The Erdős conjecture for primitive sets

By Jared Duker Lichtman and Carl Pomerance


A subset of the integers larger than 1 is primitive if no member divides another. Erdős proved in 1935 that the sum of for running over a primitive set is universally bounded over all choices for . In 1988 he asked if this universal bound is attained for the set of prime numbers. In this paper we make some progress on several fronts and show a connection to certain prime number “races” such as the race between and .

1. Introduction

A set of positive integers is called primitive if no element divides any other (for convenience, we exclude the singleton set ). There are a number of interesting and sometimes unexpected theorems about primitive sets. After Besicovitch Reference 4, we know that the upper asymptotic density of a primitive set can be arbitrarily close to , whereas the lower asymptotic density is always . Using the fact that if a primitive set has a finite reciprocal sum, then the set of multiples of members of the set has an asymptotic density, Erdős gave an elementary proof that the set of nondeficient numbers (i.e., , where is the sum-of-divisors function) has an asymptotic density. Though the reciprocal sum of a primitive set can possibly diverge, Erdős Reference 9 showed that for a primitive set ,

In fact, the proof shows that these sums are uniformly bounded as varies over primitive sets.

Some years later in a 1988 seminar in Limoges, Erdős suggested that in fact we always have

where is the set of prime numbers. The assertion Equation 1.1 is now known as the Erdős conjecture for primitive sets.

In 1991, Zhang Reference 19 proved the Erdős conjecture for primitive sets with no member having more than 4 prime factors (counted with multiplicity).

After Cohen Reference 6, we have

the sum over primes in Equation 1.1. Using the original Erdős argument in Reference 9, Erdős and Zhang showed that for a primitive set , which was later improved by Robin to . These unpublished estimates are reported in Reference 11 by Erdős–Zhang, who used another method to show that . Shortly after, Clark Reference 5 claimed that  . However, his brief argument appears to be incomplete.

Our principal results are the following.

Theorem 1.1.

For any primitive set we have .

Theorem 1.2.

For any primitive set with no element divisible by , we have .

Say a prime is Erdős strong if for any primitive set with the property that each element of has the same least prime factor , we have . We conjecture that every prime is Erdős strong. Note that the Erdős conjecture Equation 1.1 would immediately follow, though it is not clear that the Erdős conjecture implies our conjecture. Just proving our conjecture for the case of would give the inequality in Theorem 1.2 for all primitive sets . Currently the best we can do for a primitive set of even numbers is that ; see Proposition 2.1 below.

For part of the next result, we assume the Riemann Hypothesis (RH) and the Linear Independence Hypothesis (LI), which asserts that the sequence of numbers such that is linearly independent over .

Theorem 1.3.

Unconditionally, all of the odd primes among the first primes are Erdős strong. Assuming RH and LI, the Erdős strong primes have relative lower logarithmic density .

The proof depends strongly on a recent result of Lamzouri Reference 13, who was interested in the “Mertens race” between and .

For a primitive set , let denote the support of , i.e., the set of prime numbers that divide some member of . It is clear that the Erdős conjecture Equation 1.1 is equivalent to the same assertion where the prime sum is over .

Theorem 1.4.

If is a primitive set with , then

If some primitive set of odd numbers exists with , Theorem 1.4 suggests that it will be very difficult indeed to give a concrete example!

For a positive integer , let denote the number of prime factors of counted with multiplicity. Let denote the set of integers with . Zhang Reference 20 proved a result that implies for each , so that the Erdős conjecture holds for the primitive sets . More recently, Banks and Martin Reference 2 conjectured that  . The inequality was just established by Bayless, Kinlaw, and Klyve Reference 3. We prove the following result.

Theorem 1.5.

There is a positive constant such that for all .

We let the letters represent primes. In addition, we let represent the th prime. For an integer , we let and denote the largest and smallest prime factors of . Modifying the notation introduced in Reference 11, for a primitive set let

We let , and so . In this language, Zhang’s full result Reference 20 states that for all primes , . We also let

with and .

2. The Erdős approach

In this section we will prove Theorem 1.1. We begin with an argument inspired by the original 1935 paper of Erdős Reference 9.

Proposition 2.1.

For any primitive set , if , then


For each , let . Note that has asymptotic density . Since is primitive, we see that the sets are pairwise disjoint. Further, the union of the sets is contained in the set of all natural numbers with , which has asymptotic density . Thus, the sum of densities for each is dominated by , that is,

By Theorem 7 in Reference 17, we have for ,

which may be extended to all by a calculation. Thus, since each is composite,

Hence by Equation 2.1,

Remark 2.2.

Let denote the sum-of-divisors function, and let be the set of with and for all proper divisors of , the set of primitive nondeficient numbers. Then an appropriate analog of gives the density of nondeficient numbers recently shown in Reference 12 to lie in the tight interval . In Reference 14, an analog of Proposition 2.1 is a key ingredient for sharp bounds on the reciprocal sum of the primitive nondeficient numbers.

Remark 2.3.

We have . Indeed, it is easy to see by induction over primes that

Letting we get that . There is also a holistic way of seeing this. Since is the density of the set of integers with least prime factor , it would make sense that is the density of the set of integers which have a least prime factor, and this density is 1. To make this rigorous, one notes that the density of the set of integers whose least prime factor is tends to 0 as . As a consequence of , we have

an identity we will find to be useful.

For a primitive set , let

The next result will help us prove Theorem 1.1.

Lemma 2.4.

For a primitive set , let be such that . Then we have


The hypothesis implies that , so that is a primitive set. If for a prime , then is a primitive set of odd composite numbers, so by Proposition 2.1, .

Now if for some odd prime , then , and note that by primitivity. We have since

which follows from Equation 2.2. Since implies , we have

With Lemma 2.4 in hand, we prove .

Proof of Theorem 1.1.

From Erdős–Zhang Reference 11, we have that . If , then , so that . Hence we may assume that . If contains every odd prime, then consists of at most one power of 2, and the calculation just concluded shows we may assume this is not the case. Hence there is at least one odd prime . By Proposition 2.1, we have

First suppose contains no powers of . Then by Lemma 2.4,

Substituting into Equation 2.4, we conclude, using Equation 2.3, that

For the last inequality in Equation 2.5 we used that for every prime ,

which follows after a short calculation using Reference 17, Theorem 7.

Now if for some positive integer , then is unique and . Also and for all , so again by Lemma 2.4,

Substituting into Equation 2.4 gives

using identity Equation 2.3, inequality Equation 2.6, and . This completes the proof.

3. Mertens primes

In this section we will prove Theorems 1.3 and 1.4. Note that by Mertens’ theorem,

where is Euler’s constant. We say a prime is Mertens if

and let denote the set of Mertens primes. We are interested in Mertens primes because of the following consequence of Proposition 2.1, which shows that every Mertens prime is Erdős strong.

Corollary 3.1.

Let be a primitive set. If , then . Hence if for all , then satisfies the Erdős conjecture.


By Proposition 2.1 we have . If , then

so .

Now, one would hope that the Mertens inequality Equation 3.1 holds for all primes . However, Equation 3.1 fails for since . Nevertheless, we have computed that is indeed a Mertens prime for all , thus proving the unconditional part of Theorem 1.3.

3.1. Proof of Theorem 1.3

To complete the proof, we use a result of Lamzouri Reference 13 relating the Mertens inequality to the race between and , studied by Rubinstein and Sarnak Reference 18. Under the assumption of RH and LI, he proved that the set of real numbers satisfying

has logarithmic density equal to the logarithmic density of numbers with , and in particular

We note that if a prime , then for we have because the prime product on the left-hand side is constant on , while is decreasing for .

The set of primes in is precisely the set of non-Mertens primes, so . From the above observation, we may leverage knowledge of the continuous logarithmic density to obtain an upper bound on the relative (upper) logarithmic density of non-Mertens primes

From the above observation, we have

Then letting be the gap between consecutive primes, we have

since . The average gap is roughly , so we may consider the primes for which for a small positive constant to be determined.

We claim that

from which it follows that

Hence to prove Theorem 1.3 it suffices to prove Equation 3.4, since taking gives

By Riesel-Vaughan Reference 16, Lemma 5, the number of primes up to with also prime is at most

where is for the twin-prime constant  . Denote the prime product by , and consider the multiplicative function . We have for all , and for we have and if . Thus,

Using Equation 3.6, we have

Thus, Equation 3.4 now follows by partial summation, and the proof is complete.

Remark 3.2.

The concept of relative upper logarithmic density of the set of non-Mertens primes in Equation 3.3 can be replaced in the theorem with

Indeed, follows from the identity

Remark 3.3.

Greg Martin has indicated to us that one may be able to prove (under RH and LI) that the relative logarithmic density of exists and is equal to the logarithmic density of . This topic will be addressed in a future paper.

3.2. Proof of Theorem 1.4

We now use some numerical estimates of Dusart Reference 8 to prove Theorem 1.4.

We say a pair of primes is a Mertens pair if

We claim that every pair of primes with is a Mertens pair. Assume this and let be a primitive set supported on the odd primes up to . By Equation 2.1, if , we have

Dividing by we obtain , which also holds if . Thus, the claim about Mertens pairs implies the theorem.

To prove the claim, first note that if is a Mertens prime, then is a Mertens pair for all primes . Indeed, we have

By Equation 2.2, this last product exceeds , and using this in the above display shows that is indeed a Mertens pair. Since all of the odd primes up to are Mertens, to complete the proof of our assertion, it suffices to consider the case when . Define via the equation

Using Reference 8, Theorem 5.9, we have for ,

A routine calculation shows that if , then

It remains to note that .

It seems interesting to record the principle that we used in the proof.

Corollary 3.4.

If is a primitive set such that is a Mertens pair for each , then .

Remark 3.5.

Kevin Ford has noted to us the remarkable similarity between the concept of Mertens primes in this paper and the numbers

discussed in Diamond–Ford Reference 7. In particular, while it may not be obvious from the definition, the analysis in Reference 7 on whether the sequence is monotone is quite similar to the analysis in Reference 13 on the Mertens inequality. Though the numerical evidence seems to indicate we always have , this is disproved in Reference 7, and it is indicated there that the first time this fails may be near . This may also be near where the first odd non-Mertens prime exists. If this is the case and under assumption of RH, it may be that every pair of primes is a Mertens pair when and .

4. Odd primitive sets

We say a primitive set is odd if every member of the set is an odd number. In this section we prove Theorem 1.2 and establish a curious result on parity for primitive sets.


Lemma 4.1.

We have .


By the definition of , the summands in the definition of are nonnegative, so that . If is not Mertens, then , so that Equation 3.7 shows that

By Reference 8, Proposition 5.16, we have

Using this we find that

which with Equation 4.1 completes the proof.

Remark 4.2.

Clearly, a smaller bound for would follow by raising the search limit for Mertens primes. Another small improvement could be made using the estimate in Reference 1 for . It follows from the ideas in Remark 3.3 that . Further, it may be provable from the ideas in Remark 3.5 that if the Riemann Hypothesis holds.

We have the following result.

Theorem 4.3.

For any odd primitive set , we have


Assume that is an odd primitive set. If is Mertens, Corollary 3.1 implies that , while if is not Mertens we have by Proposition 2.1 that . Thus,

by the definition of . This completes the proof.

This theorem yields the following corollary.

Corollary 4.4.

If is a primitive set containing no multiple of , then Equation 4.2 holds.


We have seen the corollary in the case that is odd. Next, suppose that contains an even number but no multiple of 4. If , the result follows by applying Theorem 4.3 to , so assume . Then is an odd primitive set and . We have by the odd case that


and , Equation 4.3 and Lemma 4.1 imply that , which is stronger than required. The case when contains a multiple of 4 but no multiple of 8 follows in a similar fashion.

Since a cube-free number cannot be divisible by 8, Equation 4.2 holds for all primitive sets of cube-free numbers. Also, the proof of Corollary 4.4 can be adapted to show that Equation 4.2 holds for all primitive sets containing no number that is 4 (mod 8).

We close out this section with a curious result about those primitive sets where Equation 4.2 does not hold. Namely, the Erdős conjecture must then hold for the set of odd members of . Put another way, Equation 4.2 holds for any primitive set for which the Erdős conjecture for the odd members of fails.

Theorem 4.5.

If is a primitive set with , then .

Sketch of proof.

Without loss of generality, we may include in all primes not in and so assume that and . By Theorem 4.3 we may assume that is not odd, and by Corollary 4.4 we may assume that . By the proof of Theorem 1.1 (see Equation 2.5 and Equation 2.7), if , we have

a contradiction, so we may assume that . We now apply the method of proof of Theorem 1.1 to , where powers of 3 replace powers of 2. This leads to

This completes the argument.

5. Zhang primes and the Banks–Martin conjecture

Note that

In Erdős–Zhang Reference 11 and in Zhang Reference 20, numerical approximations to this asymptotic relation are exploited. Say a prime is Zhang if

Let denote the set of Zhang primes. We are interested in Zhang primes because of the following result.

Theorem 5.1.

If , then . Hence the Erdős conjecture holds for all primitive sets supported on .


As in Reference 11 it suffices to prove the theorem in the case that is a finite set. By we mean the maximal value of for . We proceed by induction on . If , then . If , then . The primitive set satisfies . Since , by induction we have . Thus, since is Zhang,

from which we obtain . This completes the proof.

From this one might hope that all primes are Zhang. However, the prime 2 is not Zhang since , and the prime 3 is not Zhang since . Nevertheless, as with Mertens primes, it is true that the remaining primes up to are Zhang. Indeed, starting from Equation 1.2, we computed that

The computation stopped at for convenience, and one could likely extend this further with some patience. It seems likely that there is also a “race” between and , as with Mertens primes, and that a large logarithmic density of primes are Zhang, with a small logarithmic density of primes failing to be Zhang.

A related conjecture due to Banks and Martin Reference 2 is the chain of inequalities

succinctly written as for all , where . As mentioned in the introduction, we know only that for all and . More generally, for a subset of primes, let denote the subset of supported on . A result of Zhang Reference 20 implies that for all , while Banks and Martin showed that if is not too large. We prove a similar result in the case where is a subset of the Zhang primes and we replace with . Recall that .

Proposition 5.2.

For all and , we have .


Since the primes in are Zhang primes, we have

This completes the proof.

It is interesting that if we do not in some way restrict the primes used, the analog of the Banks–Martin conjecture for the function fails. In particular, we have

while .

It is also interesting that the analog of the Banks–Martin conjecture for the function is false since

We have already shown in Equation 2.1 that for any primitive set and prime , so the analog for of the strong Erdős conjecture holds.

5.1. Proof of Theorem 1.5.

We now return to the function and prove Theorem 1.5.

We may assume that is large. Let and let . We have

Thus it suffices to show that there is a positive constant such that for we have

since the proposition will follow.

Let denote the number of members of in . We use the Sathe–Selberg theorem (see Reference 15, Theorem 7.19), from which we have that uniformly for , as ,

This result also follows from Erdős Reference 10.

We have


the last estimate following from Stirling’s formula. This proves Equation 5.2 and so the theorem.

The sets and Theorem 1.5 give us the following result.

Corollary 5.3.

We have that


We thank Greg Martin for his thoughts in connection with Remark 3.3 and Kevin Ford for the content of Remark 3.5. We thank Paul Kinlaw, Zhenxiang Zhang, and the referee for some helpful comments.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Equation (1.2)
Theorem 1.1.

For any primitive set we have .

Theorem 1.2.

For any primitive set with no element divisible by , we have .

Theorem 1.3.

Unconditionally, all of the odd primes among the first primes are Erdős strong. Assuming RH and LI, the Erdős strong primes have relative lower logarithmic density .

Theorem 1.4.

If is a primitive set with , then

Theorem 1.5.

There is a positive constant such that for all .

Proposition 2.1.

For any primitive set , if , then

Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.2)
Remark 2.3.

We have . Indeed, it is easy to see by induction over primes that

Letting we get that . There is also a holistic way of seeing this. Since is the density of the set of integers with least prime factor , it would make sense that is the density of the set of integers which have a least prime factor, and this density is 1. To make this rigorous, one notes that the density of the set of integers whose least prime factor is tends to 0 as . As a consequence of , we have

an identity we will find to be useful.

Lemma 2.4.

For a primitive set , let be such that . Then we have

Equation (2.4)
Equation (2.5)
Equation (2.6)
Equation (2.7)
Equation (3.1)
Corollary 3.1.

Let be a primitive set. If , then . Hence if for all , then satisfies the Erdős conjecture.

Equation (3.3)
Equation (3.4)
Equation (3.6)
Remark 3.3.

Greg Martin has indicated to us that one may be able to prove (under RH and LI) that the relative logarithmic density of exists and is equal to the logarithmic density of . This topic will be addressed in a future paper.

Equation (3.7)
Remark 3.5.

Kevin Ford has noted to us the remarkable similarity between the concept of Mertens primes in this paper and the numbers

discussed in Diamond–Ford Reference 7. In particular, while it may not be obvious from the definition, the analysis in Reference 7 on whether the sequence is monotone is quite similar to the analysis in Reference 13 on the Mertens inequality. Though the numerical evidence seems to indicate we always have , this is disproved in Reference 7, and it is indicated there that the first time this fails may be near . This may also be near where the first odd non-Mertens prime exists. If this is the case and under assumption of RH, it may be that every pair of primes is a Mertens pair when and .

Lemma 4.1.

We have .

Equation (4.1)
Theorem 4.3.

For any odd primitive set , we have

Corollary 4.4.

If is a primitive set containing no multiple of , then Equation 4.2 holds.

Equation (4.3)
Equation (5.2)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 11B83 (Special sequences and polynomials)
Secondary: 11A05 (Multiplicative structure; Euclidean algorithm; greatest common divisors), 11N05 (Distribution of primes)
  • Primitive set
  • primitive sequence
  • Mertens’ product formula
Author Information
Jared Duker Lichtman
Department of Mathematics, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755,
Carl Pomerance
Department of Mathematics, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
Additional Notes

The first-named author is grateful for support from the office of undergraduate research at Dartmouth College.

Communicated by
Amanda Folsom
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 6, Issue 1, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
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  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/40
  • MathSciNet Review: 3937344
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3937344}{article}{ author={Lichtman, Jared}, author={Pomerance, Carl}, title={The Erd\H os conjecture for primitive sets}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={6}, number={1}, date={2019}, pages={1-14}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3937344}, doi={10.1090/bproc/40}, }


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