Segre-degenerate points form a semianalytic set

By Jiří Lebl


We prove that the set of Segre-degenerate points of a real-analytic subvariety in is a closed semianalytic set. It is a subvariety if is coherent. More precisely, the set of points where the germ of the Segre variety is of dimension or greater is a closed semianalytic set in general, and for a coherent , it is a real-analytic subvariety of . For a hypersurface in , the set of Segre-degenerate points, , is a semianalytic set of dimension at most . If is coherent, then is a complex subvariety of (complex) dimension . Example hypersurfaces are given showing that need not be a subvariety and that it also need not be complex; can, for instance, be a real line.

1. Introduction

Segre varieties are a widely used tool for dealing with real-analytic submanifolds in complex manifolds. Recently, there have been many applications of Segre variety techniques to singular real-analytic subvarieties, and while the techniques are powerful, they have to be applied carefully. It is tempting to cite an argument or result for submanifolds to prove the same result for subvarieties, but there are two things that can go wrong. First, the Segre variety can be degenerate (of wrong dimension), and second, the variety itself may be not coherent, and the Segre variety cannot be defined by the same function(s) at all points. One cannot define Segre varieties with respect to the complexification at one point and expect this complexification to give a well-defined Segre variety at all nearby points (germs have complexifications, but their representatives may not). One incorrect but very tempting statement is that the set of Segre-degenerate points of a real hypersurface in is necessarily a complex-analytic subvariety. The result follows for coherent hypersurfaces, but not in general. The set of Segre-degenerate points of a hypersurface is not only not a complex-analytic subvariety in general, it need not even be a real-analytic subvariety, it is merely a semianalytic set. We give an example where it is not a subvariety, and one where it is of odd real dimension.

The idea of using Segre varieties is old, although the techniques for using them in CR geometry were brought into prominence first by Webster Reference 14 and Diederich–Fornæss Reference 7. For a good introduction to their use for submanifolds, see the book by Baouendi–Ebenfelt–Rothschild Reference 2. They started to be used for singular subvarieties recently, see for example Burns–Gong Reference 5, Diederich–Mazzilli Reference 8, the author Reference 11, Adamus–Randriambololona–Shafikov Reference 1, Fernández-Pérez Reference 9, Pinchuk–Shafikov–Sukhov Reference 13, and many others. However, the reader should be aware that sometimes in the literature on singular subvarieties a Segre variety is defined with respect to a single defining function and it is not made clear that the Segre variety is then not well-defined if the point moves.

A good reference for real-analytic geometry is Guaraldo–Macrì–Tancredi Reference 10, and a good reference for complex analytic subvarieties is Whitney Reference 16.

A real-analytic subvariety of an open is a relatively closed subset defined locally by the vanishing of real-analytic functions. If , then the ideal of real-analytic germs at vanishing on is generated by the components of a mapping . Let , the germ of the Segre variety at , be the germ at of a complex-analytic subvariety given by the vanishing of ( is independent of the generator ). Normally is of the same complex codimension as is the real codimension of . So if is a real hypersurface, then is usually a germ of a complex hypersurface. For a hypersurface, we say is Segre-degenerate at if is not a complex hypersurface, that is, if . See §3 for a more precise definition.

One of the main differences of real and complex varieties is that real varieties need not be coherent. A real-analytic subvariety is coherent if the sheaf of germs of real-analytic functions vanishing on is a coherent sheaf. Equivalently, is coherent if it has a complexification, that is, a single variety that defines the complexification of all germs of , or in yet other words, if for every , representatives of the generators of generate the ideals for all nearby . For the hypersurface case, we prove the following result.

Theorem 1.1.

Let be open and a real-analytic subvariety of codimension 1 (a hypersurface). Let be the set of Segre-degenerate points. Then:


is a semianalytic set of dimension at most , which is locally contained in a complex-analytic subvariety of (complex) dimension at most .


If is coherent, then is a complex-analytic subvariety of (complex) dimension at most .

The dimension of the complex subvariety may be smaller than . Example 6.1 gives a coherent hypersurface in where is an isolated point. For noncoherent , examples exist for which is not a complex variety, or that are not even a real-analytic subvariety. In particular, the dimension of need not be even. Example 6.6 is a hypersurface in such that (real) dimension of is 1. In Example 6.5, is only semianalytic and not a real-analytic subvariety.

The Segre variety can be defined with respect to a specific defining function, or a neighborhood of a point . For a small enough , take the representatives of the generators of , and use those to define for all . The germ of is then . However, for a noncoherent , the germ of at need not be the same as the germ , no matter how small is and how close is to , since the representatives of the generators of may not generate . There may even be regular points arbitrarily close to where is singular (reducible) at . See Example 6.4. If is a regular point where is generic (e.g. a hypersurface), the germ is always regular. The point is that the germs cannot be defined coherently by a single set of equations for a noncoherent subvariety.

The results above are a special case of results for higher codimension. In general, the set of “Segre-degenerate points” would be points where the Segre variety is not of the expected dimension. The main result of this paper is that for general , we can stratify into semianalytic sets by the dimension of the Segre variety.

Theorem 1.2.

Let be open and a real-analytic subvariety of dimension (i.e. ). Let be the set of points where the Segre variety is of dimension or higher. Then:


For every , , …, , is a closed semianalytic subset of , and is locally (as germs at every point) contained in a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .


If is coherent, then for every , , …, , is a closed real-analytic subvariety of , and is a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .

The sets are nested: . If is of pure dimension , we find that . Then . If, furthermore, there exists a regular point of where is a generic submanifold, then (the reasonable definition of “Segre-degenerate points” in this case) is a semianalytic subset of of dimension less than , since where is a generic submanifold the dimension of the Segre variety is necessarily . We avoid defining the term Segre-degenerate for general as the Segre varieties can be degenerate in various ways; it is better to just talk about the sets or the sets . In any case, since the sets are semianalytic, every reasonable definition of “Segre-degenerate” based on dimension leads to a semianalytic set.

Notice that for , the set is not necessarily complex even if it is a proper subset of a coherent , see Example 6.2.

The structure of this paper is as follows. First, we cover some preliminary results on subvarieties and semianalytic sets in §2. We introduce Segre varieties in the singular case in §3. In §4, we prove the simpler results for the coherent case, and we cover the noncoherent case in §5. In §6 we present some of the examples showing that the results are optimal and particularly illustrating the degeneracy of the noncoherent case.

2. Preliminaries

We remark that the content of this section is not new but totally classical, and the degeneracies shown in the examples have been known for a long time, already by Cartan, Whitney, Bruhat, and others. See e.g. Reference 6Reference 15.

Definition 2.1.

Let (respectively ) be open. The set is a real-analytic subvariety (resp. a complex-analytic subvariety) of if for each point , there exists a neighborhood of and a set of real-analytic (resp. holomorphic) functions such that

Write for the set of points which are regular, that is,

The set of singular points is the complement: . The dimension of at , written as , is the real (resp. complex) dimension of the real-analytic (resp. complex) manifold at . The dimension of , written as , is the maximum dimension at any regular point. The dimension of at is the minimum dimension of over all neighborhoods of . Define

A variety or germ is irreducible if it cannot be written as a union of two proper subvarieties. Let denote the ideal of germs of functions that vanish on the germ .

An analytic space is, like an abstract manifold, a topological space with an atlas of charts with real-analytic (resp. holomorphic) transition maps, but the local models are subvarieties rather than open sets of or . See e.g. Reference 10Reference 16.

Subvarieties are closed subsets of . If a topology on is required, we take the subspace topology. Unlike in the complex case, a real-analytic subvariety can be a -manifold while being singular as a subvariety. For example, in . Also, in the real case, the set of singular points need not be a subvariety and need not equal .

Definition 2.2 (See e.g. Reference 3Reference 12).

For a set (an open set in , or a subvariety), let be the smallest family of sets (the intersection of all such families) that is closed under finite unions, finite intersections, and complements of sets of the form

where ( real-analytic in , or a restriction of a real-analytic function if is a subvariety).

A set is semianalytic (in ) if for each , there is a neighborhood of such that . Here is an open set in , a subvariety, or an analytic space.

Note that . Equality is obtained by intersecting and . Complement obtains sets of the form and . Thus we have all equalities and inequalities.

Subvarieties are semianalytic, but the family of semianalytic sets is much richer. If is a complex-analytic subvariety, then is a complex-analytic subvariety, while if is only real-analytic, then is only a semianalytic subset.

Example 2.3.

The Whitney umbrella, in using coordinates , is a set where is the set given by , , and .

It is a common misconception related to the subject of this paper to think that the set of singular points of a real subvariety can be defined by the vanishing of the derivatives of functions that vanish on . For a subvariety defined near , it is possible that vanishes on some regular points of arbitrarily near for every function defined near such that on . Before proving this fact, let us prove a simple lemma.

Lemma 2.4.

Suppose for an irreducible homogeneous polynomial (irreducible in the ring of polynomials) and is a hypersurface (dimension ).

If is a germ of a real-analytic function that vanishes on , then is a multiple of the germ . In other words, is generated by the germ .


The proof is standard, it is a version of one of the claims from the proof of Chow’s theorem. Clearly, is a real cone, that is, if then for all . Write a representative in terms of homogeneous parts. Suppose , so . As , then . But then is identically zero, meaning for all . Since is a hypersurface, the polynomial generates the ideal of all polynomials vanishing on and thus divides all the polynomials (See e.g. Theorem 4.5.1 in Reference 4). Thence, the germ divides the germ .

Example 2.5.

Let us give an example of a pure 2-dimensional real-analytic subvariety with an isolated singularity at the origin, such that for any real-analytic defining function of near the origin, the set where both and vanish is a 1-dimensional subset of . Therefore, the set where the derivative vanishes for the defining function is of larger dimension than the singular set, and vanishes at some regular points. This subvariety will be a useful example later (Example 6.4), and it is a useful example of a noncoherent subvariety where coherence breaks not because of a smaller dimensional component.

Let be the subvariety of in the coordinates :

We claim that is as above. Despite the singularity being just the origin, for any real-analytic defined near the origin that vanishes on , we get , so the derivative vanishes on

As this example will be useful for Segre varieties, we prove the claim in detail. The subvariety in defined by is irreducible. Indeed, it is a connected compact submanifold. To see that it is connected and compact, solve for . The tricky part is showing that the subvariety is nonsingular near the origin, which can be seen by writing and taking the third root to get

Near the origin, we can solve for using the implicit function theorem.

Homogenize with to get the set in given by Equation 5. The set is a cone with an isolated singularity; it is a cone over a manifold. By Lemma 2.4, if vanishes on , then

In other words, on , must vanish where the derivative of vanishes.

3. Segre varieties

Consider subvarieties of . Let be open and a real-analytic subvariety. Write for the complex conjugate. Let be the embedding of into the “diagonal” in . Denote by the smallest complex-analytic subvariety of such that . By smallest we mean the intersection of all such subvarieties. It is standard that there exists a small enough (see below) such that . Let denote the involution . Note that the “diagonal” is the fixed set of .

Proposition 3.1.

Let be open and be a real-analytic subvariety. Then .


The set is a complex-analytic subvariety as it is defined by vanishing of anti-holomorphic functions, and hence by holomorphic functions. As is fixed by , we have , and the result follows as is the smallest subvariety containing .

The ideal can be generated by the real and imaginary parts of the generators of the ideal of germs of holomorphic functions defined at in the complexification that vanish on the germ of at . Call the ideal of these holomorphic functions .

Given a germ of a real-analytic subvariety , denote by the smallest germ of a complex-analytic subvariety of that contains the image of by . The germ is called the complexification of . It is not hard to see that the irreducible components of correspond to the irreducible components of ; if is irreducible, so is . In the theory of real-analytic subvarieties, would not be called a complexification of unless for all , and that cannot always be achieved.

As we will need a specific neighborhood often, we make Definition 3.2.

Definition 3.2.

Let be a real-analytic subvariety of dimension of an open set . We say is good for at if the following conditions are satisfied:


is connected.


The real dimension of is and the complex dimension of and is also .


There exists a real-analytic function whose complexification converges in , whose zero set is , and whose germ generates .






The irreducible components of correspond in a one-to-one fashion to the irreducible components of the germ .

If is good for at we say simply that is good for at .

Proposition 3.3.

Suppose is open, is a real-analytic subvariety, and . Then there exists a neighborhood of such that is good for at .

Furthermore, for any neighborhood of , there exists a neighborhood of that is good for at .


The idea is standard (see e.g. Reference 10), but let us sketch a proof. The main difficulty is mostly notational. Take the germ of complexified functions that vanish on the germ of at . Note that is closed under the conjugation taking to , that is, to . It is generated by a finite set of functions , …, , which are all defined in some polydisc centered at . The real and imaginary parts of these functions also generate an ideal, and this ideal must be equal to . We can also assume that is small enough that all the components of the subvariety defined by , …, go through (in other words is the smallest subvariety of containing the germ of at ). Similarly, make small enough that the real and imaginary parts of , …, restricted to the diagonal give the subvariety all of whose components go through . We can take to also be small enough that all components of have distinct representatives in . The set is our .

Definition 3.4.

Suppose is open and is a real-analytic subvariety. The Segre variety of at relative to is the set

If , we write for .

When is good for at , define the germ


The germ is well-defined by the proposition. First, there exists a good neighborhood of , and any smaller good neighborhood of would give us the same germ of the complexification at .

If is an irreducible hypersurface, is Segre-degenerate at if , that is, if . A point is Segre-degenerate relative to if , that is, if . A key point of this paper is that these two notions can be different. We will see that is always a complex subvariety and contains , and the two are not necessarily equal even for a small enough . They may not be even of the same dimension.

For a general dimension set, we will simply talk about the sets and we will not make a judgement on what is the best definition for the word “Segre-degenerate.”

A (smooth) submanifold is called generic (see Reference 2) at if in some local holomorphic coordinates vanishing at it is defined by

with and its derivative vanishing at . For instance, a hypersurface is generic.

Proposition 3.5.

Suppose is a real-analytic submanifold of of dimension (so codimension ) and .


. In particular, if , then .


If is generic at , then is a germ of a complex submanifold and .


We start with the generic case. Using the defining functions above, , we note that if we plug in and , we get linearly independent defining equations for a complex submanifold.

If is not generic, then we can write down similar equations but solve for real and imaginary parts some of the variables. Since these could conceivably be the real and imaginary parts of the same variable, we may only get independent equations, so the dimension of could be as high as .

If is regular at but not generic, the germ could possibly be singular and the dimension may vary as moves on the submanifold. See Example 6.3.

Let us collect some basic properties of Segre varieties in the singular case.

Proposition 3.6.

Let be a real-analytic subvariety of dimension and . Then






for all .


If is good for at and , then .


If , then .


if and only if , and so for all , , , …, .


If is good for at , then if and only if , and so for all , , , …, .


If then , as any analytic function defined on that vanishes on is an analytic function on that vanishes on . Parts (i) and (iii) follow.

For part (ii), the complexification has dimension . Let be good for at . The germ is the germ at of the intersection of and . The codimension of at in is , and the codimension of is . Hence, their intersection is of codimension at most or dimension .

To see (iv) first note that if , then it is impossible for to be of dimension as it is a subvariety of , which is of dimension . If , then without loss of generality suppose that is irreducible. As is good for at , then is also irreducible. By dimension, as is of dimension and , then would be an irreducible component of . By symmetry (applying ), is also an irreducible component of . This is a contradiction as is irreducible.

Then (v) follows from (iv) by considering a small enough good neighborhood of every .

For (vi), if , then , since for any germ of a function at that vanishes on . If , then clearly . So .

For (vii), again if , then it must be that . Similarly, for a good , we have , and so means that .

The point of this paper is that even for arbitrarily small neighborhoods of (even good for at ) and a that is arbitrarily close to , it is possible that

That is, unless is coherent. Let us focus on for a moment. It is possible that for all neighborhoods of a point ,

The set is rather well-behaved.

Proposition 3.7.

Let be a real-analytic subvariety of dimension , and suppose is good for at some . Then is a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most . In particular, is contained in a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .


Without loss of generality, suppose that is irreducible. The variety is fixed by the involution . In other words, if and only if . So if , then for all , and therefore for all . In particular, for all . As is a complex-analytic subvariety, generically of dimension , then is a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .

The only way that could be of dimension is if all the varieties contained a fixed complex-analytic subvariety of dimension . This means that and (by applying ). By dimension, these are components of . Since we assumed that is irreducible, so is and so is if is good for at , and we obtain a contradiction. Hence, must be of dimension at most .

4. Coherent varieties

A real-analytic subvariety is coherent if the sheaf of germs of real-analytic functions vanishing on is a coherent sheaf. The fundamental fact about coherent subvarieties is that they possess a global complexification. That is, if is coherent, then there exists a complex-analytic subvariety of some neighborhood of in such that and is equal to , the complexification of the germ at every . See Reference 10.

Lemma 4.1.

Let be a real-analytic subvariety. If is coherent and is good for at , then for all . In particular, .


Since is coherent, we have a global complexification and hence . In particular, this is true for any good neighborhood of any point , so .

As and it is the set where is of dimension , we find that it is equal to the set where is of dimension . In other words, .

We can now prove the theorem for coherent subvarieties. Theorem 4.2 implies the coherent part of Theorem 1.2 for , and hence the coherent part of Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 4.2.

Let be open and be a coherent real-analytic subvariety of dimension . Then is a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .


It is sufficient to work in a good neighborhood of some point, without loss of generality, assume that is good for some . Apply the lemma and Proposition 3.7.

For general , we have Theorem 4.3, which finishes the coherent case of Theorem 1.2 for . That is, for every , the sets are subvarieties of for coherent . These subvarieties no longer need to be complex-analytic.

Theorem 4.3.

Let be open and be a coherent real-analytic subvariety. Then for every , , …, , is a real-analytic subvariety of .

A generic submanifold has the Segre variety of the least possible dimension. Let be an irreducible coherent subvariety of dimension . If is generic at some point, then is of (the minimum possible) dimension somewhere. The Segre-degenerate set is the set where is higher than , that is, it is the set . According to this theorem, this Segre-degenerate set is a real-analytic subvariety of .


It is a local result and so without loss of generality, assume that is good for at some . Let be the complexified variables of . Consider the projection defined on . The Segre variety is (identified with) the fiber . The dimension of the germ is the dimension at of as is coherent. For any integer , the set

is a complex-analytic subvariety of (see e.g. Theorem 9F in chapter 7 of Whitney Reference 16). Then is a real-analytic subvariety of .

5. The set of Segre-degenerate points is semianalytic

It is rather simple to prove that is always closed (in classical, not Zariski, topology).

Proposition 5.1.

Let be open and be a real-analytic subvariety. Then is an upper semicontinuous function on . In particular, for every , is closed.


Let be some point and let be good for at and follow the construction in the proof of Theorem 4.3, that is let and be as before. The Segre variety is the fiber . For all , is a subset (possibly proper as is not coherent) of the germ , and so . As is good for at , . As the sets are closed, is bounded below by dimensions of for all sufficiently nearby , and these are in turn bounded below by .

We need some results about semianalytic subsets. We are going to use normalization on and so we need to prove that semianalytic sets are preserved under finite holomorphic mappings. The key point in that proof is Theorem 5.2 on projection of semialgebraic sets extended to handle certain semianalytic sets.

Theorem 5.2 (Łojasiewicz–Tarski–Seidenberg (see Reference 3Reference 12)).

Let be a ring of real-valued functions on a set , and let be the projection.

If , then .

Complex-analytic subvarieties are preserved under finite (or just proper) holomorphic maps. Real semialgebraic sets are preserved under all real polynomial maps. On the other hand real-analytic subvarieties or semianalytic sets are not preserved by finite or proper real-analytic maps. But, as long as the map is holomorphic and finite, semianalytic sets are preserved. Here is an intuitive useful argument of why this is expected: Map forward the complexification of a real-analytic subvariety by the complexification of the map , which is still finite, so it maps the complexification to a complex-analytic subvariety. So the image of a real-analytic subvariety of dimension via a finite holomorphic map is contained in a real-analytic subvariety of dimension . To get equality we need to go to semianalytic sets: Think of as the map and the real line as the real-analytic subvariety. The holomorphicity is required as the complexification of a finite real-analytic map need not be finite (simple example: ).

Lemma 5.3.

Let be complex analytic spaces, a semianalytic set, and a finite holomorphic map. Then is semianalytic of the same dimension as .


Without loss of generality, assume that . Furthermore, since the map is finite, and finite unions of semianalytic sets are semianalytic, assume that are actual complex-analytic subvarieties by working locally in some chart, and in general we can just assume we are working in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the origin , and that . Suppose is a subvariety of some neighborhood , and is a subvariety of some open set . By adding components to equal to the defining functions of (and thus possibly increasing ) we can assume without loss of generality that is a finite map on and not just .

Consider the graph of in . As is finite, the projection of to is finite. Hence, the variety can be defined by functions that are polynomials in the first variables (in fact polynomials in the first variables and a few of the last variables depending on the codimension of in ). Let denote the first variables, and denote the last variables. The variety as a real subvariety is defined by functions that are polynomials in and .

Also assume that is small enough so that is defined by real-analytic functions in , that is, . The set corresponds to a semianalytic set . The set is defined by functions defined in some , suppose is one of these functions. The subvariety is defined by polynomials in and , so we find Weierstrass polynomials in every one of and with coefficients real-analytic functions in that are in the real-analytic ideal for at . Since adding anything in the ideal does not change where it matters (on ), we can divide by these polynomials and find a remainder , which is a polynomial in and such that on . In other words, . By the Łojasiewicz–Tarski–Seidenberg theorem, the projection of to is semianalytic.

The fact that the dimension is preserved follows from being finite.

Remark 5.4.

The conclusion of the lemma is not true if is not holomorphic and finite. If is proper but not holomorphic, the best we can conclude is that is subanalytic as long as we also assume that is precompact. Our task would be easier if we only desired to prove that is subanalytic.

The proof that is semianalytic for non-coherent subvarieties is similar to Theorem 4.3, but we work on the normalization of the complex variety .

Theorem 5.5.

Let be open and be a real-analytic subvariety. Then for every , , …, , is a closed semianalytic subset of .


Again, it is a local result, so without loss of generality, assume that is good for at some and suppose that is irreducible at and that is of dimension . Consider , the normalization of . There are two reasons why is not the complexification at some point . For points arbitrarily near , either the set is of lower dimension at or there are multiple irreducible components of the germ .

Let denote the relative closure in of the set of points of dimension . The set is semianalytic, and so locally near any it is possible to write for a real-analytic subvariety of lower dimension (possibly empty) defined in a neighborhood of . Suppose for induction that is semianalytic. Then is also semianalytic (in a neighborhood of ). In other words, it remains to prove that is semianalytic.

Let , and note that this is a closed semianalytic subset of of dimension , although it can have points of various dimensions. Therefore, take to be the closure (in ) of the nonsingular points of of dimension . It is clear that .

Let be the complexified variables of , where lives. Consider the projection defined on . The Segre variety is the fiber , but the germ at may contain other components, so we pull back to .

Let be the variable on and we pull back via as . The space is normal and so the germ is irreducible for all . Near some , the set is a totally-real subset of of dimension . Hence , which is irreducible and of dimension , contains and is then the smallest complex subvariety containing . The germ of the complexification of at has as its components the images of via for all . These images must be contained in the complexification and as , their union is the entire complexification of at . We thus need to consider the sets

which are again complex analytic. We are interested in the sets , which are semianalytic, and we have just proved above that . As is finite and is semianalytic, we are finished.

6. Examples of Segre variety degeneracies

Example 6.1.

The set of Segre-degenerate points of a coherent hypersurface in can be a complex subvariety of dimension strictly less than . Let in coordinates be given by

The set of regular points is everything except the origin, so only the origin can be Segre-degenerate, and for this subvariety, it is, as the above equation generates the ideal by Lemma 2.4. So , which is of dimension .

Example 6.2.

For a higher codimensional subvariety, the set for is generally not complex. Clearly if , then and is not necessarily complex. But even for higher less than , the set need not be complex. Let in coordinates be given by

The subvariety is -dimensional and coherent. It is easy to see that , , and . The set is not complex.

Example 6.3.

A submanifold may be Segre-degenerate, if it is CR singular. Let be the coordinates in and consider the manifold given by

As this is a complex equation, to find the generators of the ideal, we must take the real and imaginary parts, or equivalently, also consider the conjugate of the equation, . For points where , the Segre variety is just the trivial point, so zero dimensional. But at the point the Segre variety is the complex line . In other words, , , and .

Similarly, the Segre variety of a submanifold can be singular if the manifold is CR singular. Let be coordinates in and consider given by

The Segre subvariety at the origin is the pair of complex lines given by .

Example 6.4.

Consider Example 2.5, that is , and extend it to using and . In other words, we use if is the variety of the previous example. That is, let in be given by

Similarly to Example 2.5, this generates the ideal at , its derivatives vanish when , but is regular outside of . So there are regular (hypersurface, thus generic) points of where the complexified defines a singular subvariety. That is, regular points of where the corresponding is singular for any neighborhood of . For such a point , for any , is regular, but is singular at . In particular,

So is just one component of the germ .

Example 6.5.

The set of Segre-degenerate points of a hypersurface need not be a subvariety for noncoherent . Let in coordinates be given by

The set is reminiscent of the Whitney umbrella. The set is a good neighborhood for at . The set of Segre-degenerate points with respect to (actually any neighborhood of the origin) is , that is, a one-dimensional complex line. However, where , the variety is locally just the line . Therefore, the variety is a real manifold of dimension 2 (complex manifold of dimension 1). At such points is one-dimensional and such points are not in (not Segre-degenerate). Hence,

and this set is not a subvariety, it is a semianalytic set.

Example 6.6.

Let us construct the promised noncoherent hypersurface in where the set of Segre-degenerate points is not complex, in fact, it is a real line.

Let in coordinates be given by

The function is irreducible as a polynomial and homogeneous and thus is irreducible as a germ of a real-analytic subvariety.

The set where is given by , , and this set lies in . Therefore, is 3-real dimensional. However, the singular set is 2-dimensional given by , , and . Let us prove this fact. For simplicity let and and assume . Solve for as

When the sign is negative and , we can solve for by the implicit function theorem and the subvariety has a regular point there. If the sign is positive and , then we claim that there is no solution except . We must check a few possibilities. If and , then , and as must be positive there are no such real solutions. Similarly for every other sign combination. That means that the only solution when is when the sign is positive. So is regular when . Similarly, it is not difficult to show that is singular at points where , , : For example, at such points, were they regular, the hyperplane and the hyperplane would both have to be tangent as their intersections with are singular (both reducible). That is impossible for a regular point.

Since generates the ideal at the origin, it is easy to see that near the origin for any good neighborhood of the origin. As and , we can see that . Since the defining function does not depend on , all the points of the set are in or none of them are. The origin is definitely Segre-degenerate as is the generator of the ideal there, and thus . So the set where is Segre-degenerate is of real dimension 1.

In other words:




is 3 real-dimensional for every real-analytic germ vanishing on (and not identically zero).


The set of Segre-degenerate points is a real one-dimensional line.


The set of Segre-degenerate points relative to , , is a complex one-dimensional line at the origin for every good neighborhood of the origin, and .


The author would like to acknowledge Fabrizio Broglia for very insightful comments and pointing out some missing hypotheses. The author would also like to thank the anonymous referee and also Harold Boas for careful reading of the manuscript and for suggesting quite a few improvements to the exposition.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1.

Let be open and a real-analytic subvariety of codimension 1 (a hypersurface). Let be the set of Segre-degenerate points. Then:


is a semianalytic set of dimension at most , which is locally contained in a complex-analytic subvariety of (complex) dimension at most .


If is coherent, then is a complex-analytic subvariety of (complex) dimension at most .

Theorem 1.2.

Let be open and a real-analytic subvariety of dimension (i.e. ). Let be the set of points where the Segre variety is of dimension or higher. Then:


For every , , …, , is a closed semianalytic subset of , and is locally (as germs at every point) contained in a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .


If is coherent, then for every , , …, , is a closed real-analytic subvariety of , and is a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .

Lemma 2.4.

Suppose for an irreducible homogeneous polynomial (irreducible in the ring of polynomials) and is a hypersurface (dimension ).

If is a germ of a real-analytic function that vanishes on , then is a multiple of the germ . In other words, is generated by the germ .

Example 2.5.

Let us give an example of a pure 2-dimensional real-analytic subvariety with an isolated singularity at the origin, such that for any real-analytic defining function of near the origin, the set where both and vanish is a 1-dimensional subset of . Therefore, the set where the derivative vanishes for the defining function is of larger dimension than the singular set, and vanishes at some regular points. This subvariety will be a useful example later (Example 6.4), and it is a useful example of a noncoherent subvariety where coherence breaks not because of a smaller dimensional component.

Let be the subvariety of in the coordinates :

We claim that is as above. Despite the singularity being just the origin, for any real-analytic defined near the origin that vanishes on , we get , so the derivative vanishes on

As this example will be useful for Segre varieties, we prove the claim in detail. The subvariety in defined by is irreducible. Indeed, it is a connected compact submanifold. To see that it is connected and compact, solve for . The tricky part is showing that the subvariety is nonsingular near the origin, which can be seen by writing and taking the third root to get

Near the origin, we can solve for using the implicit function theorem.

Homogenize with to get the set in given by 5. The set is a cone with an isolated singularity; it is a cone over a manifold. By Lemma 2.4, if vanishes on , then

In other words, on , must vanish where the derivative of vanishes.

Definition 3.2.

Let be a real-analytic subvariety of dimension of an open set . We say is good for at if the following conditions are satisfied:


is connected.


The real dimension of is and the complex dimension of and is also .


There exists a real-analytic function whose complexification converges in , whose zero set is , and whose germ generates .






The irreducible components of correspond in a one-to-one fashion to the irreducible components of the germ .

If is good for at we say simply that is good for at .

Proposition 3.7.

Let be a real-analytic subvariety of dimension , and suppose is good for at some . Then is a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most . In particular, is contained in a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .

Theorem 4.2.

Let be open and be a coherent real-analytic subvariety of dimension . Then is a complex-analytic subvariety of dimension at most .

Theorem 4.3.

Let be open and be a coherent real-analytic subvariety. Then for every , , …, , is a real-analytic subvariety of .

Theorem 5.2 (Łojasiewicz–Tarski–Seidenberg (see Reference 3Reference 12)).

Let be a ring of real-valued functions on a set , and let be the projection.

If , then .

Example 6.1.

The set of Segre-degenerate points of a coherent hypersurface in can be a complex subvariety of dimension strictly less than . Let in coordinates be given by

The set of regular points is everything except the origin, so only the origin can be Segre-degenerate, and for this subvariety, it is, as the above equation generates the ideal by Lemma 2.4. So , which is of dimension .

Example 6.2.

For a higher codimensional subvariety, the set for is generally not complex. Clearly if , then and is not necessarily complex. But even for higher less than , the set need not be complex. Let in coordinates be given by

The subvariety is -dimensional and coherent. It is easy to see that , , and . The set is not complex.

Example 6.3.

A submanifold may be Segre-degenerate, if it is CR singular. Let be the coordinates in and consider the manifold given by

As this is a complex equation, to find the generators of the ideal, we must take the real and imaginary parts, or equivalently, also consider the conjugate of the equation, . For points where , the Segre variety is just the trivial point, so zero dimensional. But at the point the Segre variety is the complex line . In other words, , , and .

Similarly, the Segre variety of a submanifold can be singular if the manifold is CR singular. Let be coordinates in and consider given by

The Segre subvariety at the origin is the pair of complex lines given by .

Example 6.4.

Consider Example 2.5, that is , and extend it to using and . In other words, we use if is the variety of the previous example. That is, let in be given by

Similarly to Example 2.5, this generates the ideal at , its derivatives vanish when , but is regular outside of . So there are regular (hypersurface, thus generic) points of where the complexified defines a singular subvariety. That is, regular points of where the corresponding is singular for any neighborhood of . For such a point , for any , is regular, but is singular at . In particular,

So is just one component of the germ .

Example 6.5.

The set of Segre-degenerate points of a hypersurface need not be a subvariety for noncoherent . Let in coordinates be given by

The set is reminiscent of the Whitney umbrella. The set is a good neighborhood for at . The set of Segre-degenerate points with respect to (actually any neighborhood of the origin) is , that is, a one-dimensional complex line. However, where , the variety is locally just the line . Therefore, the variety is a real manifold of dimension 2 (complex manifold of dimension 1). At such points is one-dimensional and such points are not in (not Segre-degenerate). Hence,

and this set is not a subvariety, it is a semianalytic set.

Example 6.6.

Let us construct the promised noncoherent hypersurface in where the set of Segre-degenerate points is not complex, in fact, it is a real line.

Let in coordinates be given by

The function is irreducible as a polynomial and homogeneous and thus is irreducible as a germ of a real-analytic subvariety.

The set where is given by , , and this set lies in . Therefore, is 3-real dimensional. However, the singular set is 2-dimensional given by , , and . Let us prove this fact. For simplicity let and and assume . Solve for as

When the sign is negative and , we can solve for by the implicit function theorem and the subvariety has a regular point there. If the sign is positive and , then we claim that there is no solution except . We must check a few possibilities. If and , then , and as must be positive there are no such real solutions. Similarly for every other sign combination. That means that the only solution when is when the sign is positive. So is regular when . Similarly, it is not difficult to show that is singular at points where , , : For example, at such points, were they regular, the hyperplane and the hyperplane would both have to be tangent as their intersections with are singular (both reducible). That is impossible for a regular point.

Since generates the ideal at the origin, it is easy to see that near the origin for any good neighborhood of the origin. As and , we can see that . Since the defining function does not depend on , all the points of the set are in or none of them are. The origin is definitely Segre-degenerate as is the generator of the ideal there, and thus . So the set where is Segre-degenerate is of real dimension 1.

In other words:




is 3 real-dimensional for every real-analytic germ vanishing on (and not identically zero).


The set of Segre-degenerate points is a real one-dimensional line.


The set of Segre-degenerate points relative to , , is a complex one-dimensional line at the origin for every good neighborhood of the origin, and .


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 32C07 (Real-analytic sets, complex Nash functions)
Secondary: 32B20 (Semi-analytic sets, subanalytic sets, and generalizations), 14P15 (Real-analytic and semi-analytic sets)
  • Segre-degenerate
  • Segre variety
  • semianalytic
Author Information
Jiří Lebl
Department of Mathematics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078
Additional Notes

The author was supported in part by Simons Foundation collaboration grant 710294.

Communicated by
Harold P. Boas
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 9, Issue 16, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2022 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/99
  • MathSciNet Review: 4407043
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4407043}{article}{ author={Lebl, Ji\v r\'{\i}}, title={Segre-degenerate points form a semianalytic set}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={9}, number={16}, date={2022}, pages={159-173}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4407043}, doi={10.1090/bproc/99}, }


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