Loewy lengths of blocks with abelian defect groups

By Charles W. Eaton and Michael Livesey


We consider -blocks with abelian defect groups and in the first part prove a relationship between its Loewy length and that for blocks of normal subgroups of index . Using this, we show that if is a -block of a finite group with abelian defect group , where for all and , then , where . When the upper bound can be improved to . Together these give sharp upper bounds for every isomorphism type of . A consequence is that when is an abelian -group the Loewy length is bounded above by except when is a Klein-four group and is Morita equivalent to the principal block of . We conjecture similar bounds for arbitrary primes and give evidence that it holds for principal -blocks.

1. Introduction

Let be a finite group and be an algebraically closed field of characteristic . For a block of , write for the Loewy length of , that is, the smallest such that and write for the block idempotent corresponding to . We are interested in upper and lower bounds for in terms of the isomorphism type of the defect groups. For -solvable groups it is proved in Reference 10, p. 141 that the Loewy length is at most the order of a defect group and in Reference 11 that it is strictly greater than , where is the defect of . The upper bound does not hold when we remove the -solvability hypothesis, as by Reference 7, Theorem 2 the principal -block of (with Klein-four defect groups) has Loewy length , although it is tempting to think that blocks Morita equivalent to are the only counterexamples, as we will see is indeed the case for . As remarked in Reference 14 the lower bound also does not hold when we remove the -solvability hypothesis, although could still be a lower bound. In this paper we restrict our attention to blocks with abelian defect groups, but investigate bounds on the Loewy length of a block for arbitrary finite groups.

Using the results of Reference 6, which depends on the classification of finite simple groups, we prove our main result (see Theorem 4.1).


Let be a -block with abelian defect group . Suppose , where for all and . Write .

Then . If , then .

The upper bounds in the above theorem are sharp for every isomorphism type of : take to be the principal block of (see Reference 1). The lower bound was suggested in Reference 14, where there is an excellent discussion of lower bounds on Loewy lengths. Note that for blocks of -solvable groups with abelian defect groups, we have . We also note that in Reference 19 it is proved that for principal -blocks with abelian defect groups, the Loewy length is bounded above by the maximum of and .

A crucial element in establishing the above bounds is the consideration of the case where there is such that . For elementary abelian we may apply the main result of Reference 13, which says that if is a split extension of (by a direct factor of ), then behaves as if were a direct factor of . Theorem 2.1 generalizes this result and we use it to show how for arbitrary abelian we may compare the Loewy lengths of and the block of covered by . This works for all primes, and we hope Theorem 2.1 is of wider interest.

The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we give the generalization of the theorem of Reference 13 and the theorem concerning Loewy length of blocks when there is a normal subgroup of index . In Section 3 we give some preliminary results needed for the proof of the bounds, which we give in Section 4. In Section 5 we consider similar bounds for odd primes and make a conjecture.

2. Normal subgroups of index

We first prove a generalization of a theorem of Koshitani and Külshammer Reference 13.

Theorem 2.1.

Let be a finite group and a block of with abelian defect group with primary decomposition . Let such that for some , for all and . Let be a block of covered by . Then and there exists an element of multiplicative order dividing such that .


We follow the proof of Reference 13, where it is assumed that . Let be a root of in and the stabilizer of in . As in Reference 13, , is a crossed product of over and is a -group.

Now acts on both and by conjugation. Consider the subgroup generated by and all its -conjugates. This group has exponent and so by Reference 9, , Theorem 2.2 , where and are -invariant, is homocyclic of exponent and has exponent strictly less than . As we have , where is cyclic of order and is homocyclic of exponent . Again by Reference 9, , Theorem 2.2 we can assume and are both -invariant and therefore by Reference 9, , Theorem 3.2 must have an -invariant complement in . So is cyclic, -invariant, and .

Now and the natural homomorphism is surjective and so any non-trivial -element of acts non-trivially on . However, and so every element of acts trivially on . Therefore, commutes with .

Let . By Watanabe’s result Reference 22, Theorem 2(ii), the map

is an isomorphism of -algebras. Note that since commutes with we have that and also . Therefore and hence are -graded. Recall that is also -graded and since , respects these gradings. Setting , where , proves the theorem.

We now use Theorem 2.1 to prove upper and lower bounds on the Loewy length of in terms of the Loewy length of . Note that using Reference 5, Theorem 3.4(I) one can derive an upper bound of . However, we require a much more precise bound.

Corollary 2.2.

Assume we are in the setting of Theorem 2.1. Then

(i) ;

(ii) .


(i) Certainly and are nilpotent ideals of and so


where the last isomorphism is given by , where . Therefore

is semisimple and so .

(ii) If with , then is a non-zero product of elements of , and so .

Next suppose with with . Then by (i) there exist such that and each is either or is an element of . Say of the ’s are ’s. Then clearly and since we also have that . As increasing can only decrease the left hand side of this inequality, it is also true that and so giving that and the theorem is proved.

3. Further preliminary results

The following result is well known, but we are not aware of an explicit reference.

Lemma 3.1.

Let be a finite group and be a -block of with defect group . Let and let be a block of covered by . If , then .


The proof given in Reference 15, Lemma 4.1 for the case is a -group carries through in the general situation, but we include a simple argument suggested by Markus Linckelmann.

Let be the stabilizer of in . Since there is a block of covering and Morita equivalent to , we may assume that . Then . Since , every -module is relatively -projective, and so in particular and every quotient module is. Now the restriction of to is a semisimple -module, so it follows that is semisimple as a -module. Hence , and so . Again since is -stable, we have .

Lemma 3.2.

Let be finite groups and . For each let be a block of and let be the block of covering each . Let be a defect group of , so is a defect group of . Then .

In particular, suppose , and , where each . If for each , then . If, in addition, for at least one , then .


The first part is Reference 3, 1.1 and the second part is just a direct application of the first.

Before proceeding we recall the definition and some properties of the generalized Fitting subgroup of a finite group . Details may be found in Reference 4.

A component of is a subnormal quasisimple subgroup of . The components of commute, and we define the layer of to be the normal subgroup of generated by the components. It is a central product of the components. The Fitting subgroup is the largest nilpotent normal subgroup of , and this is the direct product of for all primes dividing . The generalized Fitting subgroup is . A crucial property of is that , so in particular may be viewed as a subgroup of .

Lemma 3.3.

Let be a block of a finite group with abelian defect group . Then there is a group and a block of with defect group such that and the following are satisfied:

(i) is quasiprimitive, that is, for every normal subgroup of , every block of covered by is -stable.

(ii) is generated by the defect groups of .

(iii) If and covers a nilpotent block of , then . In particular, .

(iv) .

(v) Every component of is normal in .

(vi) If is the principal block of , then is the principal block of .


Consider pairs with the lexigraphic ordering. There are three processes, labelled (a), (b), (c), which will be applied repeatedly and in various combinations. We describe these processes and show that they strictly reduce when applied non-trivially, so that repeated application of (a), (b) and (c) terminates.

(a) Let and let be a block of covered by . Write for the stabilizer of in , and for the Fong-Reynolds correspondent. Now is Morita equivalent to and they have isomorphic defect groups. Clearly , and if , then . Process (a) involves replacing by .

(b) is the replacement of by and by any block of covered by , as in Lemma 3.1. In this case and if . Since defect groups of are intersections of defect groups of with (see Reference 2, 15.1), it follows that and share a defect group.

(c) Let and suppose that covers a nilpotent block of such that . Let be a block of covered by and covering . By performing (a) first we may assume that is -stable. Further must also be nilpotent. Using the results of Reference 17, as outlined in Reference 6, Proposition 2.2, is Morita equivalent to a block of a central extension of a finite group by a -group such that there is an with , , and has defect group isomorphic to . Note that and that . Process (c) consists of replacing by and by .

Repeated application of (a), (b) and (c) must eventually terminate, in which case we are left with and a block of with defect group satisfying conditions (i)-(iii).

To see that and satisfy (iv), note that , so (iv) is a consequence of (ii).

(v) Write for the components of . We may assume that is quasiprimitive, is generated by the defect groups of and that does not cover any nilpotent block with non-central defect groups. As above the generalized Fitting subgroup , where . Since by (iv) we may assume and by (iii) we may assume for primes , we assume that . By a similar argument we also have that . Let be the homomorphism given by the permutation action on the components. Now is a defect group for a (non-nilpotent) block of covered by . Hence is a defect group for a block of . Therefore is a radical -subgroup of (recall that a -subgroup of a finite group of a finite group is radical if and that defect groups are radical -subgroups) and so is a radical -subgroup of . Note that is not necessarily a defect group, hence our move to the weaker condition of being a radical -subgroup. By Reference 20, Lemma 2.2 we have therefore , where . Since is quasiprimitive it follows that each is non-trivial (otherwise covers a nilpotent block of a non-central normal subgroup, namely the subgroup generated by and the orbit of ). Hence since is abelian we have , and so (v) follows since is generated by the conjugates of .

To prove (vi), it suffices to show that the processes (a), (b) and (c) respect principal blocks. If and is principal, then covers the principal block of . Also, the Fong-Reynolds correspondence takes principal blocks to principal blocks. It follows that if is the principal block of , then the block constructed in (a) and (b) may be taken to be the principal block. In (c), if is the principal block and covers a nilpotent block of , then is the principal block of and by a theorem of Frobenius (see Reference 9, 7.4.5) we have that has a normal -complement. We may then apply the reduction to . But covers the principal block of , i.e., lies in the kernel of , and we may replace by the principal block of .

Proposition 3.4 (Reference 6, Theorem 6.1).

Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic , a quasisimple group and be a block of with abelian defect group , then one (or more) of the following holds:

(i) is one of , (where and is a power of with odd exponent), or , is the principal block and is elementary abelian.

(ii) is , is a non-principal block, .

(iii) There exists a finite group such that , and such that is covered by a nilpotent block of .

(iv) is Morita equivalent to a block of where is a subgroup of such that the following holds: The defect groups of are isomorphic to , is abelian and the block of covered by has Klein-four defect groups.

4. Proof of the main result

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a -block with abelian defect group . Suppose , where for all and . Write .

Then . If , then .


We may assume that satisfies conditions (i) to (v) of Lemma 3.3.

Next suppose that is a normal subgroup of of index and is a block of covered by . Since is quasiprimitive stabilizes , so by Reference 2, , Theorem 1 (4) there exists a block of covering with defect group such that . But since is a -group is the unique block of covering , so . We can now apply Corollary 2.2(ii), so that it suffices to prove the Theorem for . By repeated application of this, and possibly further application of Lemma 3.3, we may assume that .

By the arguments in Lemma 3.3(v) and the fact that generalized Fitting subgroups are self-centralizing we may assume that

for normal non-abelian simple groups . Continuing with the notation from Lemma 3.3(v) we have and for each . By the Schreier conjecture is solvable, and hence, as we are assuming both and , we may assume that .

The remainder of the proof proceeds almost as in that of Reference 6, Theorem 8.3. There it is proved that we may assume (by replacing by a Morita equivalent block of another finite group if necessary) that , where with , is a product of blocks , and of , and respectively and with the following properties: is a block of with defect group and is Morita equivalent to its Brauer correspondent in ; and is a block of with defect group and which is a product of blocks of with Klein-four defect groups; and is a block of with defect group and which is a product of blocks of simple groups satisfying condition (i) or (ii) of Proposition 3.4.

By Lemma 3.1 , and so satisfies the required inequality. Since a block with Klein-four defect groups has Loewy length or , by Lemma 3.2 also satisfies the inequality. It remains to consider the blocks satisfying (i) or (ii) of Proposition 3.4. By Reference 1 the Loewy length of the principal block of is . By Reference 19, Theorem 4.1, for all the principal -block of , with elementary abelian defect group of order , has Loewy length . Now consider the principal block of the smallest Janko group , which also has elementary abelian defect group of order . The structure of the principal indecomposable modules has been determined in this case in Reference 19, although we note that there is a mistake there in the structure of which does not alter the Loewy length, which is . By Reference 16, 1.5 the principal block of is Morita equivalent to that of . Since , Lemma 3.1 tells us the Loewy length is that of the principal block of , i.e., , where the defect group is elementary abelian of order .

Next we note that if , then and the relevant block ( or , depending on whether or has a factor isomorphic to ) satisfies the stronger upper bound.

The result then follows by Lemma 3.2.

Corollary 4.2.

Let be a -block with abelian defect group . Then unless is a Klein-four group.

5. Other primes

There is relatively little evidence for similar bounds for odd primes, but it is tempting to conjecture the following:

Conjecture 5.1.

Let be a block of a finite group with abelian defect group , where for all and . Write . Then

where if is even and if is odd.

Note that when is cyclic may be computed from the Brauer tree, and is bounded above by , where is the number of simple -modules (here is the multiplicity of an exceptional vertex and is an upper bound for the number of edges emanating from a vertex). By Reference 14, 2.8 since .

We discuss the case below, but mention now that the conjectured bound is achieved in this case by taking the principal block of if is even or if is odd, where is the sporadic simple group of that name.

A key special case of Conjecture 5.1 is where . There is a relative scarcity of computed examples when , and we do not know of any examples in this case which make the upper bound sharp for . Hence we ask the following:

Question 5.2.

Is there always a block of some finite group with defect group and ?

In Reference 12 Koshitani describes the finite groups whose Sylow -subgroups are abelian, and in Reference 15 it is shown that any principal -block with abelian defect groups of order has Loewy length or . Based on this we show the following. Note that at present it is not realistic to calculate the Loewy length for the principal block of the sporadic simple group (with elementary abelian Sylow -subgroups of order ) by computer or otherwise. Conjecture 5.1 predicts that the Loewy length lies between and .

Proposition 5.3.

Suppose that the Loewy length of the principal -block of is at least and at most . Let be a finite group with Sylow -subgroup , where , and let be the principal -block of . Write for the defect of . Then

where if is even and if is odd.


We may assume that satisfies conditions (i) to (vi) of Lemma 3.3. Since is in the kernel of the principal block, we may further assume that . By Reference 12, which is based on Reference 8,

where and each is either a non-abelian simple group with cyclic Sylow -subgroups or is one of the following (taking the notational convention that the unitary group is defined as a subgroup of ):

(i) , , , , , , ;

(ii) where but ;

(iii) where but ;

(iv) where ;

(v) where and ;

(vi) where and ;

(vii) where ;

(viii) where ;

(ix) where ;

(x) where .

We first show that , and then consider what happens when we further assume that is odd later. By Lemma 3.2, in order to show that it suffices to check that this inequality holds for each factor group in turn. We have treated the case that is cyclic above, so it suffices to consider the cases (i)-(x).

(i)-(iii) In all cases except we have and by Reference 15 or .

(iv)-(ix) In these cases we claim the Sylow -subgroups are isomorphic to for some . First note that by calculating orders we have that the Sylow -subgroups all have order , where is the maximum power of dividing in the cases (iv), (vii) and (ix) or the maximum power of dividing in the cases (v), (vi) and (viii). We next construct the -subgroups

(iv) ;

(v) ;

(vi) ;

(vii) ;

(viii) ;

(ix) .

Note that all these subgroups survive in the simple subquotients and so and therefore we in fact have and as in cases (i)-(iii) or .

(x) By Reference 3 and we are done.

Now suppose further that is odd. Then some direct factor of has Sylow -subgroups for odd , in which case that factor must either be itself or . In either case by Lemma 3.2 we have .

Finally we prove the result concerning blocks of -solvable groups with abelian defect groups mentioned in the introduction, which in particular implies that such blocks satisfy sharper bounds than in general. Note that this does not use the classification of finite simple groups.

Proposition 5.4.

Let be a block of a -solvable group with abelian defect group . Then .


By Lemma 3.3 we may assume that and , so by Reference 9, 6.3.2 and the result follows.


We thank Burkhard Külshammer for suggesting the application of Reference 6 to the determination of Loewy lengths. We also thank the referee for helpful comments. We thank Naoko Kunigi for spotting an error in an earlier version of the paper.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 2.1.

Let be a finite group and a block of with abelian defect group with primary decomposition . Let such that for some , for all and . Let be a block of covered by . Then and there exists an element of multiplicative order dividing such that .

Corollary 2.2.

Assume we are in the setting of Theorem 2.1. Then

(i) ;

(ii) .

Lemma 3.1.

Let be a finite group and be a -block of with defect group . Let and let be a block of covered by . If , then .

Lemma 3.2.

Let be finite groups and . For each let be a block of and let be the block of covering each . Let be a defect group of , so is a defect group of . Then .

In particular, suppose , and , where each . If for each , then . If, in addition, for at least one , then .

Lemma 3.3.

Let be a block of a finite group with abelian defect group . Then there is a group and a block of with defect group such that and the following are satisfied:

(i) is quasiprimitive, that is, for every normal subgroup of , every block of covered by is -stable.

(ii) is generated by the defect groups of .

(iii) If and covers a nilpotent block of , then . In particular, .

(iv) .

(v) Every component of is normal in .

(vi) If is the principal block of , then is the principal block of .

Proposition 3.4 (Reference 6, Theorem 6.1).

Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic , a quasisimple group and be a block of with abelian defect group , then one (or more) of the following holds:

(i) is one of , (where and is a power of with odd exponent), or , is the principal block and is elementary abelian.

(ii) is , is a non-principal block, .

(iii) There exists a finite group such that , and such that is covered by a nilpotent block of .

(iv) is Morita equivalent to a block of where is a subgroup of such that the following holds: The defect groups of are isomorphic to , is abelian and the block of covered by has Klein-four defect groups.

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a -block with abelian defect group . Suppose , where for all and . Write .

Then . If , then .

Conjecture 5.1.

Let be a block of a finite group with abelian defect group , where for all and . Write . Then

where if is even and if is odd.


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 20C20 (Modular representations and characters)
Author Information
Charles W. Eaton
School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom
Michael Livesey
School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom
Additional Notes

This research was supported by the EPSRC (grant no. EP/M015548/1).

Communicated by
Pham Huu Tiep
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 4, Issue 3, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2017 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/28
  • MathSciNet Review: 3682626
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3682626}{article}{ author={Eaton, Charles}, author={Livesey, Michael}, title={Loewy lengths of blocks with abelian defect groups}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={4}, number={3}, date={2017}, pages={21-30}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3682626}, doi={10.1090/bproc/28}, }


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