ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: December  2012  Volume 59  Issue 11 
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This month we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the remarkable Srinivasa Ramanujan. To commemorate the event, there is a four-part article about different aspects of his life and ideas. We also have features about Leibniz's ideas in calculus, and about tetrahedral packing. The Opinion Column on the math gene should strike a familiar chord with many readers. As usual, we round things out with the Doceamus and Scripta Manent columns. --Steven G. Krantz, Editor (pp. )

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Srinivasa Ramanujan: Going Strong at 125, Part I

Krishnaswami Alladi, Editor

(pp. 1522)

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Mysteries in Packing Regular Tetrahedra

Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Chuanming Zong

(pp. 1392)

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Leibniz's Laws of Continuity and Homogeneity

Mikhail G. Katz and David M. Sherry

(pp. 1550)

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WHAT IS...a Shimura Variety?
James S. Milne

Alexander Abrosimov
V. Beloshapka, A. Kalinin, M. Kuznetsov, K. Mayorov, G. Polotovskiy, I. Remizov, Y. Sennikovskiy, G. Shabat, M. Tokman, A. Tumanov, G. Zhislin

Doceamus: The University of California Cal Teach Program: Recruiting Highly Qualified Future Teachers of Mathematics and Science
Edward Landesman and Gretchen Andreasen

Scripta Manent: Geometry & Topology: A Community-Based Publishing Initiative
Colin Rourke


The Math Gene: A Ticket to Wealth or Nerdiness?
Ronald Lipsman

Letters to the Editor

The Universe in Zero Words and In Pursuit of the Unknown--Review of Two Books
Reviewed by Gerald B. Folland

The Mathematical Writings of Évariste Galois--A Book Review
Reviewed by Charles W. Curtis


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