Newforms mod in squarefree level with applications to Monsky’s Hecke-stable filtration

By Shaunak V. Deo and Anna Medvedovsky, with an appendix by Alexandru Ghitza


We propose an algebraic definition of the space of -new mod- modular forms for in the case that is prime to , which naturally generalizes to a notion of newforms modulo in squarefree level. We use this notion of newforms to interpret the Hecke algebras on the graded pieces of the space of mod- level- modular forms described by Paul Monsky. Along the way, we describe a renormalized version of the Atkin-Lehner involution: no longer an involution, it is an automorphism of the algebra of modular forms, even in characteristic .

1. Overview

This note is inspired by an explicit filtration on the space of modular forms modulo 2 of levels 3 and 5 described by Paul Monsky in Reference 15Reference 16 and our search for a conceptual description thereof. The goals of the present text are three-fold:


Develop an algebraic theory of spaces of -new modular forms modulo , consistent with the classical characteristic-zero definitions.


Introduce a modified Atkin-Lehner “involution” that descends to a finite-order algebra automorphism of the space of modular forms modulo . The appendix, written by Alex Ghitza, justifies this modification geometrically by viewing modular forms modulo as regular functions on the Igusa curve with poles only at supersingular points and interpreting the Atkin-Lehner operator moduli-theoretically.


Construct a three-term Hecke-invariant filtration of the space of modular forms modulo . On an old local component satisfying the level-raising condition at , the Hecke algebras on the graded pieces of the filtration may be identified with two copies of the -old Hecke algebra and one copy of the -new Hecke algebra. We compare this filtration and its Hecke algebras to those found by Monsky in the case .

We now discuss each goal in detail. Throughout this section is an integer level, and is a prime dividing exactly once. The ring is a commutative -algebra.

1.1. Spaces of -new forms in characteristic

The theory of newforms in characteristic zero, developed by Atkin and Lehner Reference 1, traditionally casts new eigenforms as eigenforms that are not old (i.e., do not come from lower level) and the space of newforms as a complement (under the Petersson inner product) to the space of oldforms. Alternatively, one can define what it means to be a new eigenform — again, not old — and then the newforms are those expressible as linear combinations of new eigenforms. Viewed from both perspectives, newforms are classically identified by what they are not rather than by what they are: in a sense, a quotient space rather than a subspace.

This “anti”-property of newforms creates problems as soon as we move into characteristic . On one hand, there is no Petersson inner product, so no obvious way to find a complement of the old forms. On the other hand, in fixed level, there are infinitely many forms modulo but only finitely many eigenforms, so we cannot rely on eigenforms alone to characterize the newforms. And even labeling mod- eigenforms as “old” or “new” is problematic, as newforms and oldforms in characteristic zero may admit congruences modulo .

We propose two different algebraic notions of newness in characteristic , both based on properties of presence rather than absence. The first relies on the Atkin-Lehner result that an eigenform of level and weight that is new at a prime exactly dividing the level has its -eigenvalue equal to Reference 1, Theorem 3. The second is inspired by an observation of Serre from Reference 22, §3.1(d): in the same setup, the -new forms of level are exactly those forms that satisfy both and . Here is the trace map from forms of level to forms of level (see section 4), and is the Atkin-Lehner involution at (see section 3).

More precisely, we define two submodules of , the module of cuspforms of weight  and level over : let be the kernel of the Hecke operator , and let be the intersection of the kernels of and . Our first result is that these submodules coincide and agree with the usual notion of -newforms for characteristic-zero .

Theorem A (See Theorem 1 and Propositions 6.1 and 6.3).

For any -domain , we have . If , then they both coincide with .

We give similar results for , the space of cuspforms of level and all weights over , viewed as -expansions (see subsection 2.1 for definitions), if is a domain. Theorem A allows us to define a robust notion of the module of -new forms in characteristic and hence a notion of a module of newforms in characteristic for squarefree levels. Note that in characteristic the spaces of -new and -old forms need not be disjoint. The description of their intersection in section 7 supports our definitions: this intersection matches the level-raising results of Ribet and Diamond Reference 5Reference 21, which describe conditions for mod- congruences between classical (i.e., characteristic-zero) -new and -old eigenforms.

1.2. Atkin-Lehner operators as algebra automorphisms on forms mod

It is well known that Atkin-Lehner operator (see section 3) is an involution on , the space of modular forms of level and weight over , and descends to an involution on as well. Less popular is the (easy) fact that is an algebra involution of , the algebra of modular forms of level and all weights at once (here viewed as -expansions; see subsection 2.1 for definitions). However, because of congruences between forms whose weights differ by an odd multiple of , the Atkin-Lehner operator is not in general well-defined on , essentially because of the factor of that appears in its definition. In section 3 we discuss this difficulty in detail and propose a renormalization of that does descend to an algebra automorphism of , with the property that acts on forms of weight by multiplication by .

In Appendix A, Ghitza gives a geometric interpretation of the operator on , constructing it from an automorphism of the Igusa curve covering the modular curve .

1.3. Hecke-stable filtrations of generalized eigenspaces modulo

In the last part of the paper, we focus on using the space of -new mod- cuspforms to get information about the structure of the mod- Hecke algebra of level . We define a Hecke-stable filtration of , the subspace of annihilated by the operator (see Equation 8.2):

Here the indicates that we’ve restricted to a generalized Hecke eigencomponent for the eigensystem carried by a pseudorepresentation landing in a finite extension of (see subsection 7.1 for definitions). If is -old but satisfies the level-raising condition, then under certain regularity conditions on the Hecke algebra at level , we show that the Hecke algebra on the graded pieces of this filtration are exactly , , , the shallow Hecke algebras acting faithfully on , , and , respectively. See Proposition 8.1.

Finally, we compare this filtration to the filtration given in the case by Paul Monsky in Reference 15Reference 16 (see Equation 8.4):

Here again marks an -old component satisfying the level-raising condition. It is not difficult to see that the Hecke algebras on the first and third graded pieces are both . Under similar regularity conditions on , we show that the Hecke algebra on the middle graded piece is once again . See Proposition 8.4.


In section 2 we set the notation for the various spaces of modular forms that we consider. In section 3, we discuss problems with the Atkin-Lehner operator in characteristic (when considering all weights at once) and introduce a modified version. In section 4 we discuss the trace-at- operator. In section 5 we discuss -old forms. In section 6 we discuss and propose a space of -new forms over rings that are not subrings of . Intersections between spaces of -old and -new forms, especially restricted to local components of the Hecke algebra (defined in subsection 7.1) are discussed in section 7. Finally, in section 8, we discuss two Hecke-stable filtrations and compare the Hecke algebras on the corresponding graded pieces.

2. Notation and setup

2.1. The space of modular forms with coefficients in

Fix . Let be the space of -expansions of modular forms of level and weight whose Fourier coefficients at infinity are integral. We define for any commutative ring as . By the -expansion principle Reference 6, 12.3.4, the map is injective, so that we may view as a submodule of . Similarly, we let be the -expansions at infinity of cuspidal modular forms of level and weight , and let , which we again view as a submodule of . Note that .

Let , the algebra of all modular forms of level over . If is a domain of characteristic zero, then this sum is direct and (for , this is Reference 14, Lemma 2.1.1; otherwise use the fact that is flat over ). On the other hand, if is a domain of characteristic , then this sum is never direct: indeed, if , then a suitable multiple of the Eisenstein form has -expansion , and therefore . This is essentially the only wrinkle: for , set

then by Reference 8, Theorem 5.4 in chapter 4

making into a -graded algebra. If (and still has characteristic ), then multiples of both and have -expansion ; certainly .

Similarly, let , the space of all cuspidal forms of level . This is a graded ideal of the graded algebra ; let be the th graded part, where if has characteristic zero, if , and if .

For any and , write for the coefficient of ; that is, . If is in or , then is the th Fourier coefficient of . For , write for the formal -linear operator given by .

2.2. Hecke operators on and

The spaces carry actions of the Hecke operators for all positive if and for invertible in if . These Hecke operators satisfy and if , so that it suffices to define them for prime power only. If and is a prime not dividing (and again either or ), then the action of is determined by the definition of on -expansions

where we interpret to be zero if , and the recurrence

for all . On the other hand, if divides , then the action of on is given by so that coincides with the formal operator defined earlier. Finally, if is a domain of positive characteristic dividing , then the action of on also coincides with the action of (so long as ). We always write instead of in these settings.

All of these classical Hecke operators commute with each other. Moreover, if is a domain, then all of them extend to the algebra of modular forms . Indeed, this is immediate if has characteristic zero (as is the direct sum of the ). If has characteristic and is a prime not dividing , then is well-defined on from the -expansion formula Equation 2.2 because is a direct sum of weight-modulo- spaces Equation 2.1 and is well-defined in characteristic for modulo . The action of on for prime power relatively prime to follows from the recurrence Equation 2.3. The action of for dividing is independent of the weight and hence always well-defined.

2.2.1. Weight-separating operators

We can streamline these arguments by introducing weight-separating operators. If is a domain and is invertible in , we define the operator by .⁠Footnote(i) Note that extends to an algebra automorphism of . If is further a -algebra (respectively, an -algebra with ) then the action of all the is generated by the action of the and for primes not dividing (respectively, ).


Caution: For prime to and the (positive) characteristic of , many authors have historically worked with the weight-separating operator on , where is the diamond operator. We use a different normalization here so that our extends to an algebra automorphism on . We will eventually work with for is a prime exactly dividing the level.

3. The Atkin-Lehner involution at

We now fix an additional prime not dividing . From now on, we assume that is a -domain. Our eventual goal is to meaningfully compare the Hecke action on the algebras and . In this section, we discuss how to extend the Atkin-Lehner involution on to an algebra involution on .

3.1. The Atkin-Lehner involution at in weight

For , we recall the definition and properties of the Atkin-Lehner involution on as in Reference 1.

Let be the complex upper half plane. We extend the weight- right action of on functions given by to via

Here, for , we write for (this is the usual conformal action of on leaving invariant), and is the usual automorphy factor. The normalization of is chosen so that the scalars act trivially.

Let be any matrix of the form , where and are integers such that , which can be found as we’ve assumed that . Let be the operator on functions sending to . One can check that:


the matrix normalizes , so that maps to ;


any two choices of differ by an element of , so that the action of on is defined without ambiguity;


the matrix is in , and therefore is an involution, called the Atkin-Lehner involution on ;


for , the involution coincides with the Fricke involution ;


if , then ;


is -integral and is therefore defined as an involution on any so long as is a -algebra. (This statement relies on the geometric perspective of Atkin-Lehner induced on forms by a geometric involution of the modular curve . See Reference 22, §3.1(d) for and, for example, Reference 20, Theorem A.1 for the general case.)

3.2. Atkin-Lehner as an algebra involution in characteristic zero

If has characteristic zero, then it is clear from the definitions above and the direct sum property of that extends to an algebra involution on . However, if has characteristic and is not a square modulo , then we incur a sign ambiguity, essentially because of the factor of coming from the determinant term in Equation 3.1.

In the next section, we discuss the extent to which the Atkin-Lehner involutions on patch together to an algebra involution on when has characteristic .

3.3. Atkin-Lehner as algebra involution in characteristic : Difficulties

In this section we work with and finite extensions. We also assume the theory of oldforms and newforms in characteristic zero Reference 1, which will be reviewed in sections 5 and 6. From item 6 above, we know that if and are characteristic-zero modular forms of the same weight and level that are congruent modulo , then and are congruent modulo as well. Indeed, this is what it means for to descend to an involution on . However, if and appear in weights that differ by an odd multiple of , then will be congruent to up to a factor of only.

3.3.1. Some bad examples

There are examples in both newforms and oldforms.


Newform example: Let be an odd prime. If is a new eigenform, then is an eigenform for as well, so that for some . Moreover, (see Atkin–Lehner) Reference 1. Suppose now that is another new eigenform congruent to so that, in particular, modulo . Now, and . So will not be congruent to modulo unless . In particular, if is odd and is an odd multiple of , then if and only if is a square modulo .

For example, write for the new subspace on which acts by . For the spaces and are one-dimensional, spanned by

Then and are congruent , but and are not.


Oldform example: Let be any form, not necessarily eigen. Then . Suppose is congruent to . Then we similarly see that if and only if either is a square modulo or is a multiple of . Indeed, for any , compare and the constant form . Then and ; these are congruent modulo exactly when .

3.3.2. And some good examples

As demonstrated above, it is not true in general that descends to an algebra involution of . However it does work in certain cases:


If is a square modulo , then there is no sign ambiguity, and is an algebra involution of . This is easy to show by using multiplication by to move around different weights and by using the fact that . (Use and in place of if or .) In particular, never poses a problem.


Restricting to and , we can define as an algebra involution compatible with reduction of some lift. Namely, is the reduction of some with divisible by ; define as the reduction of . Since any two such ’s differ (multiplicatively) by a power of , this construction is independent of the choice of .⁠Footnote(ii)


For , this construction is equivalent to the following geometric definition. By dividing by , we can identify with the algebra of regular functions on the affine curve obtained by removing the supersingular points from (see Serre Reference 23, Corollaire 2). The geometric Atkin-Lehner involution on preserves the supersingular locus and hence induces an algebra involution on this geometrically defined .


One can show that if modulo and is not a square modulo , then there is no algebra involution on extending the involution on described in 2 above with the property that every is sent to a reduction of for some lift of . Is the same true for modulo ?

3.4. Modified Atkin-Lehner as an algebra automorphism in characteristic

To fix this difficulty, we will renormalize to be compatible with algebra structures.

For any , possibly depending on , the weight- right action of on functions can be extended to via the formula, for ,

Scalar matrices then act via multiplication by . The usual choice in the definition of the Atkin-Lehner operator is (scalars act trivially; see, for example, Reference 1, p. 135). Another possibility that appears in the literature is (used to define Hecke operators; see, for example, Reference 7, Exercise 1.2.11). For our renormalized Atkin-Lehner operator, we adopt , so that scalars act through their th power.

We define a new map

Here is again a matrix of the form , where and are integers such that , as in subsection 3.1. Since , it is clear that this map is well-defined independent of the choice of . Moreover, satisfies the following properties.

Proposition 3.1.

extends to an automorphism of for any -algebra . Furthermore,


(here is the weight-separating operator defined in subsubsection 2.2.1);


and for .


extends to an algebra automorphism of for any characteristic-zero -domain . This algebra automorphism preserves the ideal .


descends to an algebra automorphism of for any characteristic- domain . This algebra automorphism restricts to the involution on defined in subsubsection 3.3.2 2. For , the order of divides ; for , coincides with and hence has order .

Only the last item requires justification:

Lemma 3.2.

If are congruent modulo , then so are and .


It suffices to consider appearing in single weights, so let these be , respectively. Since already has this property for , so does . It therefore suffices to prove the case . By a theorem of Serre (see equation Equation 2.1) for some . But then and are congruent in the same weight, so . The observation that modulo completes the proof.

Appendix A shows that the renormalized Atkin-Lehner operator in characteristic is induced geometrically on modular forms by an automorphism of the Igusa curve.

4. The trace from level to level

For any characteristic-zero -domain , there is a -linear trace operator

given, for , by

first studied for by Serre in Reference 22, §3.1(c).

One can show (Reference 11, Lemma or Reference 22, §3.1(c) for ) that Equivalently,

Equation Equation 4.2 shows immediately that extends to a -linear operator for any -domain . The following identities are adjusted from Reference 22, §3.1(c). They are valid for any -domain . In fixed weight , they are valid for any -algebra .


For , we have .


For , we have


For , we have .


For , we have .


For , we have .


For , we have .

The shape of these equations suggests that it might be more natural to renormalize and by scaling them by , so that the Hecke operators are true “trace” rather than a scaled trace and stay integral even in weight . In fact, this renormalization would amount to using the -action discussed in subsection 3.4 to define the Hecke operators, which we are already using to define . But we will not do so here.

5. The space of -old forms

5.1. Two copies of in

There are two embeddings of into : the identity and . First we study their intersection.

Proposition 5.1.

For any -algebra , if , then is constant.


Let be such that . We use Proposition 3.11a and 1b to see that so that

But this means that has to be a constant! Indeed, suppose is the least integer such that . Since the right-hand side is in , we must have for some . But the -coefficient on the right-hand side is , which must be zero as was the least index of a nonzero coefficient of .

Alternatively, we can deduce Proposition 5.1 in characteristic zero from Reference 1, Theorem 1 and in characteristic from the following more recent theorem of Ono-Ramsey.

Theorem 5.2 (Ono-Ramsey Reference 19, Theorem 1.1).

Let be a prime, and let be a form in with its mod- image. Suppose that there exists an prime to and a power series so that . Then .

Corollary 5.3.

If is a -domain, then .


Let be forms so that . In light of Proposition 5.1, it suffices to show that we may assume that both and appear in a fixed weight . As a -domain, is flat over either or for some prime to . In either case, from subsection 2.1, we know that we can express both and as finite sums of forms and with for some weights , with linearly independent inside . Then forces in a single weight .

5.2. -old forms

Following Atkin-Lehner Reference 1 and others, define the -old forms in as the span of and :

Note that both and have bases in ; therefore does as well. Let be the forms in whose -expansions are integral:

and let be the cuspidal submodule. Finally, for any ring , let (respectively, ) be the image of (respectively, ) inside . Our definitions are not self-contradictory: for the definition of coincides with Equation 5.1 because of its -structure. For the same reason, for any .

Note that may a priori be bigger than . For example, if is the normalized (i.e., with ) weight- level-one Eisenstein series and , then

is in but not in , since has in the denominator of its constant term.⁠Footnote(iii) For our purposes, the following will suffice.


In fact for and or one can show that this is essentially the only such exception.

Proposition 5.4.

If is a -algebra, then


Since we are in a single weight, it suffices to consider .

Certainly is contained in , and by Corollary 5.3 this sum is direct. For the other containment, any element of looks like for some and . Then the fact that is -integral means that . But by Proposition 5.1 applied to , we must have

so that both and are in fact -integral.

Finally, let , the space of -old forms of any weight. Similarly, is the submodule of -old cuspforms.

6. The space of -new forms

6.1. -new forms in characteristic zero

6.1.1. Analytic notion

For one can follow Atkin-Lehner’s characterization of newforms to define the space of cuspidal -new forms of level and weight as the orthogonal complement to the space of -old forms under the Petersson inner product Reference 1, p. 145. Alternatively, the space of -new cuspforms is the -span of the -new eigenforms: those eigenforms that are not in Reference 1, Lemma 18. This latter definition can be extended to Eisenstein forms as well to obtain well-defined spaces and , which we here identify with their -expansions.

One can show that has a basis in (since Galois conjugates of -new eigenforms are -new Reference 6, Corollary 12.4.5, one can mimic the argument in Reference 7, Corollary 6.5.6; see also Brunault’s answer to MathOverflow question 109871). Therefore, the definitions

and, for any characteristic-zero domain ,

are compatible with the definition of above. Finally, set

as usual. In characteristic zero, of course, this sum is direct.

6.1.2. First algebraic notion: -eigenvalue

Combining the Atkin-Lehner computations of -new eigenvalues together with the Weil bound, one can obtain a purely algebraic characterization of the space of newforms. Define two operators via and , and let . Since the operator defines -linear grading-preserving operator and .

Proposition 6.1.

If is a domain of characteristic zero, then

We sketch a proof below, starting with a lemma that relies on the Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture (“Weil bound”), implied by the Weil conjectures, proved by Deligne.

Lemma 6.2 (Ramanujan-Petersson, Weil, Deligne).

If is a normalized Hecke eigenform and is any prime, then .


The negation of the inequality violates the Weil bound . Indeed, is equivalent to , which cannot happen for .

Proof of Proposition 6.1.

It suffices to prove that the kernel of is in a single weight . Moreover, since is flat over it suffices to prove the statement for , and since has a basis over , it suffices to take .

The module is a direct sum of one-dimensional subspaces spanned by -new eigenforms and two-dimensional subspaces , each spanned by an eigenform and . Since each of these subspaces is -invariant, it suffices to see that annihilates all -new eigenforms and that is never a -eigenvalue on any . If is an -new eigenform, then it is cuspidal, and by Reference 1, Theorem 5 its -eigenvalue is , so that . Now consider for some eigenform . The characteristic polynomial of on is , where is the -eigenvalue of ; we aim to show that is not a root of . If is Eisenstein, then for some Dirichlet character of modulus with (see, for example, Reference 7, Theorem 4.5.2), so that the absolute values of the roots of are and . If is cuspidal, and one root of is , then the other root must be , so that , which is impossible by Lemma 6.2.

6.1.3. Second algebraic notion: Kernel of trace

On the other hand, if is additionally a -algebra, then Serre suggests an alternate description of the space of newforms of level .

Proposition 6.3 (Serre Reference 22, §3.1(c), remarque (3)).

If is a characteristic-zero -domain, then


Since is flat over , we may replace by in the beginning of the proof of Proposition 6.1 to see that it suffices to establish this in a single weight for . Since both and commute with Hecke operators prime to , it suffices to consider separately the one-dimensional eigenspaces spanned by -new eigenforms and the two-dimensional -old eigenspaces coming from eigenforms of level . If is -new eigen, then both and are forms of level with the same eigenvalues away from as , which is impossible by Reference 1, Lemma 23. Therefore both and , so that does indeed contain . For the reverse containment, if is in , then it suffices to consider contained in the two-dimensional span of and for some eigenform . From the identities in section 4, the operators and , on the ordered basis of the -old subspace of associated to , have matrix form

The kernels of matrices of the form and have a nontrivial intersection if and only if . In our case that would mean that , which is again impossible by the Weil bounds (Lemma 6.2).

6.2. Newforms over any domain: A proposal

Inspired by the algebraic characterisations of Propositions 6.1 and 6.3 of newforms in characteristic zero, we make the following two definitions.

Definition 1.

For any ring and any Hecke-invariant submodule , let

Proposition 6.1 already establishes that if is a characteristic zero -domain and is , then both of these spaces coincide with . In other words, these definitions both extend the Atkin-Lehner analytic notion of -new forms. The main result of this section is to show that on cuspforms, these two definitions coincide for more general as well.

Theorem 1.

For any -domain , we have

To prove Theorem 1, we first establish

Proposition 6.4.

Let be a -algebra. Suppose in for some weight . Then the following are equivalent:






and .


Proposition 6.4 may be rewritten more symmetrically in terms of , the involution-normalized Atkin-Lehner operator on . Namely, let Then the claim of the proposition is that

The constant appears in connection with level-raising theorems of Ribet Reference 21 and Diamond Reference 5. See also subsection 7.2 for more details.


From the proof of Proposition 6.4 below, it is clear that the conclusions hold for any as long as we assume that is -domain.


Proposition 6.4 does not hold as stated for if has characteristic . For example, if but (say, if but ), then is in the kernel of but is not in the kernel of .

Proof of Proposition 6.4.

We use the identities from section 4 repeatedly, including the fact that for , we have and . We first show that 1 3. Let . On one hand we have


From Proposition 5.1, the intersection of and inside is trivial. So if and only if

which holds if and only if

The second equation reduces to

Inserting this into the first equation, combining like terms, and eliminating reveals that

as required.

For 2 3, we recall that for ,

Therefore . Symmetrically, .

Proof of Theorem 1.

If has characteristic zero, then this statement is already known (Propositions 6.1 and 6.3), but we prove it again without using the Weil bound. As in the proof of Proposition 6.1, we may assume that we are in a single weight and that , and note that each one-dimensional -new eigenspace is annihilated by all three operators , , and . Now Proposition 6.4 establishes the desired statement for each two-dimensional -old away-from- Hecke eigenspace and completes the proof.

If has characteristic , then we may assume that and again as in the proof of Corollary 5.3 work in a single weight . We will have to distinguish between coefficients in and quotients, so for any ring , write for the operator acting on .

Take . Then there exist integral forms and in and , respectively, and a so that is the mod- reduction of

Suppose now that , so that is in . Since we have . In other words, the form is in , where is the image of under the reduction-mod- map. By Proposition 6.4, is in . By lifting back up to characteristic zero, we see that both and are in .

As , we get that both and are in . Therefore, and

Hence is in . Reverse all steps for the reverse containment.

In light of Theorem 1, we introduce the following definition.

Definition 2.

If is any -algebra, the submodule of -new cuspforms of weight is

If is any -domain, the submodule of -new cuspforms of all weights is

We will also use the notation . Observe that the space of -new forms is stable under .

7. Interactions between -old and -new spaces mod

In characteristic zero, spaces of -new and -old forms are disjoint. This fails in characteristic because of congruences between -new and -old forms. A related phenomenon: over a field of characteristic zero, -new and -old forms together span the space of forms of level . This already fails over a ring like , again because of congruences between -new and -old forms. A guiding scenario: if in is nonzero modulo but congruent to modulo but not modulo , then is in but not in , and the (nonzero) reduction of modulo is in .

Example 1.

Take , , , . There is only one cuspform at level , namely, In level , there are two newforms, forming a basis of (but not over , as they are congruent modulo ):

One can check that modulo Footnote(iv) and that is in but not in . Modulo , we likewise find in


Indeed, the level-raising condition for at modulo is satisfied, so that the existence of such a congruence is guaranteed by Diamond Reference 5. See also subsection 7.2.

In this section, we describe the intersection of the -old and the -new subspaces modulo and comment on the failure of these to span the whole level- space. We will fix a prime and work with or a finite extension, suppressing from the notation. We start with the following corollary to Proposition 6.4 and the first remark following.

Corollary 7.1.


If , then in fixed weight with , we have

where, for , we write


The first part of the corollary follows directly from Proposition 6.4. For the second part, first observe that by the first remark after Proposition 6.4. As we are assuming , we can write . If and , then and . The corollary now follows directly from the first remark after Proposition 6.4.

To offer a more detailed analysis, we will pass to generalized Hecke eigenspaces. In subsection 7.1 we recall definitions and notation for mod- big Hecke algebras. And in subsection 7.2 we state our conclusions on the intersection of -old and -new subspaces in characteristic .

7.1. The Hecke algebra acting on modular forms mod

In this section, we briefly recall the construction of the big mod- Hecke algebra acting on . For more details, see Reference 2, 1.2 or Reference 12, 2.3–2.5 for the construction for , Reference 4, Section 1 for general .

We work over , a finite extension of . For any level , let be the closed Hecke algebra topologically generated inside by the action of Hecke operators for prime to under the compact-open topology on induced by the discrete topology on . We write for this construction. This is the big shallow Hecke algebra acting on the space of modular forms of level modulo , the only kind of Hecke algebra we study here.⁠Footnote(v)


One can also consider the big partially full Hecke algebra , topologically generated inside by the action of for all as well as for , and the big full Hecke algebra , which also includes the action of . Many authors also consider the “smaller” algebras , , acting on forms in a single weight.

One can show that is a complete noetherian semilocal ring that factors into a product of its localizations at its maximal ideals, which by Deligne and Serre reciprocity (formerly Serre’s conjecture) correspond to Galois orbits of odd dimension- Chenevier pseudorepresentations , where for some . Here is the mod- cyclotomic character, and is the Galois group , where is the maximal extension of unramified outside the support of . Since the in each pseudorepresentation is entirely determined by in this setting (indeed, if we have for any , and if , then ), we will frequently suppress it from notation. For more on Chenevier pseudorepresentations see Reference 3 or Reference 2, 1.4. If we assume that is large enough to contain all the finitely many Hecke eigenvalue systems appearing in , then the Galois orbits become trivial; from now on we assume that this is done.

Let be the kernel of the operator. Since in characteristic is a left inverse of the raising-to-the-th-power operator , given any form , the form has the property that unless , in which case . Therefore is a nontrivial subspace of . Further, since preserves the grading from Equation 2.1, we can set for , and then . One can show that acts faithfully on , so that is also . Studying this smaller space eliminates minor complications caused by the behavior of our Hecke eigensystems at .

For , let

and let .

By the remarks above, corresponds to the set of maximal ideals of . Let be the localization of at the maximal ideal corresponding to in . This is a complete local noetherian ring, and we have a decomposition

The factorization of leads to a splitting of and into generalized eigenspaces for , refining the gradings on and :

7.2. -old and -new forms restricted to eigencomponents

We now return to working with modular forms of level , where is a prime not dividing . Recall that we work over , an extension of containing all of the Hecke eigensystems appearing in .

Since the operators , , used to define the -old and -new subspaces of commute with Hecke operators away from , the spaces and also decompose into generalized eigenspaces for the various . For a Hecke module , write , so that we define , , and .

Theorem 2.

Fix (or if ) and . For even with , let be the image of in . Note that the set depends only on .


If (that is, any representation carrying is ramified at ), then no forms of level carry this eigensystem. Therefore and hence .


Otherwise, , and we are in one of two situations:


If , then , and therefore .


If , then all three of , , and are nonzero. Moreover:


If , then, writing for , we have


If , let be determined by . Then

In part 2(b)ii, note that depends only on , not on (in other words, is well-defined on ). It is also straightforward to see that

The statements of (Theorem 2) dovetail nicely with the level-raising results Reference 5Reference 21: if is an integral eigenform of level and weight whose mod- representation is absolutely irreducible, then there is another eigenform of level congruent modulo to (away from ) if and only if modulo . For a level- pseudorepresentation mod , we will say that the level-raising condition is satisfied for if .

Proof of Theorem 2.

If does not factor through , then there are no -old eigenforms and every form is -new: this will be true mod because it is true over . So assume , carried by some eigenform . If is nonzero, then it contains an eigenform , which by assumption is also an eigenform for with eigenvalue . Since is -old (more precisely, since can be lifted to an -old eigenform in characteristic zero by the Deligne-Serre lifting lemma), there exists an eigenform of some weight such that is contained in the subspace of generated by and , and the characteristic polynomial of acting on is . Since one root of this polynomial is (that is, the -eigenvalue of ), the other root is , so that . This proves 2a.

For 2b: If , then remark 1 after Proposition 6.4 restricted to gives us if and only if and are in and killed by . If is nonzero (so ), then only one of , namely , appears as a -eigenvalue in . In particular, from the formulation in Corollary 7.1, we see that if and only if is in the kernel of and . But any and in appear together in some weight .

7.3. The span of -old and -new forms

If is a field of characteristic zero, then we always have . But the analogous statement fails already for , as may miss congruences between -old and -new forms. For and extensions, we no longer expect a direct sum in general, but we may still ask whether -old and -new forms together span all cuspforms. To illuminate the behavior most effectively, we restrict to a generalized eigenspace for some .

To this end, fix , let be an extension of containing its values, and let , the unique unramified extension of with residue field . We have defined as the set of generalized eigenforms in for the (shallow) Hecke eigensystem carried by . We define as the subspace of consisting of linear combinations of eigenforms whose corresponding shallow Hecke eigensystem is a lift of . Unlike in characteristic , it will no longer be true that every eigensystem is defined over , but if is large enough to contain the values of all the elements of , then it is still true that splits as a direct sum of all its generalized -eigenspaces . See Reference 4, Section 1 for details. Similarly, we define and .

Proposition 7.2.

With , , as above, the following are equivalent:


The action of on is surjective.


The intersection is trivial.



Either is new at or does not satisfy the level-raising condition.

If these equivalent conditions hold, then we additionally have


Finally, if is absolutely irreducible,⁠Footnote(vi) then 1, 2, 4, 3, and 5 are all equivalent.


That is, is not the sum of two characters .


The equivalence of 2, 4, and 3 follows from Theorem 2.

We demonstrate 1 2: Since breaks up into a graded sum of its fixed-weight pieces and since is weight-preserving, surjectivity on is equivalent to surjectivity on . By right-exactness of tensoring or Nakayama’s lemma (depending on the direction) this last is equivalent to surjectivity on . This space is a finite-dimensional vector space, so acts surjectively if and only if it has trivial kernel, which is equivalent by definition to . Finally trivial intersection in all finite weights is equivalent to trivial intersection of and .

Now 1 5: The surjectivity on implies that for both and , the following sequence is split exact:

which means that .

Finally, if is absolutely irreducible, then the level-raising theorems Reference 5Reference 21 hold. Therefore if and satisfies the level-raising condition, then there exists an -new form congruent to an -old form (over some extension of ), which implies that

Question 1.

Is it always true that ? A positive answer would furnish additional support for the present definition of -new forms.

8. Hecke-stable filtrations mod

In this section we describe a filtration for the space of modular forms of level modulo  and compare it to the filtration described by Monsky in Reference 15Reference 16, which appears if modulo . We assume that , a finite extension of big enough to contain all mod- eigensystems, throughout and suppress from the notation.

8.1. The standard filtration (after Paul Monsky)

For simplicity, we will restrict to the kernel of the operator , where formulas are simpler, but no Hecke eigensystem information is lost. See also subsections 7.1 and 7.2 for additional notation. Then contains two subspaces:

Here the action of all operators is restricted to so that , etc.

The Hecke algebra has quotients and

To study the Hecke structure on more closely, we consider the following filtration by Hecke-invariant submodules, which we’ll call the standard filtration:

For any , we can pass to the sequence on the -eigenspace:

We also consider the following two conditions relative to a pseudorepresentation and a Hecke operator .

Condition .

Operator acts surjectively on .

Condition .

Element is not a zero divisor on .

Note that implies : Suppose , and suppose there exists with . Then annihilates . Since the action of is faithful, we must have . Both conditions are satisfied if is a regular local -algebra of dimension .⁠Footnote(vii) See subsection 8.3 below for more details.


It’s not unreasonable to expect that this is always the case for . No counterexamples are known. For reducible , Vandiver’s conjecture implies that is a regular local ring of dimension ; see Reference 2, §10.

We are now ready to analyze the standard filtration Equation 8.2.

If , then , so that the filtration stabilizes. Clearly then . For the rest of this section, assume that . Recall that is the image of in .

Proposition 8.1.

Suppose that .


If then


If then

In other words, under regularity conditions on , the Hecke algebras acting on the graded pieces of the standard filtration are one copy of and two copies of . Note that and will be zero if the level-raising condition for is not satisfied.


For part 1, we show that under the given conditions, the sequence

is exact. On the left, exactness is by definition. On the right, if modulo , then for any we have , which spans . Otherwise, , so condition suffices.

For part 2, we establish the exactness of

Again, left exactness holds since . For right exactness, if , then , and then for any . Otherwise use the computations of Proposition 6.4 to see that is in , and then .

Corollary 8.2.

If and both and hold, then the graded pieces associated to the standard filtration of are isomorphic to two copies of and one copy of . The corresponding Hecke algebras are , , and .

Note that if the level-raising condition for is not satisfied, then both and . Both Proposition 8.1 and Corollary 8.2 hold.

We can in fact slightly relax the assumptions of Corollary 8.2.

Proposition 8.3.

If and both and hold, then the Hecke algebras on graded pieces of the standard filtration are two copies of and one copy of .


From the proof of Proposition 8.1, we see that is isomorphic to a Hecke module that sits between and . If is not a zero divisor on , then acts faithfully on : indeed, if any annihilates , then annihilates . Therefore the Hecke algebra on , and hence on , is still . The reasoning for the Hecke algebra on is analogous.

8.2. Connection to the Monsky filtration

In Reference 15 and Reference 16, Monsky studies and related Hecke algebras in the case , , and . For , there is only one , namely , the trace of the trivial representation. Monsky describes a different filtration of by Hecke-invariant subspaces and proves that the Hecke algebras on the graded pieces are two copies of plus a third “new” Hecke algebra. The goal of this section is to compare the Monsky filtration to the standard filtration from subsection 8.1 and to establish that the “new” Monsky Hecke algebra coincides with defined here. The Monsky filtration exists more generally so long as the level is congruent to modulo . As in the previous section, we will assume regularity conditions on (namely, ), guaranteed in Monsky’s case by work of Nicolas and Serre Reference 18 (via Lemma 8.5).

Fix a , and let be an extension containing the image of . Fix a prime congruent to modulo . Then we have the following filtration of by Hecke-invariant subspaces, due to Monsky Reference 15, remark p. 5:⁠Footnote(viii)


The filtration that appears in Monsky’s work is actually conjugated by , namely,

where the second-to-last term is the kernel of the map .

Indeed, if in , then , so that contains .

As in Proposition 8.11, if holds, then the sequence

is exact. Therefore, the Hecke algebra on is isomorphic to .⁠Footnote(ix) Clearly, the Hecke algebra on is as well.


As in Proposition 8.3, condition suffices for the Hecke algebra conclusion.

Let be the Hecke module , and let be the Hecke algebra on .

Proposition 8.4.

Suppose and holds. The sequence

is exact and induces an isomorphism of Hecke algebras .


We compare the exact sequences of the middle-graded piece of the Monsky filtration to the same from the standard filtration:

Here the Monsky sequence is vertical with solid arrows and the standard sequence Equation 8.3 is horizontal with solid arrows. The inclusion from the Monsky sequence induces the upper horizontal exact sequence; note that the map restricted to coincides with . Finally, the snake lemma on the resulting two horizontal short exact sequences gives us a natural isomorphism that we unpack as a short exact sequence below:

The first map is natural inclusion; the second map is the composition

To see that the induced surjection on Hecke algebras is an isomorphism, we have to see that acts faithfully on . If in , then sends to . Since commutes with , it must also send to . Since and are disjoint, must in fact annihilate all of ; that is, in .

8.3. Regularity conditions on the Hecke algebra

In this section we prove the following.

Lemma 8.5.

If , the action of any nonzero is surjective on .

Note that if is unobstructed in the sense of deformation theory. See Reference 18 for , Reference 2 for , Reference 13 for , and Reference 12 for more discussion of .

Proof of Lemma 8.5.

In level one, we have a perfect continuous duality between and as -modules under the pairing given by . Therefore, we may choose a basis of dual to the “Hilbert basis” : more precisely, one which satisfies for all , , and for and if .

We introduce a total order on pairs of nonnegative integers: we’ll say that if or if and . (In fact any total order will do.) Suppose

for some . Let be the -minimal pair among all the pairs with nonzero. By scaling if necessary, we may assume that . For example, if , then . We induct on to show that is in the image of for any pair . It’s clear that : base case. For the inductive step, suppose that the vector space is in the image of already. Since is in , in fact is in the image of as well.

Question 2.

Can one prove a similar statement for if it is not a power series ring? At the very least, can one show that condition is satisfied?

Appendix A. The Atkin-Lehner automorphism mod geometrically (Alexandru Ghitza)

Our aim is to describe a geometric construction of the modified Atkin-Lehner automorphism on the algebra of modular forms . This will be an intrinsic characteristic construction, stemming from an automorphism of the Igusa curve.

A.1. Classical Atkin-Lehner via geometry

Let’s start by recalling the geometric construction of the Atkin-Lehner operator , following Conrad Reference 20.

Let be a prime and let be a positive integer coprime to . The noncuspidal points on the modular curve have the moduli interpretation

We define an involution by

where is the quotient isogeny.

Conrad explains in what sense this involution can be extended to the cusps of and shows that over , this construction yields the classical Atkin-Lehner involution on . He also proves that if , then is in , from which we get the Atkin-Lehner involution on modular forms mod  for any prime .

As our setup is simpler (having the extra assumption that ), we think of the classical mod Atkin-Lehner involution as coming directly from the map :

where is an elliptic curve in characteristic and is the quotient isogeny. More explicitly, if and is a nonzero invariant differential on , we have

where is the dual isogeny to .

A.2. The Igusa curve

We summarize the features of Igusa curves that are essential to our construction. We follow mainly Gross’s exposition in Reference 9, Section 5, which develops the theory for -structure; this can be adapted to our situation with minor changes, as summarized in Reference 9, Section 10. A thorough study of Igusa curves appears in Reference 10, Chapter 12, however without treatment of modular forms. The case is described briefly by Serre in Reference 23, end of pp. 416-05; see also the discussion in MathOverflow question 93059.

Note that when we have , the classical Atkin-Lehner automorphism. We will henceforth assume that .

Consider a prime and coprime to . Given an elliptic curve in characteristic , there are morphisms Frobenius and Verschiebung such that and a canonical short exact sequence of group schemes

An Igusa structure of level on is a choice of generator of (the Cartier divisor) . This is equivalent to choosing a surjective morphism of group schemes or (by Cartier duality) to choosing an embedding of group schemes . We can be more precise by distinguishing the following two cases:

If is ordinary, then and , so an Igusa structure is an embedding .

If is supersingular, then and , so an Igusa structure is an embedding . In fact, there is a unique such embedding (see Reference 8, Example 3.14).

If we restrict our attention to ordinary elliptic curves , the moduli problem defined by the data

is representable (as we assume ) by an affine curve whose coordinate ring we denote . It has a natural smooth compactification with a canonical map that is totally ramified over the supersingular points. It can be thought of as quotienting by the automorphism group , which acts freely on via

This defines a grading on the algebra of functions

where consists of the functions on that satisfy for all .

The line bundle on pulls back to a line bundle on . It is equipped with a canonical section with the following properties:⁠Footnote(x)


We abuse notation by writing even though there is no itself for -structures. So whenever we write we implicitly assume that is even and we set .


is nonvanishing on and has simple zeros at the supersingular points;


, where is the Hasse invariant;


has -expansion ;


for all .

(This is the -analogue of the result in Reference 9, Proposition 5.2; see also Reference 9, Section 10.)

We use the section to trivialize the line bundle . This allows us to treat sections of on as functions on the ordinary locus . More precisely, the -expansion map gives an isomorphism of graded -algebras

To see that the image of is contained in , let and let be such that is regular on . Since

we see that descends to a global section in , and in .

For the inverse map: given , let be any modular form with -expansion , and let

Then is a function on with and .

A.3. From maps on the Igusa curve to operators on modular forms mod 

A morphism on the ordinary locus of the Igusa curve determines a homomorphism of graded -algebras by setting

where, given , .

For example, if we take , then is the weight-separating automorphism defined in subsubsection 2.2.1. To see this, let and let be a modular form of weight with -expansion . We have

In order to recover the modified Atkin-Lehner automorphism defined in subsection 3.4, we start with the map given by

where is the quotient isogeny. Since

we conclude that .

We denote the corresponding algebra homomorphism resulting from by , so that

Lemma A.1.

For any modular form of level we have .


This is a simple calculation on the moduli:

Lemma A.2.

as elements of .


We temporarily pass to -structures and work with the corresponding Igusa covering of degree . This setting has the advantage that we obtain a st root of the Hasse invariant as a canonical section of the line bundle , as detailed in Reference 9, Proposition 5.2. Given a choice of th root of unity , Reference 9, Section 6 defines an automorphism of by giving a modular recipe

where . The definition of is more intricate and involves the choice of th root of unity . If denotes the Weil pairing, there is a unique such that

Let be defined by . Note that .

We can adapt this into an automorphism of by setting

where .

We illustrate the various spaces and maps in the following cube diagram, whose commutativity is readily checked via calculations similar to those in Lemma A.1, using the moduli interpretation of the covering maps :

and similarly for .

Our immediate interest is in the back face of the cube, so we spell out its commutativity:

where is the quotient isogeny. We observed above that from the definition of . It remains to see that

which simply follows from being killed by .

So , which combined with the surjectivity of and the following lemma yields the claim .

Lemma A.3.

as elements of .


Let . Then

Passing to -expansions and recalling that , we get that . The crucial point is that the -expansion is a constant, which implies that itself is a constant, which we will call for short. The space has another element whose -expansion is , namely . So by the -expansion principle, we conclude that . Upon iterating, we get

so that . We conclude that


The reader is perhaps wondering why we had to involve -structures. It is indeed possible to apply the argument in Lemma A.3 directly to the trivializing section on , but that only allows us to conclude that , and we are unable to rule out the possible negative sign when . The setting provides us with a square root of , which strengthens the argument enough to rule out the unwanted . It is possible that working with the moduli stack instead of the coarse moduli space could also provide the needed flexibility, without the artifice of changing level structures.

Proposition A.4.

If is a modular form of weight and -expansion , we have


This is just a matter of combining Lemmas A.1 and A.2:


The authors thank Paul Monsky and Gabor Wiese for helpful conversations. The second author and the author of the appendix are grateful for the hospitality of the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in Bonn during work on this project.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Overview
    1. 1.1. Spaces of -new forms in characteristic
    2. Theorem A (See Theorem 1 and Propositions 6.1 and 6.3).
    3. 1.2. Atkin-Lehner operators as algebra automorphisms on forms mod
    4. 1.3. Hecke-stable filtrations of generalized eigenspaces modulo
    5. Wayfinding
  3. 2. Notation and setup
    1. 2.1. The space of modular forms with coefficients in
    2. 2.2. Hecke operators on and
  4. 3. The Atkin-Lehner involution at
    1. 3.1. The Atkin-Lehner involution at in weight
    2. 3.2. Atkin-Lehner as an algebra involution in characteristic zero
    3. 3.3. Atkin-Lehner as algebra involution in characteristic : Difficulties
    4. 3.4. Modified Atkin-Lehner as an algebra automorphism in characteristic
    5. Proposition 3.1.
    6. Lemma 3.2.
  5. 4. The trace from level to level
  6. 5. The space of -old forms
    1. 5.1. Two copies of in
    2. Proposition 5.1.
    3. Theorem 5.2 (Ono-Ramsey 19, Theorem 1.1).
    4. Corollary 5.3.
    5. 5.2. -old forms
    6. Proposition 5.4.
  7. 6. The space of -new forms
    1. 6.1. -new forms in characteristic zero
    2. Proposition 6.1.
    3. Lemma 6.2 (Ramanujan-Petersson, Weil, Deligne).
    4. Proposition 6.3 (Serre 22, §3.1(c), remarque (3)).
    5. 6.2. Newforms over any domain: A proposal
    6. Definition 1.
    7. Theorem 1.
    8. Proposition 6.4.
    9. Definition 2.
  8. 7. Interactions between -old and -new spaces mod
    1. Example 1.
    2. Corollary 7.1.
    3. 7.1. The Hecke algebra acting on modular forms mod
    4. 7.2. -old and -new forms restricted to eigencomponents
    5. Theorem 2.
    6. 7.3. The span of -old and -new forms
    7. Proposition 7.2.
    8. Question 1.
  9. 8. Hecke-stable filtrations mod
    1. 8.1. The standard filtration (after Paul Monsky)
    2. Condition .
    3. Condition .
    4. Proposition 8.1.
    5. Corollary 8.2.
    6. Proposition 8.3.
    7. 8.2. Connection to the Monsky filtration
    8. Proposition 8.4.
    9. 8.3. Regularity conditions on the Hecke algebra
    10. Lemma 8.5.
    11. Question 2.
  10. Appendix A. The Atkin-Lehner automorphism mod geometrically (Alexandru Ghitza)
    1. A.1. Classical Atkin-Lehner via geometry
    2. A.2. The Igusa curve
    3. A.3. From maps on the Igusa curve to operators on modular forms mod 
    4. Lemma A.1.
    5. Lemma A.2.
    6. Lemma A.3.
    7. Proposition A.4.
  11. Acknowledgments

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem A (See Theorem 1 and Propositions 6.1 and 6.3).

For any -domain , we have . If , then they both coincide with .

Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.2)
Equation (2.3)
Equation (3.1)
Proposition 3.1.

extends to an automorphism of for any -algebra . Furthermore,


(here is the weight-separating operator defined in subsubsection 2.2.1);


and for .


extends to an algebra automorphism of for any characteristic-zero -domain . This algebra automorphism preserves the ideal .


descends to an algebra automorphism of for any characteristic- domain . This algebra automorphism restricts to the involution on defined in subsubsection 3.3.2 2. For , the order of divides ; for , coincides with and hence has order .

Equation (4.2)
Proposition 5.1.

For any -algebra , if , then is constant.

Corollary 5.3.

If is a -domain, then .

Equation (5.1)
Proposition 6.1.

If is a domain of characteristic zero, then

Lemma 6.2 (Ramanujan-Petersson, Weil, Deligne).

If is a normalized Hecke eigenform and is any prime, then .

Proposition 6.3 (Serre Reference 22, §3.1(c), remarque (3)).

If is a characteristic-zero -domain, then

Theorem 1.

For any -domain , we have

Proposition 6.4.

Let be a -algebra. Suppose in for some weight . Then the following are equivalent:






and .


Proposition 6.4 may be rewritten more symmetrically in terms of , the involution-normalized Atkin-Lehner operator on . Namely, let Then the claim of the proposition is that

The constant appears in connection with level-raising theorems of Ribet Reference 21 and Diamond Reference 5. See also subsection 7.2 for more details.


From the proof of Proposition 6.4 below, it is clear that the conclusions hold for any as long as we assume that is -domain.


Proposition 6.4 does not hold as stated for if has characteristic . For example, if but (say, if but ), then is in the kernel of but is not in the kernel of .

Corollary 7.1.


If , then in fixed weight with , we have

where, for , we write

Theorem 2.

Fix (or if ) and . For even with , let be the image of in . Note that the set depends only on .


If (that is, any representation carrying is ramified at ), then no forms of level carry this eigensystem. Therefore and hence .


Otherwise, , and we are in one of two situations:


If , then , and therefore .


If , then all three of , , and are nonzero. Moreover:


If , then, writing for , we have


If , let be determined by . Then

Proposition 7.2.

With , , as above, the following are equivalent:


The action of on is surjective.


The intersection is trivial.



Either is new at or does not satisfy the level-raising condition.

If these equivalent conditions hold, then we additionally have


Finally, if is absolutely irreducible,⁠Footnote(vi) then 1, 2, 4, 3, and 5 are all equivalent.


That is, is not the sum of two characters .

Equation (8.2)
Proposition 8.1.

Suppose that .


If then


If then

Equation (8.3)
Corollary 8.2.

If and both and hold, then the graded pieces associated to the standard filtration of are isomorphic to two copies of and one copy of . The corresponding Hecke algebras are , , and .

Proposition 8.3.

If and both and hold, then the Hecke algebras on graded pieces of the standard filtration are two copies of and one copy of .

Equation (8.4)
Proposition 8.4.

Suppose and holds. The sequence

is exact and induces an isomorphism of Hecke algebras .

Lemma 8.5.

If , the action of any nonzero is surjective on .

Lemma A.1.

For any modular form of level we have .

Lemma A.2.

as elements of .

Lemma A.3.

as elements of .


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 11F33 (Congruences for modular and -adic modular forms)
Secondary: 11F30 (Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms), 11F11 (Holomorphic modular forms of integral weight), 11F25 (Hecke-Petersson operators, differential operators), 11F23 (Relations with algebraic geometry and topology)
  • Modular forms modulo
  • newforms mod
  • oldforms mod
  • mod- Hecke algebras
  • Atkin-Lehner operators mod
  • Igusa curves
Author Information
Shaunak V. Deo
Mathematics Research Unit, University of Luxembourg, Maison du nombre, 6, avenue de la Fonte, L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Address at time of publication: School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India
Anna Medvedovsky
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Vivatsgasse 7, 53111 Bonn, Germany
Contributor Information
Alexandru Ghitza
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia
Additional Notes

The first author was partially supported by the University of Luxembourg Internal Research Project AMFOR.

The second author was supported by an NSF postdoctoral fellowship (grant DMS-1703834).

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 6, Issue 8, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2019 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/35
  • MathSciNet Review: 4014301
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4014301}{article}{ author={Deo, Shaunak}, author={Medvedovsky, Anna}, title={Newforms mod $p$ in squarefree level with applications to Monsky's Hecke-stable filtration}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={6}, number={8}, date={2019}, pages={245-273}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4014301}, doi={10.1090/btran/35}, }


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