Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation with a measure-valued potential

By M. Burak Erdoğan, Michael Goldberg, and William R. Green


We prove Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation in , , with a Hamiltonian . The perturbation is a compactly supported measure in with dimension . The main intermediate step is a local decay estimate in for both the free and perturbed Schrödinger evolution.

1. Introduction

The dispersive properties of the free Schrödinger semigroup are described in many ways, with one of the most versatile estimates being the family of Strichartz inequalities

over the range , , except for the endpoint . There is a substantial body of literature devoted to establishing Strichartz inequalities and other dispersive bounds for the linear Schrödinger evolution of perturbed operators . Reference 8Reference 15Reference 21 prove Strichartz inequalities for the free evolution. The latter two of these as well as Reference 19 create a framework for extending them to perturbed Hamiltonians so long as the Schrödinger semigroup has suitable dispersive bounds or smoothing. This strategy has been used to establish Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger evolution for electric Reference 13, magnetic Reference 6 and time-periodic Reference 9 perturbations. Most commonly is assumed to exhibit pointwise polynomial decay or satisfying an integrability criterion such as belonging to a space for some . Our goal in this paper is to show that Strichartz inequalities hold for a class of short-range potentials that include measures as admissible local singularities.

Measure-valued potentials are often considered in one dimension; the operator is often the subject of exercises in an introductory quantum mechanics course. In higher dimensions there are several plausible generalizations of this example. The three-dimensional Schrödinger operator is studied in Reference 3 and Reference 4, and in two dimensions in Reference 2. Here, the singularity of the potential imposes boundary conditions at each point for functions belonging to the domain of . As an eventual consequence, linear dispersive and Strichartz inequalities hold only on a subset of the range described above.

The potentials considered in this paper are less singular than a delta-function in , but still not absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. The surface measure of a compact hypersurface is a canonical example of an admissible potential we consider. More generally we work with compactly supported fractal measures (on ) of a sufficiently high dimension. The exact threshold will be determined in context. Arguments regarding the self-adjointness of require a dimension greater than so that multiplication by remains compact relative to the Laplacian. We are forced to increase the threshold dimension to in the proof of the local decay and Strichartz estimates. Under these conditions, and a modest assumption about the spectral properties of , we prove that the entire family of Strichartz inequalities Equation 1.1 is preserved with the possible exception of the endpoint.

With a ball of radius centered at , we say that a compactly supported signed measure is -dimensional if it satisfies

Nontrivial -dimensional measures exist for any .

The first obstruction to Strichartz estimates with a Hamiltonian is the possible existence of bound states, functions that solve for some real number . Each bound state gives rise to a solution of the Schrödinger equation , which satisfies Equation 1.1 only for and no other choice of exponents.

Our main result asserts that the perturbed evolution satisfies Strichartz estimates once all bound states of are projected away. We impose additional spectral assumptions that all eigenvalues of are strictly negative, and that there is no resonance at zero. In this paper we say a resonance occurs at when the equation

has nontrivial solutions belonging to the Sobolev space but not to itself.

Thanks to the compact support of , one can easily show that resonances are impossible at , and can only occur at in dimensions 3 and 4. We show in Section 3 that resonances do not occur when . Eigenvalues at zero are possible provided the negative part of the potential is large enough. Positive eigenvalues are known to be absent for a wide class of potentials (see Reference 16) covering some (but not all) of the measures considered here; see Remark 3.2.

To state our results, we define the following spaces. For a signed measure on , we define

for . With the natural, minor modification one can define . It is worthwhile to note that multiplication by is an isometry from to with the Hölder conjugate of for any . This can be seen easily by using the natural duality pairing. Throughout the paper we will take particular advantage of the fact that multiplication by maps to its dual space. Finally, let denotes projection onto the continuous spectrum of .

Theorem 1.1.

Let be a compactly supported signed measure on of dimension . If the Schrödinger operator has no resonance at zero and no eigenvalues at any , then for each we have the local decay bounds

and the Strichartz inequalities

for admissible pairs with and .

The second author considered dispersive estimates in (under the same set of assumptions when , including ) in Reference 10. Strichartz inequalities in this case follow as a direct consequence by Reference 15. The results presented here in , , are new and rely in part on recent advances in Fourier restriction problems such as Reference 5Reference 17. In particular the improved decay of spherical Fourier means allows us to capture the physically relevant case where the potential might be supported on a compact hypersurface in higher dimensions. It is known for dimensions that dispersive estimates need not hold even for compactly supported potentials if is not sufficiently differentiable; see Reference 7Reference 12. Whereas the smoothness is not required for Strichartz estimates to hold in higher dimensions. Our argument works in dimensions ; technical issues in dimension (for example with the use of would require different methods.

-Dimensional measures also satisfy a strong Kato-type property that for any ,

Furthermore, since has compact support, the integral over the entire space is bounded uniformly in . These integral bounds will be proved as Lemma 2.2. The choice is significant due to its connection with the Green’s function of the Laplacian in when .

We also characterize potentials in terms of the global Kato norm, defined on signed measures in by the quantity

One can see that every element with finite global Kato norm is an -dimensional measure with , by comparing to the characteristic function of a ball. The converse is false; however the Kato class contains all compactly supported measures of dimension . We examine this relationship in Lemma 2.2. We follow the naming convention in Rodnianski-Schlag Reference 19 where the global Kato norm is applied to dispersive estimates in , as opposed to the local norms considered in Schechter Reference 20.

There is a now well-known strategy to obtain the Strichartz estimates Equation 1.6. One uses the space-time estimates Equation 1.4 and Equation 1.5 and the argument of Rodnianski-Schlag Reference 19. There is a minor modification to the Rodnianski-Schlag framework in that instead of factorizing the operator corresponding to multiplication by , we instead apply it directly as a bounded map from to its dual space.

The resolvent operators and are well defined for in the resolvent sets. We define the limiting resolvent operators

Following Kato’s derivation Reference 14, estimates such as Equation 1.4 and Equation 1.5 are valid precisely if there are uniform bounds of the resolvent operators. We prove the following mapping bounds for the resolvents and .

Theorem 1.2.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 1.1

Due to the different challenges of establishing these bounds when the spectral parameter is close to (small energy) or bounded away from zero (large energy), we require different tools in each regime. We bound the low energy contribution in Section 3 in Lemma 3.1, while the large energy is controlled in Section 4. Once the resolvent bounds are established at all energies, we assemble the results to prove Theorem 1.1.

2. Self-adjointness and compactness

For any perturbation which is not a bounded function of there are well known difficulties identifying the domain of and its adjoint operator. The main goal of this section is to prove Proposition 2.1. Along the way, we will prove some compactness results that will be useful for describing the spectral measure of .

Proposition 2.1.

If is a compactly supported -dimensional signed measure for some , then there exists a unique self-adjoint extension of .

The first step is to check that satisfies both a local and global “Kato condition.”

Lemma 2.2.

Suppose is an -dimensional signed measure with support in the ball , and is such that . Then satisfies the estimates


For each point ,

This establishes the first claim. For the second claim, if , the global bound is achieved by setting . If then the integral in Equation 2.1 is easily bounded by by observing that within the support of .

By choosing , it follows that .

Lemma 2.3.

If is a compactly supported -dimensional measure for some , then .


Two mapping bounds follow directly from the definition of the global Kato norm, using that the integral kernel of is a scalar multiple of ,

Interpolation between these two endpoints yields

This along with a argument shows that the square root is a bounded operator from to ; by duality it is also bounded from to . At the same time is an isometry from onto . This suffices to prove the desired inclusion. Further, Equation 2.2 shows that

Given a point , define the translation operator . Translation operators are not bounded on in general, but they behave quite well when restricted to the subspace . Let be the natural inclusion operator.

Lemma 2.4.

If is a compactly supported -dimensional measure for some ,

for any and .


By a argument, it suffices to show that

where is the inclusion of into . Translations commute with powers of the Laplacian, so there is another equivalent statement

Here we use that and may be replaced with the operators or on their respective domains. We now show that

Indeed, Lemma 2.2 immediately proves this bound for the integral over the region where . Since the exponent is strictly less than 1, the region includes all three singularities at .

Outside of the region, Taylor’s remainder theorem controls the integrand by a multiple of . We write

and note that under the hypotheses, both exponents are positive. On the region of interest, the first term is dominated by . The estimate continues with

The last inequality follows from Lemma 2.2 since , making the exponent in the denominator less than .

The bound in Equation 2.4 implies that

The desired bound follows by interpolation.

Lemma 2.5.

The embedding is compact.


Let be a standard mollifier supported in a ball of radius . Lemma 2.4 implies that

Furthermore, if is any smooth cutoff that is identically 1 on the support of , then multiplication by has no effect in . Thus

The operators mapping to are compact on , so they are also compact from to . We have just shown that they converge to the inclusion map as .

Corollary 2.6.

For any fixed , the operator is compact on .


Recall that is the same as in dimensions . Then is the composition , with both inclusions and being compact.

For , the free resolvents map weighted into weighted . Then, with again a smooth cutoff to the support of , is a bounded map from to without additional weights due to the compact support of . We may write

with and once again being compact.

Remark 2.7.

The derivative is also a bounded map from to . The same argument as above shows that the family of operators are differentiable with respect to .

Proof of Proposition 2.1.

We can take advantage of the KLMN theorem Reference 18, Theorem X.17 to produce a unique self-adjoint operator with the correct quadratic form on provided satisfies the form bound

for some . For and , by Lemma 2.4 we have

It follows that

for a mollifier supported in a ball radius . At the same time is a bounded function for each , so there is a second estimate

Allowing to approach zero shows that Equation 2.5 holds with any choice of .

Proposition 2.8.

If is a compactly supported -dimensional signed measure for some , then has finitely many negative eigenvalues and no other spectrum in .


Since Equation 2.5 holds for some , the operator is bounded from below. Then the range of the spectral projection is a closed subspace of contained inside the negative-definite subspace of the quadratic form . On this subspace we also have the bound

and it follows that .

Consider the factorization

The central operator is a compact and self-adjoint perturbation of the identity acting on , namely . Its negative-definite subspace is finite dimensional. As observed above, the range of is contained in . The square-root of the Laplacian maps this space into in a one-to-one manner. Thus the range of is also finite dimensional, with dimension no larger than the negative-definite space of .

3. Low energy estimates

At this point we establish a uniform bound on the low energy perturbed resolvent as an operator on . Specifically, we show

Lemma 3.1.

Let be a real-valued measure on , , with dimension . If has no eigenvalues at , and (if ) no resonances at , then

for any , with a fixed constant that depends on .


The estimation of perturbed resolvents on a finite interval follows a standard procedure. First, we express the perturbed resolvent using the identity

The operators are continuous with respect to , so they are uniformly bounded over any finite interval. If an inverse exists at each , then the inverses will be continuous, and uniformly bounded on each finite interval.

Suppose fails to be invertible on for some . By the Fredholm alternative, there must exist a nontrivial belonging to its null space. This function satisfies the bootstrapping relation

Assuming is real-valued, the duality pairing is real-valued as well. It is also equal to the pairing

whose imaginary part is a multiple of . In order for this quantity to be real, the Fourier transform of must vanish on the sphere of radius .

Let be a mollifier whose Fourier transform is identically 1 when . Convolution against is a bounded operator on and it maps finite measures on to , . In particular, , along with the fact that its Fourier transform vanishes on the sphere of radius ; it follows from Reference 11, Theorem 2 that .

Meanwhile , and it has Fourier support where . On this region the free resolvent multiplier is dominated by ; hence we see that . This shows that and hence , which contradicts the assumption that is not an eigenvalue. Hence is invertible.

Remark 3.2.

With the stronger assumption , one can follow the argument in Reference 11, Proposition 7 to show that , then apply Reference 16 to conclude that there are no positive eigenvalues of .

4. High energy estimates

The estimates for in the preceding sections are adequate for finite intervals of ; however the sharp weighted resolvent bound from Reference 1 only implies that

At high energy one needs to take advantage of the fact that for , is not a generic element of . Our main observation at high energy is that the free resolvent in fact has asymptotic decay as an operator on .

Theorem 4.1.

Suppose is a compactly supported measure of dimension . There exists so that the free resolvent satisfies

There are close connections between the free resolvent and the restriction of Fourier transforms to the sphere . We make use of a Fourier restriction estimate proved by Du and Zhang Reference 5. Theorem 2.3 of Reference 5 asserts that for a function with Fourier support in the unit ball, and a measure ,

for sufficiently large . The Schrödinger evolution is the inverse Fourier transform (in ) of the measure lifted onto the paraboloid . The theorem is then equivalent to the statement

for functions . The use of forward versus inverse Fourier transform does not affect the inequality.

It is well known that the bounded subset of the paraboloid can be replaced with any other uniformly convex bounded smooth surface. In this case we wish to apply the result to the unit sphere instead. For any ,

The dual statement is

Now we reverse some of the scaling relations. Given , let so that . Then . It follows that

Thanks to the compact support of , the norm of is comparable to that of . That allows for control of the derivatives of with the same restriction bound as in Equation 4.2. In particular we can bound the outward normal gradient of as

Proof of Theorem 4.1.

In light of Lemma 3.1, we need only consider . The specific inequality we derive has the form

Our assumption is chosen to make the exponent negative on the right-hand side.

The free resolvent acts by multiplying Fourier transforms pointwise by the distribution

The surface measure term is times the composition of the operator in Equation 4.2. Thus it has an operator norm bound controlled by .

The multiplier term can be split into two parts depending on whether or not. Let be a smooth function supported in the annulus that is identically 1 when . Note that there is an upper bound

for any . Hence this part of the free resolvent maps to with an operator norm less than .

The proof of Lemma 2.3 can be modified trivially to show that there is a continuous embedding whenever (as required by Lemma 2.2). Since this includes a nonempty interval .

By expanding out the free resolvent as , we see that frequencies give rise to an operator on with norm bound .

The portion of the free resolvent with frequency will be handled by restricting to spheres of radius , then integrating the results. For each define

with being the surface measure of the unit sphere. This way, is the restriction of to the sphere . By the Parseval identity we have an inner product formula for ,

Inequality Equation 4.2 shows that . If one takes a derivative with respect to , it is easy to apply the product rule to the middle expression. Then the bounds Equation 4.2 and Equation 4.3 show that as well.

Now the remaining part of the free resolvent appears as a principal value integral

Based on the discussion above, both and are bounded in with norm less than so long as and . The desired bound Equation 4.4 follows by bringing these norms inside the integral when , and integrating by parts once in the more singular interval before bringing the norms inside. The resulting integral in each case is bounded by .

We are now able to prove the uniform resolvent bounds in Theorem 1.2 and consequently the Strichartz estimates in Theorem 1.1.

Proof of Theorem 1.2.

The uniform bound Equation 1.10 combines low-energy existence from Corollary 2.6, uniformly on bounded intervals of from Remark 2.7, and decay as from Theorem 4.1. The low-energy part of Equation 1.11 is stated as Lemma 3.1. At high energies, we once again apply the resolvent identity Equation 3.2. Theorem 4.1 provides decay of , and once its norm is less than , then the perturbation and consequently are uniformly bounded as well.

Proof of Theorem 1.1.

The derivation of local decay estimates Equation 1.4 and Equation 1.5 for the Schrödinger equation from uniform resolvent bounds follows Kato’s argument Reference 14 with minimal adaptation. One can freely interchange the order of the and norms. Then by a argument, and using the fact that multiplication by is a unitary map between and its dual space,

After applying Plancherel’s identity to a partial Fourier transform in the time variable, with as the dual variable to , this is again equivalent (up to a constant) to the bound

The derivation of Equation 1.5 is identical except the Fourier transform of generates the difference of perturbed resolvents . Negative values of are excluded because the absolutely continuous spectrum of is still .

The Strichartz inequalities are proved via the argument by Rodnianski and Schlag Reference 19. Use Duhamel’s formula to write out the perturbed evolution as

for . Note that is an orthogonal projection, so it is a bounded operator on . The free evolution term satisfies all Strichartz inequalities including the endpoint. For the inhomogeneous term, our local decay bound Equation 1.5 shows that . The dual statement to Equation 1.4 together with the free Strichartz inequalities imply that

An application of the Christ-Kiselev lemma (for example as stated in Reference 19, Lemma 4.2) shows that the same bound holds for the desired domain of integration provided .

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Theorem 1.1.

Let be a compactly supported signed measure on of dimension . If the Schrödinger operator has no resonance at zero and no eigenvalues at any , then for each we have the local decay bounds

and the Strichartz inequalities

for admissible pairs with and .

Theorem 1.2.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 1.1

Proposition 2.1.

If is a compactly supported -dimensional signed measure for some , then there exists a unique self-adjoint extension of .

Lemma 2.2.

Suppose is an -dimensional signed measure with support in the ball , and is such that . Then satisfies the estimates

Lemma 2.3.

If is a compactly supported -dimensional measure for some , then .

Equation (2.2)
Lemma 2.4.

If is a compactly supported -dimensional measure for some ,

for any and .

Equation (2.4)
Corollary 2.6.

For any fixed , the operator is compact on .

Remark 2.7.

The derivative is also a bounded map from to . The same argument as above shows that the family of operators are differentiable with respect to .

Equation (2.5)
Lemma 3.1.

Let be a real-valued measure on , , with dimension . If has no eigenvalues at , and (if ) no resonances at , then

for any , with a fixed constant that depends on .

Equation (3.2)
Remark 3.2.

With the stronger assumption , one can follow the argument in Reference 11, Proposition 7 to show that , then apply Reference 16 to conclude that there are no positive eigenvalues of .

Theorem 4.1.

Suppose is a compactly supported measure of dimension . There exists so that the free resolvent satisfies

Equation (4.2)
Equation (4.3)
Equation (4.4)


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 35Q40 (PDEs in connection with quantum mechanics)
Secondary: 42B15 (Multipliers for harmonic analysis in several variables)
Author Information
M. Burak Erdoğan
Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801
Michael Goldberg
Department of Mathematics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
William R. Green
Department of Mathematics, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana 47803
Additional Notes

The first author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1501041.

The second author was supported by Simons Foundation Grant 281057.

The third author was supported by Simons Foundation Grant 511825.

Communicated by
Alexander Iosevich
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 28, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/79
  • MathSciNet Review: 4343929
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4343929}{article}{ author={Erdo\u gan, M.}, author={Goldberg, Michael}, author={Green, William}, title={Strichartz estimates for the Schr\"odinger equation with a measure-valued potential}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={28}, date={2021}, pages={336-348}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4343929}, doi={10.1090/bproc/79}, }


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