Deep and shallow slice knots in 4-manifolds

By Michael R. Klug and Benjamin M. Ruppik


We consider slice disks for knots in the boundary of a smooth compact 4-manifold . We call a knot deep slice in if there is a smooth properly embedded -disk in with boundary , but is not concordant to the unknot in a collar neighborhood of the boundary.

We point out how this concept relates to various well-known conjectures and give some criteria for the nonexistence of such deep slice knots. Then we show, using the Wall self-intersection invariant and a result of Rohlin, that every 4-manifold consisting of just one 0- and a nonzero number of 2-handles always has a deep slice knot in the boundary.

We end by considering 4-manifolds where every knot in the boundary bounds an embedded disk in the interior. A generalization of the Murasugi-Tristram inequality is used to show that there does not exist a compact, oriented -manifold with spherical boundary such that every knot is slice in via a null-homologous disk.

1. Overview

The Smooth 4-Dimensional Poincaré Conjecture (SPC4) proposes that every closed smooth 4-manifold that is homotopy equivalent to is diffeomorphic to the standard . By work of Freedman Reference Fre82, it is known that if is homotopy equivalent to , then is in fact homeomorphic to . In stark contrast to the SPC4, it might be the case that every compact smooth 4-manifold admits infinitely many distinct smooth structures. The existence of an exotic homotopy 4-sphere is equivalent to the existence of an exotic contractible compact manifold with boundary Reference Mil65, p. 113, henceforth called an exotic homotopy 4-ball.

One possible approach to proving that a proposed exotic homotopy 4-ball is in fact exotic is to find a knot , such that there is a smooth properly embedded disk , with mapped to , where is not smoothly slice in the usual sense in the standard 4-ball . A knot is (topologically/smoothly) slice in if and only if it is null-concordant in , i.e. there is a properly embedded (locally flat/smooth) cylinder whose oriented boundary is together with the unknot . Another way of thinking about this strategy is that we want to find a knot in that bounds a properly embedded smooth disk in but does not bound any such disk that is contained in a collar of the boundary of . In this case, to verify the sliceness of , we have to go “deep” into .

An easier task might be to find a homology 4-ball with boundary such that there is a knot in the boundary that bounds a smooth properly embedded disk in but not in , however, this is also an open problem. In Reference FGMW10, the authors investigate the possibility of proving that a homotopy 4-ball with boundary is exotic by taking a knot in the boundary that bounds a smooth properly embedded disk in and computing the -invariant of , in the hopes that , whereby they could then conclude that is exotic. Unfortunately for this approach as noted in the paper, it turns out that the homotopy 4-ball that they were studying was in fact diffeomorphic to , see Reference Akb10. It is still open whether the -invariant can obstruct the sliceness of knots in that are slice in some homotopy 4-ball, as is noted in the corrigendum to Reference KM13.

Motivated by this, we make the following definitions: For a 3-manifold containing a knot , we say that is null-concordant in if there is a smoothly properly embedded annulus cobounding on one end and an unknot contained in a 3-ball on the other. Equivalently, bounds a smoothly properly embedded disk in .

Definition 1.1 (Deep slice/Shallow slice).

Let be a smooth compact 4-manifold with nonempty boundary . We call a knot slice in if there is a smooth properly embedded disk in with boundary . We call a knot shallow slice in if there is a smooth properly embedded disk in with boundary – this is equivalent to being null-concordant in the collar . If is slice in but not shallow slice, we will call it deep slice in . See Figure 1 for a schematic illustration of these definitions.

In this language, Problem 1.95 on Kirby’s list Reference Kir95 (attributed to Akbulut) can be reformulated as follows: Are there contractible smooth 4-manifolds with boundary an integral homology 3-sphere which contain deep slice knots that are null-homotopic in the boundary? Note that any knot that is not nullhomotopic in the boundary will not be shallow slice and thus if it is slice, it will be deep slice. For this reason we will be looking for deep slice knots that are null-homotopic in the boundary. We will often consider our knots to be contained in 3-balls in the boundary, which we call local knots, so we can freely consider them in the boundary of any 4-manifold and discuss if they are slice there. To avoid confusion when we say that a (local) knot in a 3-manifold is slice we will usually qualify it with “in ”.

1.1. Outline

In the first part of this paper we will restrict ourselves to the smooth category, starting in section 2, where we discuss a condition that guarantees that some 4-manifolds have no deep slice knots and related results. In section 3, we prove that every 2-handlebody has a deep slice knot in its boundary. To do this we employ the Wall self-intersection number and a result of Rohlin which we discuss briefly.

In section 4, we recall the Norman-Suzuki trick and observe that every 3-manifold bounds a 4-manifold where every knot in the boundary bounds a properly embedded disk. In contrast, if we restrict to slice disks trivial in relative second homology, we will see that every compact topological -manifold with boundary contains a knot which does not bound a null-homologous topological slice disk. We finish with some questions and suggestions for further directions in section 5.

1.2. Conventions

In the literature, properly embedded slice disks in a -manifold are often assumed to be null-homologous in . We will make this extra assumption on homology only in section 4 when discussing the “universal slicings”. For the first part deep slice and shallow slice will describe the existence of a embedded disks with the relevant properties without conditions on the homology class.

Starting from an -manifold without boundary, we obtain a punctured (more precisely a bounded punctured ) by removing a small open -ball , which yields a manifold with boundary . Observe that a punctured is the same as a connected sum with a -ball.

2. Nonexistence of deep slice knots

For starters, we have:

Proposition 2.1.

There are no deep slice knots in .


Let such that is slice in . Then, thinking of as a wedge of copies of thickened to be 4-dimensional, if is any slice disk for we can isotope such that it does not intersect a one-dimensional wedge of circles that deformation retracts onto. Therefore, can be isotoped to be contained in a collar neighborhood of the boundary and thus is shallow slice.

The following might be a surprise, as one could expect that additional topology in a 3-manifold creates more room for concordances:

Proposition 2.2 (Special case of Reference NOPP19, Prop. 2.9).

If a local knot is null concordant in , then is null concordant in .

Proof sketch.

Let be a properly embedded disk in with boundary and let be the universal cover of . Then lifts to a properly embedded disk . Further, since is contained in a 3-ball , all of the lifts of to are just copies of , and therefore, the boundary of is a copy of , considered inside of . As a consequence of geometrization Reference Per03, we know that every universal cover of a punctured compact 3-manifold smoothly embeds into , as was observed in Reference BN17, Lem. 2.11. It follows then that there is an embedding . But then the image of under this embedding shows that bounds a disk in .

We have added a proof of this proposition here to highlight that this lifting argument breaks down in the case of higher genus surfaces if their inclusion induces a nontrivial map on fundamental groups. If bounds a genus surface with one boundary component in , we can only lift this to the universal cover (and subsequently find a genus surface for in via this method) under the condition that the inclusion of in is -trivial. So this argument does not work if the surface really “uses the extra topology of ”.

Example 2.3.

Take a non-orientable 3-manifold containing the connected sum of two copies of a local invertible knot with smooth 4-ball genus . As an explicit example, a left-handed trefoil will work, and we illustrate the following in Figure 2. Describe an embedded torus in with the motion picture method: Use the connected sum band to split the sum with a saddle. Then let one of the summands travel around an orientation reversing loop in while leaving the other one fixed. The summand traveling around the loop was reflected in the process and since it is invertible it is isotopic to in a 3-ball neighborhood in . Fusing the summands back together along a connected sum band we now obtain as a local knot. Finally cap this off with the usual ribbon disk for the connected sum of a knot with its concordance inverse. Therefore and by Proposition 2.2 in fact . The 4-ball genus of this example is strictly larger than its -4-genus, which we define as

Observe that in this notation the usual 4-ball genus is and we can rephrase Proposition 2.2 as implies for local knots . Similar notions of 4-genera were introduced in Celoria’s investigation of almost-concordance Reference Cel18, Def. 12.

It would be interesting to find an example of an orientable -manifold where the genus of some local knot is strictly smaller than the -ball genus , or prove that no such exists. Local satisfy as cobordisms in can be embedded into . Because of Proposition 2.2 an example where these values differ can only appear for . Moreover, as we will see in Proposition 2.4 such an would necessarily not embed in . Another special case is treated in Reference DNPR18, Thm. 2.5 where a handle cancellation argument shows that there is no difference for local knots in , that is the equality holds (and also analogous statements for ). Topological concordance in is investigated in Reference FNOP19.

We now give a criterion that shows that certain 4-manifolds have no local deep slice knots in the boundary. This idea is also contained in Reference Suz69, Thm. 0 and its variants.

Proposition 2.4.

Let be a compact 4-manifold with a local knot that is slice in . If there is a cover of which can be smoothly embedded into , then is slice in . Hence, is shallow slice in .


Let be a cover of with an embedding into and let be a lift of a slice disk for to with . Note that the knot is the same as , since is contained in a 3-ball and the only covers of a 3-ball are disjoint unions of 3-balls. Puncture by removing a small ball close to and such that can be connected by an annulus disjoint from to and such that the other end of the annulus is (the mirror image of) . Then since , the annulus together with show that is slice in the which is the complement of the small ball. Therefore is shallow slice in .

As an example, Proposition 2.4 implies that contains no deep slice local knots, since these manifolds can all be embedded in . However, these manifolds all contain deep slice knots, necessarily non-local, as will be seen shortly. Additionally, we have:

Corollary 2.5.

Suppose that is a closed smooth 4-manifold with universal cover or , and let denote the punctured version. Then has no deep slice knots.

3. Existence of deep slice knots

A 2-handlebody is a 4-manifold whose handle decomposition contains one 0-handle, some nonzero number of 2-handles and no handles of any other index. Examples of this are knot traces, where a single -handle is attached along a framed knot to the 4-ball. In this section, we prove:

Theorem 3.1.

Every 2-handlebody contains a null-homotopic deep slice knot in its boundary.

Remark 3.2.

For the special case of the -handlebody the existence of such knots was already observed in Reference DNPR18, Thm. B (here only winding number gives null homotopic knots). Furthermore the authors construct an infinite family of slice knots which are pairwise different in topological concordance in a collar of the boundary.

3.1 breaks up naturally into two cases depending on whether the boundary has nontrivial or not (i.e. if it is or is not ). In the case where , there is a concordance invariant for knots in arbitrary 3-manifolds, closely related to the Wall self-intersection number (see Reference Wal99, Reference FQ90, and Reference Sch03), that will allow us to show that some obviously slice knots are not shallow slice. In the case where is trivial, and therefore by the 3-dimensional Poincaré conjecture Reference Per03 , the Wall self-intersection number is of no use. However, in this case, the consideration of whether a knot that is slice in is deep slice in is related to the existence of spheres representing various homology classes in the manifold obtained by closing off with a 4-handle.

Remark 3.3.

If there was a direct proof that every closed homotopy 3-sphere smoothly bounds a contractible 4-manifold, then we would not need to invoke the -dimensional Poincaré conjecture.

Following Reference Yil18 and Reference Sch03, we briefly introduce the Wall self-intersection number in the setting that we will be working in, and state some of its basic properties. Let be a closed oriented 3-manifold and let be a knot in . Let denote the set of concordance classes of oriented knots in that are freely-homotopic to . In particular denotes the set of concordance classes of oriented null-homotopic knots in , where we write for the local unknot in . Given an oriented null-homotopic knot , by transversality there exists an oriented immersed disk in with boundary that has only double points of self-intersection. Let denote a basepoint which we implicitly use for throughout. Choose an arc, which we will call a whisker, from to . For each double point of self-intersection choose a numbering of the two sheets of that intersect at . Then let be the homotopy class of the loop in obtained by starting at , taking the whisker to , taking a path to going in on the first sheet, taking a path back to where the whisker meets that leaves on the second sheet, and then returning to using the whisker. Note that changing the order of the two sheets would transform to . Also, since and are oriented, and obtain orientations with the convention that , and therefore, for every self-intersection point , there is an associated sign which we will denote by .


were the quotient is a quotient as abelian groups. The Wall self-intersection number of is defined to be

See Reference Sch03 for a proof that it is independent of the choice of , the choice of whisker, and the choice of orderings of the sheets of around the double points. Further, is a concordance invariant in , and therefore defines a map:

Notice that if and then is also nonzero in .

Proof of 3.1, Case 1.

We are now in position to handle 3.1 in the case where . Now is described by attaching 2-handles to along some framed link . Since is (normally) generated by the meridians of and , there is some meridian of that is nontrivial in . Notice that if we are given a 2-handlebody described by a framed link and is a knot in the boundary of the 2-handlebody that is shown in the framed link diagram as an unknot (possibly linked with ), then is slice in the 2-handlebody – just forget all of the other 2-handles and take an unknotting disk whose interior has been pushed into the 0-handle. Now, take in to be a Whitehead double of as in Figure 3, which is a null-homotopic knot in the boundary. By the previous observation, since is unknotted in the boundary of the 0-handle, is slice in . Additionally, one computes that , for example using the null-homotopy in Figure 4. Therefore, is not null-concordant in , so is deep slice in .

Notice that if , then is of no use since . Now assume that so that . Again is obtained by attaching 2-handles to some framed link . Let denote the closed 4-manifold obtained by closing off with a 4-handle. We will need a lemma on surfaces in 2-handlebodies, whose statement is standard and could alternatively be concluded from the KSS-normal form for surfaces as in Reference Kam17, Thm. 3.2.7 and Reference KSS82.

Lemma 3.4.

Let be a closed smooth 4-manifold with a handle decomposition consisting of only 0-, 2-, and 4-handles, with exactly one 0-handle and one 4-handle. Every element of can be represented by a smooth closed orientable surface whose intersection with the union of the 0- and 2-handles of is a single disk.


Let denote the union of the 0- and 2-handles of , so that . For every 2-handle , there is an element obtained by taking the co-core disk for and capping it off with an orientable surface in the 4-handle. Let denote a choice of these surfaces, one for each 2-handle. These surfaces form a basis for and note that each has the desired property that is a disk.

Given an arbitrary element , we have for some . Therefore, by taking parallel copies of the for each summand, we can find an immersed (possibly disconnected) orientable surface representing , with a union of disjoint disks. By taking arcs in that connect the different boundaries of the disks all together, and attaching tubes to along these arcs, we obtain a connected orientable immersed surface representing whose intersection with is now a disk. In particular, the tubing is done so that half of the tube is contained in and the other half is in the 4-handle, and therefore is the result of boundary summing together the disks in .

To make into an embedded surface, we can resolve the double points in the 4-handle, by increasing the genus, and arrive at a surface representing with the desired property.

The main ingredient for the proof of the second case of 3.1 is the following theorem of Rohlin, and in particular the corollary that follows. Rohlin’s theorem has been used in a similar way to study slice knots in punctured connected sums of projective spaces, for example in Reference Yas91 and Reference Yas92.

Theorem 3.5 (Rohlin, Reference Roh71).

Let be an oriented closed smooth 4-manifold with . Let be an element that is divisible by 2, and let be a closed oriented surface of genus smoothly embedded in that represents . Then

Corollary 3.6.

Let be a closed smooth 4-manifold with , and . Then there exists a homology class that cannot be represented by a smoothly embedded sphere.

Proof of Corollary 3.6.

To apply 3.5, we must find a homology class that is divisible by 2 where the right hand side . Since the intersection form on is unimodular, there exists some element with . From Poincaré duality together with the universal coefficient theorem and our hypothesis that , we know that is torsion free. Then by taking to be a sufficiently large integer, we can make arbitrarily large. By taking , the result follows.

Proof of 3.1, Case 2.

By Corollary 3.6, let be a homology class that can not be represented by an embedded sphere. Using Lemma 3.4, let be a smooth closed orientable surface representing whose intersection with is a disk , as illustrated schematically in Figure 5.

Then is deep slice in , since otherwise the surface obtained by intersecting with the 4-handle could be replaced with a disk without altering the homology class, violating the assumption that cannot be represented by an embedded sphere. To see that the homology class is not altered, observe that in any 2-handlebody the homology class of a surface is determined by how it intersects the 0- and 2-handles. Also observe that in this case the deep slice knot is local. This concludes the proof of 3.1.

4. Universal slicing manifolds do not exist

The Norman-Suzuki trick Reference Nor69, Cor. 3, Reference Suz69, Thm. 1 can be used to show that any knot bounds a properly embedded disk in a punctured : The track of a null-homotopy of in can be placed in the punctured which gives a disk that we can assume to be a generic immersion, missing , and with a finite number of double points. By tubing into the spheres we can remove all the intersections – but observe that this changes the homology class of the disk.

Proposition 4.1.

Let be a closed orientable 3-manifold. There exists a compact orientable 4-manifold constructed with only a 0-handle and 2-handles, with such that every knot in is slice in .


Start by taking any compact 4-manifold with only 0-, 2-handles and boundary and let . Let be a knot. Since and are simply connected, bounds an immersed disk which we can assume lives completely in the -summand of the connected sum. Now the Norman-Suzuki trick works to remove intersection points of the immersion by tubing into the coordinate spheres of the -summand.

Remark 4.2.

In contrast to the homologically nontrivial disks constructed in the Norman-Suzuki trick, a knot is slice via a null-homologous disk in some connected sum if and only if its Arf-invariant is zero. implies that the knot is band-pass equivalent to the unknot, and a band pass can be realized by sliding the (oppositely oriented) strands of a pair of bands over the coordinate spheres in a factor. Conway-Nagel Reference CN20 defined and studied the minimal number of summands needed to find a disk in a punctured .


From now until the end of this section, properly embedded slice disks in a -manifold are always required to be null-homologous. We will still add the qualifier “null-homologous” in the statements to emphasize this. Since our obstructions work in the topologically locally flat category, we will formulate everything in this more general setting.

Definition 4.3.

A knot is (topologically/smoothly) null-homologous slice in the (topological/smooth) -manifold with , if , where is a (locally flat/smooth) properly embedded disk such that .

One way of studying if a knot is slice in is to approximate by varying the -manifold . By restricting the intersection form and looking at simply-connected 4-manifolds this gives rise to various filtrations of the knot concordance group (notably the -solvable filtration of Cochran-Orr-Teichner Reference COT03 and the positive and negative variants Reference CHH13).

We say that the properly embedded disk is null-homologous if its fundamental class is zero. Since by Poincaré duality the intersection pairing is non-degenerate, a null-homologous disk is characterized by the property that it intersects all closed second homology classes algebraically zero times. For slicing in arbitrary -manifolds, we here restrict to null-homologous disks to exclude constructions as in the Norman-Suzuki trick.

For every fixed knot , there is a -manifold in which is null-homologically slice. Norman Reference Nor69, Thm. 4 already observes that it is possible to take as the 4-manifold a punctured connected sum of the twisted 2-sphere bundles . Similarly, Reference CL86, Lem. 3.4 discuss that for any knot there are numbers such that is null-homologous slice in the punctured connected sum of complex projective planes. The argument starts with a sequence of positive and negative crossing changes leading from to the unknot, and then realizes say a positive crossing change by sliding a pair of oppositely oriented strands over the in a projective plane summand. The track of this isotopy, together with a disk bounding the final unknot gives a motion picture of a null-homologous slice disk. Since both positive and negative crossing changes might be necessary, it is important that both orientations are allowed to appear in the connected sum.

In view of where every knot in the boundary bounds a disk (which is rarely null-homologous) and , in which we find plenty of null-homologous disks (but only know how many summands we need after fixing a knot on the boundary) a natural question concerns the existence of a universal slicing manifold. Is there a fixed compact, smooth, oriented -manifold with such that any knot is slice in via a null-homologous disk? It turns out that a signature estimate shows such a universal solution cannot exist.

Theorem 4.4.

Any compact oriented -manifold with contains a knot in its boundary that is not topologically null-homologous slice in .

Remark 4.5.

If we drop the assumption that should be compact, a punctured infinite connected sum of projective planes does the job:

For any fixed knot on the boundary there is a compact slice disk in a finite stage

The remainder of this section is concerned with a proof of 4.4. As preparation, let us specialize a result Reference CN20, Thm. 3.8, which is a generalization of the Murasugi-Tristram inequality for links bounding surfaces in -manifolds, to the case of knots. Here is the Levine-Tristram signature of the knot , defined as the signature of the hermitian matrix , where is a Seifert matrix of and a unit complex number not equal to . References for this signature include Reference Lev69, Reference Tri69 and the recent survey Reference Con19. The following inequality only holds for specific values of , and will adopt the notation for unit complex numbers which do not appear as a zero of an integral Laurent polynomial with .

Theorem 4.6 (Reference CN20, Special case of Thm. 3.8).

Let be a closed oriented topological -manifold with . If is a null-homologous (topological) cobordism between two knots and , each contained in one of the two boundary component ’s of , then

for all .

For which is null-homologous slice in and an annulus, we can further simplify:

Corollary 4.7.

Let be a closed topological -manifold with . If the knot is topologically null-homologous slice in then for we have

To prove 4.4 it will be enough to obstruct the sliceness of a single knot in the boundary. The strategy is to use surgery to trivialize , then pick the knot in the original manifold boundary and arrive at a contradiction to Corollary 4.7 in the surgered manifold if was null-homologous slice.

Proof of 4.4.

Let be a compact topological -manifold with boundary , we want to find a knot in its boundary which is not slice. Pick a set of disjointly embedded loops in whose homology classes generate . If already satisfies , set for the remainder of the proof and omit the surgery altogether. Let be a knot in whose signature (at the unit complex number ) satisfies

Note that the constant on the right hand side only depends on the signature, Euler characteristic, and number of generators of , and not on the knot . For example, since signature is additive under connected sum, the self-sum with large enough has arbitrarily high signature at if we start with a that has positive signature (for example, taking to be the left-handed trefoil knot).

Suppose that is slice in via a null-homologous disk . Being null-homologous in the relative second homology group means geometrically that there is a locally flat embedded 3-manifold with boundary the slice disk union a Seifert surface for in the boundary , see Reference Lic97, Lem. 8.14. We can remove the closed components from , what remains is a 3-manifold with nonempty boundary in . Generically the embedded circles will intersect the -manifold in points, but we can push these intersection points off the boundary of via an isotopy of the curves in . We will still keep the notation for the isotoped curves which are now disjoint from . Essentially, this finger move supported in a neighborhood of is guided by pairwise disjoint arcs in connecting the intersections points to the boundary.

Perform surgery on the loops , i.e. for each remove an open tubular neighborhood and glue copies of to the new boundary components via the identity map . After this surgery we have a compact -manifold with , and the original disk survives into in which we will call it . Observe that this “new” disk is still null-homologous in , since the -manifold is still present after the surgery. Each circle surgery in a -manifold increases the Euler characteristic by 2, thus . By construction, the 4-manifolds and are cobordant, and so their signatures agree.

Starting with a knot with large enough signature, if there existed a null-homologous , since :

which contradicts the inequality in Corollary 4.7. Therefore for cannot exist.

Remark 4.8.

Earlier sources for results in the smooth category include Gilmer and Viro’s Reference Gil81 version of the Murasugi-Tristram inequality for the classical signature as stated in Reference Yas96, Thm. 3.1. Our preference for using Reference CN20 in the proof of 4.4 comes from the result being stated in the topological locally flat category.

5. Speculation and questions

5.1. Connection to other conjectures

An alternative approach to the SPC4 is to find a compact 3-manifold that embeds smoothly in some homotopy 4-sphere , but not in . Notice that if a smooth integral homology sphere smoothly embeds in , then is the boundary of a smooth homology 4-ball Reference AGL17, Prop. 2.4. However, there is no known example of a 3-manifold that is the boundary of a smooth homology 4-ball but that does not embed into . Both this and the approach in the introduction are hung up at the homological level. Further discussion of knots in homology spheres and concordance in homology cylinders can be found in, for example, Reference HLL18, Reference Dav19.

Corollary 2.5 has some relevance to this which we now discuss (a similar discussion also appears in a comment by Ian Agol on Danny Calegari’s blogpost Reference Ago13). The unsolved Schoenflies conjecture proposes that if is a smoothly embedded submanifold with homeomorphic to , then bounds a submanifold that is diffeomorphic to . The SPC4 implies the Schoenflies conjecture.

Question 5.1.

Does every exotic homotopy 4-ball smoothly embed into ?

Note that if the answer to Question 5.1 is yes, then the Schoenflies conjecture implies the SPC4 and hence the two conjectures are equivalent: If any homotopy 4-ball would embed into and thus, by the Schoenflies conjecture, would be diffeomorphic to , hence all homotopy 4-balls would be standard, so all homotopy 4-spheres would be standard. We have:

Observation 5.2.

If the answer to Question 5.1 is yes, then no homotopy 4-ball can have deep slice knots.

Thus by Corollary 2.5, if the answer to Question 5.1 is yes, the approach towards SPC4 mentioned in this section would never succeed. Similarly, there would be no 3-manifold that would smoothly embed into a homotopy 4-sphere but not into . This is because any such embedding into a homotopy sphere avoids a standard 4-ball and after removing this ball the complement is a homotopy 4-ball which we assume embeds into , so this approach to SPC4 would also be a dead end.

5.2. More questions

Question 5.3.

Are there any 2-handlebodies other that , with the property that all that are slice in are also slice in ? In other words, are there always deep slice local knots when ?

One strategy for answering this question would be to start with a framed link describing a 2-handlebody other than and to handle-slide to a new framed link that contains a knot that is not slice in . Then this knot when considered in a 3-ball is an example of such a deep slice knot in . This strategy fails to find any non-slice knots (as it must) for when we start with being the 0-framed unlink – since then all resulting knots will be ribbon hence slice in .

In view of the -handlebodies constructed in Proposition 4.1, one could ask whether this extension of the Norman-Suzuki trick is the only way to make any knot in the boundary of a manifold bound an embedded disk:

Question 5.4.

If is a 2-handlebody with the property that every knot in the boundary of is slice in (no assumption on the relative homology class of the disk), does it follow that decomposes as or ? More generally, what about the same question without the hypothesis that be a 2-handlebody?


The authors would like to thank Anthony Conway, Rob Kirby, Mark Powell, Arunima Ray and Peter Teichner for helpful conversations, their encouragement and guidance. The second author would like to thank Thorben Kastenholz for asking about the decidability of the embedded genus problem in 4-manifolds, which motivated section 4. We are especially grateful to Akira Yasuhara for pointing us to related literature and the work of Suzuki. We are also especially grateful to the anonymous referee for numerous helpful suggestions that improved the exposition. The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn supported us financially and with a welcoming research environment.


Figure 1.

Schematic of a deep slice disk (blue) in a 4-manifold , with boundary the knot . The knot is called deep slice if it does not bound a properly embedded disk in a collar of the boundary, indicated by the (light blue) dashed lines.

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=0.35\textwidth]{deep_slice_schematic} \definecolor{blue-green}{rgb}{0.0, 0.87, 0.87} \put(34, 98){\color{blue} $K$} \put(4, 87){$\partial X$} \put(35, 74){\Large\color{blue-green} ?} \put(70, 80.5){\color{gray} collar} \put(5, 40){$X^4$} \put(50, 20){\color{blue} $\Delta^2$} \end{overpic}
Figure 2.

Four frames of the movie of a properly embedded punctured torus in with boundary , where is a non-orientable 3-manifold.

Figure 2(a)

Saddle move to separate the summands of .

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=\textwidth]{torus_movie_frame_1} \label{fig:torus_movie_frame_1} \end{overpic}
Figure 2(b)

One of the summands travels around an orientation reversing loop in .

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=\textwidth]{torus_movie_frame_2} \label{fig:torus_movie_frame_2} \end{overpic}
Figure 2(c)

It returns mirrored, now add a fusion band.

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=\textwidth]{torus_movie_frame_3} \label{fig:torus_movie_frame_3} \end{overpic}
Figure 2(d)

Finish off the movie with the standard ribbon disk for .

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=\textwidth]{torus_movie_frame_4} \label{fig:fig:torus_movie_frame_4} \end{overpic}
Figure 3.

The Whitehead double of a nontrivial meridian to one of the surgery link components is deeply slice in .

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=0.9\textwidth]{meridian_Whitehead_double} \put(5, 18){$L_{i}$} \put(15, 10){\color{blue} $\gamma$} \put(36.5, 25){$\star$} \put(60, 10){\color{blue} $\operatorname{Wh}(\gamma) = K$} \put(63, 18){$L_{i}$} \put(94, 25){$\star$} \end{overpic}
Figure 4.

Track of a homotopy from the Whitehead double of to the unknot giving an immersed disk with a single double point (red in the middle frame). The red double point loop based at the green basepoint calculates that .

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=0.9\textwidth]{Whitehead_double_nullhomotopy} \end{overpic}
Figure 5.

Schematic of the blue surface in the 2-handlebody, intersecting the union of the 0- and 2-handles in a disk . If was shallow slice (dashed light blue) in , disk union the shallow slice disk flipped into the 4-handle (solid light blue) would be an impossible sphere representative of the homology class of .

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{overpic}[width=0.45\textwidth]{surface_in_handlebody_schematic} \definecolor{blue-green}{rgb}{0.0, 0.87, 0.87} \put(73, 89){\color{blue} $\partial D$} \put(-14.5, 60.5){\color{gray} ${S}^{3} \times{I}$} \put(59, 69){4-h.} \put(82, 32){$X = \widehat{X}_{\le2}$} \put(60, 36){2-h.} \put(60, 28){0-h.} \put(36, 20){\color{blue} $D$} \end{overpic}

Mathematical Fragments

Proposition 2.2 (Special case of Reference NOPP19, Prop. 2.9).

If a local knot is null concordant in , then is null concordant in .

Proposition 2.4.

Let be a compact 4-manifold with a local knot that is slice in . If there is a cover of which can be smoothly embedded into , then is slice in . Hence, is shallow slice in .

Corollary 2.5.

Suppose that is a closed smooth 4-manifold with universal cover or , and let denote the punctured version. Then has no deep slice knots.

Theorem 3.1.

Every 2-handlebody contains a null-homotopic deep slice knot in its boundary.

Lemma 3.4.

Let be a closed smooth 4-manifold with a handle decomposition consisting of only 0-, 2-, and 4-handles, with exactly one 0-handle and one 4-handle. Every element of can be represented by a smooth closed orientable surface whose intersection with the union of the 0- and 2-handles of is a single disk.

Theorem 3.5 (Rohlin, Reference Roh71).

Let be an oriented closed smooth 4-manifold with . Let be an element that is divisible by 2, and let be a closed oriented surface of genus smoothly embedded in that represents . Then

Corollary 3.6.

Let be a closed smooth 4-manifold with , and . Then there exists a homology class that cannot be represented by a smoothly embedded sphere.

Proposition 4.1.

Let be a closed orientable 3-manifold. There exists a compact orientable 4-manifold constructed with only a 0-handle and 2-handles, with such that every knot in is slice in .

Theorem 4.4.

Any compact oriented -manifold with contains a knot in its boundary that is not topologically null-homologous slice in .

Corollary 4.7.

Let be a closed topological -manifold with . If the knot is topologically null-homologous slice in then for we have

Question 5.1.

Does every exotic homotopy 4-ball smoothly embed into ?


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 57K40 (General topology of 4-manifolds)
Secondary: 57K10 (Knot theory)
  • Concordance in general 4-manifolds
  • slice disks
  • Murasugi-Tristram-inequality
Author Information
Michael R. Klug
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 94720-3840
Benjamin M. Ruppik
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
Additional Notes

The authors were supported by the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.

Communicated by
Shelly Harvey
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 17, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/89
  • MathSciNet Review: 4273166
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4273166}{article}{ author={Klug, Michael}, author={Ruppik, Benjamin}, title={Deep and shallow slice knots in 4-manifolds}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={17}, date={2021}, pages={204-218}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4273166}, doi={10.1090/bproc/89}, }


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