The two-sided Pompeiu problem for discrete groups

By Peter A. Linnell and Michael J. Puls


We consider a two-sided Pompeiu type problem for a discrete group . We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a finite subset of to have the -Pompeiu property. Using group von Neumann algebra techniques, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for to be an -Pompeiu group.

1. Introduction

Let be the complex numbers, the real numbers, the integers and the natural numbers. Let and let be a compact subset of with positive Lebesgue measure. The Pompeiu problem asks the following: Is the only continuous function on that satisfies

for all rigid motions ? If the answer to the question is yes, then is said to have the Pompeiu property. It is known that disks of positive radius do not have the Pompeiu property, see Reference 20, Section 6 and the references therein for the details. The question now becomes: Are disks the only compact subsets of positive measure in that do not have the Pompeiu property? This question is still open. It was stated in Reference 19 that all polytopes in , have the Pompeiu property, a proof of this result was recently given in Reference 13, Corollary 1.3. Since disks are invariant under rotations, and other sets in are not, a reasonable question to ask is what would happen if a group of translations replaced the group of rigid motions. Thus it would be interesting to study the Pompeiu problem for groups that are being acted on by translations, see Reference 1Reference 3Reference 15Reference 17Reference 18Reference 20 and the references therein for more information about various variations of the Pompeiu problem.

In Reference 18 the following version of the Pompeiu problem was studied: Let be a unimodular group with Haar measure . Suppose is a relatively compact subset of with positive measure. Is the only function in that satisfies

for all ? This question was studied further in Reference 3. If is abelian, then this problem reduces to a one-sided translation Pompeiu type problem. The purpose of this note is to investigate Equation 1.2 in the discrete group setting and function spaces other than .

For the rest of this paper, will always be a discrete group and will denote a class of complex-valued functions on that contain the zero function. Let be a complex-valued function on . We shall represent as a formal sum , where and . Define to be the set of all functions on , and let be the functions in that satisfy . The group ring consists of those functions where for all but finitely many . The group ring can also be thought of as the functions on with compact support. Let be a finite subset of . In this paper we will consider the following discrete version of Equation 1.2: When is the only function in that satisfies

for all ?

The following related Pompeiu type problem for discrete groups was investigated in Reference 16: When is the only function in that satisfies

for all ?

It is not difficult to see that is the only function in that satisfies Equation 1.3 if it is the only function in satisfying Equation 1.4. Clearly, Equation 1.3 and Equation 1.4 coincide if is abelian.

We shall say that a finite subset of is a -Pompeiu set if is the only function in that satisfies Equation 1.3. A -Pompeiu group is a group for which every nonempty finite subset is a -Pompeiu set.

The identity element of will be denoted by 1. If , then we will write to indicate the characteristic function on if and if . If consists of one element , then will be the usual point mass concentrated at . For , the left translation of by is given by and the right translation of by is denoted by , where .

One of our main results is:

Theorem 1.1.

Let be a discrete group and suppose is a finite subset of . Let be the ideal in that is generated by . Then is an -Pompeiu set if and only if .

We will show that as a consequence of this result, algebraically closed groups and universal groups are examples of -Pompeiu groups. This contrasts sharply with the one-sided translation Pompeiu type problem studied in Reference 16, since there are nonzero functions in -in fact - for the above groups that satisfy Equation 1.4.

We also study the case when . Suppose is a nontrivial subgroup of . Denote by the closed subspace of generated by that is invariant under left and right-translations by elements of . Let be the closed subspace of generated by that is invariant under left-translations by elements of . Clearly . We shall see that if , then is an -Pompeiu set. We now assume that the subgroup is also finite. It follows from the paragraph after Proposition 2.3 in Reference 16 that , but it could still be the case which means that is an -Pompeiu set. This illuminates the difference between Equation 1.3 and Equation 1.4 in that it is possible there exists a nonzero function in that satisfies Equation 1.4 but the zero function is the only function in that satisfies Equation 1.3. However, this situation changes if is also a normal subgroup of since will then be invariant under right-translations by elements of in addition to being invariant under left-translations. In other words , which says that is not an -Pompeiu set when is a nontrivial finite normal subgroup of . We will prove Theorem 1.2, which is a generalization of Reference 3, Corollary 2.7, that shows the existence of nontrivial finite normal subgroups of actually characterizes -Pompeiu groups.

Theorem 1.2.

Let be a discrete group. Then is an -Pompeiu group if and only if does not contain a nontrivial finite normal subgroup.

Let denote the Fourier algebra of . We shall see that the following result is a consequence of the proof of Theorem 1.2.

Theorem 1.3.

Let be a discrete group. Then is an -Pompeiu group if and only if does not contain a nontrivial finite normal subgroup.

It appears that the first investigation of a Pompeiu type problem in the discrete setting was the paper Reference 21. For discrete groups the Pompeiu problem with respect to left translations was studied in Reference 16. Pompeiu type problems for finite subsets of the plane were examined in Reference 7. An interesting connection between the Fuglede conjecture and the Pompeiu problem for finite abelian groups was established in Reference 8.

In Section 2 we give some preliminary material and preliminary results, including giving an equivalent condition to Equation 1.3 in terms of convolution equations. We prove Theorem 1.1 in Section 3 and we also give examples of groups that are -Pompeiu groups. In Section 4 we discuss group von Neumann algebras and prove Theorem 1.2.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we give some necessary background and prove some preliminary results. Let and let be functions on . The convolution of and is given by

Sometimes we will write for when the function is evaluated at . With respect to pointwise addition and convolution, is a ring. Also if and , then . However if both and are in it might be the case is not in .

Recall that and denote the left and right translations of a function by . Note that and . For a function will denote the function , where and will indicate the complex conjugate of . The following simple lemma gives a useful characterization of Equation 1.3 in terms of convolution equations.

Lemma 2.1.

Let be a finite subset of , and let be a complex-valued function on . Then satisfies Equation 1.3 if and only if for all .


Let , then

Thus for all if and only if for all .

A similar calculation shows that Equation 1.3 is also equivalent to for all . Observe that and .

Remark 2.2.

It was shown in Reference 16, Proposition 2.3 that the single convolution equation is equivalent to Equation 1.4.

If is a set, then will indicate the cardinality of . Let be a ring and recall that the center of is the set of all elements in that commute under multiplication with all elements of . An idempotent in is an element that satisfies . A central idempotent for is an idempotent contained in the center of . In Reference 16 it was shown that if contains a nonidentity element of finite order, then there is a finite subset of and a nonzero function in that satisfies Equation 1.4. We shall see that this is not the case for Equation 1.3. What is true though is

Proposition 2.3.

Suppose is a nontrivial finite normal subgroup of , then is not a -Pompeiu set for any class of functions that contains .


Write for the characteristic function on . Also since is a subgroup of . Now,

thus . For if and only if . Consequently, is in the center of since is normal in . Let , then

Hence, for all . Lemma 2.1 yields that is not a -Pompeiu set for any containing .

Remark 2.4.

In the above proof, is a central idempotent in . We shall see that central idempotents play a critical role in the proof of Theorem 1.2.

3. Theorem 1.1

In this section we prove Theorem 1.1 and give some examples of groups that are -Pompeiu groups.

Let and . Define a map by

For a fixed is a linear functional on . Now suppose is a linear functional on . Define for each . Thus each linear functional on defines an element of . Hence, the vector space dual of can be identified with .

3.1. Proof of Theorem 1.1

We now prove Theorem 1.1. Let be a finite subset of and let be the ideal in generated by . We begin by showing that if is an -Pompeiu set, then . Now assume that is an -Pompeiu set and . Because is a subspace of , there is a nonzero for which for all .

Fix and let . Since is an ideal, , which means . Now

Thus for all . Consequently, for all . Thus is a nonzero function that satisfies Equation 1.3, contradicting our assumption that is an -Pompeiu set. Hence, .

Conversely, assume . We will finish the proof of the theorem by showing that is the only function that satisfies Equation 1.3. Set . Now is generated by and since . Assume that satisfies Equation 1.3. Then by Lemma 2.1, for all . We now obtain since and . Now and , thus is an -Pompeiu set and the theorem is proved.

3.2. Examples

Before we give examples of -Pompeiu groups we need to define the augmentation ideal of a group ring. Define a map from into by

The map is a ring homomorphism onto . The augmentation ideal of , which we will denote by , is the kernel of . For information about see Reference 14, Chapter 3. If is a nonempty finite subset of , then due to . The main result of Reference 2 showed that the only nontrivial ideal in for algebraically closed groups and universal groups is . Thus the ideal generated by in these groups must be all of . Therefore, algebraically closed groups and universal groups are -Pompeiu groups.

Remark 3.1.

These groups have elements of finite order, which implies that there exists a nontrivial finite subset in and a nonzero function in that satisfies Equation 1.4. See Reference 16, Section 2 for the details.

4. Theorem 1.2

In this section we will prove Theorem 1.2. We begin by discussing group von Neumann algebras. See Dixmier’s book Reference 5 for a general discussion of von Neumann algebras, and for more detailed explanations of group von Neumann algebras see Reference 11, Section 8 and Reference 12, Section 1.1.1. Recall that is the set of all formal sums for which . Furthermore, is a Hilbert space with Hilbert bases . For and , the inner product is defined to be . If and , then . In fact, multiplication on the left by is a continuous linear operator on . Thus we can consider to be a subring of , the set of bounded operators on . Denote by the weak closure of in . The space is known as the group von Neumann algebra of . For the following are standard facts.


if and only if there exists a net in such that for all .


if and only if for all .

Another way of expressing ii is that if and only if is a right -map. Using ii we can see that if and , then for all and hence for all . It follows that and so the map defined by is injective. Therefore the map allows us to identify with a subspace of . Thus algebraically we have

It is not difficult to show that if , then if and only if for all . For , define . Then for we have for all ; thus is the adjoint operator of .

Two elements in are said to be conjugate in if there exists a for which . Recall that the conjugation action of on itself is an equivalence relation. Suppose is a finite conjugacy class of . Let , then . The group ring elements are known as finite class sums. For , denote by the class containing . We will need the following

Lemma 4.1.

Let be the set of all finite class sums of . Each element in the center of , is a formal sum of elements in .


Let . Then if and only if for all . Since

we see immediately that because . Thus is constant on . If on , then is finite due to . The class sums have disjoints supports, thus if then it is a formal sum of finite class sums in .

The finite conjugate subgroup of is defined by

The following immediate consequence of Lemma 4.1 will be crucial in our proof of Theorem 4.3.

Corollary 4.2.

The center of is contained in the center of


Every finite class sum contained in is contained in .

We will prove Theorem 1.2 by reducing to the case, which we now prove.

Theorem 4.3.

If is a group with no nontrivial finite normal subgroups, then is an -Pompeiu group.


It follows from Reference 14, Lemma 4.1.5(iii) that is a torsion-free abelian group since has no nontrivial finite normal subgroups. Let be a finite subset of and let be the weakly closed ideal in generated by . Now suppose there exists a nonzero that satisfies for all . So belongs to the annihilator ideal of in . Thus , where denotes the direct sum. Thus there exists a nonzero central idempotent in for which . Because and it follows that . By Corollary 4.2, also belongs to the center of . Let be a right transversal for in . Write , where . Now

Thus for each . Because there exists a in for which . This contradicts the fact that for all , which was proved in Reference 4. Hence, there is no nonzero that satisfies for all . Therefore, every finite subset of is an -Pompeiu set and is an -Pompeiu group.

4.1. Proof of Theorem 1.2

We now prove Theorem 1.2. We start with a definition. A nonzero divisor in a ring is an element such that for all .

Proposition 2.3 says that if contains a nontrivial finite normal subgroup, then it cannot be an -Pompeiu group.

Conversely, assume there exists a nonempty finite subset of and a nonzero that satisfies for all . By Reference 10, Lemma 7 there exists a nonzero divisor such that . Suppose . Then . If is the projection from onto , then by Reference 9, Lemma 5, because and . Hence , contradicting the fact is a nonzero divisor in , so . It follows from Theorem 4.3 that there exists a such that since . But because we are assuming for all , a contradiction. Hence, there does not exist a nonzero and a nonempty finite subset of for which for all . Therefore it follows from Lemma 2.1 that is an -Pompeiu group, as desired.

Remark 4.4.

A key ingredient in the proof of Theorem 1.2 was Reference 10, Lemma 7, which basically says that if then there exists a for which . This allowed us to reduce from the -case to the -case. What makes this possible is the existence of a ring that is the classical right quotient ring for . This means that every element in is either a zero divisor or invertible in . Another important fact is that algebraically

see Reference 11, Section 8 for the details.

4.2. Proof of Theorem 1.3

Let denote the Fourier algebra of . Then every element of can be written in the form with Reference 6, Theorem 2.4.3. Thus

Now applying the argument used in the proof of Theorem 1.2 establishes Theorem 1.3.


The mathematical community suffered a big loss recently with the passing of Peter Linnell sometime in early 2022. I would like to thank Peter for being my mathematical mentor and friend for over the past 30 years.

I would also like to thank the referee for many suggestions that improved the quality of this paper.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.2)
Equation (1.3)
Equation (1.4)
Theorem 1.1.

Let be a discrete group and suppose is a finite subset of . Let be the ideal in that is generated by . Then is an -Pompeiu set if and only if .

Theorem 1.2.

Let be a discrete group. Then is an -Pompeiu group if and only if does not contain a nontrivial finite normal subgroup.

Theorem 1.3.

Let be a discrete group. Then is an -Pompeiu group if and only if does not contain a nontrivial finite normal subgroup.

Lemma 2.1.

Let be a finite subset of , and let be a complex-valued function on . Then satisfies Equation 1.3 if and only if for all .

Proposition 2.3.

Suppose is a nontrivial finite normal subgroup of , then is not a -Pompeiu set for any class of functions that contains .

Lemma 4.1.

Let be the set of all finite class sums of . Each element in the center of , is a formal sum of elements in .

Corollary 4.2.

The center of is contained in the center of

Theorem 4.3.

If is a group with no nontrivial finite normal subgroups, then is an -Pompeiu group.


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 20C07 (Group rings of infinite groups and their modules (group-theoretic aspects))
Secondary: 22D25 (-algebras and -algebras in relation to group representations), 43A15 (-spaces and other function spaces on groups, semigroups, etc.), 43A46 (Special sets (thin sets, Kronecker sets, Helson sets, Ditkin sets, Sidon sets, etc.))
  • Augmentation ideal
  • finite conjugate subgroup
  • group ring
  • group von Neumann algebra
  • Pompeiu group
  • Pompeiu property
Author Information
Peter A. Linnell
Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-1026
Michael J. Puls
Department of Mathematics, John Jay College-CUNY, 524 West 59th Street, New York, New York 10019
Additional Notes

The second author was supported by the Office for the Advancement of Research at John Jay College for this project.

Communicated by
Dmitriy Bilyk
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 9, Issue 21, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2022 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/124
  • MathSciNet Review: 4414903
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4414903}{article}{ author={Linnell, Peter}, author={Puls, Michael}, title={The two-sided Pompeiu problem for discrete groups}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={9}, number={21}, date={2022}, pages={221-229}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4414903}, doi={10.1090/bproc/124}, }


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