Average Mahler’s measure and norms of Littlewood polynomials

By Stephen Choi and Tamás Erdélyi


Littlewood polynomials are polynomials with each of their coefficients in the set . We compute asymptotic formulas for the arithmetic mean values of the Mahler’s measure and the norms of Littlewood polynomials of degree . We show that the arithmetic means of the Mahler’s measure and the norms of Littlewood polynomials of degree are asymptotically and , respectively, as grows large. Here is Euler’s constant. We also compute asymptotic formulas for the power means of the norms of Littlewood polynomials of degree for any and . We are able to compute asymptotic formulas for the geometric means of the Mahler’s measure of the “truncated” Littlewood polynomials defined by associated with Littlewood polynomials of degree . These “truncated” Littlewood polynomials have the same limiting distribution functions as the Littlewood polynomials. Analogous results for the unimodular polynomials, i.e., with complex coefficients of modulus , were proved before. Our results for Littlewood polynomials were expected for a long time but looked beyond reach, as a result of Fielding known for means of unimodular polynomials was not available for means of Littlewood polynomials.

1. Introduction and main results

The Mahler’s measure of a polynomial with complex coefficients is defined by

It is well known that if the polynomial is of the form



where is defined by

A polynomial is called Littlewood polynomial if each of its coefficients is in the set . A polynomial is called unimodular if each of its coefficients is a complex number of modulus . Let denote the set of all Littlewood polynomials of degree . Let denote the set of all unimodular polynomials of degree . Note that Parseval’s formula implies for all . We also introduce the set of all Littlewood polynomials and the set of all unimodular polynomials.

Littlewood posed a number of problems regarding the behavior of Littlewood and unimodular polynomials on the unit circle; see, for instance, Reference 11, Problem 19. He asked if there exist absolute constants and and a sequence of polynomials (or perhaps ) such that

Kahane Reference 9 proved that there is such a sequence of polynomials , showing in fact that for every there is a sequence of polynomials such that

for all sufficiently large . Whether or not there is such a sequence of polynomials is still open. The Rudin-Shapiro polynomials of degree satisfy the upper bound with and no sequence of polynomials is known that satisfies just a lower bound with an absolute constant . Erdős conjectured that there is an absolute constant such that the maximum modulus of any Littlewood polynomial on the unit circle is at least .

Problems regarding the existence of unimodular or Littlewood polynomials with certain flatness properties on the unit circle also arise in the context of the Mahler’s measure. In 1963, Mahler Reference 12 proved that the maximum value of the Mahler’s measure of a polynomial of degree at most having all its coefficients in the closed unit disk is attained by a unimodular polynomial. Mahler posed the problem of determining the mean value of the Mahler’s measure of these polynomials to Fielding, who proved in 1970 that


where denotes Euler’s constant and is an arbitrarily small positive constant. See Reference 8. Here


In Reference 4, the authors strengthen (Equation 1.2) by proving that the limiting value of both the geometric and the arithmetic means of the normalized Mahler’s measure of unimodular polynomials is exactly

Theorem 1.1.

Let denote the set of unimodular polynomials of degree . Then




In this paper first we determine the limiting values of the arithmetic means of the normalized Mahler’s measure and norms of Littlewood polynomials . The values we obtain are the same as those found in Reference 4 in the unimodular case. To do so we will employ a result of Konyagin and Schlag (Lemma 2.4 below) in the place of Fielding’s result about the unimodular polynomials. We prove the following theorem in the next section. For any , we define .

Theorem 1.2.

We have


where . We also have


Equality Equation 1.6 is proved in Theorem 1 of Reference 2, while Equation 1.3, Equation 1.4 and Equation 1.5 are new results. Hopefully, the results Equation 1.3 and Equation 1.5 will shed some light on how to compute the limiting value of the geometric means of the normalized Mahler’s measure of Littlewood polynomials as well in the future.

Although we cannot offer an asymptotic formula for the geometric means of the Mahler’s measures of Littlewood polynomials , we can prove the following result.

Corollary 1.3.

We have

For every fixed , we also have

The problem of determining whether there exists a positive number such that for every Littlewood polynomial of positive degree is commonly known as Mahler’s problem (see for instance Reference 1). The largest known value of for a Littlewood polynomial of positive degree is achieved by . The best known asymptotic result in Mahler’s problem is due to Erdélyi and Lubinsky Reference 6, who recently proved that the Fekete polynomials, defined by , where is a prime number and denotes the usual Legendre symbol, satisfy

for arbitrarily small when is sufficiently large. Recently, in Reference 3, we constructed Littlewood polynomials of degree satisfying Equation 1.7 for all positive integers , not only for prime numbers. The Rudin-Shapiro polynomials are also known to satisfy for every with an absolute constant ; see Reference 5.

An analogue of Fielding’s result (Equation 1.2) for Littlewood polynomials as well as an improved lower bound in Mahler’s problem follows immediately.

Corollary 1.4.

For every there exist infinitely many Littlewood polynomials satisfying

and infinitely many Littlewood polynomials satisfying

Since the arithmetic means and geometric means of the normalized Mahler’s measure of associated with Littlewood polynomials converge to the same limiting value as , we can deduce that the values are close to each other for almost all , and hence almost all of the values are close to the mean. More precisely we can prove the following result.

Theorem 1.5.

The normalized Mahler’s measure converges to in probability. That is,

for every , where denotes the number of the elements in the set . Also, the normalized norms converge to in probability. That is,

for every and .

Result Equation 1.9 is proved in Theorem 1 of Reference 2, while Equation 1.8 is a new result.

We may obtain more information on the distribution of the Mahler’s measure and the norms by studying their moments. We have the following result.

Theorem 1.6.

We have


for every and .

We think that similar techniques permit the extension of our main results to the derivatives of Littlewood polynomials.

2. Proofs of the main results

For of the form

we define

For a fixed , P. Borwein and Lockhart Reference 2 studied the distribution of as a random variable. Let

and write

and, for not an integer multiple of ,

We also define the random variables

Note that

Let be the standard normal distributions, and let be the expected value of the random variable . We need the following lemma, which records some facts observed in the proof of Theorem 1 of Reference 2.

Lemma 2.1.

For any fixed not an integer multiple of , we have


converges in distribution to as ;


converges in distribution to as ;


and   converge uniformly on to as .

Proof of Lemma 2.1.

See pages 1466 and 1469 of Reference 2.

For a fixed and and a fixed , let

be the distribution function of , and let be the distribution function of the standard exponential function on . The following is a Berry-Esseen type central limit theorem for . Let .

Proposition 2.2.

Let and with . We have

for any , where the implicit constant in the symbol is absolute, independent of and .

Proof of Proposition 2.2.

For a fixed , let and be the probability density functions of and and let and be the corresponding distribution functions, respectively. In view of (iii) of Lemma 2.1, we have and converge uniformly on to


By (i) of Lemma 2.1, both and converge to the standard normal distributions. So using the Berry-Esseen’s central limit theorem (see Theorem 1 on p. 542 of Reference 7) with either or , where , we have

where is an absolute constant,


It follows that

for all in . Note that

for any with , where the implicit constant in the symbol is absolute. Similarly, we have

for any with , where the implicit constant in the symbol is absolute. Therefore, for any with and for any , we have

with some absolute constants and , where the implicit constant in the symbol is also absolute. Similarly, we have

We recall that

Therefore, we have

For any and we define the corresponding distribution function

Observe that ; hence for . Observe also that and imply , and hence . Hence, if , then we have


Theorem 2.3.

Suppose with and for some . There is an absolute constant such that

for every . Hence

for every . In particular,

where the convergence is uniform for such that .

Proof of Theorem 2.3.

We divide the interval of integration into three subintervals and estimate on them separately.

First we observe that by Equation 2.11

since for and hence for . Therefore,

where the implicit constant in the symbol is absolute.

Now we estimate on the interval . Using Equation 2.11 and Equation 2.10, we obtain

Finally we estimate on . We have

as when . Observe that so using Equation 2.10 again we obtain

Estimating the second term on the right hand side gives

as for . Hence

Now, Equation 2.12 follows from Equation 2.15, Equation 2.16 and Equation 2.17.

In the case of unimodular polynomials in Reference 4 a result of Fielding in Reference 8 helped the authors to succeed, but an analogue of Fielding’s result is not available in the case of Littlewood polynomials. However, to prove Equation 1.4 of our Theorem 1.2 we can use a recent result of Konyagin and Schlag in Reference 10. From Theorem 1.2 of Reference 10 (with ), for any , we have

with some absolute constant . Hence we have

Lemma 2.4.

For and we define

There is an absolute constant such that

for every .

Proof of Theorem 1.2.

Integrating Equation 2.13 over the set

and using Theorem 2.3 with , we obtain

Observe that


and as the measure of the set is , we have

This yields

which finishes the proof of Equation 1.3.

To prove Equation 1.4, let be fixed and suppose . We first observe that if , then . Hence whenever . It then follows that for all with . Therefore, if , then for with . Thus

Combining Equation 2.18 with the inequalities

valid for all Littlewood polynomial , we obtain

Using the inequality between the geometric and arithmetic means (or Jensen’s inequality) and Equation 1.3 we obtain

Observe that for , we have

and this gives . For ,

and this gives . Hence, we have

hold for all Littlewood polynomials . In Reference 2, it was shown that

Combining this with Equation 2.17, we also have


As this holds for all , and

we have

Combining Equation 2.22 and Equation 2.24 gives

Combining Equation 2.19, Equation 2.21, and Equation 2.25 gives Equation 1.4.

Formula Equation 1.6 has already been proved as Theorem 1 in Reference 2.

To prove Equation 1.5 we first recall that in Reference 2 it has been proved that converges to in probability. Hence for any , we have

Let , and . Let . We define

Using the convergence in probability stated in Theorem 1.5 (that we prove later in this paper) and Equation 2.23, we get

for all sufficiently large . Therefore

Now we can use Equation 2.26 and the convergence of the geometric means of the Mahler’s measure of of Littlewood polynomials to to estimate the second factor in this lower bound as

for all sufficiently large . Combining Equation 2.27 and Equation 2.28 we obtain

for all sufficiently large . On the other hand, using the inequality between the geometric and arithmetic means and Equation 2.23, and then recalling Equation 1.6, we obtain

Combining Equation 2.29 and Equation 2.30 and letting and then , we get

This proves Equation 1.5 and completes the proof of Theorem 1.2.

Proof of Corollary 1.3.


be the same as in Lemma 2.4. Observe that if and , then for all with . Hence,

Recalling Equation 2.20, we obtain

Combining this with Equation 1.4 and Lemma 2.4, we obtain


Proof of Theorem 1.5.

Result Equation 1.9 has been proved in Theorem 1 of Reference 2.

To prove Equation 1.8, we need a quantitative form of the inequality between the geometric and arithmetic means. Let be the arithmetic mean and be the geometric mean of the positive numbers . Let

We claim that for every , we have

Indeed, we first assume . Following Pólya’s proof of the inequality between the geometric and arithmetic means, we have for all . But when , we can gain a non-trivial factor . Consider the function for . The function is decreasing on and increasing on , and takes its absolute minimum value on at . So if , then or , and hence

Therefore implies

By taking the th root of both sides and recalling that , we have

For the case that , we replace by so that . Then from above, we have

This also gives

This proves the claim.

Applying the claim to our case, we have with , , and Note that from Theorem 1.2 and Equation 2.25. Therefore, for any ,

This completes the proof.

Proof of Theorem 1.6.

Let and . Let as before. In view of Equation 1.9 in Theorem 1.5, converges to in probability and hence also converges to in probability. We let

so that for any , we have

We now consider

The first term in Equation 2.31 is

as . In view of Reference 2, we know that

and using a similar proof, one can show that

for any integer by considering

and showing that converges almost everywhere to on by using Lindeberg’s central limit theorem as in the proof of Equation 2.32 in Reference 2. Then for , by Hölder’s inequality, the second term in Equation 2.31 is at most

where the right hand side tends to as . For , then for all . Hence the second term in Equation 2.31 is also

where the right hand side tends to as . Therefore, we have

and hence

The case of the Mahler’s measure can be proved in the same way. Now we can use Equation 1.8 rather than Equation 1.9 of Theorem 1.5 and observe that for all .


The first author would like to thank Mike Mossinghoff for his helpful and continual discussion on this subject.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.2)
Theorem 1.2.

We have


where . We also have


Corollary 1.3.

We have

For every fixed , we also have

Equation (1.7)
Theorem 1.5.

The normalized Mahler’s measure converges to in probability. That is,

for every , where denotes the number of the elements in the set . Also, the normalized norms converge to in probability. That is,

for every and .

Theorem 1.6.

We have


for every and .

Lemma 2.1.

For any fixed not an integer multiple of , we have


converges in distribution to as ;


converges in distribution to as ;


and   converge uniformly on to as .

Proposition 2.2.

Let and with . We have

for any , where the implicit constant in the symbol is absolute, independent of and .

Equation (2.11)
Theorem 2.3.

Suppose with and for some . There is an absolute constant such that

for every . Hence

for every . In particular,

where the convergence is uniform for such that .

Equation (2.15)
Equation (2.16)
Equation (2.17)
Lemma 2.4.

For and we define

There is an absolute constant such that

for every .

Equation (2.19)
Equation (2.20)
Equation (2.21)
Equation (2.22)
Equation (2.23)
Equation (2.24)
Equation (2.25)
Equation (2.26)
Equation (2.27)
Equation (2.28)
Equation (2.29)
Equation (2.30)
Equation (2.31)
Equation (2.32)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 11C08 (Polynomials), 30C10 (Polynomials)
Secondary: 42A05 (Trigonometric polynomials, inequalities, extremal problems), 60G99 (None of the above, but in this section)
  • Mean Mahler’s measure
  • mean norm
  • unimodular polynomial
  • Littlewood polynomial
  • Mahler’s problem.
Author Information
Stephen Choi
Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada
Tamás Erdélyi
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77842
Additional Notes

The research of the first author was supported by NSERC of Canada.

Communicated by
Thomas Schlumprecht
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 1, Issue 10, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00013-4
  • MathSciNet Review: 3272724
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3272724}{article}{ author={Choi, Stephen}, author={Erd\'elyi, Tam\'as}, title={Average Mahler's measure and $L_p$ norms of Littlewood polynomials}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={1}, number={10}, date={2014}, pages={105-120}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3272724}, doi={10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00013-4}, }


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