Global well-posedness and scattering for the quantum Zakharov system in

By Yung-Fu Fang and Kenji Nakanishi


We study the Cauchy problem for the quantum Zakharov system in the class of square-integrable functions on the Euclidean space of general dimensions. The local well-posedness is proven for dimensions up to eight, together with global existence for dimensions up to five, as well as scattering for small initial data in dimensions greater than three.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we consider the global well-posedness and scattering of solutions in for the quantum Zakharov (QZ) system in general space dimensions . The system reads as

where and are the unknown quantities. See Reference 8, Reference 17, and Reference 18 for the physical meanings. All the coefficients are set to in this paper, since their sizes play no role in our analysis, nor do the signs of the quadratic terms on the right side. In other words, one can change their sizes, as well as the signs on the right side, in Equation 1.1 without changing the conclusions. It should be noted, however, that our estimates are not uniform with respect to the size.

When the quantum effect is absent, the system is reduced to the classical Zakharov system

The regular solutions of Equation 1.2 satisfy the conservation of mass

as well as the conservation of the Hamiltonian

Analogously, Equation 1.1 has the conservation of mass

as well as the conservation of the Hamiltonian

although we will not use the Hamiltonian structure in this paper, since our solutions will be merely in . Note that to have a positive definite quadratic part in the Hamiltonian, the signs of the two quadratic terms in Equation 1.1 should be the same, but we do not need it in this paper.

For simplicity, we transform Equation 1.1 into the first order equations in by the change of variable

where is the real part of . Thus the quantum Zakharov system Equation 1.1 becomes

where .

In this paper, we study the Cauchy problem for Equation 1.6 with initial data , locally and globally in time, just using the classical Strichartz estimates. In most of the preceding works, the initial data (and so the solutions) with more regularity were considered, except some recent results Reference 5Reference 7 in one dimension. It is needless to say that is the most important and basic function space in mathematics, and it is convenient to work with solutions with no derivative for various reasons, including numerical computations. The norm is physically important for the Zakharov (type) systems, as it measures the total electric energy of the plasma. For the mathematical analysis of PDE, it is important to solve the system in the invariant (conserved) function space, particularly for global analysis of the solutions. In comparison with the classical Zakharov system Equation 1.2, it is interesting to see how much the system (or its dynamics) is tamed by the quantum effect. It turns out that we can deal with the data in high space dimensions as well, unlike the classical case, where the well-posedness for is known Reference 2Reference 6Reference 13 only for , and the solution can blow up in Reference 9Reference 10. It is interesting because tremendous efforts have been devoted to constructing and analyzing rough solutions to nonlinear dispersive equations, where models arising in the mathematical physics tend to exhibit various mathematical challenges, making the corresponding analysis complicated even if the equations look very simple. This paper suggests that including some more physical effects in the equations can make our mathematical understanding much easier and better.

The main results of this paper are as follows.

Theorem 1.1 (Well-posedness).

For , the quantum Zakharov system Equation 1.6 is locally well-posed in . Moreover, if , then all the solutions are global in time, and there exist positive constants , , and , dependent only on , such that

A more precise form of the upper bound is given in the proof for each ; see Equation 5.4.

Theorem 1.2 (Small data scattering).

Let . Assume that is sufficiently small in -norm. Then the solution of Equation 1.6 is global in time, and there exist such that

In short, the solution scatters in as .

Remark 1.

It is worth noting that we do not need at all the dispersive nature of the (fourth order) wave equation, either for the small data scattering (Theorem 1.2) or for the local well-posedness in (Theorem 1.1). It means that in the left side of the second equation of Equation 1.6 could be replaced with any self-adjoint operator on for those results.

The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we prepare some notation and definitions. In Section 3, we recall the Strichartz estimates for the linear equations, which is the main tool for analysis in this paper. In Section 4, we prove the local well-posedness result, Theorem 1.1. In Section 5, we show the global well-posedness and polynomial bound of wave, Theorem 1.1. Finally in Section 6, we prove the scattering result, Theorem 1.2.

2. Notation and Duhamel formulae

Let us denote

Then we have . We also denote the Fourier transform of over by .

For , we denote by and the usual inhomogeneous and homogeneous Sobolev spaces equipped with the norms, respectively,

For and , denotes the inhomogeneous Besov space equipped with the norm

where and , with a fixed smooth and radial function satisfying for , 0 for . Similarly, the homogeneous Besov space is denoted by .

For any or any interval and any Banach space of functions on , the -valued norm in time is denoted by

for any , and similarly for . We often add the subscript in order to highlight the function space for .

The complex interpolation space and the real interpolation space are denoted respectively by and , for a couple of Banach spaces , , and .

For the fourth order Schrödinger equation of ,

we have the Duhamel formula

For the (square-root of) fourth order wave equation to ,

we have the Duhamel formula

3. Strichartz estimates

In this section, we recall the Strichartz estimates for the operators and , which follow from the standard arguments by the Fourier analysis. Following Reference 25, a pair is called Schrödinger admissible, for short -admissible, if

A pair is called biharmonic admissible, for short -admissible, if

Lemma 1 (Pausader Reference 25).

Let be a solution of Equation 2.3. For any -admissible pairs and , it satisfies

and for any -admissible pairs and and any ,

In both estimates, the implicit constants depend only on .

The proof is based on the work of Kenig-Ponce-Vega Reference 20 or the works of Ben-Artzi-Koch-Saut Reference 3, Pausader Reference 25, and Keel-Tao Reference 19, together with some modifications. We only sketch the proof.


We consider the integral

where the phase function is given by . Then we have

The Hessian of the phase function can be expressed in the polar coordinate () as follows (for ):

where is the projection onto and is the orthogonal projection onto . Note that span is one dimensional and is dimensional. Hence we have

as well as for all multi-index such that . Then the decay estimate can be obtained by the stationary phase method as follows (cf. Reference 25, (3.6) or Reference 11, Theorem 2.2):

Via duality argument and argument (cf. Reference 19), we obtain the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.4 for -admissible exponents. Applying the Sobolev embedding to both sides of the estimate, we obtain Equation 3.3 for -admissible pairs unless or is . The last case is covered by the interpolation inequality as follows. If is -admissible, then and is -admissible. Hence there exists small such that the pairs of exponents defined by

are -admissible. Note that the pairs are near the pair . Then the Sobolev embeddings and the real interpolation, i.e.,

imply the interpolation inequality , and by Hölder in ,

The duality to the above inequality yields . Thus the cases with or follow from the estimate for the corresponding pairs of -admissible exponents.

Remark 2.

We supplement the proof of the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.3 in the case of given in Reference 25.

Lemma 2 (Gustafson-Nakanishi-Tsai Reference 11, Theorem 2.1).

Let be a solution of Equation 2.5. If are -admissible for , we have, with ,

where the implicit constant depends only on .

Note that is bounded on for any and . The Strichartz estimate gains a positive power of for , but we do not use it in this paper. On the other hand, it suffers from a negative power of in , against which we exploit in the equation acting on .

For the proof of the above lemma, the reader is referred to the work of Gustafson-Nakanishi-Tsai Reference 11. Here we only sketch the proof.


We consider with the phase function given by . Then we have

The Hessian of the phase function can be expressed as Equation 3.5. Hence we have

as well as . Hence the decay estimate can be obtained from the stationary phase method as follows:

Via duality argument and argument, as well as the embedding for , we obtain the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.6 unless or . The last case happens only in the case of , where we can use the van der Corput lemma (see Reference 26) to obtain

for any compactly supported in , where . Applying the above estimate to , we obtain uniformly for . Since as in the distribution sense for any , we obtain

Using this decay estimate together with the duality and arguments, we obtain the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.6 with . The remaining cases are covered by the complex interpolation.

To prove Equation 3.7, fix any , and let be the phase function. Since , there exists at most one such that , namely, . Using smooth dyadic decomposition, we can decompose with some satisfying:


on .


on .


and on .


and for all .

Let be the corresponding decomposition of the integral. The desired bound on follows from the van der Corput lemma with the second derivative , using on and on . On we apply the lemma with the first derivative on , which yields . Interpolation with the trivial bound yields the desired bound on and thus Equation 3.7.

Remark 3.

The Stricharz estimate given in Reference 11 is for the dimension . We complete the proof of the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.6 for all dimensions.

4. Local well-posedness for the system

In this section, we prove the local well-posedness for Equation 1.6 in for , which is the first part of Theorem 1.1. The second part of the theorem, namely, the global well-posedness for , will be proven in the next section. To prove the local well-posedness, we define the maps for the Duhamel part in Equation 2.4 and Equation 2.6:

for . The free solutions for are denoted by

Then the iteration map is defined by

For the sake of convenience, we denote some special exponents by

for any . The last notation is linked to the Sobolev embedding:

Notice that the pairs for , for , and for are -admissible, while the pairs for , for , and for are -admissible.

Let and be Banach spaces in , with the Strichartz norms given by Lemma 1 and Lemma 2, respectively, for initial data, defined by the norm

where is arbitrarily fixed and

Note that the second components in are the complex interpolation spaces between and the prohibited endpoint space corresponding to the case .

We are going to prove that the map is a contraction on a closed subset of equipped with the norm . First, the Strichartz estimates Equation 3.4 and Equation 3.6 imply that

Hence the main task to prove the local well-posedness in Theorem 1.1 is to control the Duhamel terms and , respectively, in and , which can be done via using the same Strichartz estimates.

Proof of Theorem 1.1 (Local well-posedness).

For , the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.4 with the -admissible exponent yields

where we used the Sobolev embedding to the norm of . Since is -preserving, we have

The difference is estimated in the same way. Hence the map is a contraction on the closed ball

if , and we choose large enough and then small enough such that

In the case of , we cannot gain any positive power of from the Strichartz estimate as above, since it is the -critical dimension for the bi-harmonic Schrödinger equation with the quadratic power nonlinearity. Hence we need to use decay of the free solutions in the Strichartz norms as , for which the norm in Equation 4.5 has to be replaced. For example, we have

Note that and are -admissible. In particular , but we have

for any . To see this, for any , take some such that . The Strichartz estimate Equation 3.6, together with the Sobolev embedding, implies that

so it tends to as , implying that

Since is arbitrary, the left side must be . Hence all the norms in the right side of Equation 4.9 and in the middle of Equation 4.6 () are decaying as for the free solutions and . Hence is a contraction on the closed and absolutely convex subset

for and some small absolute constant , provided that is small enough such that . Note that , but cannot be estimated in terms of the initial norm.

Thus for and for all initial data in , we have obtained the unique local solution in some subset of for some time interval . The continuity of the solution map and the uniqueness of solutions in are both proven in the standard way by using the same estimates on difference. This concludes the local well-posedness of Equation 1.6 in for .

5. Global well-posedness for the system

Next we prove the global well-posedness for , which is the latter part of Theorem 1.1. Since we have the local well-posedness in , the standard argument yields conservation of for the solutions obtained above. Moreover, since we have a lower bound on the existence time as in Equation 4.8 in terms of the initial norm (for ), it suffices to derive an a priori bound on in terms of and

Let be a local solution with the initial data , and let

denote the inhomogeneous part of the solutions. The goal is to bound in . It is particularly easy in , since the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.6 yields

For , we cannot close such estimates by using solely , but we need some other Strichartz norms which are not a priori bounded. However, we can still get an a priori bound, as long as the order of the other norms is less than and we have a positive power of the time interval . More precisely, we have

Lemma 3.

Let . Then for some constants , , and , we have

where the implicit constants depend only on . Specifically, we can take

The above specific values of seem to be optimal (for ) as far as our argument can reach.

Proof of Lemma 3.

First consider the estimate on using the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.4. For ,

For , using the Sobolev embedding as well, we obtain

Next consider the estimate on using the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.6. The case was already done in Equation 5.1. For we obtain, for any and with implicit constants depending on ,

For we obtain, using ,

The last norm is further estimated by the complex interpolation and the Sobolev embedding

Injecting the corresponding inequality into the above yields the desired estimate on .

A priori bounds follow immediately from Lemma 3 for :

where the last step used Young’s inequality for arbitrary . Choosing appropriately small, the last term is absorbed by the left side. Thus we obtain

Injecting the specific values of , we obtain, for any ,

Thus we obtain the global well-posedness for , thereby concluding the proof of Theorem 1.1. Note that the above argument does not work in since and .

6. Small data scattering of the system

Now we prove Theorem 1.2, namely, the small data scattering in for . It suffices to derive a set of estimates on the Duhamel integrals and (see Equation 4.1 and Equation 4.2) by the Strichartz norms that are uniform with respect to .

Proof of Theorem 1.2.

Let . Using the Strichartz estimate Equation 3.4 together with the Sobolev embeddings and for , we obtain

Since is -preserving, we have

The difference is estimated in the same way. Hence we can choose both and to be sufficiently small such that the iteration map is a contraction on defined in Equation 4.7 uniformly for all . Thus we obtain a unique global solution as the unique fixed point of , with the global Strichartz bound

For the scattering result, the Strichartz estimate also implies, for any , that

Since the last norm is vanishing as or , we deduce that is convergent in as , namely, the scattering of in . The scattering of is obtained similarly.


The first author wants to thank Satoshi Masaki at Osaka University, Yoshio Tsutsumi at Kyoto University, and Takayoshi Ogawa at Tohoku University for their inspiring conversations and discussions, including the hospitality from their institutions.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Equation (1.2)
Equation (1.6)
Theorem 1.1 (Well-posedness).

For , the quantum Zakharov system Equation 1.6 is locally well-posed in . Moreover, if , then all the solutions are global in time, and there exist positive constants , , and , dependent only on , such that

Theorem 1.2 (Small data scattering).

Let . Assume that is sufficiently small in -norm. Then the solution of Equation 1.6 is global in time, and there exist such that

In short, the solution scatters in as .

Equation (2.3)
Equation (2.4)
Equation (2.5)
Equation (2.6)
Lemma 1 (Pausader Reference 25).

Let be a solution of Equation 2.3. For any -admissible pairs and , it satisfies

and for any -admissible pairs and and any ,

In both estimates, the implicit constants depend only on .

Equation (3.5)
Lemma 2 (Gustafson-Nakanishi-Tsai Reference 11, Theorem 2.1).

Let be a solution of Equation 2.5. If are -admissible for , we have, with ,

where the implicit constant depends only on .

Equation (3.7)
Equation (4.1)
Equation (4.2)
Equation (4.5)
Equation (4.6)
Equation (4.7)
Equation (4.8)
Equation (4.9)
Equation (5.1)
Lemma 3.

Let . Then for some constants , , and , we have

where the implicit constants depend only on . Specifically, we can take

Equation (5.4)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 35L30 (Initial value problems for higher-order hyperbolic equations)
Secondary: 35L05 (Wave equation), 35Q55 (NLS-like equations)
  • quantum Zakharov system
  • well-posedness
  • global solutions
  • scatterng
Author Information
Yung-Fu Fang
Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University, No. 1, Dasyue Road, Tainan City 70101, Taiwan
Kenji Nakanishi
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Additional Notes

The first author was partially supported by MOST, MRPC, and NCTS (Taiwan).

The second author was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H02854.

The first author is the corresponding author.

Communicated by
Joachim Krieger
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 6, Issue 3, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2019 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/42
  • MathSciNet Review: 3973919
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3973919}{article}{ author={Fang, Yung-Fu}, author={Nakanishi, Kenji}, title={Global well-posedness and scattering for the quantum Zakharov system in $L^2$}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={6}, number={3}, date={2019}, pages={21-32}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3973919}, doi={10.1090/bproc/42}, }


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