Uniform rationality of the Poincaré series of definable, analytic equivalence relations on local fields

By Kien Huu Nguyen


Poincaré series of -adic, definable equivalence relations have been studied in various cases since Igusa’s and Denef’s work related to counting solutions of polynomial equations modulo for prime . General semi-algebraic equivalence relations on local fields have been studied uniformly in recently by Hrushovski, Martin and Rideau (2014). In this paper we generalize their rationality result to the analytic case, uniformly in , we build further on their appendix given by Cluckers as well as on work by van den Dries (1992), on work by Cluckers, Lipshitz and Robinson (2006). In particular, the results hold for large positive characteristic local fields. We also introduce rational motivic constructible functions and their motivic integrals, as a tool to prove our main results.

1. Introduction


After observing that Igusa’s and Denef’s rationality results (see e.g. Reference 11, Reference 12) can be rephrased in terms of counting the number of equivalence classes of particular semi-algebraic equivalence relations, it becomes natural to consider more general definable equivalence relations in the -adic context and study the number of equivalence classes and related Poincaré series. The study of uniform -adic, semi-algebraic equivalence relations is one of the main themes of Reference 17, with general rationality results of the associated Poincaré series as part of the main results, generalizing Reference 24 and Reference 22. In the appendix of Reference 17, a more direct way of obtaining such rationality results was developed in a different case, namely, in the subanalytic setting on , generalizing the rationality results by Denef and van den Dries in Reference 13. A deep tool of Reference 17 to study equivalence relations, called elimination of imaginaries, is very powerful but also problematic since it does not extend well to the analytic setting; see Reference 15 and Reference 16. In this paper we follow the more direct approach of the appendix of Reference 17 to obtain rationality results in situations where elimination of imaginaries is absent; here, we make this approach uniform in non-Archimedean local fields (non-Archimedean locally compact field of any characteristic). The two main such situations where this applies come from analytic structures on the one hand and from an axiomatic approach from Reference 7 on the other hand. In the analytic case, our results generalize the uniform analytic results of Reference 14, Reference 5. We heavily rely on cell decomposition, a tool which was not yet available at the time of Reference 14 and which was obtained more recently in an analytic context in Reference 3, Reference 4, and Reference 5 uniformly, and in Reference 2 for any fixed -adic field. In our approach we also need more general denominators than in previous studies, which we treat by introducing rational motivic constructible functions and their motivic integrals, a slight generalization of the motivic constructible functions from Reference 7. The adjective “rational” reflects the extra localization of certain Grothendieck semi-rings as compared to Reference 7. For these integrals to be well-defined, a property called the Jacobian property is used; also this property was not yet available at the time of Reference 14 and is shown in Reference 3 for analytic structures.


Let us begin by rephrasing some of the classical results by e.g. Igusa and Denef in terms of definable equivalence relations. Let be a first order, multi-sorted language such that are -structures for all . A basic example is the ring language on the first sort together with the valuation map and the ordering on . We consider a formula in the language with free variables and running over and .

Suppose that for each and each prime , the condition on yields an equivalence relation on (or on a uniformly definable subset of ) with finitely many, say , equivalence classes. Then we can consider, for each , the Poincaré series associated to and :

When is the collection of equivalence relations based on the vanishing of a polynomial modulo , more precisely, when, for tuples with nonnegative valuation, is defined by

with and where the order of a tuple is the minimum of the orders, the question of the rationality of was conjectured by Borevich and Shafarevich in Reference 1 and was proved by Igusa in Reference 18, Reference 19, and Reference 20. The proof relied on Hironaka’s resolution of singularities and used -adic integration. In Reference 11, still using -adic integration but using cell decomposition instead of Hironaka’s resolution of singularities, Denef proved the rationality of for more general than in Equation 1.2.2 with its formula related to lifting solutions modulo to solutions in , answering on the way a question given by Serre in Reference 25. The idea of Denef (using Reference 21 and Reference 10) is to represent a semi-algebraic set by a union of finitely many cells which have a simple description (and so does on each cell, for a semi-algebraic function) so that we can integrate easily on them. This was made uniform in in Reference 24 and Reference 22. The advantage of the approach via cell decomposition is that more general parameter situations can also be understood via parameter integrals, a feature heavily used to get Fubini theorems for motivic integrals Reference 5, Reference 6, Reference 7; for us this approach leads to our principal result, Main Theorem 4.1.2, as a natural generalization of our rationality results in Theorems 1.3.2 and 4.1.1.

In Equation 1.2.2 when is given by a converging power series instead of a polynomial, the rationality was obtained in Reference 13 for fixed , in Reference 14 uniformly in , and in Reference 5 uniformly in with the extra strength coming from the cell decomposition approach.

The rationality of as in Equation 1.2.1 for more general , as well as the uniformity for large in and , is the focus of this paper. A common feature of all the previously mentioned results is to bundle the information of into a -adic integral of some kind and then study these integrals qualitatively. Here, we bundle the information into slightly more general integrals than the ones occurring before.


Let us recall the precise result of Reference 17, which states the rationality of in the semi-algebraic realm, with its uniformity in (non-Archimedean) local fields. We recall that a non-Archimedean local field is a locally compact topological field with respect to a nondiscrete topology such that its topology defines a non-Archimedean absolute value. Any such field is either a finite field extension of for some or isomorphic to for some prime power ; we will from now on say local field for non-Archimedean local field.

Let be the Denef-Pas language, namely, the three sorted language with the ring language on the valued field sort and on the residue field sort, the language of ordered abelian groups on the value group, the valuation map, and an angular component map from the valued field sort to the residue field sort (see Section 2.2). All local fields with a chosen uniformizer are -structures, where the angular component map sends nonzero to the reduction of modulo the maximal ideal and sends zero to zero. Let denote the valuation ring of with maximal ideal and residue field with elements and characteristic .

Let be an -formula with free variables running over , with running over and running over , with being the set of nonnegative integers. Suppose that for each local field and each , defines an equivalence relation on with finitely many, say, , equivalence classes. (The situation in which defines an equivalence relation on a uniformly definable subset of for each can be treated similarly; e.g., it can be extended to a relation on by a single extra equivalence class.) For each local field consider the associated Poincaré series

In Reference 17, the authors proved the following (as well as a variant by adding constants of a ring of integers to and by allowing and to be tuples of finite length instead of length one; these features are also captured in Theorem 4.1.2 below).

Theorem 1.3.1.

There exists such that the power series is rational in for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least . Moreover, for such , the series only depends on the residue field (namely, two local fields with isomorphic residue field give rise to the same Poincaré series).

More precisely, there exist nonnegative integers , , , , , , ; integers ; and formulas in the ring language for , …,  and , …, , such that for each , and are not both , is nonzero, and for all local fields with residue field of characteristic at least we have

where is the set of -points satisfying .

This theorem is furthermore applied in Reference 17 to the theory of zeta functions in group theory. Theorem 1.3.1 is shown in Reference 17 by proving general elimination of imaginaries in a language called the geometrical language, which expands the language of valued fields. This elimination allows one to rewrite the data in terms of classical (Denef-Pas style) uniform -adic integrals, from which rationality follows uniformly in the local field.

In the appendix of Reference 17, a more direct but similar reduction to classical -adic integrals is followed, and it is this reduction that is made uniform in the local field here.

An interesting aspect of Theorem 1.3.1 is the appearance of the positive integer in the denominator. In more classical Poincaré series in this context (e.g. Reference 11, Reference 12), less general denominators suffice, namely, without a factor . In this paper we use even more general denominators; namely, we may divide by the number of points on (nonempty and finite) definable subsets over the residue field. We develop a corresponding theory of -adic and motivic integration, of what we call rational motivic constructible functions (altering the notion of motivic constructible functions from Reference 6 and Reference 7). The benefits are that we need not restrict to the semi-algebraic case and that we do not rely on elimination of imaginaries. This allows us to obtain rationality in the uniform analytic contexts from Reference 4, Reference 14, and Reference 5, and also in the axiomatic context from Reference 7.

Let us state our main result to indicate the more general nature of our denominators.

Let be a theory of valued fields in a language extending . Suppose that has properties () and () as in the Definitions 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 below (see Section 2.4 for concrete, analytic examples of such ). Suppose for convenience here that every definable subset in the residue field sort is definable in the language of rings (this assumption is removed in the later form Theorem 4.1.1 of the main theorem of the introduction). Let be an -formula with free variables running over , running over and running over . Suppose that for each local field and each , gives an equivalence relation on with finitely many, say, , equivalence classes. For each local field consider the associated Poincaré series

Main Theorem 1.3.2.

There exists such that the power series is rational in for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least . Moreover, for such , the series only depends on the residue field (namely, two local fields with isomorphic residue field give rise to the same Poincaré series).

More precisely, there exist nonnegative integers ; integers ; and formulas and in the ring language for , …,  and , …, , such that for each , and are not both , and, for all local fields with residue field of characteristic at least , is nonempty and

As in Reference 17, our theorem is related to zeta functions of groups, zeta functions of twist isoclasses of characters, the abscissa of convergence of Euler products, etc., but we do not give new applications in this direction as compared to Reference 17.

In fact, we will give a more general theorem, Theorem 4.1.2, which describes the dependence of the numbers on (and on completely general parameters) by means of a rational motivic constructible function.

In Section 2 we recall the conditions on the language from Reference 7. In Section 3 we introduce rational motivic constructible functions, their motivic integrals, and their specializations to local fields. In Section 4 we give some generalizations and the proofs of our main theorems.

2. Analytic languages


In Section 2.2 we recall the Denef-Pas language and quantifier elimination in its corresponding theory of henselian valued fields of characteristic zero. In Section 2.3 we develop axioms for expansions of the Denef-Pas language and its theory, following Reference 7. In Section 2.4 we recall that certain analytic structures satisfy the axioms from Section 2.3. Based on these axioms, we extend in Section 3 the motivic integration from Reference 7 to a situation with more denominators.

2.2. The language of Denef-Pas

Let be a valued field, with valuation map for some additive ordered group , the valuation ring of with maximal ideal and residue field . We denote by the projection modulo . An angular component map (modulo ) on is a multiplicative map extended by setting and satisfying for all with .

The language of Denef-Pas is the three-sorted language with as sorts:


a sort for the valued field-sort,


a sort for the residue field-sort, and


a sort for the value group-sort,

and with the following languages, together with two maps between the sorts

The first copy of is used for the sort , the second copy is used for , the language is the language of ordered abelian groups for , denotes the valuation map on nonzero elements of , and stands for an angular component map from to .

As usual for first order formulas, -formulas are built up from the -symbols together with variables, the logical connectives (and), (or), (not); the quantifiers ; the equality symbol ; and possibly parameters (see Reference 23 for more details). If the parameters are in a set , we will say -definable’. We say simply “definable” if .

Let us briefly recall the statement of the Denef-Pas theorem on elimination of valued field quantifiers in the language . Denote by the -theory of the above described structures whose valued field is henselian and whose residue field is of characteristic zero. Then the theory admits elimination of quantifiers in the valued field sort; see Reference 24, Thm. 4.1, or Reference 6, Thm. 2.1.1.

2.3. Expansions of the Denef-Pas language: An axiomatic approach

In this section we single out precise axioms needed to perform motivic integration, following Reference 7. Apart from cell decomposition, the axioms involve a Jacobian property for definable functions and a so-called property () which requires at the same time orthogonality between the value group and residue field and that the value group have no other structure than that of an ordered abelian group. Although these theories are about equicharacteristic valued fields, by logical compactness we will be able to use them for local fields of large residue field characteristic.

Let us fix a language which contains and which has the same sorts as . Let be an -theory containing . The requirements on will be summarized in Definition 2.3.5 below.

Definition 2.3.1 (Jacobian property for a function).

Let be a valued field. Let be a function with . We say that has the Jacobian property if the following conditions all hold together:

is a bijection and are open balls in , namely, of the form for some and ;

is on with derivative ;

is nonvanishing, and and are constant on ;

for all we have


Definition 2.3.2.

(Jacobian property for ). We say that the Jacobian property holds for the -theory if for any model the following holds.

Write for the -sort of . For any finite set in and any -definable function there exists an -definable function

with a Cartesian product of the form for some such that each infinite fiber is a ball on which is either constant or has the Jacobian property.

Definition 2.3.3 (Split).

We say that is split if the following conditions hold for any model . Write for the -sort of .

Any -definable subset of for any is -definable in the language of ordered abelian groups .

For any finite set in and any , any -definable subset is equal to a finite disjoint union of where the are -definable subsets of and the are -definable subsets of .

Definition 2.3.4 (Finite -minimality).

The theory is called finitely -minimal if for any model of the following conditions hold. Write for the -sort of . Each locally constant -definable function has finite image, and for any finite set in and any -definable set there exist an -definable function

with a Cartesian product of the form for some and an -definable function

such that each nonempty fiber of is either the singleton or the ball of the form

for some in and some .

Recall that is an -theory containing , where contains and has the same sorts as .

Definition 2.3.5.

We say that has property () if it is split, finitely -minimal, and has the Jacobian property.

Definition 2.3.6.

We say that has property () if all local fields can be equipped with -structure and such that, for any finite subtheory of , local fields with large enough residue field characteristic are models of when equipped with this -structure.

Example 2.3.7.

The -theory of henselian valued field with equicharacteristic has properties and (). It even has property () in a resplendent way: namely, the theory in an expansion of which is obtained from by adding constant symbols from a substructure of a model of (and putting its diagram into ) and by adding any collection of relation symbols on for has property (); see Reference 7, Thm. 3.10 or Reference 6, Section 7 and Theorem 2.1.1.

Analytic examples of theories with properties () and () are given in the next section.

2.4. Analytic expansions of the Denef-Pas language

Our main example is a uniform version (on henselian valued fields) of the -adic subanalytic language of Reference 13. This uniform analytic structure is taken from Reference 4 and is a slight generalization of the uniform analytic structure introduced by van den Dries in Reference 14; it also generalizes Reference 5. While van den Dries obtained quantifier elimination results and Ax-Kochen principles, the full property () is shown in the more recent works Reference 3 and Reference 4; see Remark 2.4.4 below for a more detailed comparison. Property () will be naturally satisfied.

Fix a commutative noetherian ring (with unit ) and fix an ideal of with . Suppose that is complete for the -adic topology. By complete we mean that the inverse limit of for is naturally isomorphic to . An already interesting example is and . For each , write for

namely, the -adic completion of the polynomial ring , and put .

Definition 2.4.1 (Analytic structure).

Let be a valued field. An analytic -structure on is a collection of ring homomorphisms

for all such that:




the -th coordinate function on , …, ,


extends where we identify in the obvious way functions on with functions on that do not depend on the last coordinate.

Let us expand the example of , equipped with the -adic topology. For any field , the natural -structure on with the -adic valuation has a unique -structure if one fixes (in the maximal ideal, as required by (1)). Likewise, for any finite field extension of , for any prime , say, with a chosen uniformizer of so that is also fixed, the natural -structure has a unique -structure up to choosing (in the maximal ideal).

Definition 2.4.2.

The -analytic language is defined as . An -structure is an -structure which is equipped with an analytic -structure. Let be the theory together with the axioms of such -structures.

Theorem 2.4.3 (Reference 4).

The theory has property . It does so in a resplendent way (namely, also expansions as in Example 2.3.7 have property () ). If with ideal , then it also has property (), and every definable subset in the residue field sort is definable in the language of rings.


By Theorem 3.2.5 of Reference 4, there is a separated analytic structure such that is a natural definitial expansion of , with natural corresponding theory , specified in Reference 4. Now property () follows from Theorem 6.3.7 of Reference 3 for (even resplendently). The statements when and are clear (that every definable subset in the residue field sort is definable in the language of rings follows from quantifier elimination for of Theorem 6.3.7 of Reference 3).

Note that Theorem 2.4.3 includes Example 2.3.7 as a special case by taking with the zero ideal. Other examples of analytic theories that have property can be found in Reference 4; see also Section 4.4 of Reference 3.

Remark 2.4.4.

Let us highlight some of the differences with the uniform analytic structure from Reference 14. In Reference 14, a variant of Definition 2.4.1 of analytic -structures is given which is slightly more stringent; see Definition (1.7) of Reference 14. With this notion of (1.7), van den Dries proves quantifier elimination (resplendently) in Theorem 3.9 of Reference 14, which implies that the theory is split (see Definition 2.3.3 above). However, more recent work is needed in order to prove the Jacobian property and finite -minimality (see Definitions 2.3.2 and 2.3.4), and that is done in Reference 3, Theorem 6.3.7 for separated analytic structures. A reduction (with an expansion by definition) from an analytic -structure (as in Definition 2.4.1) to a separated analytic structure (as in Reference 3) is given in Reference 4.

3. Rational constructible motivic functions


We introduce rational constructible motivic functions and their motivic integrals as a variant of the construction of motivic integration in Reference 7. We will use this variant to prove Theorem 1.3.2 and its generalizations, Theorems 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.

Let us fix a theory (in a language ) with property (). From Section 3.3 on, we will assume that also has property (), which enables us to specialize to local fields of large residue field characteristic by logical compactness.

Up to Section 3.1.4, we recall terminology from Reference 7. From Section 3.1.4 on, we introduce our variant of rational constructible motivic functions.

3.1.1. The category of definable subsets

By a -field we mean a valued field with residue field and value group , equipped with an -structure so that it becomes a model of . (For set-theoretical reasons, one may want to restrict this notion to valued fields living in a very large set or to consider the class of all -fields.)

For any integers , we denote by the functor sending a -field to

Here, the convention is that is the definable subset of the singleton , i.e., .

We call a collection of subsets of for all -fields a definable subset if there exists an -formula with free variables corresponding to elements of such that

for all -fields .

A definable morphism between two definable subsets is given by a definable subset such that is the graph of a function for all -fields .

Denote by (or simply ) the category of definable subsets with definable morphisms as morphisms. If is a definable subset, we denote by (or simply ) the category of definable subsets with a specified definable morphism . A morphism between is a definable morphism which makes a commutative diagram with the specified morphisms and . To indicate that we work over for some in , we will often write .

For every morphism in , by composition with , we can define a functor

sending to . Using the fiber product, we can define a functor

by sending to .

When and are definable sets, we write for their Cartesian product. We also write for the product .

By a point on a definable subset , we mean a tuple where is a -field and . We write for the collection of all points that lie on .

3.1.2. Constructible Presburger functions

We follow Reference 7, Sections 5 and 6. Consider a formal symbol and the ring

For every real number , there is a unique morphism of rings mapping to , and it is obvious that is injective for transcendental. Define a partial ordering on by setting if for every real number with one has . We denote by the set .

Definition 3.1.3.

Let be a definable subset in . The ring of constructible Presburger functions on is the subring of the ring of functions generated by all constant functions , by all functions corresponding to a definable morphism , and by all functions corresponding to a definable morphism . We denote by the semi-ring consisting of functions in which take values in . Let be the sub-semi-ring of generated by the characteristic functions of definable subsets and by the constant function .

If is a morphism in , composition with yields a natural pullback morphism with restrictions and .

3.1.4. Rational constructible motivic functions

Definition 3.1.5 is taken from Reference 6, Reference 7. Right after this, we start our further localizations.

Definition 3.1.5.

Let be a definable subset in . Define the semi-group as the quotient of the free abelian semi-group over symbols with a definable subset of with the projection to , for some , by relations




if is isomorphic to ,


for and definable subsets of a common for some .

The Cartesian fiber product over induces a natural semi-ring structure on by setting

Now let be the sub-semi-ring of given by

Then, is a multiplicatively closed set of . So, we can consider the localization of with respect to .

Note that if is a morphism in , then we have natural pullback morphisms

by sending to and

by sending to . One easily checks that these are well-defined. We write for the class of in and in .

Definition 3.1.6.

Let be in . Using the semi-ring morphism which sends to and to , the semi-ring is defined as follows in Reference 7, Section 7.1:

Elements of are called (nonnegative) constructible motivic functions on . In the same way, we define the semi-ring of rational (nonnegative) constructible motivic functions as

by using the semi-ring morphism which sends to and to .

If is a morphism in , then there is a natural pullback morphism from Reference 7, Section 7.1:

sending to , where and . Likewise, we have the pullback morphism

sending to , where and .

Since is split, the canonical morphism

is an isomorphism of semi-rings, where we view and as -modules via the homomorphisms and that come from the pullback homomorphism of the two projections and .

Proposition 3.1.7.

For in there exist in and such that one has the equality

in , with the image of under the natural map and similarly for .


This follows directly from the isomorphism from Equation 3.1.1 and the definition of .

3.2. Integration of rational constructible motivic functions

In the next three sections, we give the definitions of rational constructible motivic functions and their integrals, which follows the same construction as for integration of constructible motivic functions in Reference 7, similarly using property ().

3.2.1. Integration over the residue field

We adapt Reference 7, Section 6.2 to our setting. Suppose that for some and , we write for some , and . We write for the corresponding formal integral in the fibers of the coordinate projection ,

where , where denotes the disjoint union (a disjoint union of definable sets can be realized as a definable set by using suitable piecewise definable bijections). Note that is built from by using that the class of a definable singleton is the multiplicative unit to preserve the property that the fibers over are never empty.

3.2.2. Integration over the value group

This section follows Reference 7, Section 5 and will be combined with the integration from Section 3.2.1 afterwards. Let and . For any -field and any we write for the function sending to . Then is called -integrable if for each -field , each , and each , the family is summable. The collection of -integrable functions in is denoted by , and is the collection of -integrable functions in .

We recall from Reference 7, Theorem-Definition 5.1 that for each , there exists a unique function in such that for all , all -fields , and all , one has

and the mapping yields a morphism of -modules,

3.2.3. Integration over one valued field variable

We first follow Reference 7, Section 8 and then use it for our setting of rational motivic constructible functions in Lemma-Definiton 3.2.7 below. For a ball and any real number , we call the -volume of . A finite or countable collection of disjoint balls in , each with different -volume, is called a step-domain; we will identify a step-domain with the union of the balls in . Recall from Reference 7 that a nonnegative real-valued function is a step-function if there exists a unique step-domain such that is constant and nonzero on each ball of and zero outside for some .

Let be a real number. A step-function with step-domain is -integrable over if and only if

Suppose that for some and . We call an -integrable family of step-functions if for each -field , each , and each , the function

is a step-function which is -integrable over . For such there exists a unique function in such that equals the -integral over of for each -field , each , and each (see Reference 7, Lemma-Definition 8.1); we write

the integral of in the fibers of .

Lemma 3.2.4.

Let and suppose that . Then there exist a partition , a natural number , and for each a definable injection and such that

and is the identity on , where is the projection from to and is the projection from to .


The existence of , , , and such that is a consequence of the cell decomposition theorem for b-minimal theory as in Reference 9 and in Section 7 of Reference 6 (remark that a finitely b-minimal theory is in particular b-minimal; see Corollary 3.8 in Reference 7). Because is split we can choose . If and have been given, then we can take if and if for a definable point in the residue field. Then by definition of and we see that and will satisfy the lemma.

Lemma-Definition 3.2.5.

Suppose that . Let , where is the projection, , and . We say that is -integrable if is -integrable for and then

is independent of the choices and is called the integral of in the fibers of .


Since has property (), the proof is similar to Lemma-Definition 7.6 of Reference 7.

Lemma 3.2.6.

Let and suppose that . Then there exists in such that , where is the projection.


We write with and . By Lemma 7.8 of Reference 7, there exist and such that . Let be as in Lemma 3.2.4 with respect to . If we can view as the set and with a definable point in . So by fixing a definable point in , we can assume that . For each we can extend to a definable map . We set

Now we have

Here, we note that implies that . The equality follows from and .

Lemma-Definition 3.2.7.

Suppose that .

Let . We say that is -integrable if there exists a in with such that is -integrable, and then

is independent of the choices and is called the integral of in the fibers of .


The proof is similar to the discussion in Section 9 of Reference 6 and Lemma-Definition 8.2 of Reference 7.

3.2.8. Integration of rational constructible motivic functions in the general case

Combining the three cases above, we define integrability and the integral of an integrable rational constructible motivic function by Tonelli-Fubini iterated integration in a similar way as in Lemma-Definition 9.1 of Reference 7. More precisely, we will define the integrals in the fibers of a general coordinate projection by induction on .

First of all, based on Equation 3.1.1 and the definition of integrability, for each -integrable function , one can write , where and and

Lemma-Definition 3.2.9.

Let be in and suppose that for some in .

If we say that is -integrable if and only if is -integrable. If this holds, then

is called the integral of in the fibers of .

If , we say that is -integrable if there exists a definable subset whose complement in has relative dimension over such that is -integrable and is -integrable. If this holds, then

does not depend on the choices and is called the integral of in the fibers of .

Slightly more generally, let and suppose that . We say that is -integrable if the extension by zero of to a function is -integrable and we define as .


Since has property the proof is similar to the proof for Lemma-Definition 9.1 of Reference 7.

3.3. Interpretation of rational constructible motivic functions in non-Archimedean local fields

In this section we show how rational constructible motivic functions can be specialized to real-valued functions on local fields of large residue field characteristic, in the spirit of the specializations in Reference 8 and Proposition 9.2 of Reference 7. Importantly, taking motivic integrals combines well with this specialization and integration over local fields.

Let be a theory in a language extending . Suppose that has properties () and () from Section 2.3. For a definable set , a definable function , and a rational motivic constructible function , the objects , and make sense for every local field with large residue field characteristic. We make this explicit for rational motivic constructible functions, where we assume to be a local field with large residue field characteristic (depending on the data).

For , we get by replacing by .

For with a definable subset of , a definable subset of such that , if we write , for the projections, then we can define by sending to .

For or , writing as a finite sum with and or , we get the function

which does not depend on the choices made for and .

Taking motivic integrals commutes with taking specializations, as follows.

Proposition 3.3.1.

Let be an -integrable rational constructible motivic function in and let be its motivic integral in the fibers of the projection . Then there exists such that for all local fields whose residue field has characteristic at least one has for each ,

where one puts the normalized Haar measure on , the counting measure on and on , and the product measure on .


This follows naturally from the corresponding result for instead of (see Reference 8 and Proposition 9.2 of Reference 7) and the concrete definitions of and their integration.

4. The uniform rationality for Poincaré series of definable equivalence relations


We will prove Theorem 4.1.1, which is a slight generalization of the Main Theorem 1.3.2.

Let be a theory in a language extending . Suppose that has properties () and () from Section 2.3. Let be an -formula with free variables running over , running over , and running over . Suppose that for each local field and each , gives an equivalence relation on with finitely many, say, , equivalence classes. (The situation that gives an equivalence relation on a definable subset of for each and each is similar.) For each local field put

Theorem 4.1.1.

There exists such that the power series is rational in for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least . Moreover, for such , the series only depends on the -structure induced on the residue field sort .

More precisely, there exist nonnegative integers ; integers ; and -formulas and for subsets of some power of the residue field for , …,  and , …, , such that for each , and are not both , and, for all local fields with residue field of characteristic at least , is nonempty and

In fact, Theorem 4.1.1 is a consequence of the following more versatile theorem:

Main Theorem 4.1.2.

Suppose that has properties () and (). Let be an -formula with free variables running over , running over , and running over an arbitrary -definable set . Let be a definable subset of . Suppose that for each local field and each , gives an equivalence relation on with finitely many, say, , equivalence classes. Then there exist a rational motivic function in and a constant such that for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least one has

Proof of Theorem 4.1.1.

Theorem 4.1.1 follows from Theorem 4.1.2 by Proposition 3.1.7, the formula Equation 3.1.1 with , and the rationality result Theorem 7.1 of Reference 24 for the -adic case or the rationality result as in Theorems 14.4.1 and 5.7.1 of Reference 6 for the motivic case.

Before giving the proof of Theorem 4.1.2 we give a few more definitions and lemmas.

4.2. Multiballs, multiboxes, and their multivolumes

We give definitions which are inspired by concepts of the appendix of Reference 17.

Fix a local field . Recall that stands for the number of elements of the residue field of . We implicitly use an ordering of the coordinates on in the following definition.

Definition 4.2.1.

Let , for , …, , and let a nonempty set be given.

If , we consider the closed ball with convention that is a singleton if . The volume is taken for the Haar measure on such that has measure , and we consider to be zero. With the notation on volume, we have . We will say that is a multiball of multivolume .

If , then is called a multiball of multivolume if and only if is of the form

where is a multiball of multivolume , and, for each is a multiball of multivolume . The multivolume of a multiball is denoted by .

Definition 4.2.2.

We put the inverse lexicographical order (the colexicographical order) on , namely, if and only if there exists such that for all and . By this order, we can compare multivolumes. Let . The multibox of , denoted by , is the union of the multiballs contained in and with maximal multivolume (for the colexicographical ordering), where maximality is among all multiballs contained in . We write for for any multiball contained in with maximal multivolume.

Note that taking and taking projections do not always commute, and it may be that and are different, say, with the coordinate projection to the first coordinates.

Definition 4.2.3.

Fix , a set , and in . Set and let be the image of under the projection from to . Denote by the fiber of over . We write

for the number of balls with maximal volume contained in . Write

for the number of balls of minimal volume with and with .

Note that the number of balls in of any fixed volume is automatically finite.

4.3. Definable equivalence relations

From now on we suppose that has properties () and (). Let be a definable set. Of course, and may vary with and . In fact, it is difficult to give a uniform in estimate for , but for we can do it, even in definable families; see Lemma 4.3.1 and its corollary.

Lemma 4.3.1.

Let and be -definable such that for all local fields of large residue field characteristic. Then there exist positive integers and such that, for all local fields with residue field characteristic at least and for all , one has

where is the number of balls of minimal volume with

and where is the set .


Write for the definable subset of such that for each with large residue field characteristic and each . Since is finitely b-minimal and has property , and by logical compactness, there exist positive integers , a Cartesian product of sorts not involving the valued field sort, and -definable functions , , , , such that for all local fields with residue field characteristic at least , we have

is a function over (meaning that makes a commutative diagram with the projections and );

, , and are such that each nonempty fiber , for , is either the singleton

or the ball

One derives from finite b-minimality and compactness (as in Reference 7) that there exists an integer such that for all local fields with large residue field characteristic, for each , the range of has no more than elements. We will show that we can take .

Suppose first that is a disjoint union of balls of volume where

Choose a ball with volume and with , fix , and write , so that belongs to the ball

which has volume . Since , the ball

around of volume is a maximal ball contained in . Hence, implies that . It follows that

which proves that

Since has volume and contains , the inequality Equation 4.3.1 implies that and it follows that .

If is not a union of balls, then it is contained in the range of , and thus also in this case we find that . This shows that we can take .

Corollary 4.3.2.

Let and be -definable such that for all local fields of large residue field characteristic. Fix with . Then there exist positive integers and such that

for all local fields with residue field characteristic at least , for all and all with , where is the set .


The corollary follows from Lemma 4.3.1 since the condition is an -definable condition on .

Lemma 4.3.3.

Let and be -definable such that for all local fields of large residue field characteristic. Then there exist and a definable function such that

for each and each local field with residue field characteristic at least , where is the set .


The lemma follows easily by the definability of multiboxes and of the valuative radius of the balls involved.

Remark 4.3.4.

We don’t need in Lemma 4.3.3 because we can still define for residue field characteristic less than .

Proof of the Main Theorem 4.1.2.

Firstly, we can suppose that the sets for are subsets of , up to increasing and mapping a coordinate to if and to if .

By Lemma 4.3.3, there is a definable function such that

where denotes the equivalence class of under the equivalence relation .

For each subset of , we set . So, is defined by an -formula for each , uniformly in . It is easy to see that and . So if we set , then . The proof will be followed by the claim for each . We will consider two cases.

Case 1 ( is the empty set).

Because of the definition of , we deduce that for each the definable set will be a finite set. From the proof of Lemma 4.3.1 we have that must be bounded uniformly on all local fields with large residue field characteristic and . We can assume that for all and . For each , we see that the condition will be an -definable condition in . Write

and set

where stands for the characteristic function of and . Then it is obvious that and that we can ensure that .

Case 2 ( is not the empty set).

By a similar argument as for Case 1, we may and do suppose that . To simplify the notation, will be rewritten as .

The number does not change if we remove from any with , and thus we can assume that

Consider a definable subset of , described as follows:

For each and each , the fiber of over and is

From the definition of we observe that

where is the image under the projection of to the -th coordinate. Moreover, if is a ball of volume such that , then is a disjoint union of balls of volume . It follows that

for all , with , and so we can denote this number by .

By Lemma 4.3.3, the function is an -definable function from to ; we denote by the definable function from to such that for all . By Corollary 4.3.2, there exist and in such that

for every and all with . Hence, for each with the set

is an -definable subset of . Consider a rational motivic constructible function such that

Here, the denominator can be viewed as a set of -definable points in the residue field sort. Next we define the rational motivic constructible function by

where the map comes from the coordinate projection. By the definition, is -integrable if we have that is bounded above on for each and each -field . The fact that is bounded above is a definable condition. Hence, up to replacing so that it is zero if is not bounded above, we may suppose that is bounded above on for each and each -field and thus that is -integrable. Set

Finally we prove that for all and all local fields with . If for well-chosen we have

where is the Haar measure on . Let be a set of representatives of . Thus,

Let us for a moment fix and write

Then, using Fubini’s theorem, we have

where for all and and where does not depend on when varies in for all . The last equality comes from

where , …, are the balls with volume which have nonempty intersection with ; indeed, one sees that is the union of many disjoint balls of volume . By applying Fubini’s theorem with a similar calculation to each of the remaining variables we deduce that

We conclude that

for all local fields with and . The main theorem is proved.


I would like to thank Raf Cluckers for his helpful discussions and suggestions during the preparation of this paper. I also thank the referee for useful comments, and thanks to Pablo Cubides Kovacsics and Saskia Chambille for some comments and for helping me to correct some typos.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.2.1)
Equation (1.2.2)
Theorem 1.3.1.

There exists such that the power series is rational in for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least . Moreover, for such , the series only depends on the residue field (namely, two local fields with isomorphic residue field give rise to the same Poincaré series).

More precisely, there exist nonnegative integers , , , , , , ; integers ; and formulas in the ring language for , …,  and , …, , such that for each , and are not both , is nonzero, and for all local fields with residue field of characteristic at least we have

where is the set of -points satisfying .

Main Theorem 1.3.2.

There exists such that the power series is rational in for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least . Moreover, for such , the series only depends on the residue field (namely, two local fields with isomorphic residue field give rise to the same Poincaré series).

More precisely, there exist nonnegative integers ; integers ; and formulas and in the ring language for , …,  and , …, , such that for each , and are not both , and, for all local fields with residue field of characteristic at least , is nonempty and

Definition 2.3.2.

(Jacobian property for ). We say that the Jacobian property holds for the -theory if for any model the following holds.

Write for the -sort of . For any finite set in and any -definable function there exists an -definable function

with a Cartesian product of the form for some such that each infinite fiber is a ball on which is either constant or has the Jacobian property.

Definition 2.3.3 (Split).

We say that is split if the following conditions hold for any model . Write for the -sort of .

Any -definable subset of for any is -definable in the language of ordered abelian groups .

For any finite set in and any , any -definable subset is equal to a finite disjoint union of where the are -definable subsets of and the are -definable subsets of .

Definition 2.3.4 (Finite -minimality).

The theory is called finitely -minimal if for any model of the following conditions hold. Write for the -sort of . Each locally constant -definable function has finite image, and for any finite set in and any -definable set there exist an -definable function

with a Cartesian product of the form for some and an -definable function

such that each nonempty fiber of is either the singleton or the ball of the form

for some in and some .

Definition 2.3.5.

We say that has property () if it is split, finitely -minimal, and has the Jacobian property.

Definition 2.3.6.

We say that has property () if all local fields can be equipped with -structure and such that, for any finite subtheory of , local fields with large enough residue field characteristic are models of when equipped with this -structure.

Example 2.3.7.

The -theory of henselian valued field with equicharacteristic has properties and (). It even has property () in a resplendent way: namely, the theory in an expansion of which is obtained from by adding constant symbols from a substructure of a model of (and putting its diagram into ) and by adding any collection of relation symbols on for has property (); see Reference 7, Thm. 3.10 or Reference 6, Section 7 and Theorem 2.1.1.

Definition 2.4.1 (Analytic structure).

Let be a valued field. An analytic -structure on is a collection of ring homomorphisms

for all such that:




the -th coordinate function on , …, ,


extends where we identify in the obvious way functions on with functions on that do not depend on the last coordinate.

Theorem 2.4.3 (Reference 4).

The theory has property . It does so in a resplendent way (namely, also expansions as in Example 2.3.7 have property () ). If with ideal , then it also has property (), and every definable subset in the residue field sort is definable in the language of rings.

Remark 2.4.4.

Let us highlight some of the differences with the uniform analytic structure from Reference 14. In Reference 14, a variant of Definition 2.4.1 of analytic -structures is given which is slightly more stringent; see Definition (1.7) of Reference 14. With this notion of (1.7), van den Dries proves quantifier elimination (resplendently) in Theorem 3.9 of Reference 14, which implies that the theory is split (see Definition 2.3.3 above). However, more recent work is needed in order to prove the Jacobian property and finite -minimality (see Definitions 2.3.2 and 2.3.4), and that is done in Reference 3, Theorem 6.3.7 for separated analytic structures. A reduction (with an expansion by definition) from an analytic -structure (as in Definition 2.4.1) to a separated analytic structure (as in Reference 3) is given in Reference 4.

Definition 3.1.5.

Let be a definable subset in . Define the semi-group as the quotient of the free abelian semi-group over symbols with a definable subset of with the projection to , for some , by relations




if is isomorphic to ,


for and definable subsets of a common for some .

The Cartesian fiber product over induces a natural semi-ring structure on by setting

Now let be the sub-semi-ring of given by

Then, is a multiplicatively closed set of . So, we can consider the localization of with respect to .

Note that if is a morphism in , then we have natural pullback morphisms

by sending to and

by sending to . One easily checks that these are well-defined. We write for the class of in and in .

Equation (3.1.1)
Proposition 3.1.7.

For in there exist in and such that one has the equality

in , with the image of under the natural map and similarly for .

Lemma 3.2.4.

Let and suppose that . Then there exist a partition , a natural number , and for each a definable injection and such that

and is the identity on , where is the projection from to and is the projection from to .

Lemma-Definition 3.2.7.

Suppose that .

Let . We say that is -integrable if there exists a in with such that is -integrable, and then

is independent of the choices and is called the integral of in the fibers of .

Theorem 4.1.1.

There exists such that the power series is rational in for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least . Moreover, for such , the series only depends on the -structure induced on the residue field sort .

More precisely, there exist nonnegative integers ; integers ; and -formulas and for subsets of some power of the residue field for , …,  and , …, , such that for each , and are not both , and, for all local fields with residue field of characteristic at least , is nonempty and

Main Theorem 4.1.2.

Suppose that has properties () and (). Let be an -formula with free variables running over , running over , and running over an arbitrary -definable set . Let be a definable subset of . Suppose that for each local field and each , gives an equivalence relation on with finitely many, say, , equivalence classes. Then there exist a rational motivic function in and a constant such that for each local field whose residue field has characteristic at least one has

Lemma 4.3.1.

Let and be -definable such that for all local fields of large residue field characteristic. Then there exist positive integers and such that, for all local fields with residue field characteristic at least and for all , one has

where is the number of balls of minimal volume with

and where is the set .

Equation (4.3.1)
Corollary 4.3.2.

Let and be -definable such that for all local fields of large residue field characteristic. Fix with . Then there exist positive integers and such that

for all local fields with residue field characteristic at least , for all and all with , where is the set .

Lemma 4.3.3.

Let and be -definable such that for all local fields of large residue field characteristic. Then there exist and a definable function such that

for each and each local field with residue field characteristic at least , where is the set .


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Show rawAMSref \bib{18}{book}{ author={Marker, David}, title={Model theory}, subtitle={An introduction}, series={Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, volume={217}, publisher={Springer-Verlag, New York}, date={2002}, pages={viii+342}, isbn={0-387-98760-6}, review={\MR {1924282}}, }
Reference [24]
Johan Pas, Uniform -adic cell decomposition and local zeta functions, J. Reine Angew. Math. 399 (1989), 137–172, DOI 10.1515/crll.1989.399.137. MR1004136,
Show rawAMSref \bib{22P}{article}{ author={Pas, Johan}, title={Uniform $p$-adic cell decomposition and local zeta functions}, journal={J. Reine Angew. Math.}, volume={399}, date={1989}, pages={137--172}, issn={0075-4102}, review={\MR {1004136}}, doi={10.1515/crll.1989.399.137}, }
Reference [25]
Jean-Pierre Serre, Quelques applications du théorème de densité de Chebotarev (French), Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 54 (1981), 323–401. MR644559,
Show rawAMSref \bib{23}{article}{ author={Serre, Jean-Pierre}, title={Quelques applications du th\'{e}or\`eme de densit\'{e} de Chebotarev}, language={French}, journal={Inst. Hautes \'{E}tudes Sci. Publ. Math.}, number={54}, date={1981}, pages={323--401}, issn={0073-8301}, review={\MR {644559}}, }

Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 03C60 (Model-theoretic algebra)
Secondary: 03C10 (Quantifier elimination, model completeness and related topics), 03C98 (Applications of model theory), 11M41 (Other Dirichlet series and zeta functions), 20E07 (Subgroup theorems; subgroup growth), 20C15 (Ordinary representations and characters)
  • Rationality of Poincaré series
  • motivic integration
  • uniform -adic integration
  • constructible motivic functions
  • non-Archimedean geometry
  • subanalytic sets
  • analytic structure
  • definable equivalence relations
  • zeta functions of groups
Author Information
Kien Huu Nguyen
Université Lille 1, Laboratoire Painlevé, CNRS - UMR 8524, Cité Scientifique, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France; and Department of Mathematics, Hanoi National University of Education, 136 XuanThuy street, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
Address at time of publication: Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200B, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
hkiensp@gmail.com, kien.nguyenhuu@kuleuven.be
Additional Notes

The author was supported by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) with ERC Grant Agreement nr. 61572 2 MOTMELSUM. He also acknowledges the support of the Labex CEMPI (ANR-11-LABX-0007-01).

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 6, Issue 9, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2019 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/23
  • MathSciNet Review: 4022599
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4022599}{article}{ author={Nguyen, Kien}, title={Uniform rationality of the Poincar\'e series of definable, analytic equivalence relations on local fields}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={6}, number={9}, date={2019}, pages={274-296}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4022599}, doi={10.1090/btran/23}, }


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