The free path in a high velocity random flight process associated to a Lorentz gas in an external field

By Alexandru Hening, Douglas Rizzolo, and Eric S. Wayman


We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the free path of a variable density random flight model in an external field as the initial velocity of the particle goes to infinity. The random flight models we study arise naturally as the Boltzmann-Grad limit of a random Lorentz gas in the presence of an external field. By analyzing the time duration of the free path, we obtain exact forms for the asymptotic mean and variance of the free path in terms of the external field and the density of scatterers. As a consequence, we obtain a diffusion approximation for the joint process of the particle observed at reflection times and the amount of time spent in free flight.

1. Introduction

We study the behavior of a random flight process that arises as the Boltzmann-Grad limit of a random scatterer Lorentz gas with an external field. The Lorentz gas model was introduced in 1905 by H. A. Lorentz Reference Lor05 as a model for the motion of electrons in metallic bodies. Since its introduction, the model has been widely studied by both mathematicians and physicists (see Reference Det14 for a recent survey). In this model, a point particle travels in an array of fixed convex scatterers. When the particle comes in contact with a scatterer it reflects specularly. This variant is referred to as the “hard core” version. There is also a “soft core” version in which the scatterers deflect the moving particle via a potential instead of a hard boundary. Of the many variations on the hard core model, our study is motivated by the version in which an array of spherical scatterers is chosen randomly and the flight of the moving particle is determined by the action of an external field. The random scatterer Lorentz gas is difficult to study directly even in the absence of an external field. One approach that has proven tractable, however, is the Boltzmann-Grad limit. The Boltzmann-Grad limit is a low density limit in which the number of scatterers in a fixed box goes to infinity while, at the same time, the size of each scatterer goes to zero in such a way that the total volume of the scatterers in the box goes to zero. If the centers of scatterers are placed according to a Poisson process and the rates are chosen appropriately, the asymptotic behavior of the moving particle is described by a Markovian random flight process Reference Gal78Reference Spo78Reference Spo88. The Markovian nature of the Boltzmann-Grad limit is due to the following two observations: re-collisions with scatterers become unlikely as the size of each scatterer goes to zero, and the Poisson nature of the scatterer locations which means that knowing the location of one scatterer does not give information about the locations of the other scatterers. Since analyzing the random Lorentz gas directly is beyond the capability of current techniques, this random flight model is commonly studied in both the mathematics literature Reference RT99Reference Vys06Reference BFS00Reference BCLDM02Reference BR14 and the physics literature Reference ADBLP10Reference dWB04Reference vBM05Reference MvB04 to gain insight into the behavior of random Lorentz gas models.

We are interested in the regime in which the particle’s velocity is (typically) large. There are several natural examples of this setting. The first is an external field which accelerates the particle towards infinity. For example, the influence of a constant gravitational field has been studied for the random flight process in both a constant density of scatterers Reference PW79Reference RT99, a variable density of scatterers Reference BR14, and for the periodic Lorentz gas in two dimensions Reference CD09. The random flight model in a gravitational field has also been used as a model for a particle percolating through a porous medium Reference WE82. A second example of a high velocity limit is particle motion in a centered, mean zero, isotropic force field Reference DK09Reference KR06. The soft core Poisson Lorentz gas is an example of this situation. A discussion of how much of the past work on particles moving in random force fields fits into the high velocity framework can be found in Reference DK09.

A unique contribution of this work is that we study fields that are in general not mean zero, unlike prior work on random force fields. For example, the constant field directed towards the origin fits into our setting. In such fields, conservation of energy implies that particles have bounded trajectories. We are interested in the behavior of the system as the velocity of the particle, or equivalently the energy of the system, is sent to infinity. Our primary focus is to study the free path of the particle, which is the path of the particle between two reflection times. The study of the free path has played a key role in much of the work on the hard core Lorentz gas. To highlight a few examples, the free path played an important role in the recent derivation of the Boltzmann-Grad limit of the periodic Lorentz gas Reference MS11aReference MS11b, which is substantially more complicated than the corresponding result for the random Lorentz gas. Furthermore, it has also played a central role in the derivation of a diffusive limit for the two-dimensional periodic Lorentz gas in a gravitational field Reference CD09. For these reasons, the free path has become an object of interest in its own right; see e.g. Reference MS10Reference MS14aReference MS14bReference Wen12Reference BZ07Reference BGW98Reference GW00Reference CG03. We determine precisely the asymptotic behavior of the free path of a particle whose domain of motion is predominantly in the high velocity regime. The primary complication that arises in our study is that the domain of the particle is determined by the external field and, as a result, the particle’s velocity is not bounded away from zero. If the particle enters a part of the domain where it is moving slowly, then there can be a long time before a reflection occurs, and we must control this in order to analyze the asymptotic behavior of the mean free path. As a consequence of our analysis of the free path, we obtain several diffusion approximations that illustrate different aspects of the particle’s behavior.

We remark that our techniques may be of interest beyond the study of the Boltzmann-Grad limit of a Lorentz gas. The random flight process we study falls into a general class of models known as transport process. Models similar to the ones we study here are used in many areas of physics and chemistry as microscopic models for particle behavior. For example, they arise in neuron transport Reference AB99, the study of semiconductors Reference BAD96, electron transfer dynamics Reference HW13Reference WW05, and numerous other fields Reference BR00Reference Deg98Reference DGL81Reference DLLS13Reference HLB09.

1.1. The model

We are primarily interested in the process in dimension three, which is the most interesting spatial dimension and also a dimension where certain technical simplifications occur. Let us start with a more detailed description of the Boltzmann-Grad limit. Let and be differentiable. The function will serve as the potential for a conservative force and will be the density of scatterers. Fix an energy level and consider a particle moving in the potential with total energy . By conservation of energy

where is the particle’s position and is its velocity. In this setting, the Boltzmann-Grad limit can be obtained as follows. Assume spherical scatterers with radius are placed so their centers are the points of a Poisson process with intensity . Further assume that for almost every initial condition the trajectory of a particle moving in the potential with total energy is open and has infinite length. The arguments of Reference Spo78Reference Spo88 can easily be adapted to include the external field and produce the following result: if the initial position and velocity of the particle is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure on the constant energy surface, then the distribution of the position and velocity process of the particle converges as , in the sense of convergence of finite-dimensional distributions, to a Markovian random flight process with generator

where is the normalized surface measure on the unit sphere ; see Reference Spo88. A similar result holds in dimensions other than three, but instead of the integral being against the normalized surface measure it is against a kernel that depends on .

Remark 1.1.

The assumption that for almost every initial condition the trajectory of a particle with mass moving in the potential with total energy is open and has infinite length is essential to the derivation of the Boltzmann-Grad limit. The intuition for its necessity is that it is possible for a periodic orbit to avoid all of the scatterers in a random arrangement. If this happens, the effect on the limiting process is that one must keep track of whether or not an orbit has closed, which creates long range dependencies in the limiting process. The effect of this phenomenon on the Boltzmann-Grad limit has been the subject of study in both the mathematics and physics literature Reference BHHP96Reference BMHH97Reference BHPH01Reference DR04Reference KS98. In these cases one may still obtain a limiting process with generator of the form Equation 1.1, but additional randomness must be added to the array of scatterers. For example, they can be allowed to move (but not transfer energy), or they can be arranged according to a space-time Poisson process where a scatterer comes into existence, exists for a certain amount of time, and then disappears.

The process can be constructed in the following way, which explains the name “random flight process”. Let with and denote the solution to the initial value problem

We construct our process recursively as follows. Set and let . For , assuming we have defined , let be independent of this part of the path and uniformly distributed on and let satisfy

For we then define

We remark that under very mild assumptions a.s. and thus this defines the path of the particle for all times. Intuitively, defines the th reflection of our particle by a scatterer. By studying the free path of the particle, we mean to study, in particular, the conditional law of given under an appropriate scaling of the parameters in the model. Note that the path of the particle on the time interval is the path between two consecutive reflections. This is why we call it the free path.

At this point we make a simple but important observation. By conservation of energy,

so that, if we define


Since is independent of , this implies that if we define , then is a Markov chain. That the index in this chain starts at is an artifact of our deterministic choice of . If instead of choosing in the construction above we took , with uniformly distributed on , then is a Markov chain and its transition operator is

where is a random variable with distribution

and, conditional on , is distributed like .

In order to avoid the notational difficulties and technical assumptions on the geometry of the set that come from working with a general potential , we restrict ourselves to the spherically symmetric case where and , where . In this case angular momentum is conserved, which implies that the motion of the particle between collisions with scatterers takes place in a plane. Consequently, we may restrict our attention to for some of the analysis of the free path. This lets us work in polar coordinates for these aspects of the analysis. Throughout let , , and let be the set of real-valued functions on having continuous derivatives. We let be the potential and we assume our particle has mass and total energy . Let denote the trajectory in polar coordinates of a particle with mass , total energy , initial position , and whose velocity vector at time makes an angle with the radial vector. Consequently is the solution to the equations of motion in polar coordinates for a particle of mass in the potential :

with initial conditions

where is the radial unit vector, is the angular unit vector, and is the angle the initial velocity makes with the line segment from the origin to the point . We remark that in this setup it is generally possible for the trajectory to hit the origin in finite time, at which point the equations of motion are no longer well defined. In this case we continue the path in such a way that momentum is continuous, if possible, and such that angular momentum is conserved. The extension is most easily described in Euclidean coordinates, since it may involve the angular component re-entering from in polar coordinates. Suppose that is a trajectory that hits the origin for the first time at time . We extend the path to the interval by defining for . Since , we can continue the path by the equations of motion until it hits the origin again, at which point we repeat the extension procedure. A straightforward calculation using the radial symmetry of the potential shows that

so our extension solves Equation 1.2 away from the origin and it is easy to see that is continuous at if exists. In this way, we guarantee that all initial conditions lead to trajectories that exist for all time.

Let denote the speed of the particle as a function of time. By conservation of energy, we have

and, as a result,

We can also write as a function of angular and radial velocity:

1.2. Heuristics

In this section, we give heuristic arguments to motivate our scaling. Consider the following simple situation that encapsulates the phenomena in which we are interested. In particular, suppose that , , so that produces a uniform acceleration towards the origin, and that . Suppose we start the particle at the origin with speed moving in direction . By conservation of energy the total energy of the particle will be

Since produces a uniform acceleration towards the origin, the maximum distance the particle can move away from the origin is . Consequently, there is no way to rescale the trajectory of the particle to obtain a diffusive limit: Any scaling of space will cause the trajectory to degenerate, and scaling time alone will produce jumps. However, we can obtain a diffusive limit if we let (and, consequently, ) go to infinity. This is the type of high velocity limit considered in Reference DK09Reference KR06. In those papers, however, the high velocity was used to prevent the particle from being trapped in a bounded domain, while in our setting the particle is still trapped in a bounded domain, but the size of the domain goes to infinity as does.

Treating as a parameter, the energy becomes a function of , specifically is the maximum distance the particle can travel from the origin. Let be the trajectory of the random flight process with initial conditions and initial velocity , where is uniformly distributed on . In order to obtain a diffusive limit for , we rescale space so that its maximum distance from the origin remains constant. In particular, we look at , which travels at most distance from the origin. This is the process for which we analyze the behavior of the free paths.

Since the velocity of the particle is going to infinity, the time between reflections is going to , so we can expect a diffusive limit if we scale time appropriately. Since , the distance that travels between reflections has an exponential distribution with rate 1, so the distance that travels between reflections is of order . Writing down the equations of motion for between reflections, we find that its trajectories are the same as those governed by the potential moving with total energy and initial velocity , and the scattering rate as measured along these paths is .

By Brownian scaling, in order to obtain a diffusive limit, we expect that we should scale time so that there are approximately reflections per unit time. Typically, we expect the particle to be distance of order from the origin, and if and is a reflection time, the time until the next reflection is approximately

Thus the amount of time for reflections to occur is of the order . This suggests looking for a diffusive limit of as tends to infinity, which is what we undertake.

1.3. General scaling and assumptions

In general, we allow to be a small perturbation of the constant density and to produce a small perturbation of the constant field, small being relative to the speed of the particle. In particular, we will assume the following conditions.

(A1) The path of the particle evolves as the position of a random flight process where the density of scatterers is

the potential energy of the field is

and the total energy of the particle is

where , , and are fixed and independent of and and . That is, the density of scatterers and potential are spherically symmetric. By Equation 1.12 we can write the speed as a function of and ; consequently the speed is also rescaled as

The trajectory of the particle with these rescaled parameters is denoted by

when we are working with the path in three dimensions and by

when we are considering the path in polar coordinates with respect to its plane of motion. When no confusion will arise, we will leave the dependence on initial conditions implicit.

In general, subscripts or superscripts of refer to distributions relative to these scaled parameters. For example, corresponding to Equation 1.8 is the random variable with distribution

and corresponding to Equation 1.7 is the Markov chain with transition operator

where is uniformly distributed on and, conditionally given , is distributed like . Similarly, will be constructed as in Equation 1.6 using the rescaled parameters.

Remark 1.2.

To make the connection with the heuristic arguments in Section 1.2, if we take , , and , then . Thus the scaling we do here accounts for increasing the initial speed and scaling space to keep the particle’s trajectory contained. This is the scaling under which we analyze the free path of the particle. We will scale time separately when we consider diffusive limits.

(A2) We assume that for all the process evolves in a domain where or , . The domain is chosen so that for all . This is equivalent to for all .

We require the particle to have positive speed in the interior so the time between reflections approaches as goes to infinity. This way we obtain a nontrivial diffusion limit.

(A3) On the boundary we have the following assumptions.

If , then

If , then

The conditions on force the speed of the particle to be zero at the respective endpoints and , while the conditions on ensure that the force field at the endpoints is pointing towards the interior . Having zero speed at the boundaries and having the force field point ‘inwards’ prevents the particle from leaving the domain .

If , then

This condition ensures the particle is not trapped at the origin.

If we require that for any ,

This condition implies that for any , which shows that the reflection rate does not go to as the process goes to infinity.

(A4) .

This smoothness assumption ensures that the velocity and the acceleration of the particle depend continuously on the position . If we can relax this condition to so that we can allow potentials of the form which are not defined at .

(A5) The density is spherically symmetric and satisfies

together with

We require some smoothness from because the diffusion limit we get depends on the derivative . The second assumption is needed because we do not want to have regions where the reflection rate goes to . If one allows to approach , then the free path may scale differently when the process is started in these regions. Examples of such situations are dealt with in Section 8 of Reference BR14.

1.4. Results

Our first result considers the asymptotic behavior of the steps of the free path Markov chain , where is the location of the particle at the time of the th reflection and, anticipating our diffusion approximations, is the time of the th collision. This Markov chain has transition operator

The following result characterizes the asymptotic mean and covariance structure of the free path chain.

Theorem 1.3.


be the scaled drift of , and let be a compact subset of . Then

uniformly on . Furthermore, let



where .



This theorem is a combination of Lemmas 2.10 and 2.11 below. Heuristically, this says that both and impart a drift towards areas where the corresponding function has a smaller value. That is, the particle prefers to move towards areas where it travels quickly and where there are few scatterers, which may be competing influences. It is interesting to note that the potential does not appear in the covariance terms. It can, and will, effect the diffusion coefficient of the limiting diffusion only through an overall time change.

With Theorem 1.3 in hand, it is straightforward to obtain the following diffusion approximation, which separates out the effects of the particle’s position at times of reflection from the effects of speed at which the particle is moving. Let .

Theorem 1.4.

Let be a diffusion on whose generator acts on functions with compact support in by

and killed if/when hits the boundary of . Consider any with and start the process at , where . Define the stopping times


Then, as , the family of continuous time processes converges in distribution on the Skorokhod space to the diffusion

with initial position . This convergence happens jointly with the convergence of the hitting times, .

This theorem is proved in Section 3, where it is restated for convenience.

Remark 1.5.

The convergence above also holds without stopping near a boundary point of that is inaccessible for the diffusion . See Section 5 for how one can determine when a point is inaccessible. In particular, the boundaries are inaccessible for the constant acceleration towards the origin and for Newtonian gravity centered at the origin.

Remark 1.6.

This type of limit theorem, that gives joint convergence of a process observed when it changes direction and the time spent between such changes up to that point, is typical of the continuous time random walk literature; see e.g. Reference MS14c. Although our models can naturally be viewed as transport processes, our results on the free path of the particle suggest an approach to diffusive limits that has more in common with that used to study Continuous Time Random Walks (CTRW) Reference MS04Reference MS14c than that typically used to study transport processes. CTRW models also arise in many physical applications (see e.g. Reference WZL14Reference MK00Reference BCDS06Reference SBMB03) and have been particularly useful in studying anomalous diffusions. The advantage of this approach is that, on the diffusive scale, we may easily distinguish between the effects of the particle’s displacement between collisions and the effects of the speed at which the particle is traveling. In this way, our approach is similar to the one taken in Reference BR14, and our work can be seen as an extension of the methods used there. This approach is also similar to the approach in Reference CD09 to studying the two-dimensional periodic Lorentz gas in a gravitational field, though, of course, our setting is far simpler.

By inverting the time process and showing that the free path is typically not far from the straight line between its endpoints, we can arrive at a diffusion approximation for , the trajectory of the particle. In particular, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 1.7.

Let denote the trajectory of the particle and fix with . Suppose that and define

We have the following convergence in distribution on the Skorokhod space :

where is as in Theorem 3.1 and is the time change given by

and is the inverse operator defined by . Furthermore, the time change process is a diffusion process whose generator acts on functions with compact support in by

This theorem is proved in Section 4, where it is restated for convenience.

Remark 1.8.

The stopping at and/or at can be removed when the left and/or right boundary points of are inaccessible for the diffusion . See Remark 1.5 and Section 5.

Remark 1.9.

The cutoffs are necessary because of the generality the potentials and scattering densities we allow permit very different behaviors at the boundary. In some cases we expect the boundaries to be inaccessible (see Section 5), while in other cases we expect the boundaries to be reflecting as in Reference RT99 and in yet others, like , the origin should trap the particle. We leave a detailed investigation of the boundary as an open problem.

Remark 1.10.

Our results have much in common with Reference Cos91, but there are key differences at both heuristic and technical levels and, as a result, there is no overlap between the precise results. For instance, our models do not satisfy the underlying technical assumptions of Reference Cos91. The function from Reference Cos91, which controls the reflection rate, has to be differentiable up to the boundary of the region where the motion takes place (see assumption (H2) from Reference Cos91). In our case we have singularities at the origin and when we also have singularities at the boundary of the domain. Furthermore, the speed of the particle must be bounded away from and in Reference Cos91, while there is no such restriction in our model. This is related to the fact that Reference Cos91 restricts the particle’s motion by imposing a reflecting boundary while in our case the domain of the particle’s motion is completely determined by and .

Remark 1.11.

The form of the generator Equation 1.1 puts the random flight process in the class of processes known as transport processes. There is a substantial literature on diffusion approximations of transport processes and, more generally, random evolutions. Very general approaches and results can be found, for example, in Reference Kur73Reference Pap75Reference BLP79Reference Cos91. In order to apply these general techniques the generator needs to be smoothed to control for regions where the particle’s velocity is low. Nonetheless, it is possible to adapt these approaches to obtain Theorem 1.7. However, our results on the free path are stronger than the diffusion approximation results and cannot be recovered by these general methods. Moreover, these methods do not clarify the connection with the free path chain.

2. The free path of the particle

In this section we analyze the jumps of the free flight chain whose transition operator is given by Equation 1.16. Our proofs are complicated by the fact that for a general potential it is not possible to explicitly find the trajectory of the particle in the absence of collisions and this makes it difficult to determine how long this path spends in domains where it is traveling slowly. Our first lemma will give us local control over how the radial part of the path behaves.

Lemma 2.1.

For any and

for some depending on , , and .


By definition is the solution to the equations of motion in polar coordinates for a particle of mass in the potential . Equation Equation 1.9 implies


As a result of Equation 2.1 and Equation 1.10

By Equation 2.2 and Equation 2.3

Taylor expanding and using Equation 2.2, Equation 1.10 together with Equation 2.3 yields

Remark 2.2.

Throughout the remainder of this section we let be closed intervals satisfying

Also, for any , we define

to be the shortest time it takes for the particle’s displacement from its initial position to be at least when started inside .


then for all one has

Since , we have

where since is bounded away from .

The next lemma shows that the scaled trajectories converge to the starting point, uniformly over a fixed time interval.

Lemma 2.3.

Fix . Then



The claims about are slightly more complicated, so we prove those and leave the more obvious claims about to the reader. Let be such that . By Remark 2.2 there exists large enough such that whenever . Equivalently, for we have

for all . This proves the uniform convergence of to . Define

and note by Equation 2.4 that

is bounded away from and imply that is uniformly continuous on . By construction for all and . Because converges uniformly to on compact sets, we have


by Equation 2.8. This completes the proof.

Since the free flight chain tracks the process at reflection times, we want to apply the estimates for Equation 2.5 between reflections. By Equation 1.3 and the rescaling, we know that for every , if at the particle is at position and reflects in the direction given by the angle , then is distributed like the random variable which we define by


Throughout, we will often suppress the and dependencies of and write or when no confusion will arise. To go back and forth between Euclidean and polar coordinates, note that we have the identity in distribution

where is defined as in Equation 1.8 with the appropriately rescaled parameters. Consequently, for studying the asymptotic duration of the free path, there is no loss in studying in a uniform way over and .

For many of our proofs we require estimates that show the time between reflections approaches with high probability as the scaling factor goes to infinity. This will allow us to apply the local estimates from the expansion of in Lemma 2.1 and to show the free flight process does not undergo large jumps. We first prove some bounds on the moments of .

Lemma 2.4.

The family

is bounded in for .


We will assume that or . The cases and can be treated similarly.

Case I ().

By Assumptions (A3) and (A4) there exist and such that

Let be a compact set, let , and assume our particle enters the annulus with inner radius and outer radius at time . By Equation 1.12

Using Equation 2.2 and Equation 2.3


be the time when the particle exits the annulus. By Assumption (A3)

Since is continuous this means that we can make as small as we like if we are close enough to . This together with Equation 2.12, Equation 2.13, and Equation 2.14 implies that there exist such that

whenever . Set . Note that is bounded above by the time it would take a particle started at with speed pointed along the radius and with acceleration to return to . Thus,

Next, define

This is the first return time to the annulus . We want to bound below. If , then the particle would not spend any time in the annulus , that is, . Therefore, we can assume that . By conservation of angular momentum and conservation of energy we have that and . This implies that . Since is finite on we immediately get that

Combining Equation 2.15 and Equation 2.16,

where we assume that if , then and

Note that the upper bound from Equation 2.17 is the same if we use the rescaled trajectory of the particle . This follows from the way we found and by Assumption (A1).

By Assumption (A2) we know that

Suppose that . Using Equation 2.17 together with the fact that the worst case scenario is when the particle spends the longest possible time in the ‘bad region’ and the least amount of time in the ‘good region’ , we have for some that

which decays exponentially in as as long as is large. Therefore,

Since the bound above does not depend on , , or we get that

Case II ().

Set . We know by Assumption (A3) that there exists such that so by Equation 2.10

which, like before, forces

Similarly to Case I, because the bound above does not depend on , , or we get that

Lemma 2.4 also provides us with the following corollary which will prove useful in showing that the probability that is larger than any fixed value decays rapidly as the scaling parameter goes to infinity.

Corollary 2.5.

For all and for all ,


This is immediate from Lemma 2.4.

In addition, we also have the following corollary that shows that tails of the moments of decay rapidly as well.

Corollary 2.6.

For all , and


Cauchy-Schwarz together with Lemma 2.4 and Corollary 2.5 yield the desired result.

From Lemma 2.4, we have the following estimates on the moments of .

Lemma 2.7.

Let . Then


First let and note that the truncated moments can be written as

Making the change of variables , we have

Both and are continuous functions on . Since is compact, and are in fact uniformly continuous on . By Assumption (A5) is continuous on , and therefore is uniformly continuous. This implies that is uniformly continuous on . By Lemma 2.3 it follows that


both uniformly on . As a result, converges uniformly to on , which implies

It is then standard to extend the result to the expectation without the truncation.

For the cases we have by Lemma 2.7


The next result shows that on the event the th moment of the displacement of the particle at time and at the first reflection decays faster than as .

Lemma 2.8.

Fix , . Then


Since we have

The lemma now follows from Corollary 2.5 and the fact that

is distributed like an random variable and, consequently, has finite moments.

Lemma 2.9.

Let be uniformly distributed on . Then


First, for notational convenience, define the auxiliary function

where . In the usual way, we will often suppress the and dependencies of and write when no confusion will arise. As previously noted, has an distribution, so


In order to prove uniform convergence, we need to work on a compact set, so we fix a time and split the expectation and use the fact that :

By symmetry, it is enough to consider the first coordinate. Taylor expanding about yields

for some . Here denotes the second derivative with respect to time . Consequently

If we substitute this into Equation 2.33 we can write

and so

Next we compute the limit as of each term in the expansion Equation 2.37. The first and last term on the right-hand side can easily be seen to go to as follows: By applying Corollary 2.6, it follows that

Similarly, by Cauchy-Schwarz, Equation 2.32 and by an application of Corollary 2.5 with we have

uniformly for such that as .

We now deal with the middle term. Differentiating equation Equation 2.30 twice yields

To evaluate , note that by Equation 1.2 and Lemma 2.3

uniformly for as . Differentiating Equation 1.5 shows

which together with Equation 2.40, Lemma 2.3, and the continuity of and on forces

uniformly for . In conjunction with Lemma 2.7 this yields

as . This combined with Equation 2.28 shows

Combining these calculations with the expansion Equation 2.37, we have

This completes the proof.

Let be a Markov chain with transition operator

as defined in Equation 1.16. Note that is a Markov chain with transition operator Equation 1.7 (with appropriate scaling), while the second coordinate keeps track of the time between collisions. That is, if we start the chain from , then is the time at which the th collision occurs.

Lemma 2.10.


be the scaled drift of . Then

uniformly on .


The result for the time coordinate is simply a restatement of Equation 2.27. By symmetry, it suffices to prove convergence for the first spatial coordinate only. By definition of , this is

Let as defined in Equation 2.6. Since is increasing in , we have by construction that for all and . So, in particular, is bounded away from . To compute we first split the expectation on the events and . This allows us to write

By Lemma 2.8, the second term of Equation 2.44 converges to uniformly on . To compute the first term of Equation 2.44, we utilize a second order Taylor expansion of evaluated at which yields

for some . Hence

Note that

uniformly for such that as by Corollary 2.6. Thus the limit of the first term of Equation 2.45 can be computed by a direct application of Lemma 2.9:

uniformly on . We now compute the limit of the second term on the right-hand side of Equation 2.45.

Since , by Lemma 2.3 and Lemma 2.4

as . This together with Corollary 2.6 and Lemma 2.7 yields

Since this convergence is uniform in , we can evaluate the limit of the second order term of equation Equation 2.45 by

uniformly on . So by adding the right-hand sides of Equation 2.46 and Equation 2.47 we have

uniformly on .

Lemma 2.11.

Let be a Markov chain with transition operator as in Equation 1.16 and let



where .




Note that 3 is an immediate consequence of Lemma 2.7, while 2 follows from 1, 3 and an application of Cauchy-Schwarz. It remains to establish 1. As in the proof of Lemma 2.10 we have

The second term on the right-hand side goes to by Lemma 2.8. To evaluate the limit of the first term on the right-hand side of Equation 2.48, it is enough to use a first order Taylor expansion of :

for some . Hence

Note that for and such that , . By the mean value theorem and the fact that is bounded on , there exists such that

Since , we can apply Lemma 2.4 and Lemma 2.7 to see that

uniformly on , which completes the proof.

3. Convergence of the free path process

In this section we will prove the convergence of the free path process with transition operator defined in Equation 1.16. Recall that . The following is the main theorem of this section.

Theorem 3.1.

Let be a diffusion on whose generator acts on functions with compact support in by

and killed if/when the diffusion hits the boundary of . Consider any with and start the process at , where . Define the stopping times


Then, as , the family of continuous time processes converges in distribution on the Skorokhod space to the diffusion

with initial conditions .

As an immediate corollary we get the following result for the diffusion .

Corollary 3.2.

Suppose is the diffusion defined in Theorem 3.1. Then is a diffusion on with a generator that acts on functions with compact support in by


This follows by applying Ito’s Lemma to the diffusion from Equation 3.1 together with the following two observations:


If only depends on , then


If and is a standard three-dimensional Brownian motion, then

is a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion. This follows from the fact that

We prove Theorem 3.1 at the end of this section. The proof utilizes Theorem IX.4.21 from Reference JS03 which gives sufficient conditions to prove that a continuous time step process converges to a diffusion. We add this result below in order to make it easier for the reader to follow our proof.

Theorem 3.3.

Suppose that for each , is a pure jump Markov process. That is, its generator has the form

where is a finite transition kernel on . Then define and by

Let , be continuous functions on and suppose is a diffusion whose generator is given by

and defines a martingale problem with a unique solution (see Assumption IX.4.3 from Reference JS03). Assume that


, locally uniformly;


as for all ;


weakly, where and are the initial distributions of and respectively.

Then the laws converge weakly to , the law of the diffusion process started with the initial distribution .

Because we need to stop the diffusion before it enters a domain where the particle’s velocity is not bounded away from , the easiest way to apply Theorem 3.3 to our situation is to introduce a cutoff version of the chains , that behaves like this chain on and obviously satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.3 outside this domain. To this end, fix such that , and let be a smooth function such that is identically in a neighborhood of and in a neighborhood of , and if , and let . Moreover, define


Let be uniformly distributed on , and define the transition operator by

The next two results follow easily from these definitions.

Proposition 3.4.

Let act on with compact support by

The martingale problem for is well posed.


The generator is slightly degenerate because , but this is not a serious complication, as is easily seen from the SDE perspective. In particular, note that if solves the corresponding SDE

for and

then is a measurable, deterministic function of and does not appear in the SDE for . Thus we need only establish existence and uniqueness in law for the SDE Equation 3.6 for . However, this is standard since the drift coefficients are bounded and continuous and the diffusion matrix is continuous and positive definite; see e.g. Reference EK86, Theorem 8.1.7.

Proposition 3.5.

Let be a Markov chain on with transition operator . Then, uniformly on , we have






almost surely.

To handle the cutoff, we will need the following elementary result about convergence of hitting times with respect to the Skorokhod topology.

Lemma 3.6.

For define to be the first passage time of across . Consider an and an such that

If is a sequence in such that in , then .

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

Let us introduce the cutoff transition operator defined by

Let be a Markov chain with transition operator started from with and let . By the definition of the cutoff transition operator, we have the identity in distribution

so it suffices to prove the result for the cutoff chain . In order to apply Theorem 3.3 directly, we Poissonize the chain. That is, let be a rate one Poisson process and consider

Since uniformly on compact sets almost surely, it is enough to prove the result for , where the relevant stopping time is now

Note that is a pure jump Markov process with generator

see e.g. Reference Kal02, Proposition 19.2. For this process, condition (i) of Theorem 3.3 is satisfied with and by a direct combination of Proposition 3.5, Lemma 2.10, and Lemma 2.11. That condition (ii) of Theorem 3.3 is satisfied is an immediate consequence of Proposition 3.5, Lemma 2.11 (for the time component), and Lemma 2.8, where to apply the last lemma we note that, because velocity is bounded away from and on , the condition that in Lemma 2.8 is comparable to the condition that the size of the jump be at least in condition (ii) of Theorem 3.3. Consequently we have

where is a diffusion with generator Equation 3.5 started from . Using the Skorokhod representation, we may assume this convergence happens almost surely. It follows from Girsanov’s theorem that satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.6 and, as a result, this convergence happens jointly with the convergence of to . Therefore

as . From the SDE perspective (see Proposition 3.4), it is clear that the generator for agrees with the generator for

on smooth functions with compact support in , and thus we have

As a result of de-Poissonizing the process and Equation 3.8, we have

4. The process on its natural time scale

In this section, we study the convergence of the full trajectory of the particle. To reconstruct the full path from the free path process, we also need to keep track of the direction of reflection. To this end, we need to keep track of the reflection times and the direction of reflection. That is, we will look at the Markov process started from with and transition operator

By Equation 1.4 the full trajectory of the particle with energy moving in potential and scattering density is then constructed by

for .

The following theorem is the main result of this section.

Theorem 4.1.

Let denote the full trajectory of the particle as defined in Equation 4.1 and let

For any fixed with , as we have the following convergence in distribution on :

where is as in Theorem 3.1 and is the time change given by

and is the inverse operator defined by .

To prove a limit theorem for the full path, we must invert the time process . This is easiest to do if we extend this process to by linear interpolation:

Defining we have

Consequently, we start by examining the convergence of , and then prove that filling in the true values of the path on the intervals does not affect the limit. The cutoffs do affect the time change in a technical way. In particular, the stopped process does not have invertible paths. To accommodate this, we use the time change defined by

where . The choice of the particular linear drift is because Theorem 3.1, together with the result in the proof about convergence of hitting times, implies that as

The next result allows us to invert the time process.

Lemma 4.2.

If is continuous and strictly increasing with , then and is continuous at .

Proof of Theorem 4.1.

By Equation 4.5 and Lemma 4.2 we have

Note that the process is supported on and, consequently, the composition map from is continuous; see e.g. Reference Bil99, p. 151. This combined with Equation 4.6 implies that

as . For fixed, by Equation 4.3, we have that

Note that

in probability since a.s. Thus if we fix , for sufficiently large we have

The probability on the right-hand side can be made arbitrarily small by observing that, by Corollary 2.5, for ,

in probability for every and by Lemma 2.3, if is large enough, then


as and the fact that

as follow from path continuity and observing that .

5. Classifying the boundaries of

In this section we give conditions under which the boundary points of are inaccessible, meaning the boundary points cannot be reached in finite time. These results can then be used to remove the stopping at and/or in Theorem 1.4.

Suppose we have a regular diffusion with state space the interval . Every diffusion has two basic characteristics: the speed measure and the scale function .

We assume the infinitesimal generator of is a second order differential operator

where and for all . Let for some arbitrary (fixed) . Then it is well known that:

The speed measure is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure and has density

The scale function has density

The domain consists of all functions in such that together with the appropriate boundary conditions.

The boundary point is called accessible when

and inaccessible when

Similarly, one can classify the boundary .

As we have shown above in Corollary 3.2, the one-dimensional diffusion defining the limiting radial process has generator that acts on compactly supported functions in as

If , then the density of the scale function will be

where . As a result, if we fix an arbitrary the scale function will be given by

The speed measure density for the radial diffusion will be

One can then find the speed measure by setting

for any Lebesgue measurable .

Remark 5.1.

If , then cannot be reached in finite time and is therefore inaccessible. Similarly, if , then is inaccessible.

Proposition 5.2.

Let .


Suppose that there exists such that when

Then is inaccessible.


Suppose that there exists such that when

Then is accessible.

In particular, if and , then is inaccessible. Analogous results hold for .


The main parts of the proposition follow easily from Equation 5.2 and Remark 5.1. If and , then, since by assumption , we have

5.1. Constant force

Suppose we have a constant force field

and for some . We know that the speed has to be zero at so

This forces and thus

By Proposition 5.2 both 0 and are inaccessible boundary points.

5.2. Newtonian gravity

We consider the case when the potential is that of a gravitational force directed towards the origin. That is, the potential function is given by

for some constant . Suppose the total energy of the particle is positive, . We have

Since is bounded above and bounded away from on , for ,

which implies For one has

so that . By Proposition 5.2 the boundary points 0 and are inaccessible.

6. Higher dimensions and general potentials

Although our model was motivated by the three-dimensional Lorentz gas, the process with uniform reflection direction makes sense in any dimension and our methods apply essentially without change. In this section we explain how our results could be generalized to higher dimensions and to nonspherically symmetric potentials. Consider a particle in for under the influence of a force field with potential energy . Let be the unit sphere in . In this model upon reflection at , the particle starts its path in the uniform direction and then travels under the influence of . The only difference is that some of the constants change because we are integrating over instead of . Using the fact that if is uniformly distributed on , then for all yields the following results.

Let be the free path Markov chain, where is the location of the particle at the time of the th reflection and is the time of the th collision.

Theorem 6.1.


be the scaled drift of , and let be a compact subset of . Suppose the equivalents of Assumptions (A1)(A5) are satisfied. Then

uniformly on . Furthermore, let



where .



Theorem 6.2.

Let be a diffusion on whose generator acts on functions with compact support in by

Let be the trajectory of the particle and assume the equivalents of Assumptions (A1)(A5) above hold. Fix a set and define


Then as we have the following convergence in distribution:

Futhermore, if the boundary of is inaccessible, then we can remove the stopping in the above.


The authors thank Simon Griffiths, Cristina Costantini, and Steve Evans for very helpful discussions.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Equation (1.2)
Equation (1.3)
Equation (1.4)
Equation (1.5)
Equation (1.6)
Equation (1.7)
Equation (1.8)
Equation (1.9)
Equation (1.10)
Equation (1.12)
Equation (1.16)
Theorem 1.3.


be the scaled drift of , and let be a compact subset of . Then

uniformly on . Furthermore, let



where .



Theorem 1.4.

Let be a diffusion on whose generator acts on functions with compact support in by

and killed if/when hits the boundary of . Consider any with and start the process at , where . Define the stopping times


Then, as , the family of continuous time processes converges in distribution on the Skorokhod space to the diffusion

with initial position . This convergence happens jointly with the convergence of the hitting times, .

Remark 1.5.

The convergence above also holds without stopping near a boundary point of that is inaccessible for the diffusion . See Section 5 for how one can determine when a point is inaccessible. In particular, the boundaries are inaccessible for the constant acceleration towards the origin and for Newtonian gravity centered at the origin.

Theorem 1.7.

Let denote the trajectory of the particle and fix with . Suppose that and define

We have the following convergence in distribution on the Skorokhod space :

where is as in Theorem 3.1 and is the time change given by

and is the inverse operator defined by . Furthermore, the time change process is a diffusion process whose generator acts on functions with compact support in by

Lemma 2.1.

For any and

for some depending on , , and .

Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.2)
Equation (2.3)
Equation (2.4)
Equation (2.5)
Remark 2.2.

Throughout the remainder of this section we let be closed intervals satisfying

Also, for any , we define

to be the shortest time it takes for the particle’s displacement from its initial position to be at least when started inside .


then for all one has

Since , we have

where since is bounded away from .

Lemma 2.3.

Fix . Then


Equation (2.8)
Equation (2.10)
Lemma 2.4.

The family

is bounded in for .

Case I ().

By Assumptions (A3) and (A4) there exist and such that

Let be a compact set, let , and assume our particle enters the annulus with inner radius and outer radius at time . By Equation 1.12

Using Equation 2.2 and Equation 2.3


be the time when the particle exits the annulus. By Assumption (A3)

Since is continuous this means that we can make as small as we like if we are close enough to . This together with 2.12, 2.13, and 2.14 implies that there exist such that

whenever . Set . Note that is bounded above by the time it would take a particle started at with speed pointed along the radius and with acceleration to return to . Thus,

Next, define

This is the first return time to the annulus . We want to bound below. If , then the particle would not spend any time in the annulus , that is, . Therefore, we can assume that . By conservation of angular momentum and conservation of energy we have that and . This implies that . Since is finite on we immediately get that

Combining 2.15 and 2.16,

where we assume that if , then and

Note that the upper bound from 2.17 is the same if we use the rescaled trajectory of the particle . This follows from the way we found and by Assumption (A1).

By Assumption (A2) we know that

Suppose that . Using 2.17 together with the fact that the worst case scenario is when the particle spends the longest possible time in the ‘bad region’ and the least amount of time in the ‘good region’ , we have for some that

which decays exponentially in as as long as is large. Therefore,

Since the bound above does not depend on , , or we get that

Corollary 2.5.

For all and for all ,

Corollary 2.6.

For all , and

Lemma 2.7.

Let . Then

Equation (2.27)
Equation (2.28)
Lemma 2.8.

Fix , . Then

Lemma 2.9.

Let be uniformly distributed on . Then

Equation (2.30)
Equation (2.32)
Equation (2.33)
Equation (2.37)
Equation (2.40)
Lemma 2.10.


be the scaled drift of . Then

uniformly on .

Equation (2.44)
Equation (2.45)
Equation (2.46)
Equation (2.47)
Lemma 2.11.

Let be a Markov chain with transition operator as in Equation 1.16 and let



where .



Equation (2.48)
Theorem 3.1.

Let be a diffusion on whose generator acts on functions with compact support in by

and killed if/when the diffusion hits the boundary of . Consider any with and start the process at , where . Define the stopping times


Then, as , the family of continuous time processes converges in distribution on the Skorokhod space to the diffusion

with initial conditions .

Corollary 3.2.

Suppose is the diffusion defined in Theorem 3.1. Then is a diffusion on with a generator that acts on functions with compact support in by

Theorem 3.3.

Suppose that for each , is a pure jump Markov process. That is, its generator has the form

where is a finite transition kernel on . Then define and by

Let , be continuous functions on and suppose is a diffusion whose generator is given by

and defines a martingale problem with a unique solution (see Assumption IX.4.3 from Reference JS03). Assume that


, locally uniformly;


as for all ;


weakly, where and are the initial distributions of and respectively.

Then the laws converge weakly to , the law of the diffusion process started with the initial distribution .

Proposition 3.4.

Let act on with compact support by

The martingale problem for is well posed.

Equation (3.6)
Proposition 3.5.

Let be a Markov chain on with transition operator . Then, uniformly on , we have






almost surely.

Lemma 3.6.

For define to be the first passage time of across . Consider an and an such that

If is a sequence in such that in , then .

Equation (3.8)
Equation (4.1)
Theorem 4.1.

Let denote the full trajectory of the particle as defined in Equation 4.1 and let

For any fixed with , as we have the following convergence in distribution on :

where is as in Theorem 3.1 and is the time change given by

and is the inverse operator defined by .

Equation (4.3)
Equation (4.5)
Lemma 4.2.

If is continuous and strictly increasing with , then and is continuous at .

Equation (4.6)
Equation (5.2)
Remark 5.1.

If , then cannot be reached in finite time and is therefore inaccessible. Similarly, if , then is inaccessible.

Proposition 5.2.

Let .


Suppose that there exists such that when

Then is inaccessible.


Suppose that there exists such that when

Then is accessible.

In particular, if and , then is inaccessible. Analogous results hold for .


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 60F17 (Functional limit theorems; invariance principles)
Secondary: 60J60 (Diffusion processes), 82C70 (Transport processes)
  • Random flight process
  • Lorentz gas
  • random evolution
  • transport process
  • continuous time random walk
  • diffusion approximation
Author Information
Alexandru Hening
Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, 24-29 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LB, United Kingdom
Douglas Rizzolo
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, 15 Orchard Road, Newark, Delaware 19716
Eric S. Wayman
Department of Mathematics, University of California, 970 Evans Hall #3840, Berkeley, California 94720-3840
Additional Notes

The first author was supported by EPSRC grant EP/K034316/1.

The second author was supported by NSF grant DMS-1204840.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 3, Issue 2, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2016 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/11
  • MathSciNet Review: 3503953
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3503953}{article}{ author={Hening, Alexandru}, author={Rizzolo, Douglas}, author={Wayman, Eric}, title={The free path in a high velocity random flight process associated to a Lorentz gas in an external field}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={3}, number={2}, date={2016}, pages={27-62}, issn={2330-0000}, review={3503953}, doi={10.1090/btran/11}, }


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