Open Access Journals

As a non-profit society publisher, AMS Publishing is committed to serving our community and providing access to valuable content. It is important that we carefully evaluate and consider how best to develop sustainable business models that support the mathematical community.

From the AMS Primer on Open Access

Communicating and sharing discoveries is an essential part of the research process. Any author of a research paper wants it to be read. Therefore, the fewer restrictions placed on access to those papers means that more people may benefit from the research. In many ways, the OA movement is very much in line with the shared mission of researchers, scholarly societies, and publishers.

AMS Open Access provides unrestricted electronic access to AMS peer-reviewed scholarly research. AMS research journals fall under three models of open access: diamond, green, and gold.

Intro to Green Open Access Section AMS Green Open Access Journals

With green open access, the author may post a prepublication version of a journal article on their personal web page, their institution's noncommercial repository, and/or on with no embargo period. The AMS considers any version of the paper up to the final peer-reviewed manuscript, including revisions that take into account comments and suggestions of referees (often called the Author-Accepted-Manuscript), to be a prepublication version.

  • Open Archive: All subscription journal content over 5 years old (rolling) is open and free to read to all.
  • Participation in the Research4Life program providing free access to readers in developing countries.
  • CHORUS: As a member of CHORUS, research funded by CHORUS partners is made available in accordance with the relevant guidelines.

Intro to Gold Open Access Section AMS Gold Open Access Journals

With gold open access, the AMS makes the final published version of an article freely available electronically immediately upon publication. The AMS offers two gold open access journals: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B and Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

APCs are required for gold open access articles. Discounts are available for AMS members (serving as corresponding authors) as noted below. 

  • Proceedings of the AMS, Series B: US$1,500 ($247 for AMS Members)
  • Transactions of the AMS, Series B: US$2,750 ($247 for AMS Members)

Creative Commons Licenses

Articles published in AMS diamond or gold open access journals will be distributed under Creative Commons licenses:

  • CC-BY-NC: Noncommercial use only, with attribution.
  • CC BY-ND: No derivative works allowed, with attribution.
  • CC-BY: Allows commercial and noncommercial use, with attribution.

Authors retain copyright under these licenses. Further AMS copyright policies are available here.