Homogeneous interpolation and some continued fractions

By Ivan Petrakiev

Dedicated to Professor Joe Harris on his 60th birthday


We prove: if , there is no curve of degree passing through general points with multiplicity in . Similar results are given for other special values of . Our bounds can be naturally written as certain palindromic continued fractions.

1. Introduction

Denote by the linear system of degree curves in passing through general points with multiplicity at least . For , Nagata’s conjecture (Reference 9) predicts that if is nonempty, then . The statement is clear if is a square, but remains widely open otherwise. Again for , a refined conjecture due to Harbourne-Hirschowitz predicts that any linear system is nonspecial, i.e. of dimension , where

is the virtual dimension of . We refer to Reference 2, Reference 3, Reference 4, Reference 5, Reference 6 for background on the problem and some recent results.

In this paper we prove:

Main Theorem.

Let be a nonsquare positive integer. Write with . Assume that either:


, or


, is even, .

If the linear system is nonempty, then , where

Note that is a palindromic continued fraction approximating . The value is well known to be sharp (Reference 9). The next few cases are , and . Similar results were obtained by Biran (Reference 2) with less terms in the continued fraction, and by Ciliberto et al. (Reference 3) and Eckl (Reference 6) also with less terms and only for .

As another illustration of our method, we will show that the linear system with is nonspecial (Proposition 11.2).

The proof of the Theorem consists of two degenerations. First, we specialize the general points in to general points on a fixed curve of degree . The problem is naturally reduced to an interpolation problem on a ruled surface where is a semistable rank 2 vector bundle of degree on . Second, we specialize the points in to a curve of self-intersection (sometimes this step requires a further degeneration of the underlying surface ). The methods in this paper extend our previous attempt in Reference 10.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce a Basic Lemma that will be useful throughout the paper. In Section 3 we perform the first degeneration and obtain a certain weak bound on . The construction is formalized in the next two sections. In Section 6 we sketch the proof of the Main Theorem. In each subsequent section we verify the theorem for specific values of . In Section 11 we prove a certain refinement of the Main Theorem. The last section has some auxiliary results on continued fractions.

Notation and conventions

We work over . For given a subscheme we denote by the conormal sheaf of . For any coherent sheaf on , we denote .

2. Basic Lemma

The following elementary lemma is the key ingredient to several arguments in this paper.

Lemma 2.1 (Basic Lemma).

Let be a nonsingular curve embedded in a nonsingular projective variety . Let be an effective divisor on . Denote , the multiplicity of the vanishing of along . Then, there is a natural injective morphism of sheaves , where is the conormal bundle of in .


Let be the blowup of . Then , where is the exceptional divisor of and is the strict transform of . We have , the tautological line bundle on . So, is naturally a subsheaf of (also, it is a subbundle iff has no vertical components).

We can use the lemma to give a lower bound on based on the “local data” . This takes a particularly simple form if is a semistable vector bundle. Recall that, by definition, a vector bundle on a curve is semistable if and only if for any subsheaf , we have . Here we denote . For background on semistability, see e.g. Reference 11.

Corollary 2.2.

In the above setting, suppose that is semistable. Then


This follows from the Basic Lemma together with the fact that, for any , is semistable of slope (Reference 11, Theorem 10.2.1).

3. First degeneration

We introduce the first degeneration. As an application we prove Theorem 3.1 below. When this result also follows from (Reference 2, Theorem 2.1.A).

Theorem 3.1.

Let be a nonsquare positive integer. Write with . Assume that either: (i) is even, or (ii) . If the linear system is nonempty, then , where

In particular, the theorem applies for and and any .

Example 3.2.

For , we have , which is sharp. The linear system has a unique section, namely the union of 3 lines each passing through 2 points (Reference 9, remark on p.772; see also Reference 5, Prop. 2.3).

Example 3.3.

If , we have , which is also sharp. The linear system has a unique section, namely the union of six conics each passing through 5 of the 6 points (Loc. cit.).

Proof of the Theorem.

Assume is nonempty. The idea is to specialize the general points in to a smooth curve of degree and then apply the Basic Lemma to estimate the multiplicity of vanishing of a general curve in along .

Step 1.

Let be the open unit disk over and let . We view as a relative plane over . For any , denote the fiber . Fix a smooth curve of degree . We have the following split exact sequence:

where and . Consider the ruled surface

Let be the section of corresponding to the short exact sequence above. Note that and .

Step 2.

Choose any set of distinct points on (here we do not require the points to be general). Next, we construct a set of relative points in specializing to in a general way. Denote by the images of in . Thus, each is a general point on the fiber above .

Let be the blowup of the relative points and let denote the corresponding exceptional divisors. Denote by the strict transform of in . We have the following short exact sequence:

We have and , where

is a line bundle of degree on . The short exact sequence corresponds to a certain element

Next, consider the ruled surface

We identify with the section of corresponding to the above exact sequence. Note that and .

The conormal bundles and are related by elementary transforms at the points :

Similarly, the ruled surfaces and are related by elementary transforms as in Figure 1 (the intermediate surface will play a role later in Section 4).

Step 3.

We claim:

Lemma 3.4.

Let be an arbitrary element. Then can be realized in the above way, for some specialization of points to .


The idea is to consider the construction in Step 2 in reversed order. Start with any extension

and let . As before, we identify with the section of corresponding to the above exact sequence. Next, we construct the vector bundle by applying elementary transforms at the points on :

Let and let be as in Figure 1. It follows that is realized as an extension

Now, the key observation is that

so the above extension is trivial. This allows us to identify with , and so with . Finally, we choose the relative points to pass through in . This identifies with , and so with .

Corollary 3.5.

If the specialization of to is general enough, the conormal bundle is semistable of slope .

This follows from Lemma 3.4 and the following general fact:

Lemma 3.6.

Let be a curve of genus . Let be a line bundle on of degree . Assume that either: (i) is even, or (ii) . Then, a general element corresponds to a semistable rank vector bundle on .


The set of elements that correspond to semistable vector bundles is open. So, it suffices to show that the set is nonempty. Now, if and is even, then is semistable. If , one can prove the statement by induction on . We leave this as an exercise.

Step 4.

We complete the proof of the theorem. Since is nonempty by assumption, there is a flat family of curves , where is a nontrivial section of . We are interested in estimating , which of course is the same as where is the image of in . Obviously,

By Corollaries 3.5 and 2.2, we have:

Combining and , we get:

One can easily check that this is equivalent to the inequality in the theorem. See also Lemma 13.1(a).

4. Reduction of interpolation problems to ruled surfaces

We formalize some results from the previous section. Our result here is Theorem 4.5 which will be used throughout the rest of the paper.

Notation 4.1.

A marked surface is simply a surface together with distinct points on .

Notation 4.2.

Let be a marked ruled surface over . For any integers and a line bundle of degree on , we denote the line bundle

on the blowup at the points , with exceptional divisors . Here we denote .

Lemma 4.3.

We have

where and is the genus of .


Denote by the class . It follows from (Reference 8, Lemma V.2.10), that

By the Riemann-Roch formula,

We have (Reference 8, Cor. V.2.5). The lemma now follows from and .

Notation 4.4.

Let be a smooth curve, a line bundle on and let correspond to an extension

We denote by

the ruled surface and we identify with the section determined by the short exact sequence. Note that and .

The following theorem allows us to reduce interpolation problems on to certain interpolation problems on ruled surfaces.

Theorem 4.5.

Let where and are positive integers. Consider the linear system for some positive integers and . Fix a smooth curve of degree in . Let be a marked ruled surface where:

is any line bundle of degree on ;

is any element;

are distinct points on such that

Then, for any , we have


of degree ;



The following lemma justifies our definition of :

Lemma 4.6.

In the setting of the theorem, we have , where is the strict transform of in .


This is an easy computation. We have:

The lemma follows.

Proof of Theorem 4.5.

We will use the same construction as in the proof of Theorem 3.1.

Step 1.

Consider the threefold . We identify with a curve on . Given , we specialize the relative points to as in Lemma 3.4. As before, let be the blowup of the , and let be the strict transform of in . We have the short exact sequence

where and . By construction, the above extension corresponds to . In particular, , where is the ruled surface we started with.

Step 2.

Consider the threefold obtained from by first blowing up (with exceptional divisor ), followed by blowing up the strict transforms of the relative points (with exceptional divisors ). We view as a flat family with general fiber . The special fiber is the union of two surfaces meeting transversely along .⁠Footnote1


We denote by , resp. , the same curve in viewed as a divisor in , resp. .

This construction is related to the construction in Step 1 as follows. Let be the threefold obtained from by blowing up (with exceptional divisor ). Then, can be obtained from by applying (-1)-transfers to the exceptional curves as in Figure 2 (see also Reference 4, Section 4.1). The induced map coincides with the corresponding map in Figure 1.

Step 3.

For a given , consider the following line bundle on :

We view as a flat family of line bundles with general fiber . The special fiber is described by the following short exact sequence:


Lemma 4.7.

We have:


The line bundle has the following properties:

From Lemma 4.6, has the same properties. It follows that .

To complete the proof of the theorem, take cohomology in :

The restriction is surjective. Hence, the coboundary map . The theorem now follows from the semicontinuity principle applied to .

Corollary 4.8.

Assume the above setting.


For any , we have:


For , we have:


(a) This follows from the short exact sequence and the fact that is a constant function of .

(b) This follows from (a).

Corollary 4.9.

Suppose the linear system is nonempty. Then, with , is nonempty.


Consider the long exact cohomology sequence associated to . If , the restriction is an isomorphism. The claim follows.

5. Families of ruled surfaces

We can use the degeneration technique from the previous section to reduce an interpolation problem on to an interpolation problem on a certain ruled surface . We would like to perform further degenerations to study the later problem. Our first goal is to define an object which is a relative analogue of . We conclude with a technical result (Proposition 5.4) which will be used in Sections 9 and 12. As usual, denotes the open unit disk over .

Notation 5.1.

Let be a torsion-free sheaf of rank 1 on . Assume that where is invertible and is the ideal sheaf of an l.c.i. zero-dimensional subscheme (possibly ). Let be an element corresponding to an extension

such that is locally free. We denote by

the relative ruled surface together with the subscheme defined by the above exact sequence. In particular, is a divisor of with .

We will assume that is supported on . In applications, will be reduced; however, everything we say in this section holds in the more general setting.

Lemma 5.2.

In the above setting, the projection is just the blowup of . Denote by the exceptional divisor of . Then .


Since is invertible, which is exactly the definition of a blowup. The rest is clear.

Consider the following question: given as above, which elements correspond to a locally free extension ? Clearly, if , then is locally free and so any will do. In the general case, we have:

Proposition 5.3.

Let be as above. Then, there is a natural exact sequence

Moreover, we have:

(a) .

(b) The extension corresponding to is locally free if and only if generates the sheaf .


See Reference 7, Chapter 2, pp. 36–37. The exact sequence follows from the local-to-global spectral sequence

Note that where is the projection. In particular, for .

(a) Ibid., Lemma 7 (note that the isomorphisms are not canonical).

(b) Ibid., Theorem 8.

Consider a relative ruled surface . For any , is a ruled surface over where arises as an extension

We have . For a general , the subscheme is a section of . On the special fiber, we have , where is a section of and is the vertical component of . If , we will say that is a degenerate section of .

Next, we will show that any degenerate section can be smoothed, in the following sense.

Proposition 5.4.

Let be as above, with supported on . Let

be any extension, with locally free. Then, the exact sequence can be extended to

with locally free on .


Consider the commutative diagram with exact rows:

Note that where . Therefore, . It follows that the bottom row of the diagram splits. Now, the map on the left factors through

which is surjective. The map on the right is just the restriction

which is also surjective. By the Short Five Lemma, the map in the middle is surjective as well. Hence, any given extension can be lifted to . The resulting is locally free by Proposition 5.3(b).

6. Main result – overview

The following theorem was announced in the introduction. The proof will occupy the rest of the paper. We will consider a certain refinement in Section 11.

Main Theorem.

Let be a nonsquare positive integer. Write with . Assume that either:


, or


, is even, .

If the linear system is nonempty, then .

The proof of the theorem consists of the four steps outlined below.

6.1. Setup

We assume is nonempty. Fix a smooth curve of degree in . By Corollary 4.9, the linear system is nonempty, with , for any marked ruled surface as in Theorem 4.5.

6.2. Degeneration

We will construct a relative marked ruled surface over such that the general fiber satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 4.5, i.e.:

is a line bundle on of relative degree .

lie on . We denote by the projection of under .

For general, we have on .

We now describe the special fiber . We assume that is semistable. Next, we assume that there is a smooth (possibly disconnected) curve on with the following two properties:

meets transversely at distinct points ;


This determines uniquely the numerical class of :

where .

Let where each is a smooth irreducible curve, with for . Since and is semistable, lies on the boundary of the effective cone of . Therefore, for some with (in fact, in applications we will always have ).

6.3. Semistability

Denote by the blowup of and let be the corresponding exceptional divisors. Denote by the strict transform of . We make the following hypothesis:

for each , the conormal bundle is semistable of slope .

6.4. Invariants

Assuming the construction above can be realized, we complete the proof of the theorem. Consider the line bundle

on the blowup , where


of relative degree .


By construction, there is a flat family of curves in , where is a section of . Denote by the projection of in . The following is a key computation:

Lemma 6.1.

Define Then


Using that , and , we find:

Finally, substitute and .

To complete the proof of the theorem, we will estimate in two ways. First, there is an obvious upper bound which comes from the numerical class of :

Since , this becomes:

By the Basic Lemma and the semistability hypothesis, we have:


From and , and using , we get:

By Lemma 13.1(b), this is equivalent to the inequality in the theorem.

7. Eight points

We verify the Main Theorem in the case . The value is well known to be sharp (see example below). We include this case for illustration purposes.

7.1. Setup

Since , we take to be a smooth conic in . The line bundle on is of degree . Consider an extension

corresponding to a general . It follows that

Hence, . We identify with the section of corresponding to the short exact sequence. It follows that where is a horizontal section of .

7.2. Degeneration

Let and . We identify with the special fiber of . We take on , where each is a general horizontal section of . Let . Next we specialize the eight relative points to in a general way.

7.3. Semistability

Let be the blowup of along the relative points . We have to show that, for each , the conormal bundle is semistable (of slope 1). Denote by the image of in the corresponding . Then, is obtained from by performing elementary transforms at the points . If the specialization is general enough, the points do not belong to the same horizontal section of . It follows that , which is semistable of slope 1.

7.4. Invariants

Denote . By symmetry, . Since , we have the following upper bound:

The lower bound from the Basic Lemma is:

Combining and , we get:

The bound is sharp:

Example 7.1.

The linear system has a unique section, namely the union of 8 curves of degree 6 each passing through 7 points with multiplicity 2 and 1 point with multiplicity 3 (Reference 9, remark on p. 772; Reference 5, Prop. 2.3).

8. Ten points

Here we prove the Main Theorem for points.

8.1. Setup

Since , we take to be a smooth cubic in . Fix a point on such that

For example, we can take to be a Weierstrass point of (however, later in Section 11 we will require that ). Let which is of degree . Since , there is a unique nontrivial extension

The surface is an indecomposable elliptic ruled surface of degree 1. The short exact sequence determines a minimal section of which we identify with . Recall that


8.2. Degeneration

Let and . We identify with the special fiber of . Next, we take , where each is a general section of the pencil . Each is a smooth elliptic curve and is the multiplication-by-2 map. Denote . Note that Since , we have

Finally, we specialize the ten relative points in to in a general way such that

for any .

8.3. Semistability

We claim that, for each , is semistable (of slope 1). Denote by the image of in . Now, is obtained from by performing elementary transforms at the points . If the specialization is general enough, the points do not belong to the same horizontal section of . It follows that , which is semistable of slope 1.

Figure 3.

Specialization to

Graphic without alt text

8.4. Invariants

Denote . By symmetry, . Since , we have the following upper bound:

The lower bound from the Basic Lemma is:

From and , we get:

9. Eleven points

We prove the Main Theorem for points. This is the first time we will study an interpolation problem by deforming the underlying surface itself.

9.1. Setup

As before, is a smooth cubic in . Fix a point on such that Let be any line bundle of degree on . It is easy to see that for a general , the ruled surface is decomposable of degree 0. Denote by , , the two minimal sections of . It follows that .

9.2. Degeneration

We construct a relative marked ruled surface such that:

The special fiber is simply .

The special section ; here is a horizontal section of and is the fiber of above .

The relative points on are such that on , for general .

Each limit point is a general point on .

The construction is done as follows. First, we choose relative points in specializing to in a general way. Let

Since , it follows that

Consider the following short exact sequence on :

By Proposition 5.4, the sequence can be extended to

with locally free. Let and . Hence . Now, is just the blowup of with exceptional divisor . Finally, we take to be the strict transform of in .

9.3. Semistability

We take where is the horizontal section of through (see Figure 4). Consider the blowup at the relative points . We claim that for each , is indecomposable of degree 1 (hence semistable of slope 1/2). First, we will show that is indecomposable of degree 0.

We will need some deformation theory. Let be the ring of dual numbers. Let be viewed as an infinitesimal deformation of over . We will say that a section of is (infinitesimally) unobstructed if and only if can be extended to a subscheme of flat over .

Lemma 9.1.

Assume the above setting.


is unobstructed if and only if the following short exact sequence splits:


Suppose there are 3 disjoint horizontal sections of that are unobstructed. Then, is an infinitesimally trivial deformation, i.e. . In particular, any section of is unobstructed.


is obstructed.


(a) This is clear.

(b) We have where . For any , the embedding induces a surjective morphism where is a line bundle on . By Nakayama’s lemma, for any , the induced map is an isomorphism. Hence , i.e. .

(c) Consider the short exact sequence

where and . Since , it is clear that . Now consider the short exact sequence from part (a):

where and . It follows that is indecomposable of degree 0. Hence, is obstructed.

Part (c) of the lemma implies that is not an infinitesimally trivial deformation. By part (b) and by symmetry, is obstructed for any . It follows that the conormal bundle is indecomposable of degree 0.

Denote by the image of in . Clearly, does not belong to the unique minimal section of (because meets transversely). Finally, is obtained from by performing an elementary transform at . It follows that is indecomposable of degree 1.

9.4. Invariants

Denote . By symmetry, . Since , we have the following upper bound:

The lower bound from the Basic Lemma is:

Combining and , we get:

Remark 9.2.

It might also be profitable to study the behavior of along the fiber . We have , which follows from the split exact sequence

with and . The fact that is unstable causes certain multiplicity and tangency conditions on the limit curve at the point . A more careful analysis of the situation is beyond the scope of this paper.

10. Twelve points

In this section we prove the Main Theorem for . This case is similar to .

10.1. Setup

As before, is a smooth cubic in . Fix a point on such that . Take which is of degree . It is easy to see that for a general , is an indecomposable elliptic ruled surface of degree 1. It follows that where is a minimal section of .

10.2. Degeneration

Let and . We identify with the special fiber of . Take where each is a general section of the pencil . In particular, . Let and . It follows that

Next, we specialize in to in a general way such that

for any .

10.3. Semistability

We have to show that if the specialization of the points is general enough, the conormal bundle is semistable (of slope 3). Since semistability is an open property, it suffices to describe a particular specialization for which is semistable. In fact, we claim that we can specialize the points in such a way that

and similarly for . This can be achieved by moving the triples of points “in parallel” while being assigned to the same section of the pencil .

Figure 5.

Specialization to

Graphic without alt text

10.4. Invariants

Denote . By symmetry, . Since , we have the following upper bound:

The lower bound from the Basic Lemma is:

Combining and , we get:

11. A refinement

Here we prove a certain refinement of the Main Theorem in the case of and points. We work in the setting of the previous sections. The idea is to show that, under some additional assumptions, the inequality can be replaced by a stronger inequality . First, we have:

Lemma 11.1.

Let or . Consider the degeneration described above for the particular value of . Let .


We have . In particular, .


Assume there is an equality in , i.e. . Then .


(a) We have . Therefore

Since , it follows that .

(b) Assume . By the Basic Lemma, there is an injective morphism:

Now the idea is to show that the vector bundle on the right hand side decomposes as a direct sum of line bundles of the same degree as . It will follow that is isomorphic to one of the summands. Below we consider each case for separately.

Case .

Here is of degree . More precisely, since , we have:

Recall that . Therefore:

It follows that must be isomorphic to one of the summands. Hence on for some with . Since is an isogeny of degree 4, it follows that on . By symmetry, . Therefore, on . Since and , it follows that .

Case .

Here is of degree . More precisely, since , we find:

Recall that is indecomposable of degree 1 (determinant ). Using results in Reference 1, one can show that is a direct sum of line bundles of the form where are line bundles with . We conclude that is isomorphic to one of the summands. It follows that . Since and , we conclude that .

Case .

This is similar to the case of ten points. We leave the details to the reader.

The following result is a refinement of the Main Theorem. Note that it only applies when .

Proposition 11.2.

Let or . If is nonempty and , then with


Fix so that but . Since , part (a) of the lemma implies that . From part (b), we get:

Finally, together with imply the desired inequality.

Corollary 11.3.

The following linear systems with are empty, hence nonspecial:

Remark 11.4.

The assumption in the proposition cannot be dropped. For example, consider the nonempty linear system (with , and ). Unfortunately, it is not clear to us how to extend the proposition in the case . Our discussion will not be complete without mentioning the following interesting open problems: , and (with , and ).

12. The remaining case

Here we prove the Main Theorem in the case when , is even, . This generalizes the case of eleven points (in fact, the proof can also be applied in the case of eight points).

12.1. Setup

Let be a smooth plane curve of degree . We will make the following assumption: there is a divisor on , where ’s are distinct points, such that

Here is one way to construct such a curve. Fix a line and let be distinct points on . Now, take to be any smooth curve of degree which is tangent to to order at each of the points . This is possible since . It follows that , which satisfies the assumption.

12.2. Degeneration

It will be convenient to re-index the relative points as where and . We will construct a relative marked ruled surface such that:

The special fiber is simply .

The special section ; here is a horizontal section of and is the fiber of above , for each .

The relative points on are such that on , for general .

Each limit point is a general point on the fiber .

The construction generalizes the case of eleven points. Namely, we first choose relative points in specializing to in a general way. Next, let and . It follows that

Consider the following short exact sequence on :

Note that , so the sequence is essentially unique. By Proposition 5.4, the sequence can be extended to

over , where is locally free. Finally, we take and . It follows that . We take to be the strict transform of the on the blowup at .

Next, we will distinguish between two cases: and .

12.3. Semistability

Let be the horizontal section of through . Just as in the case of eleven points, we can show that the conormal bundle is semistable of slope 1/2.

12.4. Second degeneration

In this case, we perform another degeneration on the trivial ruled surface . Fix general horizontal sections of . Let for and . We specialize the relative points to by “sliding” them along the corresponding fibers , in a general way.

12.5. Semistability

Denote by the blowup of at the relative points constructed in the previous step. Now, is obtained from by applying elementary transforms at general points on the fixed fibers through . Since , it follows that the resulting vector bundle is semistable of slope .

12.6. Invariants

The computation of invariants was carried out in Section 6.

13. An auxiliary lemma

The lemma below was used in the proof of the Main Theorem. Let where and . Consider the matrix

For any positive integer , define

Note that and .

For example,


The ratios and have natural expansions as continued fractions approximating . In particular,

are precisely the constants in Theorem 3.1 and the Main Theorem.

Lemma 13.1.

Let and be any real numbers.


The following are equivalent:


The following are equivalent:


(a) Multiply both sides by and substitute :

(b) Multiply both sides by and substitute :


The author is grateful to E. Cotterill and the anonymous referee for valuable suggestions for improving the paper.


Figure 1.

Elementary transforms

Graphic without alt text
Figure 2.

(-1) transfers between and

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Figure 4.

The blowup

Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Corollary 2.2.

In the above setting, suppose that is semistable. Then

Theorem 3.1.

Let be a nonsquare positive integer. Write with . Assume that either: (i) is even, or (ii) . If the linear system is nonempty, then , where

Step 3.

We claim:

Lemma 3.4.

Let be an arbitrary element. Then can be realized in the above way, for some specialization of points to .

Corollary 3.5.

If the specialization of to is general enough, the conormal bundle is semistable of slope .

Theorem 4.5.

Let where and are positive integers. Consider the linear system for some positive integers and . Fix a smooth curve of degree in . Let be a marked ruled surface where:

is any line bundle of degree on ;

is any element;

are distinct points on such that

Then, for any , we have


of degree ;



Lemma 4.6.

In the setting of the theorem, we have , where is the strict transform of in .

Corollary 4.9.

Suppose the linear system is nonempty. Then, with , is nonempty.

Proposition 5.3.

Let be as above. Then, there is a natural exact sequence

Moreover, we have:

(a) .

(b) The extension corresponding to is locally free if and only if generates the sheaf .

Proposition 5.4.

Let be as above, with supported on . Let

be any extension, with locally free. Then, the exact sequence can be extended to

with locally free on .

Proposition 11.2.

Let or . If is nonempty and , then with

Lemma 13.1.

Let and be any real numbers.


The following are equivalent:


The following are equivalent:


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Show rawAMSref \bib{B}{article}{ author={Biran, Paul}, title={Constructing new ample divisors out of old ones}, journal={Duke Math. J.}, volume={98}, date={1999}, number={1}, pages={113--135}, issn={0012-7094}, review={\MR {1687571 (2000d:14047)}}, doi={10.1215/S0012-7094-99-09803-4}, }
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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 14C20 (Divisors, linear systems, invertible sheaves)
Secondary: 14J26 (Rational and ruled surfaces), 14N05 (Projective techniques)
Author Information
Ivan Petrakiev
Jersey City, New Jersey
Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 1, Issue 2, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References


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