ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: 04  2015  Volume 62  Issue 04 
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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Water Entry of an Airliner

Goong Chen, Cong Gu, Phillip J. Morris, Eric G. Paterson, Alexey Sergeev, Yi-Ching Wang and Tomasz Wierzbicki

(pp. 330-344)
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Herbert S. Wilf (1931--2012)

Fan Chung, Curtis Greene and Joan Hutchinson, Contributing Editors

(pp. 346-360)
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The Exterior Algebra and Central Notions in Mathematics

Gunnar Fløystad

(pp. 364-371)
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Alexander Grothendieck: A Country Known Only By Name

Pierre Cartier

(pp. 373-382)
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From the AMS Secretary

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