generic point of) . There is an a priori inclusion . Since is basic and , the reductive group defining , has a simply connected derived group, the prime-to- Hecke orbit of coincides with the central leaf Reference 12, Theorem 4.6(1) and Remark 4.7(3).


6. Irreducibility of Newton strata

Proof of Theorem 1.1.

Chai and Oort identify nine steps in their proof of Reference 4, Theorem 3.1, which is the analogue for of Theorem 1.1. We proceed here in a similar fashion. Fix an open compact subgroup ; it suffices to prove that is irreducible.

Steps 1-6

By Lemma 3.3, there is a well-defined map of sets

It is surjective by Lemma 3.2. From it, we deduce the existence of a surjective

visibly -equivariant.

Steps 7-8

By Lemma 5.1, the action of on is transitive.

Step 9

Taken together, this shows that acts transitively on . By Reference 6, Theorem 1.4, which is the PEL analogue of Reference 3, is connected. Since is also smooth (Lemma 3.1), it is irreducible.тЦа


Figure 1.

The graph for .

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture}[yscale=0.5,>=stealth] \foreach\x in {1,...,7} { \filldraw[black] (\x,0) circle (0.1cm); \node[above] at (\x,2) {$u_{\x}$}; \filldraw[black] (\x,2) circle (0.1cm); \node[below] at (\x,0) {$v_{\x}$}; } \begin{scope}[very thick] \foreach\x in {2,3,...,7} \draw[->>] (\x,2) -- ++(-1,-2); \draw[->>] (1,0) .. controls (2,-2) and (9,-2) .. (7,2); \end{scope} \begin{scope}[thin] \foreach\x in {2,3,...,7} \draw[->>] (\x,0) -- ++(-1,2); \draw[->>](1,2) .. controls (-1,-2) and (5,-2) .. (7,0); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture}

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1.

Let be an admissible Newton polygon for which is not supersingular. Then the corresponding stratum is irreducible.

Theorem 2.1 (Reference 2).

Suppose . There exists an integer such that if , then


There exists an open dense subspace such that if , then

Lemma 3.1.

The locus is smooth.

Lemma 3.2.

If , then there exists such that .

Lemma 3.3.

If , then there is a unique such that .

Lemma 4.1.

Let be an admissible Newton polygon which is not supersingular, and suppose . Then is smooth at .

Lemma 4.3.

Suppose . Then

Lemma 4.4.

If is a cycle through , then the smallest slope of the Newton polygon is at most .

Lemma 4.6.

If , then there is a cycle in of length and weight .

Lemma 4.7.

If the smallest slope of is greater than , then

Lemma 4.8.

Suppose . Then

Lemma 5.1.

Let be a compact open subgroup. The -Hecke operators act transitively on .


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 14K10 (Algebraic moduli, classification)
Secondary: 14G17 (Positive characteristic ground fields), 14L05 (Formal groups, -divisible groups), 11G10 (Abelian varieties of dimension )
Author Information
Jeffrey D. Achter
Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Additional Notes

This work was partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation (204164). The author also acknowledges support from the Colorado State University Libraries Open Access Research and Scholarship Fund.

Communicated by
Lev Borisov
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 1, Issue 8, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00011-0
  • MathSciNet Review: 3240772
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3240772}{article}{ author={Achter, Jeffrey}, title={Irreducibility of Newton strata in ${\rm GU}(1,n-1)$ Shimura varieties}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={1}, number={8}, date={2014}, pages={79-88}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3240772}, doi={10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00011-0}, }


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