Homotopy properties of horizontal loop spaces and applications to closed sub-Riemannian geodesics

By Antonio Lerario and Andrea Mondino


Given a manifold and a proper sub-bundle , we investigate homotopy properties of the horizontal free loop space , i.e., the space of absolutely continuous maps whose velocities are constrained to (for example: legendrian knots in a contact manifold).

In the first part of the paper we prove that the base-point map (the map associating to every loop its base-point) is a Hurewicz fibration for the topology on . Using this result we show that, even if the space might have deep singularities (for example: constant loops form a singular manifold homeomorphic to ), its homotopy can be controlled nicely. In particular we prove that (with the topology) has the homotopy type of a CW-complex, that its inclusion in the standard free loop space (i.e., the space of loops with no non-holonomic constraint) is a homotopy equivalence, and consequently that its homotopy groups can be computed as for all .

In the second part of the paper we address the problem of the existence of closed sub-Riemannian geodesics. In the general case we prove that if is a compact sub-Riemannian manifold, each non-trivial homotopy class in can be represented by a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic.

In the contact case, we prove a min-max result generalizing the celebrated Lyusternik-Fet theorem: if is a compact, contact manifold, then every sub-Riemannian metric on carries at least one closed sub-Riemannian geodesic. This result is based on a combination of the above topological results with the delicate study of an analogue of a Palais-Smale condition in the vicinity of abnormal loops (singular points of ).

1. Introduction

1.1. The horizontal loop space

In this paper we study the topology of the space of loops whose velocities are constrained in a non-holonomic way (we call these loops horizontal). The constraint is made explicit by requiring that the loops should be absolutely continuous curves (hence differentiable almost everywhere) and that their velocity should belong a.e. to a totally non-integrable distribution .

The case clearly imposes no constraint. The case when is integrable imposes a constraint which is still holonomic (loops are confined on leaves of a foliation, by the Frobenius theorem) and can be reduced to the previous one. The totally non-integrable (or non-holonomic) case arises by requiring that the given distribution satisfies the Hörmander condition: a finite number of iterated brackets of smooth sections of should span all the tangent space (see Reference 2Reference 22). Contact manifolds are probably the most well known non-holonomic geometries, and their (smooth) horizontal loops are called legendrian knots Reference 26.

In this paper we require our loops to have square-integrable velocity. This requirement determines a natural topology on the loop space, as follows. Consider first the set of all horizontal paths:

The space endowed with the topology is a Hilbert manifold modeled on (where and ), and the endpoint map is the smooth function

The object of our interest, the free horizontal loop space, will thus be defined as

and endowed with the induced topology.

In the non-holonomic case, the loop space is a highly singular object. For example, constant loops form a whole singular manifold (homeomorphic to itself). In the contact case these are the “only” singularities (Proposition 18 below), but in general the presence of abnormal curves might imply other (deep) singularities; see Reference 2Reference 11 and Reference 22, Section 5. The structure of these singularities is at the origin of Liu and Sussmann’s minimality theorem Reference 19 (see the proof of this theorem given in Reference 2 and the discussion in Reference 22, Section 3.8).

Remark 1.

The uniform convergence topology on has been studied in Reference 25 and the in Reference 12. The topology with has been investigated by the first author and F. Boarotto in Reference 8. For the scope of calculus of variations the case is especially interesting, as one can apply classical techniques from critical point theory to many problems of interest. All these topologies are equivalent from the point of view of homotopy theory Reference 8, Theorem 5, but in the topology the so-called rigidity phenomenon appears: some curves might be isolated (up to reparametrization); see Reference 9.

1.2. Homotopy properties of the horizontal loop space

One of the main technical ingredients in order to understand the topological structure of the horizontal loop space is the Hurewicz fibration property for the endpoint map. Recall that a map between topological spaces is a (Hurewicz) fibration if it has the homotopy lifting property with respect to any space (see Section 2.7 below and Reference 24Reference 27 for more details). Our first result proves this property for the endpoint map restricted to the loop space (in the following statement we identify with the diagonal in , where takes values). The techniques for the proof use a novel combination of quantitative control theory and classical homotopy theory.

Theorem (The Hurewicz fibration property).

The map that associates to every horizontal loop its base-point is a Hurewicz fibration for the topology on .

As a consequence of this property, strong information on the homotopy of the horizontal loop space can be deduced. What is remarkable at this point is that even if might be extremely singular, its homotopy is very well controlled.

Theorem (The homotopy of the horizontal loop space).

The horizontal loop space has the homotopy type of a CW-complex, and its inclusion in the standard loop space is a homotopy equivalence; in particular⁠Footnote1 for all :


The product in Equation 1 is semidirect possibly only for . In all other cases the homotopy group on the left is abelian and the product is indeed direct; see Remark 4 below.

One immediate but remarkable corollary of the fact that has the homotopy type of a CW-complex is that every loop has a neighborhood which is contractible in (Corollary 11 below). This gives a remarkable sharpening of the local structure of near a singular curve.

Remark 2 (The legendrian fundamental group).

Notice that the homotopy groups of the standard loop space have the same structure Equation 1 of the horizontal ones. This fact is in sharp contrast with the situation of legendrian regular homotopies of legendrian knots in a contact manifold: given a contact manifold , a horizontal loop which is also an immersion is called a legendrian knot. Two legendrian knots are legendrian-homotopically equivalent if there exists a homotopy between them all made of legendrian knots. The legendrian fundamental group is then defined as the group whose elements are the equivalence classes of legendrian knots under the equivalence relation of being legendrian-homotopically equivalent. By using the -principle it is possible to show Reference 13, Section 3.3 that there is a surjection of the legendrian fundamental group into the standard fundamental group and (for the sake of simplicity, here we consider dim=3) the kernel of the surjection is . Roughly, this means that it is highly not true in general that two horizontal knots inducing the same class in are also legendrian-homotopically equivalent. This is due to the much stronger constraint, in the legendrian setting, that the loop (and the homotopy at a fixed time) is an immersion.

1.3. The calculus of variation on the horizontal loop space

Once a sub-Riemannian structure (i.e., a smooth scalar product) on is fixed, on the space of horizontal paths we can define the length functional:

A horizontal loop is called a sub-Riemannian closed geodesic if it has constant speed and it is locally length minimizing (see Definition 14). On the horizontal path space we can also define the energy functional:

The link between the two functionals Equation 2-Equation 3 is well known as well as the fact that the functional fits with the topology of better than the length (e.g. it is coercive and weakly lower semicontinuous).

It should be clear that the singularities of the space , which in our problem act as a “constraint” for the functional , will cause serious problems in extending the classical setup for finding critical points of . We nevertheless notice (Proposition 15) that solutions of the normal Lagrange multiplier equation for constrained to are indeed sub-Riemannian geodesics (but the converse is false). Therefore in order to show existence of closed sub-Riemannian geodesics it will be enough to show existence of solutions to the previous equation (which locally can be written as in Equation 18). This will be done in two different ways: by minimization and by min-max.

1.4. Closed sub-Riemannian geodesics

We will first show that if is not trivial, then there always exists a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic, extending the celebrated theorem of Cartan (proved in the Riemannian framework) to arbitrary sub-Riemannian structures. This result will be achieved via a minimization process, well known in the literature as “direct method in the calculus of variations”, based on the compatibility of the functional with the strong and weak topologies on .

Theorem (Existence of closed sub-Riemannian geodesics in ).

Let be a compact, connected sub-Riemannian manifold. Then for every non-zero there exists a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic such that and minimizes in its homotopy class.

In case the manifold is simply connected, i.e., if , the existence of a closed geodesic is more subtle: indeed a minimization procedure would trivialize and give just a constant curve. To handle this case we then argue via min-max: given , , we define

The goal is to prove that if , then is a critical value; i.e., there exists a closed geodesic with energy .

The two technical tools needed are the Palais-Smale property (which roughly says that if a sequence of “approximate critical points” weakly converges, then actually it converges strongly) and the deformation lemma (if there are no critical values in an interval , then it is possible to continuously deform the sub-level set corresponding to to the one corresponding to ).

For the min-max part of the paper, we will restrict ourselves to contact sub-Riemannian structures (see Reference 22, Section 6.1.2 for more details). Under this assumption the space of horizontal loops is still singular, but the singularities correspond to constant loops. From the technical viewpoint, the proof of the Palais-Smale property in the contact case (see Theorem 19) is perhaps the most challenging and original part of the paper, and it will be achieved by a sort of “blow-up” argument based on the choice of good coordinates.

Once the Palais-Smale property is settled, in order to apply the well-known min-max techniques and get the existence of a closed geodesic, we still need to prove that the min-max level is strictly positive under the assumption that is compact. In the Riemannian case this part is quite straightforward, since small loops are contractible. In the sub-Riemannian case this is less obvious (recall that the homotopy must be a horizontal loop for every time slice) but still true thanks to the fine topological properties of established in the first part of the paper (see in particular Theorem 12 and Corollary 13).

The combination of all the tools discussed so far will allow us to prove the following theorem.

Theorem (Existence of closed sub-Riemannian geodesics in contact manifolds).

Let be a compact, contact sub-Riemannian manifold. Then there exists at least one non-constant closed sub-Riemannian geodesic.

This result is the counterpart, in contact geometry, of the celebrated Lyusternik-Fet theorem Reference 20 asserting the existence of a closed geodesic in any compact Riemannian manifold. The result of Lyusternik-Fet (obtained in 1951) opened the door to an entire beautiful research field in mathematics on the existence and multiplicity of closed geodesics in Riemannian manifolds. It is our hope (and challenge for the future) that the present paper will serve as a solid basis in order to investigate these questions also in the sub-Riemannian setting.

1.5. Structure of the paper

The first part of Section 2 is devoted to the general constructions (mostly the study of the topology of the whole horizontal path space). In Section 2.5 we discuss the properties of what we call the “global chart”, a useful technical device to reduce the problem when a set of vector fields generating the distribution is given. The Hurewicz fibration property is Theorem 8, and the result on the homotopy of the loop space is a combination of Theorems 9 and 10. Closed sub-Riemannian geodesics are introduced in Section 2.10, and the existence of a minimizer for each non-zero homotopy class in is proved in Theorem 16. Section 3 is devoted to the contact case. The Palais-Smale property is discussed in Section 3.2 and the deformation lemma and the min-max procedure in Section 3.3. The existence of a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic in the compact, contact case is proved in Theorem 24.

2. General theory

In this section we discuss the relationship between the topology of the manifold and the horizontal path space. The theory applies to sub-Riemannian manifolds in general (we will restrict to contact manifolds only in the next section).

2.1. The horizontal path space

Let be a smooth manifold of dimension and let be a smooth sub-bundle of rank . The horizontal path space is defined by

This definition requires the choice of a sub-Riemannian structure on in order to integrate the square of the norm of , but the fact of being integrable is independent of the chosen structure (we refer the reader to Reference 2Reference 22 for more details). In the following we set .

2.2. Topologies on the horizontal path space

In what follows we always make the assumption that the Hörmander condition is satisfied and that the distribution is bracket-generating (see Reference 2 for the geometrical implications of this assumption). For every the vector bundle is trivializable; hence there exist smooth time-dependent vector fields , …, and an open neighborhood containing such that for every and every ,

(if a sub-Riemannian structure on has been chosen we can pick these vector fields to be orthonormal for every ).

Since is horizontal, we can write

Let be an open set containing such that for every and every the solution of the Cauchy problem

is defined at time . The vector function is usually called the control.

Consider the set of all curves arising as solutions of Equation 4 for : we declare sets of this type to be a basis of open neighborhoods for a topology on . Note that the correspondence is a homeomorphism (the fact that this map is one-to-one follows from Reference 22, Appendix E; this comprises the existence and uniqueness for the solution of Equation 4). Clearly the topology induced on depends on the topology we have fixed on . If is given the strong topology, the resulting topology on the horizontal path space will be denoted by and called the strong topology. If is endowed with the weak topology, the resulting topology will be denoted and called the weak topology. Unless specified we will work with the strong topology.

2.3. Hilbert manifold structure on the horizontal path space

The choice of coordinates on a neighborhood in and of a (possibly time-dependent) trivializing frame for define an open chart on :

Here consists of those curves that are solutions of the Cauchy problem

for . The fact that the collection is a Hilbert manifold atlas for follows from Reference 22, Appendix E.

The endpoint map is defined by

Given a (locally) trivializing frame and a coordinate chart on an open set we denote by

We recall the following result. For the reader’s convenience we will give a proof of the first part of the statement in Lemma 17 below (in the “global cart”, defined in Section 2.5); the second part of the statement is Reference 8, Theorem 23. For more details we refer the reader to Reference 2.

Proposition 1.

If in , then converges uniformly to . In particular, the map is continuous (smooth indeed) for the strong topology and continuous for the weak topology. Moreover the map defined by is continuous when is endowed with the weak topology and the strong topology. The same is true for the map defined by (weak topology on the source, strong topology on the target).

2.4. Sub-Riemannian structures and the energy of a path

A sub-Riemannian structure on is a Riemannian metric on , i.e., a scalar product on which smoothly depends on the base point. If is endowed with a sub-Riemannian structure, we can define the energy:

The energy is a smooth map on , but it is only lower semicontinuous on . If in the above construction was chosen orthonormal, in local coordinates we have , and its differential is given by , where of course denotes the -norm and the -scalar product. By a slight abuse of notation (identifying a Hilbert space with its dual) we will sometimes simply write .

2.5. The global “chart” and the minimal control

Assume is a compact manifold. Given a sub-Riemannian structure on , there exists a family of vector fields , …, with globally defined on such that

Moreover the previous family of vector fields can be chosen such that for all and we have Reference 2, Corollary 3.26

where denotes the modulus w.r.t. the fixed sub-Riemannian structure. Denoting by , we define the map by

(We use the compactness of to guarantee that the solution of the Cauchy problem is defined for all .)

We will consider this construction fixed once and for all and call it the “global chart”. The endpoint map for this global chart will be denoted by

We also set

In words, is the evaluation at time of the curve defined in Equation 6.

The map is continuous (both for the strong and the weak topologies on ) and has a right inverse defined by

where is the control realizing the minimum of on . This control is called the minimal control Reference 2, Section 3.1.1; its existence and uniqueness follow from the next lemma.

Lemma 2.

The set is convex and closed.


Since is continuous, is closed. Moreover, if , then

which means that the convex combination is still an element of .

It is also useful to give a pointwise characterization of the minimal control. This is the aim of the next lemma.

Lemma 3.

Let be an admissible curve and let be the associated minimal control. Then for a.e. (more precisely at every point of differentiability of ) is uniquely characterized as

where denotes the euclidean norm in .


First of all, analogously to the proof of Lemma 2, one can show that is a closed convex subset of , so there exists a unique element of minimal norm. This shows the existence and uniqueness of the minimizer in Equation 9. For the moment let us denote with such a minimizer; we are then left to prove that for a.e. . The measurability of is proved in Reference 2, Lemma 3.11. Moreover by the definition of we have

which gives that with . Since by construction , the definition of as a unique element of minimal -norm implies that a.e.

Notice that the combination of Equation 5 and Lemma 3 yields

a fact which will be useful in the next proposition.

Proposition 4.

The map is strong-strong continuous.


Let be strongly converging to and let be the associated minimal controls. First of all it is clear that , so we have to prove that strongly in .

On the one hand, the strong convergence combined with Equation 10 implies that

On the other hand, since the sequence is bounded in , there exists such that weakly converges to in . By the weak-strong continuity of the endpoint map stated in Proposition 1 we get that or, in other terms, . The definition of then implies that with equality if and only if a.e.

But the lower semicontinuity of the -norm under weak convergence gives

where we used Equation 11. Therefore and strongly in as desired.

2.6. The loop space

We say that a horizontal curve is closed if ; in this case is also called a loop. The horizontal base-point free loop space is defined by

In local coordinates we have

where was defined in Equation 8. We also set

the counterpart of in the global chart .

The loop space is a closed subset of both for the strong and the weak topology, but in general it is not a sub-manifold (the endpoint map may not be a submersion). We say that a loop is regular if

i.e., if is surjective. Note that this is in contrast to the Riemannian case, where the loop space is a smooth sub-manifold. However at least in the contact case we can characterize the set of its singular points: it coincides with the set of constant curves (see Proposition 18 below).

Remark 3 (On the various definitions of endpoint maps).

It is worthwhile at this point to collect the notation used so far for endpoint maps. On the path space (no coordinates have been fixed) the endpoint map takes a curve and gives its endpoints . We will also use to denote the map giving only the final point. Fix a coordinate chart ; the map gives the final point (i.e., ) of the solution of the Cauchy problem Equation 4. Similarly, fixing just a (locally) trivializing frame for and charts on an open subset of , gives the value of the solution at time of the Cauchy problem Equation 4. In the global chart the analogous maps and are defined by, respectively, Equation 7 and Equation 8. Finally notice that all these definitions make sense for as long as (we will be using this observation in the section on the Hurewicz property).

2.7. The Hurewicz fibration property

Recall that a map is a Hurewicz fibration Reference 18 if it has the homotopy lifting property for every space : for every homotopy and every lift (i.e., every map satisfying ), there exists a homotopy lifting ; i.e., for all , with .

In order to prove that the restricted endpoint map is a Hurewicz fibration, we will need two technical results from Reference 8 (strictly speaking, the image of the map is contained in the diagonal in , but we can identify it with itself).

Proposition 5 (Reference 8, Proposition 2).

Every point in has a neighborhood and a continuous map

such that and for every .

Proposition 6 (Reference 8, Proposition 3).

The map defined below is continuous:

Moreover (extending the definition componentwise to controls with value in ) we also have for every (here denotes the usual concatenation).

We will also need the following variation of the map defined above:

In order to define we first define for a control the backward control . Notice that if , then . We define then

Since is continuous, Proposition 6 implies that is continuous as well. Essentially the flow associated to the control first goes through and then goes through ; note that if it just reduces to the flow of . In the next lemma we prove that is a Hurewicz fibration (as above, the image of is in the diagonal in , which we identify with itself); this will be the key technical property in order to investigate the topological structure of . After this technical step, in Theorem 8 we will prove that itself is a Hurewciz fibration. Recall that .

Lemma 7.

The map is a Hurewicz fibration.


By the Hurewicz uniformization theorem Reference 18, it is enough to show that the homotopy lifting property holds locally; i.e., every point has a neighborhood such that has the homotopy lifting property with respect to any space.

Pick and let be the neighborhood given by Proposition 5, together with the corresponding . Consider a homotopy (here is any topological space) and a lift (i.e., for all ).

Setting and denoting by the projection on the first factor, we define the lifting homotopy by

By construction is continuous, it lifts , and . This proves that has the homotopy lifting property with respect to any space, and since we can cover with neighborhoods of the form as above, the result follows.

Theorem 8.

The endpoint map is a Hurewicz fibration.


Let be a homotopy and let be a lift of . Consider the map

Since is a continuous right inverse for (by Proposition 4),

and is a lift of . By the previous lemma there exists a lifting homotopy for . The map

is a homotopy lifting .

2.8. Homotopy type of the loop space

As a corollary of Theorem 8 we can derive the following result, which is an analogue of the classical one in Riemannian geometry (we refer the reader to Reference 23 for a survey of the classical results).

Theorem 9.

For every we have the following isomorphism:⁠Footnote2


See Remark 4 on the semidirect product.


Since is a Hurewciz fibration, we have a long exact sequence Reference 27

where denotes the set of admissible curves starting and ending at a fixed point . Recall that Reference 8, Section 2.3

Also notice that the map defined by

is continuous and defines a section of (i.e., it is a right inverse of ). In particular is surjective, and the sequence in Equation 14 splits as

and the result follows.

The homotopy of can be compared with the homotopy of the “standard” (non-horizontal) loop space , endowed with the topology. In fact we have the following much stronger result, asserting that the inclusion of one space into the other is a strong homotopy equivalence. (Notational remark: Often in the literature “strong homotopy equivalence” is simply referred to as “homotopy equivalence”; here we prefer to use the term “strong” in order to stress the difference with “weak homotopy equivalence”.)

Theorem 10.

The horizontal loop space has the homotopy type of a CW-complex, and the inclusion is a strong homotopy equivalence.


Since the map is a Hurewicz fibration and the base has the homotopy type of a CW-complex as well as any fibre (by Reference 8, Theorem 5), then the total space has the homotopy type of a CW-complex by Reference 24, Proposition 5.4.2.

Since has the homotopy type of a CW-complex, to prove that the inclusion is a strong homotopy equivalence it is enough to prove that the map is an isomorphism. The result will then follow from Milnor’s extension of Whitehead’s theorem Reference 21, Lemma 5.1 (see also Reference 24, Lemma 5.3.2).

The fact that is an isomorphism immediately follows from the naturality of the long exact sequences of Hurewicz fibrations and the fact that the splitting in Equation 14 yields for every a commutative diagram:

Since the two extremal vertical arrows are isomorphisms, is also an isomorphism.

Remark 4.

Notice that in the statement of Theorem 9 the group is abelian for ; hence the action of on in Equation 13 is trivial. The semidirect product description is especially interesting only in the case , for which the action of on is the same one as results from the short exact sequence

This last statement follows from the fact that the diagram Equation 16 is commutative.

The following corollary sharpens the local structure of near a singular loop.

Corollary 11.

Every loop (in particular a singular point of ) has a neighborhood such that the inclusion is homotopic to a trivial loop (i.e., a constant).


Since has the homotopy type of a CW-complex by Theorem 10 above, the result follows from Reference 24, Proposition 5.1.2.

2.9. Deformation of homotopy classes with small energy

Theorem 12.

Let be a compact sub-Riemannian manifold. There exists such that if is a continuous function satisfying

then is homotopic to a map with values in the set of constant curves :

where the map was defined in Equation 15. More precisely, one can choose .


Let us consider a splitting and a Riemannian metric on such that

Let us denote by the Riemannian ball centered at of radius and by the sub-Riemannian one. Since is compact there exists such that for every the ball is geodesically convex (with respect to ). Moreover since we can also assume that for such an and for all :

Now the hypothesis that implies that the sub-Riemannian length of the path is smaller than and consequently

Now define the map

where is the unique Riemannian length minimizing the geodesic from to . Because of its uniqueness, depends continuously on and , and

defines a homotopy in between and the map defined by

In other words, denoting by the map , we have

By the naturality and commutativity of the right square in Equation 16 we have the following commutative diagram (vertical arrows are isomorphisms):

The commutativity of this diagram, together with (this is the content of the chain of equalities in Equation 17), and Theorem 10 finally give

Corollary 13.

Let be a compact sub-Riemannian manifold and let be such that and . Then there exists such that for every non-zero :

where the is taken over all continuous maps such that .


First of all, thanks to Theorem 9 we have that . Assume that for some non-zero we have . Let be given by Theorem 12 and consider representing such that

Then, by Theorem 12, with and . Thus

On the other hand, by assumption on , we have that is zero and consequently , contradicting .

2.10. Closed sub-Riemannian geodesics

Let us start with the definition of closed sub-Riemannian geodesics (to be compared with Reference 8, Section 4.1).

Definition 14 (Closed sub-Riemannian geodesic).

A non-constant curve is called a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic if it satisfies the following properties:


it is absolutely continuous,


its derivative (which exists a.e.) belongs to the sub-Riemannian distribution,


it is parametrized by constant speed,


it is locally length minimizing, in the sense that for every there exists such that is length minimizing; i.e., the restriction has minimal length among all horizontal curves joining with .

The following proposition gives a sufficient condition for a regular curve (in the sense of Equation 12) to be a closed geodesic. Let us mention that Equation 18 below corresponds to the (normal) Lagrange multiplier rule associated to the problem of extremizing (i.e., finding a minimum or more generally a critical point of) the energy functional among all loops (with no fixed base point). Clearly the global minimum is , but here, in the spirit of Morse theory, one is interested in more general critical points (typically local minima or of saddle type), which are non-trivial.

Notice also that Equation 18 is equivalent to at .

Proposition 15.

Let be a sub-Riemannian manifold and let be a closed horizontal curve such that there exists a non-zero with the property that in some local coordinates around we have

where . Then is the projection of a periodic trajectory for the sub-Riemannian Hamiltonian vector field (i.e., it is the projection of a periodic sub-Riemannian normal extremal). In particular is smooth and, identifying the endpoints of the interval , it extends to a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic.


Given coordinates on a neighborhood of , we can write

Let us denote by the flow from time to time of the (time-dependent) vector field . Then we can write

Thus equation Equation 18 can be rewritten as

The equation on the left of Equation 19 says that is the projection of the normal extremal Reference 2, Proposition 8.9:

The equation on the right of Equation 19 is equivalent to

which tells exactly that the extremal is periodic.

On the other hand, Reference 2, Theorem 4.61 (see also Reference 8, Proposition 14) implies that the curve is locally length minimizing and parametrized by constant speed. Since it is the projection of a periodic trajectory of the sub-Riemannian Hamiltonian field, identifying the endpoints of the interval of definition gives a map satisfying properties (1)-(4) above.

2.11. Closed geodesics realizing a given class in

Before going to the core of the paper, which will consist of the min-max construction of a closed geodesic in simply connected contact manifolds, in this short section we show that if is non-trivial, then there always exists a closed geodesic, no matter whether the sub-Riemannian structure is contact or not. This will be achieved by a minimization process, well known in the literature as “direct method in the calculus of variations”.

Theorem 16.

Let be a compact, connected sub-Riemannian manifold such that . Then for every non-zero there exists a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic such that . Moreover, minimizes the energy (and thus also the sub-Riemannian length) in its homotopy class:


First of all, since by assumption is connected, we have . By Theorem 9 it follows that , and the two will be identified in the rest of the proof. Moreover, the assumption that is non-null implies, thanks to Corollary 13, that there exists such that

Let be a minimizing sequence for (i.e., as ) and call the associated minimal controls and the initial points, respectively. By the relation Equation 10 we clearly have that

In particular the sequence is bounded and thus weakly converges, up to sub-sequences, to some control . On the other hand, the compactness of ensures that, again up to sub-sequences, there exists such that . Called , the associated limit curve as in Equation 6, the lower-semicontinuity of the norm under weak convergence gives

Thus, in order to conclude the proof, it is enough to show that .

To this end, using that Lemma 17 below yields the uniform convergence of to , we infer that

But now is an isomorphism thanks to Theorem 10. Therefore we conclude that , as desired.

Since minimizes the functional in its homotopy class, we have that at , and thus is a smooth closed sub-Riemannian geodesic by virtue of Proposition 15.

In the proof of Theorem 16 we have used the following result, well known to experts but whose proof we recall for the reader’s convenience.

Lemma 17.

Let be pointed controls in the global chart and let be the associated curves as in Equation 6. Assume that

Then uniformly.


It is enough to show that there exists

such that uniformly.

Since by assumption , by the Banach-Steinhaus theorem we know that and therefore the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality gives

where is of course the sub-Riemannian distance. In particular, as , there exists such that are all contained in a fixed coordinate neighborhood of . Observe also that there exists such that

For we can then estimate

Now the integral in the first line converges to as due to the weak convergence in . The integral in the second line can be easily estimated using Equation 20 and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality as

where depends only on and dimensional constants. Since by lower semicontinuity we know that , the combination of the last three inequalities gives

where as . Choosing finally such that , we can absorb the rightmost term into the left hand side and get

as desired.

3. Contact sub-Riemannian manifolds

A contact sub-Riemannian manifold is a sub-Riemannian manifold such that is a contact distribution (see Reference 22, Section 6.1.2 for more details).

3.1. Singularities of the loop space in the contact case

Recall that a loop is said to be regular (or smooth) if the following holds: denoted with a neighborhood of and with , is a submersion at . The set of regular points of is denoted by . If instead is not regular, then it is called singular, and the family of singular points of is denoted by .

Proposition 18.

If is a contact manifold, then


Let us fix coordinates on a neighborhood of a curve . Then we can write

Denoting as above by the flow from time to of the vector field , the differential of acts as

Recall that in the contact case the only critical point of the endpoint map is the zero control (Reference 2, Corollary 4.40; see also Reference 22, Chapter 5). In particular if is not a constant curve, then is a submersion, and consequently is a submersion as well, implying that is a regular point of . On the other hand, if is a constant curve, then and the differential is not a submersion (its image equals ). Moreover and consequently . Substituting this into Equation 21 we get

which shows that is a singular point of .

3.2. Palais-Smale property

We denote by the restriction of to :

Notice that on the gradient of , denoted by , is well defined and coincides with the projection of on the tangent space to . On the other hand, if and is contact, then by Proposition 18 we know that is a constant curve and thus . It is then natural (and we will use this convention) to set in this case.

The following theorem is one of the new main technical tools introduced in this paper and will play a crucial role in the proof of the existence of a closed geodesic in contact sub-Riemannian manifolds.

Theorem 19 (Palais-Smale property holds for contact manifolds).

Let be a compact, connected, contact sub-Riemannian manifold and let be a sequence such that

Then there exist and a sub-sequence such that strongly in .


First of all if is a constant curve for infinitely many ’s, then trivially the compactness of ensures the existence of a limit constant curve such that the thesis of the theorem holds. Therefore without loss of generality we can assume for every .

Consider a global chart and set the minimal control associated to . Since by Equation 10 we know that , there exists a weakly converging sub-sequence of (still call it ). Using the compactness of , we can assume also that the sequence of starting points converges :

The weak-strong continuity of stated in Proposition 1 then implies that

which proves that is a closed curve. Now two possibilities arise:


is a regular point of ;


is a singular point of , and in particular by Proposition 18 it is a constant curve.

We will deal with these two cases separately.

3.2.1. The case is a regular point of

In this case the proof proceeds in a similar way as in Reference 8, Proposition 10; we sketch it here for the reader’s convenience. Let be a chart containing (here and since we are in the contact case); in this chart

Since converges to uniformly, eventually there exists a sequence of associated controls in this chart such that for all .

After possibly shrinking , we have that , where was defined by and the equation is regular in (because is a regular point of , the differential of is therefore submersive on a neighborhood of ); see Section 2.6.

Let be a fixed basis for and for every and , …, define

where is the adjoint operator (here we identify a Hilbert space with its dual). The condition that the point is a regular point of ensures that is a submersion; hence has maximal rank (i.e., it is injective).

Using the notation of Proposition 18, we can write , and since both and are weak-strong continuous,

Notice that and ; hence we can decompose

By assumption and is bounded. Moreover the fact that is a regular point of implies that has maximal rank and the vectors in Equation 22 form a linearly independent set. In particular (up to sub-sequences) we can assume that the sequence converges to a limit . Putting all this together we obtain (up to sub-sequences)

and consequently .

3.2.2. The case is a singular point of

In order to deal with this case we will need to use special coordinates centered at , coordinates provided by the next lemma.

Lemma 20.

Let be a contact sub-Riemannian manifold and fix . There exist Hilbert manifold coordinates on a neighborhood centered at the constant curve , , such that



The map is affine in each variable (more precisely, is the left-translation in a Heisenberg group).


The map (which corresponds to the endpoint map centered at zero for the Heisenberg group above) is given by

(Here is the skew-symmetric matrix, representing the bracket structure in the above Heisenberg group.)


The map is smooth and satisfies


By Reference 4, Theorem 6.9 there exists⁠Footnote3 an open neighborhood with coordinates centered at such that is spanned by a sub-Riemannian orthonormal frame of the form


The three-dimensional case is proved in Reference 3, Theorem 2.1 (see also Reference 7, Theorem 19). In fact the statement of Reference 4, Theorem 6.9 claims something much stronger than what we need (the existence of a normal form), but it also makes a slightly stronger assumption (the contact structure should be “strongly nondegenerate”). However, it follows from the proof of Reference 4, Theorem 6.9 that relaxing their hypothesis to general contact structures still provides a frame in the form that we need. Alternatively one can redo the proof of Reference 3, Theorem 2.1 for the -dimensional case and notice that the weaker conclusions still guarantee the existence of the required frame.

For all , …,  we have that , and are bounded vector fields on , and are functions such that and .

Denoting by , we can write (again by Reference 4, Theorem 6.9)

for some smooth functions , …, .

We consider now the family of differential forms:

We want to build a family of diffeomorphisms of a neighborhood of the origin, fixing the origin, such that and

Notice that on a sufficiently small neighborhod of the origin is a contact form for all .

In the new coordinates induced by we will have that is a contact Carnot group (a Heisenberg group; see Reference 5 for more details on the geometry of endpoint maps for Carnot groups). This choice of coordinates on and the trivializing frame for define coordinates on a neighborhood of in the Hilbert manifold . The endpoint map centered at zero writes exactly as in Equation 24 (see Reference 5, Section 2.2), and the endpoint map centered at a point is obtained by composition with the left-translation by in the Carnot group.

Using Equation 25 we can write the matrix , representing the scalar product on induced by pulling back the metric from using , as

which will imply the claim.

It remains to prove the existence of such a family . We use the classical Moser’s trick, realizing as the flow of a non-autonomous vector field . We adapt the proof of Reference 14, Theorem 2.5.1. For the rest of the proof let us use the convention that the symbol denotes “terms of order in as .

Since the flow of a vector field admits the expansion

it is clearly enough to prove that we can find satisfying .

We write , where is the Reeb vector field of (which in this case just equals ), is a smooth function, and . We can look for , thus setting in the proof of Reference 14, Theorem 2.5.1. Then simply writes as

This is in turn equivalent to the pair of equations

By construction and

Consequently , and thus the first equation in Equation 27 is automatically satisfed. The non-degeneracy of implies then that we can find a unique solving the above equation (as in the proof of Gray’s stability theorem; see Reference 14, Theorem 2.2.2). Using matrix and vector notation for differential forms, there exist and such that

We see that Equation 26 is equivalent to

Note that by Equation 28 and, since , we also have .

Denoting by the orthogonal projection on the image of the operator , we can write Equation 29 as

Now is an invertible operator and by construction . As a consequence:

This proves the existence of , satisfying our requirements. The flow of is defined for all at (simply because it fixes the origin); hence it is also defined for all on a sufficiently small neighborhood of the origin. This concludes the proof.

Going back to the proof of Theorem 19 in the case is a singular point of , we fix the coordinates given by Lemma 20 and we proceed to show the next intermediate lemma. Note that in such coordinates is not equal to the squared norm of the control, so one should not expect the usual formula .

Lemma 21.

Let , where , and consider the coordinates given in Lemma 20 centered at . Then


In coordinates, the differential of can be computed as

In this equation denotes the time- endpoint map in this chart (such a map was previously denoted by ; this slight abuse will simplify the notation in the next computations) and its differential can be computed as

In particular,

We will prove below that if , then the three linear operators , and all converge to zero (strongly); this directly implies Equation 30.

Consider first . Notice that since converges uniformly to (by Proposition 1) for every there exists such that

where denotes the operatorial norm in the space of the symmetric matrices . Then for all we have

where by the Banach-Steinhaus theorem since . This proves in particular that .

As for the term , notice that the uniform convergence of implies that for every there exists such that

where denotes the norm in the space of linear maps from with values in . Thus for all we can estimate

where in the last line we have used Proposition 1 to infer that is weakly-strongly continuous (and the convergence is uniform in ; see Reference 8, Proposition 21 and Lemma 24). On the other hand, using the expression given in Reference 22, Proposition 5.25 for the differential of the endpoint map (at the zero control), we have

Plugging the last estimate into Equation 31 gives

which proves that .

Concerning we use the fact that the maps and are weakly-strongly continuous, with uniform convergence in . The first statement is just the weak-strong continuity of the endpoint map as a function of both and , as in Proposition 1. The second statement follows from the fact that is differentiable in (Reference 1, Section 2.4.1) and hence its differential solves the ODE obtained linearizing Equation 4. In particular Proposition 1 applies to this new control system, and if , then the matrix converges to uniformly in . Thus, for every and we have

which shows that and together with the previous two estimates finally gives Equation 30.

We can now conclude the proof of Theorem 19.

Consider the tangent space in the charts of Lemma 20:

where was introduced in Equation 23. We first claim that , i.e., that

In order to show Equation 33, we compute the differential of using equation Equation 24:

Notice now that since the curve is a loop, we must have . Writing this condition in the coordinates Equation 23 gives that , which in turn implies that : this is because is the element left-translated by in a Lie group where is the identity element. Writing the condition using the explicit expression Equation 24 yields

Evaluating using relations Equation 35 in equation Equation 34 with implies Equation 33.

We now use claim Equation 33 in order to conclude the proof. Let us denote by the orthogonal projection. Using the fact that , we rewrite equation Equation 30 as

By assumption ; moreover since has norm one (it is a projection operator) and strongly by Lemma Equation 30, also strongly. Together with Equation 36 this finally proves that strongly and finishes the proof of Theorem 19.

3.3. A min-max principle and the existence of a closed geodesic

Let and observe that an element is a continuous map from with values into , the space of horizontal loops. Set

The goal of the present section is to prove the following general min-max principle.

Theorem 22.

Let be a compact contact sub-Riemannian manifold, fix a class , and consider the min-max level defined in Equation 37. If is strictly positive, then there exists a closed geodesic realizing the min-max level, i.e., .

Remark 5.

Notice that if , then it must be . Indeed, if , then every is homotopic to a constant map and therefore . In this case the min-max level is trivially realized by constant curves which, by virtue of Definition 14, are not closed geodesics.

For every let us denote

We say that is a critical value if there exists a curve which is a critical point for , i.e., a horizontal loop such that and (since , is smooth near and the classical definition of critical point applies, as proved in Proposition 15).

In order to prove Theorem 22 we will use the following deformation lemma, which says that if there are no critical values in the interval , then we can continuously deform into without moving the elements in .

Lemma 23 (Deformation lemma).

Let be a compact connected contact manifold. Let and assume that has no critical values in the interval . Then there exists a homotopy such that




for every ,


for every and every .


First of all, since , we have that and is a smooth sub-manifold of . Moreover, by Theorem 19, we know that satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. Notice indeed that if is a Palais-Smale sequence as in Theorem 19, then a limit still has energy . It follows that is a functional on a Hilbert manifold and one can apply the standard theory of pseudo-gradient vector fields Reference 10, Lemma 3.2 (equivalently, see Reference 6 or Reference 28) to conclude.

Proof of Theorem 22.

First of all observe that since by assumption and is contact, every is regular in the sense of Equation 12. Note also that condition Equation 18 in Proposition 15 is equivalent to . Therefore it is enough to show that is a critical value for . Assume by contradiction the opposite.

We first claim that if is not a critical value, then

Indeed otherwise there would exist a sequence of critical values ; i.e., there would exist

By the Palais-Smale property proved in Theorem 19 we get that strongly converges, up to sub-sequences, to a limit . But since the functional is , the properties Equation 39 force to be a critical point of with energy . This proves Equation 38, since we are assuming is not a critical value.

Now we can apply the deformation lemma, Lemma 23, with , , get the homotopy deforming into , and show a contradiction with the definition of . To this end, call the deformation defined by , and observe that by the very definition Equation 37 of , there exists with . Therefore is still an element of the homotopy class (since homotopic to via ), but now .

It follows that

contradicting the definition of .

We can now prove the main result of this section, namely, the existence of a closed geodesic. Such a result extends the classical and celebrated theorem of Lyusternik-Fet Reference 20 to the case of contact manifolds (for a self-contained proof in the Riemannian case, the interested reader can see Reference 17Reference 23Reference 28). The proof involves all the tools developed in the paper and follows from the combination of the min-max Theorem 22 and the homotopy properties of the loop spaces established in Section 2.9.

Theorem 24.

Let be a compact, contact sub-Riemannian manifold. Then there exists at least one non-constant closed sub-Riemannian geodesic.


First of all, if , then the claim follows by Theorem 16. Notice that in this case the proof was achieved by a minimization procedure.

If instead , i.e., if is simply connected, then a minimization procedure would trivialize and give just a constant curve. To handle this case we then argue via min-max: thanks to Theorem 22 it is enough to show that the min-max level defined in Equation 37 is strictly positive for some and . To this aim recall that given a compact -dimensional manifold there exists at least one number such that (see Reference 27 for a proof). Let be the minimal one with this property; i.e., is the smallest number such that but . But then Corollary 13 implies that for any , the corresponding min-max value is strictly positive, concluding the proof.


The quality of this manuscript improved after the revision made by the referee, whose careful reading was extremely helpful to the authors.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1. The horizontal loop space
    2. 1.2. Homotopy properties of the horizontal loop space
    3. Theorem (The Hurewicz fibration property).
    4. Theorem (The homotopy of the horizontal loop space).
    5. 1.3. The calculus of variation on the horizontal loop space
    6. 1.4. Closed sub-Riemannian geodesics
    7. Theorem (Existence of closed sub-Riemannian geodesics in ).
    8. Theorem (Existence of closed sub-Riemannian geodesics in contact manifolds).
    9. 1.5. Structure of the paper
  3. 2. General theory
    1. 2.1. The horizontal path space
    2. 2.2. Topologies on the horizontal path space
    3. 2.3. Hilbert manifold structure on the horizontal path space
    4. Proposition 1.
    5. 2.4. Sub-Riemannian structures and the energy of a path
    6. 2.5. The global “chart” and the minimal control
    7. Lemma 2.
    8. Lemma 3.
    9. Proposition 4.
    10. 2.6. The loop space
    11. 2.7. The Hurewicz fibration property
    12. Proposition 5 (8, Proposition 2).
    13. Proposition 6 (8, Proposition 3).
    14. Lemma 7.
    15. Theorem 8.
    16. 2.8. Homotopy type of the loop space
    17. Theorem 9.
    18. Theorem 10.
    19. Corollary 11.
    20. 2.9. Deformation of homotopy classes with small energy
    21. Theorem 12.
    22. Corollary 13.
    23. 2.10. Closed sub-Riemannian geodesics
    24. Definition 14 (Closed sub-Riemannian geodesic).
    25. Proposition 15.
    26. 2.11. Closed geodesics realizing a given class in
    27. Theorem 16.
    28. Lemma 17.
  4. 3. Contact sub-Riemannian manifolds
    1. 3.1. Singularities of the loop space in the contact case
    2. Proposition 18.
    3. 3.2. Palais-Smale property
    4. Theorem 19 (Palais-Smale property holds for contact manifolds).
    5. Lemma 20.
    6. Lemma 21.
    7. 3.3. A min-max principle and the existence of a closed geodesic
    8. Theorem 22.
    9. Lemma 23 (Deformation lemma).
    10. Theorem 24.
  5. Acknowledgment

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem (The homotopy of the horizontal loop space).

The horizontal loop space has the homotopy type of a CW-complex, and its inclusion in the standard loop space is a homotopy equivalence; in particular⁠Footnote1 for all :


The product in 1 is semidirect possibly only for . In all other cases the homotopy group on the left is abelian and the product is indeed direct; see Remark 4 below.

Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Equation (4)
Proposition 1.

If in , then converges uniformly to . In particular, the map is continuous (smooth indeed) for the strong topology and continuous for the weak topology. Moreover the map defined by is continuous when is endowed with the weak topology and the strong topology. The same is true for the map defined by (weak topology on the source, strong topology on the target).

Equation (5)
Equation (6)
Equation (7)
Equation (8)
Lemma 2.

The set is convex and closed.

Lemma 3.

Let be an admissible curve and let be the associated minimal control. Then for a.e. (more precisely at every point of differentiability of ) is uniquely characterized as

where denotes the euclidean norm in .

Equation (10)
Proposition 4.

The map is strong-strong continuous.

Equation (11)
Equation (12)
Proposition 5 (Reference 8, Proposition 2).

Every point in has a neighborhood and a continuous map

such that and for every .

Proposition 6 (Reference 8, Proposition 3).

The map defined below is continuous:

Moreover (extending the definition componentwise to controls with value in ) we also have for every (here denotes the usual concatenation).

Theorem 8.

The endpoint map is a Hurewicz fibration.

Theorem 9.

For every we have the following isomorphism:⁠Footnote2


See Remark 4 on the semidirect product.

Equation (14)
Equation (15)
Theorem 10.

The horizontal loop space has the homotopy type of a CW-complex, and the inclusion is a strong homotopy equivalence.

Equation (16)
Remark 4.

Notice that in the statement of Theorem 9 the group is abelian for ; hence the action of on in Equation 13 is trivial. The semidirect product description is especially interesting only in the case , for which the action of on is the same one as results from the short exact sequence

This last statement follows from the fact that the diagram Equation 16 is commutative.

Corollary 11.

Every loop (in particular a singular point of ) has a neighborhood such that the inclusion is homotopic to a trivial loop (i.e., a constant).

Theorem 12.

Let be a compact sub-Riemannian manifold. There exists such that if is a continuous function satisfying

then is homotopic to a map with values in the set of constant curves :

where the map was defined in Equation 15. More precisely, one can choose .

Equation (17)
Corollary 13.

Let be a compact sub-Riemannian manifold and let be such that and . Then there exists such that for every non-zero :

where the is taken over all continuous maps such that .

Definition 14 (Closed sub-Riemannian geodesic).

A non-constant curve is called a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic if it satisfies the following properties:


it is absolutely continuous,


its derivative (which exists a.e.) belongs to the sub-Riemannian distribution,


it is parametrized by constant speed,


it is locally length minimizing, in the sense that for every there exists such that is length minimizing; i.e., the restriction has minimal length among all horizontal curves joining with .

Proposition 15.

Let be a sub-Riemannian manifold and let be a closed horizontal curve such that there exists a non-zero with the property that in some local coordinates around we have

where . Then is the projection of a periodic trajectory for the sub-Riemannian Hamiltonian vector field (i.e., it is the projection of a periodic sub-Riemannian normal extremal). In particular is smooth and, identifying the endpoints of the interval , it extends to a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic.

Equation (19)
Theorem 16.

Let be a compact, connected sub-Riemannian manifold such that . Then for every non-zero there exists a closed sub-Riemannian geodesic such that . Moreover, minimizes the energy (and thus also the sub-Riemannian length) in its homotopy class:

Lemma 17.

Let be pointed controls in the global chart and let be the associated curves as in Equation 6. Assume that

Then uniformly.

Equation (20)
Proposition 18.

If is a contact manifold, then

Equation (21)
Theorem 19 (Palais-Smale property holds for contact manifolds).

Let be a compact, connected, contact sub-Riemannian manifold and let be a sequence such that

Then there exist and a sub-sequence such that strongly in .

Equation (22)
Lemma 20.

Let be a contact sub-Riemannian manifold and fix . There exist Hilbert manifold coordinates on a neighborhood centered at the constant curve , , such that



The map is affine in each variable (more precisely, is the left-translation in a Heisenberg group).


The map (which corresponds to the endpoint map centered at zero for the Heisenberg group above) is given by

(Here is the skew-symmetric matrix, representing the bracket structure in the above Heisenberg group.)


The map is smooth and satisfies

Equation (25)
Equation (26)
Equation (27)
Equation (28)
Equation (29)
Lemma 21.

Let , where , and consider the coordinates given in Lemma 20 centered at . Then

Equation (31)
Equation (33)
Equation (34)
Equation (35)
Equation (36)
Equation (37)
Theorem 22.

Let be a compact contact sub-Riemannian manifold, fix a class , and consider the min-max level defined in Equation 37. If is strictly positive, then there exists a closed geodesic realizing the min-max level, i.e., .

Lemma 23 (Deformation lemma).

Let be a compact connected contact manifold. Let and assume that has no critical values in the interval . Then there exists a homotopy such that




for every ,


for every and every .

Equation (38)
Equation (39)
Theorem 24.

Let be a compact, contact sub-Riemannian manifold. Then there exists at least one non-constant closed sub-Riemannian geodesic.


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 53C17 (Sub-Riemannian geometry), 53C22 (Geodesics), 53D10 (Contact manifolds, general), 58B05 (Homotopy and topological questions), 58E10 (Applications to the theory of geodesics)
Author Information
Antonio Lerario
Department of Mathematical Sciences, SISSA, 34136 Trieste, Italy
Andrea Mondino
University of Warwick, Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Additional Notes

Most of the research presented in this paper was developed while the first author was visiting the Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik at the ETH Zürich. The authors would like to thank the institute for the hospitality and the excellent working conditions.

The second author was supported by ETH and SNSF. In the final steps of the revision, the second author was supported by the EPSRC First Grant EP/R004730/1.

The cost for the open access publishing was covered by RCUK.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 6, Issue 6, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2019 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/33
  • MathSciNet Review: 3946861
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3946861}{article}{ author={Lerario, Antonio}, author={Mondino, Andrea}, title={Homotopy properties of horizontal loop spaces and applications to closed sub-Riemannian geodesics}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={6}, number={6}, date={2019}, pages={187-214}, issn={2330-0000}, review={3946861}, doi={10.1090/btran/33}, }


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