Tilting modules, dominant dimensions and Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality

By Jun Hu and Zhankui Xiao


In this paper we use the dominant dimension with respect to a tilting module to study the double centraliser property. We prove that if is a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality and is a faithful tilting -module, then has the double centralizer property with respect to . This provides a simple and useful criterion which can be applied in many situations in algebraic Lie theory. We affirmatively answer a question of Mazorchuk and Stroppel by proving the existence of a unique minimal basic tilting module over for which . As an application, we establish a Schur-Weyl duality between the symplectic Schur algebra and the Brauer algebra on the space of dual partially harmonic tensors under certain condition.

1. Introduction

Let be a field. Let be a finite dimensional -algebra with identity element. Let be the category of finite dimensional left -modules. For any , we use to denote the full subcategory of direct summands of finite direct sums of .

Let . We define . Then . We next define . Then there is a canonical algebra homomorphism . Similarly, we define . It is well-known that the canonical algebra homomorphism is an isomorphism.

Definition 1.1.

Let . We say has the double centraliser property with respect to if the canonical algebra homomorphism is surjective.

Example 1.2.

Let be the left regular -module. Then has the double centraliser property with respect to . In fact, and .

Example 1.3.

If is a progenerator, then has the double centraliser property with respect to .

The double centralizer property plays a central role in many part of the representation theory in algebraic Lie theory. For example, the Schur-Weyl duality between the general linear group and the symmetric group on the -tensor space (Reference 65, Reference 8, Reference 15) implies that the Schur algebra has the double centralizer property with respect to . Similarly, the Schur-Weyl duality between the symplectic group (resp., orthogonal group ) and the specialized Brauer algebra (resp., ) on the -tensor space (Reference 5, Reference 6, Reference 15, Reference 17, Reference 27) implies that the symplectic Schur algebra (resp., the orthogonal Schur algebra) has the double centralizer property with respect to . For quantized version of these classical Schur-Weyl dualities, we refer the readers to Reference 9, Reference 28, Reference 29, Reference 36, Reference 40 and Reference 45. The combinatorial -functor (due to Soergel Reference 60) plays a crucial role in the study of the principal blocks of the BGG category of any semisimple Lie algebras. The key property of this functor relies on the double centralizer property of the corresponding basic projective-injective module. A similar idea is used in the study of the category of the rational Cherednik algebras Reference 33. For more examples and applications of the double centralizer property in higher Schur-Weyl duality, quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality, etc., we refer the readers to Reference 7, Reference 10 and Reference 16.

If is a faithful -module, then the double centralizer property of is often closely related to the fully faithfulness of the hom functor on projectives. Recall that the hom functor is said to be fully faithful on projectives if for any projective modules , the natural map

is an isomorphism.

For a faithful -module , it is well-known that has the double centraliser property with respect to if and only if the hom functor is fully faithful on injectives. The following result relates the double centralizer property of to the fully faithfulness of the hom functor on projectives and we leave its proof to the readers.

Lemma 1.4.

Suppose that has an anti-involution . Let be a faithful projective submodule of the left regular -module such that , where is an idempotent with . Then has the double centralizer property with respect to if and only if the hom functor is fully faithful on projectives.

Let be a faithful -module. When is not semisimple, it is often difficult to check the double centralizer property of with respect to (i.e., whether or not) directly. König, Slungård and Xi in Reference 46 studied the double centralizer property using the notion of dominant dimension. To state their result, we recall the following definition.

Definition 1.5 (Reference 46, 2.5).

Let be a subcategory of . Let and . A homomorphism is called a left -approximation of if and only if the induced morphism is surjective for all objects in .

Remark 1.6.

(1) For any finite dimensional -modules , if has -dimension , then any homomorphism is a left -approximation of .

(2) Let . Since there is a Morita equivalence between with which sends the -module to the -module , it follows that

Definition 1.7 (Reference 46, 2.1).

Let . Then the dominant dimension of relative to is the supremum of all such that there exists an exact sequence

with all in .

The following theorem gives a necessary and sufficient condition for which has the double centraliser property with respect to a faithful -module .

Theorem 1.8 (Reference 46, 2.8, Reference 4, 2.1, Reference 63).

Let . Then the canonical map is an isomorphism if and only if there exists an injective left -approximation which can be continued to an exact sequence for some .

In particular, the above condition means that there exists an injective left -approximation of and the -dominant dimension of is at least two. In general, it is relatively easy to make into an -approximation, but it is hard to show that the cokernel of the map can be embedded into for some . By the way, the above theorem actually holds for any finitely generated algebra over a commutative noetherian domain, though we only concentrate on the finite dimensional algebras over a field in this paper.

The starting point of this work is to look for a simple and effective way to verify the above-mentioned embedding property of the cokernel of the map . In many examples of double centralizer property arising in algebraic Lie theory, is often a tilting module over a finite dimensional quasi-hereditary algebra or even a standardly stratified algebra. The following theorem, which gives a sufficient condition for the double centralizer property with respect to a tilting module over a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra, is the first main result of this paper.

Theorem 1.9.

Let be a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra in the sense of Reference 12. Let be a tilting module. Suppose that there is an integer such that for any , there is an embedding as well as an epimorphism as -modules, then is a faithful module over and has the double centraliser property with respect to . That is,

Note that any quasi-hereditary algebra over a field is an example of standardly stratified algebras. Our second and third main results focus on the finite dimensional quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality. The second main result of this paper gives a simple criterion on for which has the double centralizer with respect to .

Theorem 1.10.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality . Let be a faithful tilting module in . Then has the double centralizer property with respect to . In particular, the -dominant dimension of is at least two.

By Reference 53, Corollary 2.4, there exists a faithful basic tilting module such that . The following theorem is the third main result of this paper, which affirmatively answer a question of Mazorchuk and Stroppel (see Reference 53, Remark 2.5) on the existence of minimal basic tilting module for which has the double centralizer property.

Theorem 1.11.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality. Then there exists a unique faithful basic tilting module such that


; and


if is another faithful tilting module satisfying , then must be a direct summand of .

The fourth main result of this paper deals with a concrete situation of Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality related to the space of dual partially harmonic tensors. We refer the readers to Section 4 for unexplained notations below.

Theorem 1.12.

Suppose that . Then there is an exact sequence of -module homomorphisms:

such that the map is a left -approximation of . In particular, the natural map is surjective.

The content of the paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we first recall the notions of standardly stratified algebras and their basic properties and then give the first main result Theorem 1.9 of this paper. In Section 3, we shall focus on the quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality. Proposition 3.6 is a key step in the proof of the second main result (Theorem 1.10) of this paper. The proof of Proposition 3.6 makes use of a homological result Reference 52, Corollary 6 of Mazorchuk and Ovsienko for properly stratified algebras. The proof of the third main result Theorem 1.11 is also given in this section. As a remarkable consequence of Theorem 1.11, we obtained in Corollary 3.15 that the existence of a unique minimal faithful basic tilting module such that any other faithful tilting module must have as a direct summand. In Section 4, we use the tool of dominant dimension to study the Schur-Weyl duality between the symplectic Schur algebra and on the space of dual partially harmonic tensors, where is a -dimensional symplectic space over , and is the two-sided ideal of the Brauer algebra generated by with . The aim is to prove the surjectivity of the natural map from to the endomorphism algebra of the space as a -module. The fourth main result Theorem 1.12 of this paper proves this surjectivity under the assumption . Another surjection from to the endomorphism algebra of the space as a -module is established in an earlier work Reference 41 by the first author of this paper.

2. Standardly stratified algebras and their tilting modules

The purpose of this section is to give a sufficient condition for the double centralizer property with respect to a tilting module over a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra.

Let be a field and be a finite dimensional -algebra with identity element. Let be a complete set of representatives of isomorphic classes of simple modules in . We always assume that is split over in the sense that for any . For each , let be the projective cover of and the injective hull of . For any , we define the trace of in as the sum of the images of all -homomorphisms from to .

Let be a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra⁠Footnote1 in the sense of Reference 12. That means, there is a partial preorder on , and if set (for any )


Another slightly different class of standardly stratified algebras was introduced and studied in Reference 1Reference 2 under the same name.



the kernel of the canonical surjection has a filtration with subquotients , where ; and


the kernel of the canonical surjection has a filtration with subquotients , where .

We call the standard module corresponding to . Note that is the maximal quotient of such that for all . In particular, . We define the proper standard module to be

which is the maximal quotient of satisfying for all . It is clear that there is a natural surjection .

Similarly, let , , we define the proper costandard module to be the preimage of

under the canonical epimorphism . Then is the maximal submodule of satisfying for all . Note that . We define the costandard module to be

which is the maximal submodule of such that for all . In particular, there is a natural embedding .

We use (resp., ) to denote the full subcategory of given by all -modules having a filtration with all subquotients of the filtration being isomorphic to (resp., ) for some . In Reference 31, Frisk developed the theory of tilting module for standardly stratified algebra. Recall that by a tilting module we mean an object in . Let be a complete set of pairwise non-isomorphic indecomposable tilting modules in .

Lemma 2.1 (Reference 31, Lemma 6, Theorems 9,13).

Let and . Let . Then


if and only if for any ;


if and only if for any ;


we have




(1), (2) and (3) all follow from Reference 31, Lemma 6, Theorems 9,13, while (4) follows from (1) because is projective and hence for any .

Lemma 2.2.

Let be a short exact sequence in . Let such that the induced natural map is surjective and there are embeddings as -modules for some . Then there is an embedding as -modules.


By assumption, it is clear that the induced natural map is surjective too. Hence there exists such that . In other words,

We now define a map as follows:

It is easy to check that is an injective homomorphism in . This completes the proof of the lemma.

Lemma 2.4.

Let be an embedding in . Let be a short exact sequence in . Suppose that the natural map and the following natural maps

are all surjective. Then the natural map is surjective too.


This follows from diagram chasing.

Now we can give the proof of the first main result of this paper.

Proof of Theorem 1.9.

Since is a projective left -module, by definition. Applying Lemmata 2.1 and 2.2, we can get an integer and an embedding as -modules. In particular, and hence is a faithful -module.

Let . We fix a -basis of . Let be the given surjection. For each , we fix an element such that , and we denote by the following left -module homomorphism:

We set . We now define a map as follows:

Since is injective, it is clear that is injective too. Furthermore, by construction, it is easy to see that each basis element has a preimage in under the natural homomorphism

induced by . In other words, the natural homomorphism induced by is always surjective. Applying Lemmata 2.1 and 2.4 we can deduce that for any the natural homomorphism induced by is always surjective. In particular, this implies that the injection is a left -approximation.

The surjection of for any and the fact that

imply that and hence by Lemma 2.1. Now applying Lemma 2.2 and using the assumption that for any , for some , we can deduce that there is an integer such that . In other words, the injective left -approximation can be continued to an exact sequence . Finally, using Theorem 1.8, we prove the theorem.

Corollary 2.5.

Let be a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra such that the injective hull of is projective and the projective cover of is injective for every . If is a projective-injective generator, then has the double centraliser property with respect to .

3. Quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality

In this section we shall focus on the finite dimensional quasi-hereditary algebras over a field with a simple preserving duality. We shall give the proof of the second and third main results (Theorem 1.10, Theorem 1.11) of this paper for this class of algebras.

Definition 3.1.

We say that has a simple preserving duality if there exists an exact, involutive and contravariant equivalence which preserves the isomorphism classes of simple modules.

Let be a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra with a simple preserving duality. Then for each , we have

In particular, is an injective left -module.

Definition 3.2 (Reference 1Reference 2Reference 20Reference 51).

Let be a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra. If is a partial order on and the following conditions are satisfied for all :


the kernel of the canonical epimorphism has a filtration with subquotients ;


has a filtration with subquotients ,

then we shall call a properly stratified algebra.

If for each , then the properly stratified algebra is a quasi-hereditary algebra (Reference 11, Reference 21). In that case, we also have for any .

Let . We define to be the minimal integer such that there is an exact sequence of the form

where for any ; while if no such integer exists then we define .

Lemma 3.3 (Reference 52, Corollary 6).

Assume that is a properly stratified algebra having a simple preserving duality, and such that every tilting -module is cotilting. Let with . Then .

Lemma 3.4.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality . Let be a short exact sequence in with a projective -module and a tilting -module. Then we have .


Applying the duality functor , we get another short exact sequence

Suppose that . Then we must have that . Applying Lemma 3.3, we get that .

We have the following long exact sequence of homomorphisms:

Applying Lemma 2.1 and noting that is projective, we can deduce that . It follows that . Since is quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality, we have for each . It follows that . Hence .

On the other hand, from Equation 3.5 we can get another long exact sequence of homomorphisms:

Since is injective, we have . By the last paragraph, . It follows that , which is a contradiction. This proves that .

The following proposition plays a crucial role in the proof of the second and the third main results of this paper.

Proposition 3.6.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality . Let be a tilting module in . Suppose there is an embedding in . Then we have that and, for any , there exists a surjective homomorphism as well as an injective homomorphism , where .


Applying Lemma 3.4 to the short exact sequence , we get .

Applying Lemma 2.1, we get that for any . Thus we have an exact sequence of homomorphisms:

It follows that the canonical map induced from is surjective.

Let and . We fix a -basis of . For each , we can choose a map , such that . Now we define a map as follows:

It is clear that is a left -module homomorphism and for each . This implies that is a surjective -module homomorphism. By taking duality, we also get an injective homomorphism . This completes the proof of the proposition.

Now we can give the proof of our second main result of this paper.

Proof of Theorem 1.10.

By assumption, is a faithful module over . Then there exists a natural number and an embedding as -modules. By Remark 1.6, is an injective left -approximation of . Applying Proposition 3.6, we can find a natural number , and a surjective homomorphism . Taking duality, we get an embedding . Thus the theorem follows from Theorem 1.9.

Using Theorem 1.10, we can easily recover many known double centralizer properties or simplify the proof of the corresponding Schur-Weyl dualities in non-semisimple or even integral situation.

Example 3.7.

Let and be an -dimensional vector space over an arbitrary field . Let . Let be the Iwahori-Hecke algebra associated to the symmetric group with Hecke parameter . There is a natural right action of on (Reference 18). Let be the Dipper-James -Schur algebra over (Reference 18). Then is a faithful tilting module over . As a cellular algebra, has an anti-involution which sends its semistandard basis to (cf. Reference 50, Proposition 4.13). It follows from Theorem 1.10 that has the double centralizer property with respect to . In particular, the -dominant dimension of is at least two (Reference 46, Theorem 3.6). Specializing to , we also get the double centralizer property of the classical Schur algebra .

Example 3.8.

Let and . Let be the non-degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebra of type (Reference 3, Reference 19). By definition, is a unital -algebra generated by which satisfies the following relations:

For each , define . For each multicomposition of with -components, we set , and define

where is the standard Young subgroup of corresponding to .

Let be a subset of the set of all multicompositions of which have components such that if and is a multipartition of such that , then , where is the dominance partial order on defined in Reference 50. Let be the set of multipartitions in . We define the cyclotomic tensor space

and define the cyclotomic -Schur algebra

By Reference 19, we know that is a cellular and quasi-hereditary algebra. By Reference 47, Lemma 4.8, is a faithful tilting module over . Applying Theorem 1.10, we get that has the double centralizer property with respect to . That is,

This recovers the result Reference 47, Theorem 4.10.

Example 3.9.

Let and . Let be Drinfeld-Jimbo’s quantized enveloping algebra of the symplectic Lie algebra over the rational functional field . Let , where is Lusztig’s -form of , is regarded as a -algebra by specializing to . Let be the -dimensional natural representation of . Let be the specialized Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebra over . We refer the readers to Reference 42 for its precise definition. There is a natural right action of on which commutes with the natural left action of . Let be associated the symplectic -Schur algebra. By Reference 55, we know that is cellular and quasi-hereditary. Moreover, is a faithful tilting module over . Applying Theorem 1.10, we get that has the double centralizer property with respect to . That is,

In particular, the -dominant dimension of is at least two. Specializing to , we also get the double centralizer property of the classical symplectic Schur algebra (Reference 54).

The following example is an easier case of the double centralizer property which was already well known before (cf. Reference 46, Section 2.3).

Example 3.10.

Let be an arbitrary complex semisimple Lie algebra with root system and the set of simple roots. Let be a triangular decomposition of and the Weyl group of . Let be the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand (BGG) category which consists of finitely generated -modules which are -semisimple and locally -finite (Reference 43). For any , we define , where is the half sum of all positive roots. Let be a subset of and the associated standard parabolic subalgebra of . Let be the Levi decomposition of . Let denote the corresponding parabolic BGG category Reference 58 which is a full subcategory of consisting of modules which are -semisimple and locally -finite. For each , let be the Serre subcategory of which is generated by for all , let . The simple module lies in if and only if . For , let denote the parabolic Verma module with highest weight and denote the projective cover of in . Suppose that is an integral weight. Let

be a progenerator of . Set . Then . It is well-known that is a quasi-hereditary basic algebra equipped with an anti-involution (see Reference 43, Chapter 1). In particular, has a simple preserving duality and each indecomposable projective over can be generated by an -fixed primitive idempotent.

A weight is called socular if occurs in the socle of some parabolic Verma module . By a result of Irving, is injective if and only if is socular. We define

Since each has a standard filtration, each simple module in the socle of is labelled by a socular weight. It follows that the injective hull of each is a projective-injective module. Thus the basic algebra can be embedded into a direct sum of some copies of the basic projective-injective (hence tilting) module . In particular, is a faithful tilting module over . Applying Corollary 2.5, we get that has the double centralizer property with respect to . In particular, by Lemma 1.4 the hom functor is fully faithful on projectives. This recovers earlier results of Reference 60, Struktursatz 9 and Reference 62, Theorem 10.1.

Using Theorem 1.10, it is possible to simplify the proof of Schur-Weyl dualities in many non-semisimple situations. General speaking, we have two algebras and an -bimodule . By a Schur-Weyl duality between and on the bimodule we mean that the following two canonical maps:

are both surjective.

Suppose that there is a Schur-Weyl duality between and on the bimodule . That says, both and are surjective. Then it is obvious that has the double centralizer property with respect to and has the double centralizer property with respect to .

Conversely, if we can show that the image of in is a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality, then the surjectivity of will follow from the surjectivity of and applying Theorem 1.10. This is because in that case we have

This is indeed the case as in many examples of Schur-Weyl dualities, where often has a highest weight theory with being a tilting module over , and is a diagrammatic algebra (symmetric or cellular). It is usually easier to handle the endomorphism algebra than to handle the endomorphism algebra .

Example 3.12.

Let be a classical group over an algebraically closed field with the natural module . Following Reference 35 and Reference 25, §2.2, we define , where is the coefficient space of (which is a coalgebra) in the coordinate algebra . The -algebra is isomorphic to the image of in and hence acts faithfully on . When the set of dominant weights in is saturated in the sense of Reference 24, A3, then is a generalised Schur algebra. In particular it is quasi-hereditary. If furthermore is a faithful tilting module over then we can apply Theorem 1.10.

In the type case, let , the general linear group on , and . The Schur-Weyl duality between and the symmetric group algebra on means that we have the following two surjective homomorphisms:

In this case, the set of dominant weights in is

which is saturated, is a faithful tilting module over the image of .

In the type case, let be a -dimensional symplectic space, , the symplectic group on . The Schur-Weyl duality between and the specialized Brauer on means that we have the following two surjective homomorphisms:

In this case, the set of dominant weights in is

which is saturated, is a faithful tilting module over the image of .

In the type case, we assume and . Let be a -dimensional orthogonal space, , the special orthogonal group on . In this case, Donkin (Reference 25, §2.5) has shown that the set of dominant weights in is again saturated, and is a faithful tilting module over the image of in . In particular, we see the image has the double centralizer property with respect to by Theorem 1.10. That is, we have the following natural surjective homomorphism:

Note that the image of in is not necessarily equal to the image of , and in general does not coincide with in this case.

In the type case, we assume and . Let be a -dimensional orthogonal space, , the special orthogonal group on . In this case, the set of dominant weights in is in general not saturated. Donkin (Reference 25, §2.5) has given a sufficient condition in Reference 25, Page 108,(H) under which the image of in is quasi-hereditary. However, in this case, is generated by and an involution , and acts as on . So the image of in coincides with the image of . Moreover, . Thus by Reference 27, Theorem 1.2 we can still get the following natural surjective homomorphism:

Remark 3.13.

Let be a complex semisimple Lie algebra. Let be the universal enveloping algebra of over . Let be the Kostant -form of . For any field , we define . The discussion in the above example should also work if we replace by , see Reference 25, §3. Furthermore, we remark that the argument of Reference 25, §3 should also work if we replace with the Lusztig’s -form of the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantized enveloping algebra of . In that case, the idea of using Theorem 1.10 should be able to simplify the lengthy argument in Reference 40 and to provide a proof of the quantized integral Schur-Weyl dualities in the orthogonal cases as well. Details will be appeared elsewhere.

Let be a complete set of pairwise non-isomorphic indecomposable tilting modules over . Recall that the tilting module is called the characteristic tilting module over . By a well-known result of Ringel, we know that has the double centraliser property with respect to the characteristic tilting module. Note that the characteristic tilting module is a basic tilting module in the sense of the following definition.

Definition 3.14.

Let be a tilting module. If is a direct sum of some pairwise non-isomorphic indecomposable tilting modules, then we say that is a basic tilting module. In general, if , where for each , then we define

In Reference 53, Remark 2.5, Mazorchuk and Stroppel proposed a question about whether there exists a minimal basic tilting module with respect to which one has the double centraliser property. In the rest of this section we shall give the proof of Theorem 1.11, which affirmatively answers this question.

Proof of Theorem 1.11.

Let be the characteristic tilting module over . Then is the Ringel dual of , which is again a quasi-hereditary algebra over . We consider the contravariant Ringel dual functor (Reference 57):

By Reference 53, Proposition 2.1, maps tilting modules to projective modules, and maps projective modules to tilting modules and defines an equivalence of subcategories , where the means the standard objects in and means the standard objects in .

Let be the projective cover of in . Then is a tilting module in . We define . Let such that is a direct summand of . Let be a surjective homomorphism in . Since , it follows that . Thus

is an exact sequence in . Applying the inverse of the Ringel dual functor , we get that

is an exact sequence in .

By definition, . Thus there exist and , such that

We use to denote the composition of with the natural injection . Thus and hence must be faithful tilting modules over . Now applying Theorem 1.10 and Remark 1.6, we can deduce that .

Now suppose that is another faithful tilting module satisfying

Let such that . Applying Proposition 3.6, we can get an exact sequence in :

Applying the Ringel dual functor , we get that

is an exact sequence in .

Note that is a projective module in . The surjectivity of in the above exact sequence implies that must contains as its direct summand. That says, . Applying the inverse of the Ringel dual functor , we get that . By construction, . This implies that must be isomorphic to a direct summand of . This completes the proof of the theorem.

Corollary 3.15.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality. Then there exists a unique minimal faithful basic tilting module such that any other faithful tilting module must have as a direct summand.

Remark 3.16.

In fact, the same argument can be used to show that Theorems 1.10 and 1.11 are true for properly stratified algebra which has a simple preserving duality and that every tilting -module is cotilting.

4. Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality for dual partially harmonic spaces

In this section, we shall apply the results in last section to the study of Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality for dual partially harmonic spaces.

The notion of Brauer algebra was first introduced in Reference 5 when Richard Brauer studied the decomposition of symplectic tensor spaces and orthogonal tensor spaces into direct sums of irreducible modules. Since then there have been a lot of study on the structure and representation of Brauer algebras, see Reference 13Reference 14Reference 26Reference 37Reference 38Reference 39Reference 49Reference 56Reference 59Reference 64 and references therein. In this section we only concern about these Brauer algebras with special parameters which play a role in the setting of Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality of type . Let . The Brauer algebra with parameter over is a unital associative -algebra with generators and relations (see Reference 30):

It is well-known that is a free -module of rank . For any field , we define .

Alternatively, the Brauer algebra can be defined in a diagrammatic manner Reference 5. Recall that a Brauer -diagram is a graph with vertices arranged in two rows (each of vertices) and edges such that each vertex is incident to exactly one edge. Then can be defined as the -linear space with basis the set of all the Brauer -diagrams. The multiplication of two Brauer -diagrams and is defined by the concatenation of and as follows: placing above , identifying the vertices in the bottom row of with the vertices in the top row of , removing the interior loops in the concatenation and obtaining the composite Brauer -diagram , writing the number of interior loops, we then define the multiplication .

For a Brauer -diagram, we label the vertices in the top row by from left to right and the vertices in the bottom row by also from left to right. The two definitions of Brauer algebra can be identified as follows:

Let be an infinite field. By Reference 5Reference 15Reference 17, there is a Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality between the symplectic group and the Brauer algebra on certain tensor space. To recall the result we need some more notations. Let be a free -module of rank . For each integer , set . Let be a -basis of . Let be a skew symmetric bilinear form on such that

For each integer , we define

Then and are dual bases of in the sense that for any . We define and abbreviate by for each . There is a natural right action of on which is defined on generators by

where for any ,

The above right action of on commutes with the natural left diagonal action of the symplectic group .

Let . A partition of is a non-increasing sequence of non-negative integers which sum to . We write . If then we set . The following results are often referred as Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality of type .

Theorem 4.2 (Reference 5Reference 15Reference 17).

Assume is an algebraically closed field. The following two natural homomorphisms are both surjective:

If then is an isomorphism. Furthermore, if , then there is a -bimodule decomposition:

where and denote the irreducible -module corresponding to and the irreducible -module corresponding to respectively.

Definition 4.3.

We call the endomorphism algebra the symplectic Schur algebra.

By Reference 22Reference 23Reference 54, we know that the symplectic Schur algebra is a quasi-hereditary algebra over . Applying Theorem 1.8, we can get the following corollary.

Corollary 4.4.

There exists an injective left -approximation

where , which can be continued to an exact sequence for some . In particular, the -dominant dimension of is at least two.

Alternatively, the above corollary can also be deduced as a direct consequence of Theorem 1.9 where Stokke has proved in Reference 61 that each Weyl module can be embedded into .

There is another version of Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality for dual partially harmonic tensors which was investigated in Reference 41. Henceforth, we assume that is an algebraically closed field unless otherwise stated. For each integer with , let be the two-sided ideal of generated by . By convention, and . This gives rise to a two-sided ideals filtration of as follows:


This space is called (cf. Reference 34, Reference 48) the space of partially harmonic tensors of valence and plays an important role in the study of invariant theory of symplectic groups. It was proved in Reference 41, 1.6 that there is a -bimodule isomorphism

and the dimension of is independent of the ground field . For this reason, we call any element in the dual partially harmonic tensor. The natural left action of on commutes with the right action of on . Thus we have two natural algebra homomorphisms:

Theorem 4.6 (Reference 41, 1.8).

Assume is an algebraically closed field. Let be an integer. Then is independent of the characteristic . Moreover, the natural homomorphism is surjective.

Conjecture 4.7 (Reference 41, 5.5).

Assume is an algebraically closed field. Let be an integer. Then the map is surjective.

One of our original starting point of this work is our attempt to the proof of the above Conjecture 4.7. First, we can make some reduction of the above conjecture. It is clear that

Definition 4.8.

We define

By the main result in Reference 17, the image of in is just . Let be the natural homomorphism. By construction, we have the following commutative diagram:

where the top horizontal map and the left vertical map are both surjective, and the bottom horizontal map is injective. As a result, the map gives rise to a surjection

The advantage of working with lies in that we can now allow to be an arbitrary (not necessarily infinite) field or even an integral domain. We use to denote the composition of with the natural inclusion . It is easy to see that Conjecture 4.7 is a consequence of the following conjecture.

Conjecture 4.11.

Let be an integer and an arbitrary field. Then the natural map is surjective.

Let be the algebraic closure of . It is clear that is surjective if and only if is surjective. Suppose that or . Then by Reference 32, Lemma 5.16, is a semisimple -module. In particular, is semisimple. Since the action of on factors through the action of on and the natural homomorphism

is surjective (Reference 17), it follows that the action of on is semisimple too. Therefore, it is easy to see that Conjecture 4.11 holds in this case. Next we shall show that Conjecture 4.11 also holds when .

Let be the Kostant -form of the universal enveloping algebra of the symplectic Lie algebra . For any field , we define . By the main result of Reference 40, we have two surjective algebra homomorphisms:

As a result, has the double centralizer property with respect to . Now applying Theorem 1.8, we have an exact sequence of -module homomorphisms:

where , and is a left -approximation of .

Let be the unit element of . We can write

where for each . Suppose that

It follows that

Now means that . As a result, we get that

This shows that induces a well-defined homomorphism

Lemma 4.13.

With the notations as above, the integers , the map and the elements can be chosen such that the map is an injective left -approximation of .


The integer , the map and can be chosen such that is a -linear generator of . In view of Remark 1.6, it suffices to show that is injective.

Suppose that , where . Since is a -linear generator of , it follows that , which implies that and hence . This proves as required.

Definition 4.14.


Then (resp., ) is the set of all weights (resp., dominant weights) of as -module. For any integer , we define

Let be an Euclidian space with standard basis . Let , which is a set of simple roots in the root system of type . Let be the corresponding subset of positive roots. We identify each with . For any , we define if and only if .

Recall that is a quasi-hereditary algebra (Reference 22Reference 23). For each , we use to denote the standard module, costandard module and simple module labelled by respectively.

Let , where and . We claim that . In fact, suppose that , then there are some non-negative integers such that

It follows that

which is a contradiction. This proves our claim which is the following lemma.⁠Footnote2


We corrected a small error here in the argument in the proof of Reference 41, Lemma 3.7.

Lemma 4.16 (Reference 41, Lemma 3.7).

Let , where and . Then .

Recall that . Henceforth, we shall use this embedding to identify as a -subspace of . Since the isomorphism is a right -module isomorphism, it follows that for any , if and only if .

Lemma 4.17.

Suppose that . Then . In particular,


Without loss of generality, we can assume is an algebraically closed field. To prove the first part of the lemma, it suffices to show that for any and , are not in the same block as -module.

Suppose that this is not the case. Set . If then by Reference 32, Theorem 5.16, is a semisimple -module. In this case the lemma clearly holds. Henceforth, we assume that . By the linkage principal (Reference 44, Part II, Chapter 6) and Lemma 4.16, we must be able to find , and dominant weights of , such that , where means that , and there exist affine reflections (where , ) such that


and is the half sum of all positive roots. In particular, .

If for some , then we have

which implies . As , we have

which is impossible because .

If for some , then we have

Since and , it follows that if then

which is impossible. Thus we must have that .

If for some , then we have

Since and , it follows that again.

As a consequence, we can deduce that . Now replacing with and continuing the same argument, we shall finally show that , which contradicts to our assumption that . This completes the proof of the first part of the lemma.

As , it is clear that the second part of the lemma follows from the first part of the lemma.

Recall the definition of in Equation 4.12. We can rewrite the homomorphism as follows:

where for each , .

Applying Theorem 4.2, we can find such that for each . Since , it follows that . As a consequence, we see that induces a -module homomorphism

Now we can give the proof of the fourth main result of this paper.

Proof of Theorem 1.12.

By Lemma 4.13, we know that is injective. It follows from that . We claim that . t suffices to show that .

Let such that . We set . Using Lemma 4.17, we can decompose as such that and . It follows that

On the other hand, since is filtered by some with , while is filtered by some with . It follows from that

Hence by Lemma 4.17 we must have that . Applying Corollary 4.4 and Equation 4.12, we can deduce that for some . It follows that

which implies our claim. Therefore, by Theorem 1.8, has the double centralizer property with respect to .

Finally, by Reference 41, Theorem 1.8, we know that the natural map

is surjective. Combining this with the double centralizer property of with respect to we see that Conjecture 4.11 and hence Conjecture 4.7 hold in this case. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Corollary 4.18.

Suppose that . Then Conjecture 4.11 and hence Conjecture 4.7 hold in this case.


Both authors wish to thank the referee for substantial and insightful comments which significantly improves the final presentation of this article.

Mathematical Fragments

Lemma 1.4.

Suppose that has an anti-involution . Let be a faithful projective submodule of the left regular -module such that , where is an idempotent with . Then has the double centralizer property with respect to if and only if the hom functor is fully faithful on projectives.

Remark 1.6.

(1) For any finite dimensional -modules , if has -dimension , then any homomorphism is a left -approximation of .

(2) Let . Since there is a Morita equivalence between with which sends the -module to the -module , it follows that

Theorem 1.8 (Reference 46, 2.8, Reference 4, 2.1, Reference 63).

Let . Then the canonical map is an isomorphism if and only if there exists an injective left -approximation which can be continued to an exact sequence for some .

Theorem 1.9.

Let be a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra in the sense of Reference 12. Let be a tilting module. Suppose that there is an integer such that for any , there is an embedding as well as an epimorphism as -modules, then is a faithful module over and has the double centraliser property with respect to . That is,

Theorem 1.10.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality . Let be a faithful tilting module in . Then has the double centralizer property with respect to . In particular, the -dominant dimension of is at least two.

Theorem 1.11.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality. Then there exists a unique faithful basic tilting module such that


; and


if is another faithful tilting module satisfying , then must be a direct summand of .

Theorem 1.12.

Suppose that . Then there is an exact sequence of -module homomorphisms:

such that the map is a left -approximation of . In particular, the natural map is surjective.

Lemma 2.1 (Reference 31, Lemma 6, Theorems 9,13).

Let and . Let . Then


if and only if for any ;


if and only if for any ;


we have



Lemma 2.2.

Let be a short exact sequence in . Let such that the induced natural map is surjective and there are embeddings as -modules for some . Then there is an embedding as -modules.

Lemma 2.4.

Let be an embedding in . Let be a short exact sequence in . Suppose that the natural map and the following natural maps

are all surjective. Then the natural map is surjective too.

Corollary 2.5.

Let be a finite dimensional standardly stratified algebra such that the injective hull of is projective and the projective cover of is injective for every . If is a projective-injective generator, then has the double centraliser property with respect to .

Lemma 3.3 (Reference 52, Corollary 6).

Assume that is a properly stratified algebra having a simple preserving duality, and such that every tilting -module is cotilting. Let with . Then .

Lemma 3.4.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality . Let be a short exact sequence in with a projective -module and a tilting -module. Then we have .

Equation (3.5)
Proposition 3.6.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality . Let be a tilting module in . Suppose there is an embedding in . Then we have that and, for any , there exists a surjective homomorphism as well as an injective homomorphism , where .

Corollary 3.15.

Let be a quasi-hereditary algebra with a simple preserving duality. Then there exists a unique minimal faithful basic tilting module such that any other faithful tilting module must have as a direct summand.

Theorem 4.2 (Reference 5Reference 15Reference 17).

Assume is an algebraically closed field. The following two natural homomorphisms are both surjective:

If then is an isomorphism. Furthermore, if , then there is a -bimodule decomposition:

where and denote the irreducible -module corresponding to and the irreducible -module corresponding to respectively.

Corollary 4.4.

There exists an injective left -approximation

where , which can be continued to an exact sequence for some . In particular, the -dominant dimension of is at least two.

Conjecture 4.7 (Reference 41, 5.5).

Assume is an algebraically closed field. Let be an integer. Then the map is surjective.

Conjecture 4.11.

Let be an integer and an arbitrary field. Then the natural map is surjective.

Equation (4.12)
Lemma 4.13.

With the notations as above, the integers , the map and the elements can be chosen such that the map is an injective left -approximation of .

Lemma 4.16 (Reference 41, Lemma 3.7).

Let , where and . Then .

Lemma 4.17.

Suppose that . Then . In particular,


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 16D90 (Module categories in associative algebras ; module theory in a category-theoretic context; Morita equivalence and duality), 20G05 (Representation theory for linear algebraic groups), 20G43 (Schur and -Schur algebras), 05E10 (Combinatorial aspects of representation theory)
  • Quasi-hereditary algebras
  • tilting modules
  • dominant dimensions
  • Brauer algebras
  • symplectic groups
Author Information
Jun Hu
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, People’s Republic of China
Zhankui Xiao
School of Mathematical Sciences, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou, Fujian 362021, People’s Republic of China
Additional Notes

Zhankui Xiao is the corresponding author.

The first author was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The second author was supported by the NSF of Fujian Province (Grant No. 2018J01002) and the National NSF of China (Grant No. 11871107).

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 26, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/84
  • MathSciNet Review: 4312325
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4312325}{article}{ author={Hu, Jun}, author={Xiao, Zhankui}, title={Tilting modules, dominant dimensions and Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={26}, date={2021}, pages={823-848}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4312325}, doi={10.1090/btran/84}, }


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