Pathwise integration and change of variable formulas for continuous paths with arbitrary regularity

By Rama Cont and Nicolas Perkowski


We construct a pathwise integration theory, associated with a change of variable formula, for smooth functionals of continuous paths with arbitrary regularity defined in terms of the notion of th variation along a sequence of time partitions. For paths with finite th variation along a sequence of time partitions, we derive a change of variable formula for times continuously differentiable functions and show pointwise convergence of appropriately defined compensated Riemann sums.

Results for functions are extended to regular path-dependent functionals using the concept of vertical derivative of a functional. We show that the pathwise integral satisfies an “isometry” formula in terms of th order variation and obtain a “signal plus noise” decomposition for regular functionals of paths with strictly increasing th variation. For less regular () functions we obtain a Tanaka-type change of variable formula using an appropriately defined notion of local time.

These results extend to multidimensional paths and yield a natural higher-order extension of the concept of “reduced rough path”. We show that, while our integral coincides with a rough path integral for a certain rough path, its construction is canonical and does not involve the specification of any rough-path superstructure.


In his seminal paper Calcul d’Itô sans probabilités Reference 14, Hans Föllmer provided a pathwise proof of the Itô formula, using the concept of quadratic variation along a sequence of partitions, defined as follows. A path is said to have finite quadratic variation along the sequence of partitions if for any , the sequence of measures

converges weakly to a measure without atoms. The continuous increasing function defined by is then called the quadratic variation of along . Extending this definition to vector-valued paths Föllmer Reference 14 showed that, for integrands of the form with , one may define a pathwise integral as a pointwise limit of Riemann sums along the sequence of partitions and he obtained an Itô (change of variable) formula for in terms of this pathwise integral: for ,


This result has many interesting ramifications and applications in the pathwise approach to stochastic analysis, and has been extended in different ways, to less regular functions using the notion of pathwise local time Reference 2Reference 10Reference 24, as well as to path-dependent functionals and integrands Reference 1Reference 7Reference 8Reference 25.

The central role played by the concept of quadratic variation has led to the presumption that they do not extend to less regular paths with infinite quadratic variation. Integration theory and change of variables formulas for processes with infinite quadratic variation, such as fractional Brownian motion and other fractional processes, have relied on probabilistic, rather than pathwise constructions Reference 5Reference 9Reference 18. Furthermore, the change of variable formulae obtained using these methods are valid for a restricted range of Hurst exponents (see Reference 23 for an overview).

In this work, we show that Föllmer’s pathwise Itô calculus may be extended to paths with arbitrary regularity, in a strictly pathwise setting, using the concept of th variation along a sequence of time partitions. For paths with finite th variation along a sequence of time partitions, we derive a change of variable formula for times continuously differentiable functions and show pointwise convergence of appropriately defined compensated Riemann sums. This result may be seen as the natural extension of the results of Föllmer Reference 14 to paths of lower regularity. Our results apply in particular to paths of fractional Brownian motions with arbitrary Hurst exponent, and yield pathwise proofs for results previously derived using probabilistic methods, without any restrictions on the Hurst exponent.

Using the concept of the vertical derivative of a functional Reference 8, we extend these results to regular path-dependent functionals of such paths. We obtain an “isometry” formula in terms of th order variations for the pathwise integral and a “signal plus noise” decomposition for regular functionals of paths with strictly increasing th variation, extending the results of Reference 1 obtained for the case to arbitrary even integers .

The extension to less regular (i.e., not times differentiable) functions is more delicate and requires defining an appropriate higher-order analogue of semimartingale local time, which we introduce through an appropriate spatial localization of the th order variation. Using this higher-order concept of local time, we obtain a Tanaka-type change of variable formula for less regular (i.e., times differentiable) functions. We conjecture that these results apply in particular to paths of fractional Brownian motion and other fractional processes.

Finally, we consider extensions of these results to multidimensional paths and link them with rough path theory; the corresponding concepts yield a natural higher-order extension to the concept of “reduced rough path” introduced by Friz and Hairer Reference 17, Chapter 5.


Section 1 introduces the notion of th variation along a sequence of partitions and derives a change of variable formula for times continuously differentiable functions of paths with finite th variation (Theorem 1.5). An extension of these results to path-dependent functionals is discussed in Section 1.3: Theorem 1.10 gives a functional change of variable formula for regular functionals of paths with finite th variation.

Section 2 studies the corresponding pathwise integral in more detail. We first show (Theorem 2.1) that the integral exhibits an “isometry” property in terms of the th order variation and use this property to obtain a unique “signal plus noise” decomposition where the components are discriminated in terms of their th order variation (Theorem 2.3).

The extension of these concepts to multidimensional paths and the relation to the concept of “reduced rough paths” are discussed in Section 4.

1. Pathwise calculus for paths with finite th variation

1.1. th variation along a sequence of partitions

We introduce, in the spirit of Föllmer Reference 14, the concept of th variation along a sequence of partitions with . Define the oscillation of along as

Here and in the following we write to indicate that and are both in and are immediate successors (i.e., and ).

Definition 1.1 (th variation along a sequence of partitions).

Let . A continuous path is said to have a th variation along a sequence of partitions if and the sequence of measures

converges weakly to a measure without atoms. In that case we write and for , and we call the th variation of .

Remark 1.2.

Functions in do not necessarily have finite -variation in the usual sense. Recall that the -variation of a function is defined as Reference 11

where the supremum is taken over the set of all partitions of . A typical example is the Brownian motion , which has quadratic variation along any refining sequence of partitions almost surely while at the same time having infinite 2-variation almost surely Reference 11Reference 29:


If and , then with .

The following lemma gives a simple characterization of this property.

Lemma 1.3.

Let . if and only if there exists a continuous function such that

If this property holds, then the convergence in Equation 1 is uniform.

Indeed, the weak convergence of measures on is equivalent to the pointwise convergence of their cumulative distribution functions at all continuity points of the limiting cumulative distribution function, and if the limiting cumulative distribution function is continuous, the convergence is uniform.

Example 1.4.

If is a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index and , then and ; see Reference 26Reference 27.

1.2. Pathwise integral and change of variable formula

A key observation of Föllmer Reference 14 was that, for , Definition 1.1 is sufficient to obtain a pathwise Itô formula for () functions of . We will show that in fact Föllmer’s argument may be applied for any even integer .

Theorem 1.5 (Change of variable formula for paths with finite th variation).

Let be even, let be a given sequence of partitions, and let . Then for every the pathwise change of variable formula

holds, where the integral

is defined as a (pointwise) limit of compensated Riemann sums.


Applying a Taylor expansion at order to the increments of along the partition, we obtain

Since the image of is compact, we may assume without loss of generality that is compactly supported; then the remainder on the right hand side is bounded by

with a constant that converges to zero for , and therefore the remainder vanishes for . Since we know that

and therefore we obtain from Equation 2

and we simply define as the limit on the left hand side.

Remark 1.6 (Relation with Young integration and rough path integration).

The expression

is a “compensated Riemann sum”. Note however that, given the assumptions on , the pathwise integral appearing in the formula cannot be defined as a Young integral, even after substracting the compensating terms. This relates to the observation in Remark 1.2 that -variation can be infinite for .

When it reduces to an ordinary (left) Riemann sum. For such compensated Riemann sums appear in the construction of “rough path integrals” Reference 17Reference 19. Let be -Hölder continuous for some , and write . We can enhance uniquely into a (weakly) geometric rough path , where . Moreover, for the function is controlled by with Gubinelli derivatives

and therefore the controlled rough-path integral is given by

where denotes the mesh size of the partition , and which is exactly the type of compensated Riemann sum that we used to define our integral. The link between our approach and rough-path integration is explained in more detail in Section 4.2 below.

Remark 1.7.

In principle we could apply similar arguments for odd integers if instead of we assumed that converges to a signed measure. However, for odd we typically expect the limit to be zero; see the appendix for a prototypical example. So to slightly simplify the presentation, we restrict our attention to even .

Remark 1.8.

A notion similar to our definition of th variation was introduced by Errami and Russo Reference 13, in the (probabilistic and not pathwise) context of stochastic calculus via regularization Reference 28. For , Errami and Russo prove an Itô-type formula that is similar to the one in Theorem 1.5. However, since they use a definition of the integral that does not take the higher-order compensation terms into account, their approach is limited to . Gradinaru, Russo, and Vallois Reference 18 extended this approach to for functions of a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index , a result which relies heavily on the Gaussian properties of fractional Brownian motion.

The key ingredient of our approach is to define the integral using compensated Riemann sums which, compared with previous work, drastically simplifies the derivation of the change of variable formula for arbitrary (even) in a strictly pathwise setting without any use of probabilistic notions of convergence.

1.3. Extension to path-dependent functionals

An important generalization of Föllmer’s pathwise Itô formula is to the case of path-dependent functionals Reference 8 of paths using Dupire’s functional derivative Reference 12; see Reference 7 for an overview. We extend here the functional change of variable formula of Cont and Fournié Reference 8 to functionals of paths , where is any even integer.

Let be the space of càdlàg paths from to and write

for the path stopped at time . Let

be the space of stopped paths. This is a complete metric space equipped with

We will also need to stop paths “right before” a given time, and set for

while . We first recall some concepts from the non-anticipative functional calculus Reference 7Reference 8.

Definition 1.9.

A non-anticipative functional is a map . Let be a non-anticipative functional.


We write if for all the map is continuous and if for all and all there exists such that for all with and we have .


We write if for every and every there exists such that for all and all with we have .


is horizontally differentiable at if its horizontal derivative

exists. If it exists for all , then is a non-anticipative functional.


is vertically differentiable at if its vertical derivative

exists. If it exists for all , then is a non-anticipative functional. In particular, we define recursively whenever this is well defined.


For we say that if is horizontally differentiable and times vertically differentiable in every , and if for .

Define the piecewise-constant approximation to along the partition :

Then whenever .

Theorem 1.10 (Functional change of variable formula for paths with finite th variation).

Let be an even integer, let , and let for a sequence of partitions with vanishing mesh size . Then the functional change of variable formula

holds, where

with the piecewise constant approximation as defined in Equation 3.


Since the right hand side is a telescoping sum, we have

Consider with and split up the difference as follows:

Now for all , and therefore the first term on the right hand side is simply

from where we easily get (using that the mesh size of converges to zero)

It remains to consider the term

where and . By Taylor’s formula and the definition of the vertical derivative, we have

Now we sum over and see as in Theorem 1.5 that the correction term vanishes for . Moreover, since we have

see Reference 7, Lemma 5.3.7. Since , we have

which completes the proof.

2. Isometry relation and rough-smooth decomposition

Given a path (or process) with finite th variation along the sequence of partitions , the results above may be used to derive a decomposition of regular functionals of into a rough component with non-zero th variation along and a smooth component with zero th variation along . For such a decomposition was obtained in Reference 1 and is a pathwise analog of the decomposition of a Dirichlet process into a local martingale and a “zero energy” part Reference 15.

For we write for the -Hölder continuous paths from to , and denotes the -Hölder semi-norm.

2.1. An “isometry” property of the pathwise integral

Theorem 2.1 (“Isometry” formula).

Let be an even integer, let , let be a sequence of partitions with mesh size going to zero, and let . Let such that . Assume furthermore that is Lipschitz-continuous with respect to . Then and


The proof is similar to the case considered in Reference 1. Indeed, our assumptions allow us to apply Reference 1, Lemma 2.2, which shows that there exists , only depending on , , and , such that for all

Writing also , we obtain

Since we have

Our result follows once we show that the double sum on the right hand side of Equation 5 vanishes. For that purpose let and write and let be its conjugate exponent. Hölder’s inequality yields

By Equation 4 the first sum on the right hand side is bounded by

which converges to zero for because (which is equivalent to our assumption ) and because . Moreover, by Equation 6 the sum over is bounded and this concludes the proof.

Remark 2.2.

Keeping the example of the (fractional) Brownian motion in mind, we would typically expect paths in to be -Hölder continuous for any . Since for we have

we have for all , and therefore

which means that in Theorem 2.1 we can take and our constraint on the Hölder regularity is not unreasonable.


In fact the constraint on comes from inequality Equation 4, which only gives us a control of order for , while might seem more natural (after all is something like the remainder in a first-order Taylor expansion). The difficulty is that horizontal differentiability is a very weak notion and gives us no control on . To obtain any bounds at all we first need to approximate our path by piecewise linear or piecewise constant paths, and through this approximation procedure we lose a little bit of regularity; see Reference 1, Lemma 2.2 for details. One can improve the estimate on by taking a higher-order Taylor expansion (which would require more regularity from ), but we do not need this here.

2.2. Pathwise rough-smooth decomposition

Using the above result we may derive, as in Reference 1, a pathwise “signal plus noise” decomposition for regular functionals of paths with strictly increasing th variation. Let

The following result extends the pathwise rough-smooth decomposition of paths in , obtained in Reference 1 for , to higher values of .

Theorem 2.3 (Rough-smooth decomposition).

Let be an even integer, let , let be a sequence of partitions with vanishing mesh size and let be a path with strictly increasing th variation along . Then any admits a unique decomposition

is a pathwise integral defined as in Theorem 1.10.


Existence of the decomposition is a consequence of Theorem 1.10. Consider two such decompositions . Since and

we get and . But then also . Now

for some , and by Theorem 2.1 we have

Since is continuous in and is strictly increasing we have . This means that , and then also .

Remark 2.4.

If is not strictly increasing, uniqueness of the decomposition still holds almost everywhere.

3. Local times and higher-order Wuermli formula

An extension of Föllmer’s pathwise Itô formula to less regular functions was given by Wuermli Reference 30 in her (unpublished) thesis. Wuermli considered paths with finite quadratic variation which further admit a local time along a sequence of partitions, and derive a pathwise change of variable formula for more general functions that need not be . Depending on the notion of convergence used to define the local time, one then obtains a Tanaka-type change of variable formulas for various classes of functions; convergence in stronger topologies leads to a formula valid for a larger class of functions. Wuermli Reference 30 assumed weak convergence in in the space variable (see also Reference 2) and some recent works have extended the approach to other topologies, for example uniform convergence or weak convergence in Reference 10Reference 24. To a certain extent Wuermli’s approach can be generalized to our higher-order setting, but as we will discuss below in the higher-order case we do not expect to have convergence of the pathwise local times in strong topologies.

To derive the generalization of Wuermli’s formula, we consider with absolutely continuous and apply the Taylor expansion of order with integral remainder to obtain

Assume now that is of bounded variation. Since every bounded variation function is regulated (làdlàg) and therefore has only countably many jumps, its càdlàg version is also a weak derivative of , and from now on we only work with this version. Since is continuous, the integration by parts rule for the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral applies in the case and we obtain

Similarly we get for

and therefore

with the notation

For any partition of , we define

To extend Theorem 1.5 to , we first note that the following identity holds for any partition :

To obtain a change of variable formula for less regular functions, we need the last term to converge as the partition is refined. This motivates the following definition.

Definition 3.1 (Local time of order ).

Let be an even integer and let . A continuous path has an -local time of order along a sequence of partitions if and

converges weakly in to a weakly continuous map which we call the order local time of . We denote the set of continuous paths with this property.

Intuitively, the limit then measures the rate at which the path accumulates th order variation near . This definition is further justified by the following result, which is a ‘pathwise Tanaka formula’ Reference 30 for paths of arbitrary regularity.

Theorem 3.2 (Pathwise “Tanaka” formula for paths with finite th order variation).

Let be an even integer, with conjugate exponent . Let and assume that is weakly differentiable with derivative in . Then for any the pointwise limit of compensated Riemann sums

exists and the following change of variable formula holds:


The formula Equation 7 is exact and does not involve any error terms. Noting that also for , our assumptions imply that the second term on the right hand side of Equation 7 converges, so the result follows.

To justify the name “local time” for , we illustrate how is related to classical definitions of local times by restricting our attention to a particular sequence of partitions Reference 6Reference 20.

Definition 3.3.

Let . The dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by is defined via and

and then .

Lemma 3.4.

Let be even, let , and let be the dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by . Given an interval we write for the number of upcrossings of that performs until time . Let and let be the unique dyadic interval of generation with . Then


We have if either and (i.e., performs an upcrossing of ), or and (i.e., performs a downcrossing of ). In the first case we have to add to , and in the second case we add . Therefore, we obtain

and since up- and downcrossings of differ by at most one, our claim follows.

Note that the expression for strongly fluctuates on . For and the factor in front of is , while for we get the factor . Therefore, we do not expect to converge uniformly or even pointwise in as (unless if ).

Lemma 3.5.

In the setting of Lemma 3.4 set

Let . If converges weakly in to a limit , then converges weakly in to .


Let us introduce an averaging operator,


we have , with a compactly supported remainder . We claim that if is a sequence of functions for which converges weakly in and for which , then also converges weakly in to the same limit, which will imply our claim. To show this, let be the limit of and let . We have for all , and therefore

The second term on the right hand side converges to zero by assumption. For the first term we note that by assumption , which is uniformly bounded in because converges weakly in . The proof is therefore complete once we show that for all . But this easily follows from the fact that the continuous and compactly supported functions are dense in .

In fact, we conjecture that, for fractional Brownian motion, this notion of local time defined along the dyadic Lebesge partition coincides, up to a constant, with the usual concept of local time defined as the density of the occupation measure.


Let be the fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter , and let be the dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by . Let and be as in Lemma 3.4 (where now we count the upcrossings of instead of ). We conjecture that

almost-surely converges uniformly in to , where is the local time of , i.e., the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the occupation measure with respect to the Lebesgue measure; see, e.g., Reference 3. In particular, for any even integer , for any .

This result is well known for ; see, e.g., Reference 6Reference 24. In the general case , it is natural to expect that

which would be an extension of the convergence result of Reference 27 from deterministic partitions to the Lebesgue partition generated by . Moreover, we know that the local time of the fractional Brownian motion satisfies

If we formally replace the Lebesgue measure in the integral by , then we get

and if we further assume that , then our conjecture formally follows.

If the conjecture holds, then for any and a typical sample path of the fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index and with weak th derivative for any :

where is the local time of and

By Theorem 1.5 the formula holds for , because then

which adds further credibility to our conjecture.

4. Extension to multidimensional paths

As in the case , the set is not stable under linear combinations: for , expanding yields many cross terms whose sum cannot be controlled in general as the partition is refined. The extension of Definition 1.1 to vector-valued functions therefore requires some care. The original approach of Föllmer Reference 14 was to require that . We propose here a slightly different formulation, which is equivalent to Föllmer’s construction for but easier to relate to other approaches, such as rough path integration.

4.1. Tensor formulation

Define as the space of -tensors on . A symmetric -tensor is a tensor that is invariant under any permutation of its arguments:

The coordinates of a symmetric tensor of order satisfy

The space of symmetric tensors of order on is naturally isomorphic to the dual of the space of symmetric homogeneous polynomials of degree on . We set

An important example of a symmetric -tensor on is given by the th order derivative of a smooth function:

The symmetry property is obtained by repeated application of Schwarz’s lemma.

We define as the direct sum of for :

The space is naturally isomorphic to the dual of the space of polynomials of degree in variables, which defines a bilinear product

Slightly abusing notation, we also write for the canonical inner product on . Consider now a continuous -valued path and a sequence of partitions with . Then

defines a tensor-valued measure on with values in . This space of measures is in duality with the space of continuous functions taking values in homogeneous polynomials of degree , i.e., homogeneous polynomials of degree with continuous time-dependent coefficients.

Definition 4.1 (th variation of a multidimensional function).

Let be even, let be a continuous path, and let be a sequence of partitions of . Consider the sequence of tensor-valued measures

We say that has a th variation along if and there exists a –valued measure without atoms such that for all

In that case we write and we call defined by

the th variation of .

By analogy with the positivity property of symmetric matrices, we say that a symmetric -tensor is positive if

We denote the set of positive symmetric -tensors by . For we write if . This defines a partial order on .

Property 4.2.

Let . Then


has finite variation and is increasing in the sense of the partial order on :



Let . Before passing to the limit, the function

is increasing in , and therefore it defines a finite (positive) measure. By assumption, this measure converges weakly to the measure defined by . In particular, we have

Thus, is increasing for all , and from here it is easy to see that has finite variation (apply, e.g., polarization to go from to ).

Theorem 4.3 (Change of variable formula for paths with finite th variation).

Let be even, let be a sequence of partitions of , and let . Then for all the limit of compensated Riemann sums

exists for every and satisfies the pathwise change of variable formula:


The proof follows similar ideas to the case . By applying a Taylor expansion at order to the increments of along the partition, we obtain

As in the proof of Theorem 1.5 we assume that is compactly supported and use this to show that the remainder on the right hand side vanishes as . Since we know that

and therefore we obtain from Equation 9

and we simply define as the limit on the left hand side.

4.2. Relation with rough path integration

To explain the link between Föllmer’s pathwise Itô integral and rough path integration Reference 21, Friz and Hairer Reference 17, Chapter 5.3 introduced the notion of (second order) reduced rough path.

Definition 4.4.

Let . We set . A reduced rough path of regularity is a pair , such that


there exists with


the reduced Chen relation holds

where denotes the symmetric part.

Friz and Hairer Reference 17 also show that, for any , there is a canonical candidate for a reduced rough path. Indeed, the pair

satisfies the reduced Chen relation. But in general we do not know anything about the Hölder regularity of , because for any continuous path there exists a sequence of partitions with and ; see Reference 16. If, however, we take the dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by as in Definition 3.3 and if , then it follows from Reference 4, Lemme 1Footnote1 that has finite -variation for any . So in that case every corresponds to a reduced rough path with -variation regularity. Rather than adapting Definition 4.4 from Hölder to -variation regularity, we directly introduce a concept of higher-order reduced rough paths. For that purpose we first define the concept of control function.


Note that for the path has finite -variation if and only if has finite -variation, and therefore we can assume that in Reference 4, Lemme 1.

Definition 4.5.

A control function is a continuous map such that for all and such that for all .

A function has finite -variation if and only if there exists a control function with , and in that case .

Definition 4.6.

Let . A reduced rough path of finite -variation is a tuple

such that


there exists a control function with


the reduced Chen relation holds

where the symmetric part of is defined as

where the sum is across the group of permutations of .

Lemma 4.7.

Let and let be the dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by . Let and assume that . Then for any with we obtain a reduced rough path of finite -variation by setting ,


Let . As discussed above we know that has finite -variation, so let us start by setting

which is a control function such that

with a constant that only depends on the dimension and on . By Property 4.2 the path has finite variation and therefore it also has finite -variation, so

defines another control function. Therefore, is a control function for which the analytic property (i) in Definition (i) holds.

To show the reduced Chen relation let us write for for the shuffles of words of length , i.e., for those permutations which satisfy for all , respectively, . Note that there are shuffles in . We have for

where we set for all . On the other hand, if denotes the projection onto , then for

which proves the reduced Chen relation for . For we get the same relation by noting that is already symmetric and therefore

The following space of (higher-order) controlled paths in the sense of Gubinelli Reference 19 is defined for example in Reference 17, Chapter 4.5. We adapt the definition to paths that are controlled in the -variation sense by a reduced rough path. If and , , then we interpret

and similarly for .

Definition 4.8.

Let and let be a reduced rough path of finite -variation. A path

is controlled by if there exists a control function such that

In that case we write .

Example 4.9.

Let , let , and be as in Lemma 4.7, and let . Then ,

defines a controlled path in . Indeed, as we discussed above for all , and by Taylor’s formula we have for

Proposition 4.10.

Let , let be a reduced rough path of finite -variation, and let . Then the rough path integral

defines a function in , and it is the unique function with for which there exists a control function with


This follows from classical arguments (Theorem 4.3 in Reference 22; see also Reference 19) once we show that for

where is a control function such that the estimates in Definitions 4.6 and 4.8 hold. But

where in the last step we used that is symmetric. Therefore, the reduced Chen relation gives

which concludes the proof.

Corollary 4.11.

Let be an even integer and let be as in Example 4.9. Then

where the left hand side denotes the rough path integral of Proposition 4.10 and the right hand side is the integral of Theorem 4.3.


It suffices to show that

and since

this is equivalent to

The last identity can be shown by writing as a telescoping sum and by performing a Taylor expansion up to order and controlling the remainder term as in the proof of Theorem 4.3.

Appendix: th variation for odd integer values of

Lemma .12.

Let be an odd integer and let be the dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by . Assume that converges weakly to a signed measure without atoms. Then we have for all


We can assume without loss of generality that has compact support, since the image of on is compact. Let and note that whenever completes an upcrossing of we have to add to the sum. On the other hand, if completes a downcrossing of before , then we have to add to the sum. Let (resp., ) denote the number of up- (resp., down-) crossings of by on . Since and differ by at most 1, we get

where we wrote for the total number of interval crossings and where is the modulus of continuity of , i.e., . By assumption,

and since for at most values of and the claim follows.

Mathematical Fragments

Definition 1.1 (th variation along a sequence of partitions).

Let . A continuous path is said to have a th variation along a sequence of partitions if and the sequence of measures

converges weakly to a measure without atoms. In that case we write and for , and we call the th variation of .

Remark 1.2.

Functions in do not necessarily have finite -variation in the usual sense. Recall that the -variation of a function is defined as Reference 11

where the supremum is taken over the set of all partitions of . A typical example is the Brownian motion , which has quadratic variation along any refining sequence of partitions almost surely while at the same time having infinite 2-variation almost surely Reference 11Reference 29:


If and , then with .

Lemma 1.3.

Let . if and only if there exists a continuous function such that

If this property holds, then the convergence in 1 is uniform.

Theorem 1.5 (Change of variable formula for paths with finite th variation).

Let be even, let be a given sequence of partitions, and let . Then for every the pathwise change of variable formula

holds, where the integral

is defined as a (pointwise) limit of compensated Riemann sums.

Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Theorem 1.10 (Functional change of variable formula for paths with finite th variation).

Let be an even integer, let , and let for a sequence of partitions with vanishing mesh size . Then the functional change of variable formula

holds, where

with the piecewise constant approximation as defined in Equation 3.

Theorem 2.1 (“Isometry” formula).

Let be an even integer, let , let be a sequence of partitions with mesh size going to zero, and let . Let such that . Assume furthermore that is Lipschitz-continuous with respect to . Then and

Equation (4)
Equation (5)
Equation (6)
Theorem 2.3 (Rough-smooth decomposition).

Let be an even integer, let , let be a sequence of partitions with vanishing mesh size and let be a path with strictly increasing th variation along . Then any admits a unique decomposition

is a pathwise integral defined as in Theorem 1.10.

Equation (7)
Definition 3.3.

Let . The dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by is defined via and

and then .

Lemma 3.4.

Let be even, let , and let be the dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by . Given an interval we write for the number of upcrossings of that performs until time . Let and let be the unique dyadic interval of generation with . Then

Property 4.2.

Let . Then


has finite variation and is increasing in the sense of the partial order on :


Theorem 4.3 (Change of variable formula for paths with finite th variation).

Let be even, let be a sequence of partitions of , and let . Then for all the limit of compensated Riemann sums

exists for every and satisfies the pathwise change of variable formula:

Equation (9)
Definition 4.4.

Let . We set . A reduced rough path of regularity is a pair , such that


there exists with


the reduced Chen relation holds

where denotes the symmetric part.

Definition 4.6.

Let . A reduced rough path of finite -variation is a tuple

such that


there exists a control function with


the reduced Chen relation holds

where the symmetric part of is defined as

where the sum is across the group of permutations of .

Lemma 4.7.

Let and let be the dyadic Lebesgue partition generated by . Let and assume that . Then for any with we obtain a reduced rough path of finite -variation by setting ,

Definition 4.8.

Let and let be a reduced rough path of finite -variation. A path

is controlled by if there exists a control function such that

In that case we write .

Example 4.9.

Let , let , and be as in Lemma 4.7, and let . Then ,

defines a controlled path in . Indeed, as we discussed above for all , and by Taylor’s formula we have for

Proposition 4.10.

Let , let be a reduced rough path of finite -variation, and let . Then the rough path integral

defines a function in , and it is the unique function with for which there exists a control function with


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 60H05 (Stochastic integrals)
Author Information
Rama Cont
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; and LPSM, CNRS-Sorbonne Université
Nicolas Perkowski
Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig & Humboldt–Universität zu Berlin
Additional Notes

N. Perkowski is grateful for the kind hospitality at University of Technology Sydney where this work was completed, and for financial support through the Bruti-Liberati Scholarship. N. Perkowski also gratefully acknowledges financial support by the DFG via the Heisenberg Program and Research Unit FOR 2402.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2019 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/btran/34
  • MathSciNet Review: 3937343
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3937343}{article}{ author={Cont, Rama}, author={Perkowski, Nicolas}, title={Pathwise integration and change of variable formulas for continuous paths with arbitrary regularity}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={6}, number={5}, date={2019}, pages={161-186}, issn={2330-0000}, review={3937343}, doi={10.1090/btran/34}, }


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