Integral comparison of Monsky–Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham–Witt cohomology

By Veronika Ertl and Johannes Sprang


The goal of this short note is to extend a result by Christopher Davis and David Zureick-Brown on the comparison between integral Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology and overconvergent de Rham–Witt cohomology for a smooth variety over a perfect field of positive characteristic to all cohomological degrees independent of the dimension of the base or the prime number .

Résumé. Le but de ce travail est de prolonger un résultat de Christopher Davis et David Zureick-Brown concernant la comparaison entre la cohomologie de Monsky–Washnitzer entière et la cohomologie de de Rham–Witt surconvergente d’une variété lisse sur un corps parfait de charactéristique positive à tous les degrés cohomologiques indépendent de la dimension de base et du nombre premier .


Let be a perfect field of positive characteristic . As usual denote by the ring of -typical Witt vectors of , and let be the fraction field of . By a variety over we always mean a separated and integral scheme of finite type over the field .

In Reference 2 Christopher Davis, Andreas Langer, and Thomas Zink define for a finitely generated -algebra the overconvergent de Rham–Witt complex , which can be globalised to a sheaf on a smooth variety over . One of their main results is to compare the cohomology of this complex to Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology.

According to Elkik (cf. Reference 7, Sec. 2) there is a smooth finitely generated -algebra which reduces to . Let be the -adic completion of . The weak completion of is the smallest -adically saturated subring of containing and all series of the form with and . It is a weak formalisation of in the sense of Reference 6, Def. 3.2, and according to Reference 7, (2.4.4) Thm. any two weak formalisations are isomorphic. By construction it is weakly finitely generated. For short it is common to write w.c.f.g. for weakly complete and weakly finitely generated algebras.

Let be the module of continuous differentials of over . The Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology of is then calculated by the rational complex :

These notions are well-defined and functorial Reference 6, Sec. 5.

A comparison map between the two complexes in question can be obtained as follows. For a smooth lift of the Frobenius , which always exists, there is a monomorphism

which has in fact image in the overconvergent subring and induces by the universal property of Kähler differentials and functoriality a comparison map

The main result of Davis, Langer, and Zink regarding this comparison morphism is the following Reference 2, Cor. 3.25.

Theorem (Davis–Langer–Zink).

If , then the map is a quasi-isomorphism.


In general, there is a rational isomorphism

between Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology and rational overconvergent de Rham–Witt cohomology.

Davis and Zureick-Brown generalise the first statement, which is an integral result to a comparison independent of the dimension of Reference 4, Thm. 1.1.

Theorem (Davis–Zureick-Brown).

Let be a non-singular affine variety and let be a weak formalisation.


The integral Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology groups are well-defined.


For all , we have an isomorphism .

The goal of this paper is to take the argumentation of Davis and Zureick-Brown a step further and show that in the situation above the comparison map

induces a canonical isomorphism between integral cohomology groups

in all cohomological degrees. A crucial ingredient is the extension of a homotopy result by Monsky and Washnitzer. In Reference 6, Rem. (3), p. 205 they assert that if and are w.c.f.g. algebras over , with flat and a complete transversal intersection, then two homomorphisms with the same reduction modulo induce chain homotopic maps on the associated continuous de Rham complexes

In the first section, we show that this is in fact true without the assumptions that is a complete transversal intersection and that is weakly finitely generated. We apply this in two instances.

In the second section we revisit integral Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology. Bearing in mind Reference 4, Thm. 1.1(1), it remains only to show that the cohomology groups are functorial in . Using the homotopy result of the previous section we don’t have to reduce to transversal intersections, as the desired statement follows directly.

We turn our attention to the comparison map in the last section. As mentioned above, the problem is that it depends a priori on the choice of a Frobenius lift . We use again the homotopy result mentioned above to show that two maps

which coincide on the reduction modulo induce chain homotopic maps on the associated complexes. In this instance it is important that the homotopy be valid in a case where the target is not weakly finitely generated. It then suffices to invoke the universal property of the continuous de Rham complex. Similarly to Reference 4 we now use the fact that any smooth variety can be covered by special affines on which we know that a quasi-isomorphism exists.

In summary we obtain the following result.


Let be a smooth finite -algebra.


The integral Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology groups are well-defined up to unique isomorphism and are functorial in non-singular affine -varieties.


For all there is a well-defined and functorial isomorphism

between integral Monsky–Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham–Witt cohomology.

1. A homotopy result

The heart of the following proposition is essentially Reference 6, Rem. (3), p. 205 with the additional observation that it is neither necessary to assume that the target of the maps in question is weakly finitely generated nor that the reduction of the source is a complete transversal intersection. While the latter allows us to shorten the proofs in Sections 2 and 3 considerably, the first is crucial because we would like to apply the statement to maps for a smooth -algebra of finite type, and while is weakly complete Reference 3, Prop. 2.28, it is in general not weakly finitely generated. We recall the proof of Reference 6, Rem. (3), p. 205 with the necessary modifications.

Proposition 1.

Let be a weakly complete -algebra and let be a smooth scheme of finite type over . Let be the weak completion of a smooth -lift of . Then two homomorphisms with the same reduction modulo induce chain homotopic maps on the associated continuous de Rham complexes


A homotopy as desired can be obtained by introducing an extra variable . Denote by the weak completion of the -algebra with respect to the ideal . The reduction of modulo the ideal is obviously , and according to Reference 6 we can think of it as a restricted power series ring over . Consider the natural maps

sending to and respectively. Consider the complex of continuous differentials

which is -separated instead of -separated.

In a first step we observe that the induced maps

are chain homotopic. Namely, by induction on the degree one shows easily that an element may be represented by a power series in as

where for all the elements and are in . For such a power series one sets

which is indeed a well-defined element of because divides and moreover the fractions converge -adically fast enough to zero. An easy computation using representations (Equation 1) shows that in each degree one obtains in fact an equality

In a second step we show that two maps as in the statement of the proposition are strongly homotopic in the sense that there exists a map such that

Let be the image of the map

which consists of pairs such that in . To make a map of -algebras one can give the structure of a -algebra, as which it is isomorphic to . Hence the reduction of modulo the ideal is as well. As coincides with modulo , the sum factors through and extends naturally to a map . Modulo we obtain the diagram

By Reference 1, Thm. 3.3.2(b) the weak completion of over is very smooth, and we make use of the relative lifting property Reference 6, Def. 2.4 applied to the surjective map of weakly complete -algbras in order to get a commutative diagram:

Restricting to results in the desired map.

Finally, putting the two observations together, we see that is a homotopy between and .

2. Functoriality of integral Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology

Let be a smooth finite -algebra. In Reference 4 Davis and Zureick-Brown prove the existence of an isomorphism

for two different smooth lifts and with weak completions and of a non-singular affine -variety . This section is nothing but the observation that their argument can also be used to prove functoriality of integral Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology in in order to obtain the following result.

Proposition 2.

The cohomology groups

are well-defined up to unique isomorphism and are functorial in non-singular affine -varieties.

Lemma 3.

Let and be two non-singular affine -varieties and let be a homomorphism. Let us choose two smooth lifts and over with weak completions and and two maps lifting . Then the induced maps



This is a special case of Proposition 1.

Proof of Proposition 2.

For the proof of the theorem it remains to show that the Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology for two different lifts are not only isomorphic but canonically isomorphic. For two different dagger algebras , lifting there is always an in general non-unique lift

lifting the identity. By the independence of the lift on cohomology shown in the above lemma, there is a canonical isomorphism

Remark 4.

Keeping in mind that for a smooth affine -variety the rational Monsky–Washnitzer complex computes rigid cohomology, our result identifies immediately a canonical -lattice on the cohomology groups . What is more, the functoriality of integral Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology induces such a lattice on cohomology groups for smooth quasi-projective -schemes as well. Namely, it allows us to glue the integral structure along an appropriate finite cover of by smooth affine schemes to obtain the desired lattice on .

3. An unconditional comparison

In this section, we want to use intrinsic properties of weakly complete weakly finitely generated (w.c.f.g.) algebras to obtain a comparison result between integral Monsky–Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham–Witt cohomology.

To define a comparison map we consider for a non-singular affine variety over , a weak formalisation and a lifting of the Frobenius morphism .

Recursively, one can define a unique ring homomorphism

such that the ghost components of for are given by . As noted in Reference 5, ( it is functorial in the triple in the sense that if is another such triple and is a map commuting with the Frobenius lifts, i.e., the left square of the following diagram commutes, then the right diagram commutes as well:

Let be the composition of with the map induced by the reduction . According to Reference 2, Prop. 3.2 it factors through , and one obtains

which by the universal property of the continuous de Rham complex finally results in the desired comparison map between complexes . One observes right away that the reduction of modulo is the identity. We aim to show that the induced map on cohomology is an isomorphism which is independent of the choice of Frobenius lift.

Lemma 5.

Let be a smooth -algebra of finite type and let be a weak formalisation of over . Let

be two morphisms which reduce to the same map modulo . Then for every the induced maps in cohomology

are identical.


Composing , , with the identity, we obtain by the universal property of the continuous de Rham complex unique maps of differential graded algebras making the diagram

commute. Let us call the map induced by on continuous de Rham complexes . On the other hand, again by the universal property of the continuous de Rham complex there is a unique map


commute. But the upper composition in diagram Equation 2 gives us another map making diagram Equation 3 commute. By uniqueness they have to coincide. We can summarise the above discussion by saying that and factor as

Finally, keeping in mind that the reduction of and coincide, Proposition 1 shows that both maps are homotopic. By the factorisation (Equation 4) this implies that the same is true for and .

Theorem 6.

Let be a non-singular affine variety over a perfect field of characteristic . For all there is a well-defined and functorial isomorphism

between integral Monsky–Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham–Witt cohomology.


From here on, a similar proof as in Reference 4, Pf. of Thm. 1.1(2) using a Čech spectral sequence argument applies. We recall it for completeness. Thus let be a weak formalisation of and let be a lift of Frobenius.

Let be the sheaf of complexes associated to on . By Reference 4, Prop. 3.3 the map from above induces a morphism of complexes

It is now possible to choose a cover of by finitely many open special affines such that all finite intersections are of this form as well Reference 4, Prop. 3.5. Special in this context means the spectrum of an algebra which is finite étale and monogenic over the localisation of a polynomial algebra. For an arbitrary finite intersection of these opens and a weak formalisation we consider the induced map on cohomology

where the first and last equalities are due to the fact that the and have trivial sheaf cohomology for cohomological degree .

By Reference 2, Thm. 3.19 there is a comparison morphism for the special affine which induces an isomorphism

Moreover, from the construction in Reference 2, (3.5) it is immediately clear that reduces to the identity modulo , which as observed at the beginning of this section is also the case for . Applying Lemma 5 we see that and are homotopic. In particular, is a quasi-isomorphism on .

For the induced morphism of Čech spectral sequences

this means by Reference 4, Lem. 2.11 that the fact that the morphisms on the left-hand side are isomorphisms shows that the morphism on the right-hand side is one as well.

Remark 7.

It is worth pointing out that the above comparison result indicates, as did already the result of Davis and Zureick-Brown for low cohomological degrees, that the cohomology groups of the integral overconvergent de Rham–Witt complex are in general not finitely generated over . Monsky and Washnitzer mention in Reference 6, Rem. (3), p. 205 as a counterexample the affine line , for which the first cohomology group is a huge torsion module. One can easily see this by considering the differentials in , which are closed but not exact.


We are indebted to Kennichi Bannai and Kazuki Yamada for helpful discussions and suggestions related to the content of this paper. Bernard Le Stum’s insight on the topic, which was passed on to us by Christopher J. Davis, led us to consider the paper of Alberto Arabia. We would like to thank both of them for generously sharing their knowledge and giving us important feedback.

Mathematical Fragments

Proposition 1.

Let be a weakly complete -algebra and let be a smooth scheme of finite type over . Let be the weak completion of a smooth -lift of . Then two homomorphisms with the same reduction modulo induce chain homotopic maps on the associated continuous de Rham complexes

Equation (1)
Proposition 2.

The cohomology groups

are well-defined up to unique isomorphism and are functorial in non-singular affine -varieties.

Lemma 5.

Let be a smooth -algebra of finite type and let be a weak formalisation of over . Let

be two morphisms which reduce to the same map modulo . Then for every the induced maps in cohomology

are identical.

Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Equation (4)


Reference [1]
Alberto Arabia, Relèvements des algèbres lisses et de leurs morphismes (French, with English and French summaries), Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), no. 4, 607–639, DOI 10.1007/s00014-001-8322-y. MR1881700,
Show rawAMSref \bib{arabia}{article}{ author={Arabia, Alberto}, title={Rel\`evements des alg\`ebres lisses et de leurs morphismes}, language={French, with English and French summaries}, journal={Comment. Math. Helv.}, volume={76}, date={2001}, number={4}, pages={607--639}, issn={0010-2571}, review={\MR {1881700}}, doi={10.1007/s00014-001-8322-y}, }
Reference [2]
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Reference [4]
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Reference [5]
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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 14F30 (-adic cohomology, crystalline cohomology)
Secondary: 14F40 (de Rham cohomology)
  • Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology
  • de Rham–Witt complex
  • overconvergent
Author Information
Veronika Ertl
Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Regensburg, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Johannes Sprang
Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Regensburg, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Additional Notes

The first author was supported by a habilitation grant through the Bavarian government.

The second author was supported by DFG through CRC 1085.

Communicated by
Rachel Pries
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 5, Issue 7, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2018 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/38
  • MathSciNet Review: 3876137
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3876137}{article}{ author={Ertl, Veronika}, author={Sprang, Johannes}, title={Integral comparison of Monsky--Washnitzer and overconvergent de~Rham--Witt cohomology}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={5}, number={7}, date={2018}, pages={64-72}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3876137}, doi={10.1090/bproc/38}, }


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