-algebras, groupoids and covers of shift spaces

By Kevin Aguyar Brix and Toke Meier Carlsen


To every one-sided shift space we associate a cover , a groupoid and a -algebra . We characterize one-sided conjugacy, eventual conjugacy and (stabilizer-preserving) continuous orbit equivalence between and in terms of isomorphism of and , and diagonal-preserving -isomorphism of and . We also characterize two-sided conjugacy and flow equivalence of the associated two-sided shift spaces and in terms of isomorphism of the stabilized groupoids and , and diagonal-preserving -isomorphism of the stabilized -algebras and . Our strategy is to lift relations on the shift spaces to similar relations on the covers.

Restricting to the class of sofic shifts whose groupoids are effective, we show that it is possible to recover the continuous orbit equivalence class of from the pair , and the flow equivalence class of from the pair . In particular, continuous orbit equivalence implies flow equivalence for this class of shift spaces.


In Reference 19, Cuntz and Krieger used finite type symbolic dynamical systems to construct a family of simple -algebras today known as CuntzтАУKrieger algebras. Such a dynamical system is up to conjugacy determined by a finite square -matrix , and the -algebra comes equipped with a distinguished commutative subalgebra called the diagonal and a circle action called the gauge action. This construction has allowed for new and fruitful discoveries in both symbolic dynamics and in operator algebras via translations of interesting problems and results.

One of the most important relations among two-sided subshifts besides conjugacy is flow equivalence. Cuntz and Krieger showed that if the subshifts and , determined by irreducible matrices which are not permutations and , are flow equivalent, then there is a -isomorphism between the stabilized CuntzтАУKrieger algebras which maps onto . Here, is the -algebra of compact operators on separable Hilbert space and is the maximal abelian subalgebra of diagonal operators. The stabilized CuntzтАУKrieger algebras together with their diagonal subalgebra therefore constitute an invariant of flow equivalence. However,

are examples of irreducible and nonpermutation matrices which are not flow equivalent but whose CuntzтАУKrieger algebras and are -isomorphic, cf. Reference 51, Lemma 6.4. This raised the question: Is it possible to characterize flow equivalence in terms of the associated -algebras?

In the striking paper Reference 41, Matsumoto and Matui employ topological groupoids to answer this question: Using RenaultтАЩs groupoid reconstruction theory Reference 50 (which is based on work of Kumjian Reference 26) they prove that and (determined by irreducible and nonpermutation -matrices and ) are flow equivalent if and only if there is a -isomorphism satisfying , cf. Reference 41, Corollary 3.8. In the particular case above, it follows that no -isomorphism will map onto .

In Reference 36 (see also Reference 37), Matsumoto introduces the notion of continuous orbit equivalence. He proves that one-sided shift spaces and (determined by irreducible and nonpermutation -matrices and ) are continuously orbit equivalent if and only if there is a -isomorphism which carries onto . For this reason, Matsumoto remarks that continuous orbit equivalence is a one-sided analog of flow equivalence. These results on flow equivalence and continuous orbit equivalence are generalized to include all finite type shifts in Reference 10, Corollaries 7.1 and 7.2.

In the more general setting of directed graphs, the second-named author and Rout used groupoids to show that and (for -matrices and with no zero rows and no zero columns) are one-sided eventually conjugate if and only if there is -isomorphism satisfying and Reference 12, Corollary 4.2. Furthermore, they show that and are conjugate if and only if there is a -isomorphism satisfying and Reference 12, Corollary 5.2. From this we understand that one-sided eventual conjugacy is a one-sided analog of two-sided conjugacy. In a similar spirit, one-sided conjugacy for shifts of finite type was characterized using groupoids in terms of the CuntzтАУKrieger algebra with its diagonal and a certain completely positive map by the authors Reference 4, Theorem 3.3. Orbit equivalence of general directed graphs were studied in Reference 2Reference 5Reference 17.

The aim of this paper is to study general shift spaces and provide similar characterizations in terms of groupoids and -algebras. When is a shift space which is not of finite type then the shift operation is not a local homeomorphism Reference 44, Theorem 1 so is not a DeaconuтАУRenault system (in the sense of Reference 53, Section 8). The DeaconuтАУRenault groupoid naturally associated to then fails to be ├йtale. Therefore, a na├пve strategy to generalize Cuntz and KriegerтАЩs results does not work here. The bulk of the work is therefore to circumvent this problem.

Matsumoto is the first to associate a -algebra to a general two-sided subshift and study its properties, see Reference 28Reference 29Reference 30Reference 31Reference 32. Unfortunately, there was a mistake in one of the foundational results. The second-named author and Matsumoto Reference 11 then provided a new construction which is in general not -isomorphic to MatsumotoтАЩs algebra. This new construction lacks a universal property and therefore has the downside of not always admitting a gauge action. The second-named author finally introduced a -algebra associated to a general one-sided shift space using a CuntzтАУPimsner construction Reference 8 which satisfies MatsumotoтАЩs results and admits a gauge action. We refer the reader to Reference 11Reference 15Reference 21 for a more detailed description of the history of associating a -algebra to general subshifts.

The -algebra has appeared in various guises throughout the literature. In Reference 55, Section 4.3 (see also Reference 16, Corollary 6.7), Thomsen realized it as a groupoid -algebra of a semi-├йtale groupoid, Carlsen and Silvestrov describe it as one of ExelтАЩs crossed products Reference 15, Theorem 10, while Dokuchaev and Exel use partial actions Reference 21, Theorem 9.5. Matsumoto then took a slightly different approach and considered certain labeled Bratteli diagrams called -graph systems and associated to each -graph system a -algebra Reference 33Reference 34Reference 35. Any two-sided subshift has a canonical -graph system and the spectrum of the diagonal subalgebra of is (homeomorphic to) the -graph . Matsumoto then studied orbit equivalence, eventual conjugacy and two-sided conjugacy of these -graphs and how they are reflected in the -algebras Reference 37Reference 40. Recently, Exel and Steinberg have further investigated semigroups of shift spaces and shown that there is a universal groupoid which can be suitably restricted to model either MatsumotoтАЩs -algebras or , Reference 23, Theorem 10.3.

Our approach is based on Reference 7, Chapter 2: To any one-sided shift space , we construct a cover equipped with a local homeomorphism and a surjection satisfying . The pair is a DeaconuтАУRenault system. From , we construct the DeaconuтАУRenault groupoid which is ├йtale and consider the associated groupoid -algebra . Starling constructed the space as the tight spectrum of a certain inverse semigroup associated to and showed that is -isomorphic to the tight -algebra of , cf. Reference 54, Theorem 4.8. The construction of generalizes the left Krieger cover of a sofic shift (see Reference 25 where it is called the past state chains or Reference 24, Exercise 6.1.9). From Reference 6, Remark 3.8, we therefore know that for sofic shifts the -algebra is -isomorphic to a CuntzтАУKrieger algebra.

The paper is structured in the following way: In Section 2, we define the cover and the associated groupoid . We characterize when is principal or effective, respectively, in terms of conditions on (Propositions 2.9 and 2.10). In Section 3, we show that any -isomorphism which maps onto is in fact diagonal-preserving (Theorem 3.3). Sections 45 and 7 give complete characterizations of one-sided conjugacy (Theorem 4.4), one-sided eventual conjugacy (Theorem 5.3) and two-sided conjugacy (Theorem 7.5), respectively, in terms of isomorphism of groupoids and diagonal-preserving -isomorphism of -algebras. As opposed to Matsumoto, our results are not limited to the case where the groupoid is effective, and we characterize the relations on the shift spaces and not only the covers (or the -graphs).

In Section 6 we study continuous orbit equivalence: We characterize stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence in terms of isomorphisms of groupoids which respect certain cocycles, and -isomorphisms of -algebras which respect certain gauge actions (Theorem 6.4). Section 8 concerns flow equivalence: We can characterize flow equivalence in terms of isomorphism of stabilized groupoids which respects certain cohomological data, and -isomorphism of stabilized -algebras which respect certain gauge actions suitably stabilized (Theorem 8.9). When the groupoids involved are effective, some of the conditions simplify. In particular, we obtain the following result related to the flow equivalence problem for sofic shifts.

Theorem (Proposition 2.10, Theorem 8.11, Corollary 8.12).

Let and be two-sided sofic shift spaces such that and are effective. Then and are flow equivalent if and only if there is a -isomorphism satisfying . Furthermore, if and are continuously orbit equivalent, then and are flow equivalent.

In most sections we prove our results by lifting a relation on the shift spaces to a similar relation on the covers. We can then encode this relation into structure-preserving -isomorphisms of the -algebras using groupoids as an intermediate step. The results of Reference 14 then allow us to reconstruct the groupoid from the -algebras.

1. Preliminaries

We let denote the integers and let and denote the nonnegative and positive integers, respectively.

1.1. Symbolic dynamics

Let be a finite set of symbols (the alphabet) considered as a discrete space and let denote its cardinality. Then

is a second-countable, compact Hausdorff space when equipped with the subspace topology of the product topology on . The shift-operation is the continuous surjection given by , for . A one-sided shift space is a pair in which is closed and shift-invariant in the sense that (we do not assume equality) and where .

Let be a one-sided shift space over the alphabet . If , we write for and for . A finite word with , for each , тАж, , is admissible in if for some . Let denote the length of . The empty word is the unique word of length zero which satisfies for any word . The collection of admissible words in of length is denoted and the language of is then the monoid consisting of the union ; the product being concatenation of words.

The cylinder set of a word is the compact and open set

and the collection of sets of the form constitute a basis for the topology of . A point is isolated if there is a such that .

A point is periodic if there exists such that and eventually periodic if there is an such that is periodic. The least period of an eventually periodic point is

A point is aperiodic if it is not eventually periodic. The stabilizer of is the group .

Following Reference 30, we define for every and the predecessor set as

Two points are -past equivalent if , in which case we write . Let be the -past equivalence class of . A point is isolated in past equivalence if there is an such that is a singleton. A shift space satisfies MatsumotoтАЩs condition (I) Reference 30, p. 680 if no points are isolated in past equivalence; this is a generalization of Cuntz and KriegerтАЩs condition (I). We shall also consider the slightly weaker condition that there are no periodic points which are isolated in past equivalence.

A two-sided shift space is a subset which is closed and shift invariant with respect to the shift operation given by , for and . Let . A pair of two-sided shift spaces and are two-sided conjugate if there is a homeomorphism satisfying . We shall consider conjugacy of two-sided shift spaces in Section 7.

Given a two-sided shift space there is a corresponding one-sided shift space defined by

together with the obvious shift operation. Conversely, if is a one-sided shift space and is surjective, then the pair consisting of the projective limit

together with the induced shift homeomorphism given by for is the corresponding two-sided shift space (this is called the natural extension of in Reference 22, Section 9). The two operations are mutually inverse to each other. See Reference 24Reference 27 for excellent introductions to the general theory of symbolic dynamics.

1.2. -algebras of shift spaces

To each shift space , there is a universal unital -algebra which was first constructed as a CuntzтАУPimsner algebra Reference 8, Definition 5.1. In Section 2, we follow Reference 7, Chapter 2 and construct a second-countable, amenable, locally compact, Hausdorff and ├йtale groupoid whose -algebra is canonically isomorphic to . For an introduction to (├йtale) groupoid -algebras see Reference 46Reference 49 or the introductory notes Reference 52.

We briefly recall the universal description of given in Reference 8, Remark 7.3. Given words , consider the set

which is closed (but not necessarily open) in . We shall refer to the commutative -algebra

inside the -algebra of bounded functions on as the diagonal. The -algebra is the universal unital -algebra generated by partial isometries satisfying

and such that the map

for , extends to -homomorphism . This map is injective and the projections generate a commutative -subalgebra which is -isomorphic to via the above map. We shall henceforth identify with this -subalgebra of .

The universal property ensures that there is a canonical gauge action of the circle group given by

for every and . The fixed point algebra under the gauge action is an AF-algebra which is denoted . Note that .

2. Basic constructions

Let be a one-sided shift space. In this section, we associate a cover to and build a groupoid from the cover and its dynamical properties. This construction is due to the second-named author in Reference 7, Chapter 2. The -algebra is then constructed as a groupoid -algebra.

2.1. The cover

Consider the set equipped with the partial order given by

For every we define an equivalence relation on by

The -equivalence class of is denoted and each is a finite set. If , then

for every . Hence there is a well-defined map given by

for every . When the context is clear, we shall omit the subscripts of the map. The spaces together with the maps thus define a projective system.

Definition 2.1.

Let be a one-sided shift space. The cover of is the second-countable compact Hausdorff space defined as the projective limit . We identify this with

equipped with the subspace topology of the product topology of .

The topology of is generated by compact open sets of the form

for and . In order to see that sets of the above form constitute a basis, let . Set and . The pair thus majorizes both and , and

Given a word , we also consider the compact open sets

We shall now determine a shift operation on endowing it with the structure of a dynamical system. For any with , observe that

Therefore, there is a well-defined map given by

for every , . When the context is clear, we shall omit the subscripts. Furthermore, this shift operation intertwines the maps in the sense that the diagram

commutes for every with and . It follows that there is an induced shift operation given by

for every . The pair is then a dynamical system.

There is a canonical continuous and surjective map given in the following way: If , then is the unique element with the property that , for every . This map intertwines the shift operations in the sense that

We shall refer to as the canonical factor map associated to . It is injective (and thus a homeomorphism) if and only if is a shift of finite type.

On the other hand, there is a function given by sending to for which , for every . This satisfies the relation . If is isolated, then . However, is in general not continuous.

Example 2.2.

The even shift is the strictly sofic one-sided shift space over the alphabet determined by the forbidden words (see, e.g., Reference 27, Section 3 for an introduction to sofic shifts). The space contains no isolated points, but is the unique element for which , so is isolated in past equivalence. Hence is isolated and is not continuous.

Lemma 2.3.

The shift operation is a local homeomorphism.


We show that is open and locally injective. For the first part, let and with and suppose . We claim that

The left-to-right inclusion is straightforward. For the converse let and note that . Since it thus follows that . As , we see that . A similar argument shows that , for every . Put , for every . Now, if in , then and so

Hence . Observe now that

showing that . Finally, we see that so is open.

In order to see that is locally injective let with . We claim that is injective on . Indeed, suppose and . In particular, for every . Hence

for every from which it follows that . We conclude that is a local homeomorphism.

Remark 2.4.

The cover is a DeaconuтАУRenault system in the sense of Reference 14, Section 8, and the construction is a generalization of the left Krieger cover (see Reference 25 where it is called the past state chains or Reference 24, Exercise 6.1.9) of a sofic shift space. In particular, the cover of a sofic shift is (conjugate to) a shift of finite type.

The next lemma shows how the topologies of and interact.

Lemma 2.5.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let be a map. Then the map satisfying is continuous if and only if is continuous.


Define by . If is continuous, then is continuous.

Suppose is not continuous. Then there is an element and a convergent sequence with limit such that for all . In particular, the set

is nonempty for each . As is surjective, is nonempty. Choose for each . Then for some so for all . Furthermore, the sequence has a convergent subsequence with some limit which satisfies

so . Then in and for every , so is not continuous.


The cover may contain isolated points even if does not, cf. Example 2.2. In Reference 10, Lemma 4.3(1), it is shown that every isolated point in a shift of finite type is eventually periodic. This is also the case for the class of sofic shift space but it need not be true in general.

Lemma 2.6.

Let be a one-sided sofic shift. If is isolated, then is eventually periodic.


Let be isolated. Then is isolated. The cover is (conjugate to) a shift of finite type, so is eventually periodic, cf. Reference 10, Lemma 4.3(1). Hence is eventually periodic.

Example 2.7.

Consider the shift space over the alphabet generated by the sequence

Since is not periodic, is infinite. The shift operation is not surjective and is not minimal. We can identify with the orbit of together with all its accumulation points, i.e.,

in which are exactly the isolated points of . In particular, is isolated and aperiodic. It follows from Lemma 2.6 that is not sofic. Observe also that is periodic point isolated in past equivalence. In fact, every point in is isolated in past equivalence, so contains an isolated point for every .

2.2. The groupoid

The pair is a DeaconuтАУRenault system in the sense of Reference 14, Section 8. The associated DeaconuтАУRenault groupoid Reference 20 is

The product of and is defined if and only if in which case

while inversion is given by . The range and source maps are given as

respectively, for . The topology of is generated by sets of the form

where are open subsets such that and are injective and . We naturally identify the unit space with the space via the map . Equipped with this topology, is topological groupoid which is second-countable, locally compact Hausdorff and ├йtale (in the sense that are local homeomorphism onto ), cf. Reference 53, Lemma 3.1. By Reference 53, Lemma 3.5, is also amenable.

The isotropy of a point is the set

which carries a natural group structure. In our case, the group is always (isomorphic to) or . The stabilizer is . The isotropy subgroupoid of is the group bundle

The groupoid is principal if , and effective if , where denotes the interior of the isotropy subgroupoid. Since is second-countable and Hausdorff the latter is equivalent to being topologically principal, i.e., that the set of points with trivial isotropy is dense in the unit space, cf. Reference 50, Propostion 3.6. Below we characterize when the groupoid is principal and effective in terms of . First we need a lemma.

Lemma 2.8.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let .


If and for some , then .


If is aperiodic and for some , then .


(i): Fix such that and let be integers with . An -representative of and is given by and , respectively. So

Since we also have . It follows that .

(ii): Let be aperiodic. If for some , then , so . Part (i) implies that .


Assertion (ii) may fail without the hypothesis of aperiodicity; this happens, e.g., for the even shift, cf. Example 2.2. It follows from Lemma 2.8(ii) that the preimage under of an aperiodic element consists only of aperiodic elements. The preimage under of an eventually periodic point contains an eventually periodic point but we do not know if it consists only of eventually periodic points.

Proposition 2.9.

Let be a one-sided shift space. The following conditions are equivalent:


contains no eventually periodic points;


contains no eventually periodic points;


is principal.


(i) (ii): It follows from Lemma 2.8(ii) that if is aperiodic, then any is aperiodic. So if consists only of aperiodic points, then contains only aperiodic points. Conversely, if is eventually periodic, then is eventually periodic.

The equivalence (ii) (iii) is obvious.

Proposition 2.10.

Let be a one-sided shift space. The conditions


satisfies MatsumotoтАЩs condition (I);


contains no isolated points;

are equivalent and strictly stronger that the following equivalent conditions


contains no periodic points isolated in past equivalence;


has a dense set of aperiodic points;


is effective;

which are strictly stronger than


contains a dense set of aperiodic points.


(i) (ii): Suppose is isolated in past equivalence so that , for some . Then so is isolated in . Conversely, if is isolated, say for some integers , then , so is isolated in -past equivalence.

The implication (ii) (iii) is clear.

(iii) (iv): Let be the collection of eventually periodic points in and set

for and . Then . If there is an open set consisting of eventually periodic points, then it follows from the Baire Category Theorem that has nonempty interior for some and . In particular, there are an and integers with such that . Since it follows that is -periodic. We claim that is isolated in past equivalence.

Write for some words with and and suppose

Then and , so . Hence as wanted.

(iv) (iii): Suppose is a periodic point and there is an such that . Then is an open set consisting of points with nontrivial isotropy.

The equivalence (iv) (v) is obvious.

(iv) (vi): Suppose contains an open set consisting of eventually periodic points. Then

and by the Baire Category Theorem there are such that is an isolated eventually periodic point in . Then is an isolated eventually periodic point in .

To see that (iii) does not imply (i) observe that if is the shift space generated by an aperiodic substitution, then contains no eventually periodic points, so is principal, cf. Reference 48, Definition 5.15. However, if the substitution in addition to being aperiodic is also primitive and proper then, according to Reference 9, Proposition 3.5, contains a point which is isolated in past equivalence, so does not satisfy MatsumotoтАЩs condition (I).

Finally, the even shift is an example of a shift with a dense set of aperiodic points but it contains a periodic point which is isolated in past equivalence, cf. Example 2.2.


Any groupoid homomorphism is assumed to be continuous and a groupoid isomorphism is assumed to be a homeomorphism. A continuous cocycle on is a groupoid homomorphism . Let be the collection of continuous cocycles on . There is a map given by

for , and where satisfy and . Observe that is the unique cocycle satisfying

for . The canonical continuous cocycle is defined by

for . Note that and is a clopen subgroupoid which is always principal.

2.3. The -algebra

The groupoid is second-countable, locally compact Hausdorff and ├йtale, cf. Section 2.2. Let be the -algebra consisting of compactly supported and complex-valued maps with the convolution product. As is also amenable, the full and the reduced groupoid -algebras are canonically -isomorphic, cf. Reference 52, Theorem 4.1.4 or Reference 1, Proposition 6.1.8. Therefore, Reference 52, Proposition 3.3.3 allows us to consider as a subset of .

There is a canonical -isomorphism sending for each , cf. Reference 7, Chapter 2. According to Reference 47, Proposition 1.9 the canonical inclusions of and into extend to injective -homomorphisms of and into . We will therefore simply identify with , with , and with . The inclusion then induces a conditional expectation given by restriction so that

for and .

Any continuous cocycle induces a strongly continuous action satisfying

for and and with . The canonical gauge action is of the form

for every , and .

Let denote the -algebra of compact operators on separable Hilbert space and let denote the canonical maximal abelian -subalgebra of diagonal operators in .

3. Preserving the diagonal

Let and be one-sided shift spaces. A -isomorphism is diagonal-preserving if . In this section we prove that any -isomorphism satisfying is diagonal-preserving (Theorem 3.3). First we need some preliminary results. Recall that Reference 47, Proposition 1.9 allows us to consider as a subalgebra of .

Lemma 3.1.

Let be a one-sided shift space. We have . If the groupoid is effective, then .


The identification of and follows from Reference 14, Corollary 5.3, and is a consequence of . It remains to verify the inclusion .

Let and observe that

for and all . It follows that only if . Similarly, if implies that , then for all , i.e., .

Suppose , for some . Then since . We will show that . Pick nonnegative integers such that and . If then Lemma 2.8(i) implies that , so we may assume that . It follows that in so , where and are words with and . The support of is open in so it contains an open bisection of the form , where and are open sets in . Since and are open neighborhoods around and , respectively, we may assume that , since is continuous, Given any , there is a (unique) element and . Since it follows that .

The set is dense in , and whenever we see from the above argument that

It follows that is dense in so . A similar argument shows that . Hence , so .

Finally, if is effective, then is maximally abelian in so .


Consider the equivalence relation on the space given by if and only if and for all . Then the quotient is compact and Hausdorff and as we shall see (homeomorphic to) the spectrum of .

Lemma 3.2.

Let be the equivalence relation on defined above. There is a -isomorphism given by

for and .


The map given in Equation 3.1 is well-defined by the definition of and linear. If and , then

so is multiplicative. It is straightforward to see that also respects the -involution.

Next, we show that is isometric. It follows from Reference 14, Lemma 5.1 that is a -algebra. In particular,

for , where is the -homomorphism given by

for . Since is (isomorphic to) the integers or the trivial group, we have

from which it follows that is isometric.

We show that separates points. First, if , then there is such that . Choose a compact open bisection satisfying and observe that and . Second, if in then we choose a compact open bisection satisfying and . Then while . By the StoneтАУWeierstrass theorem, the image of is dense in and thus extends to a -isomorphism as wanted.

Theorem 3.3.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces. If is a -isomorphism satisfying , then .


If is a -isomorphism satisfying , then . It follows from Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 that there is a homeomorphism

such that for . We see from Equation 3.1 that if , then if and only if for all and all . Since is a totally disconnected space, the connected component of is the set . We thus have that belongs to if and only if is constant on connected components. Similarly, if and only if is constant on connected components. Since is a homeomorphism, it maps connected components onto connected components. We conclude that .

Remark 3.4.

Let be a strictly sofic one-sided shift space and let be its cover. Then is (conjugate to) a shift of finite type. Although it is possible that and are homeomorphic so that and are -isomorphic, there is no -isomorphism which satisfies . Indeed, if this were the case then Theorem 3.3 would imply that

so that inside , and is a homeomorphism. However, this is not possible when is strictly sofic. Foreshadowing Theorem 6.6 (below) this means that and do not admit a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence.

Below, we give a stabilized version of Theorem 3.3. Consider the product equipped with the equivalence relation defined by if and only if and and for all . The spaces and are now homeomorphic. An argument similar to the above then yields the following result.

Corollary 3.5.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a -isomorphism satisfying . Then .

4. One-sided conjugacy

A pair of one-sided shift space and are one-sided conjugate if there exists a homeomorphism satisfying . A similar definition applies to the covers. If and are shifts of finite type, then they are conjugate if and only if the groupoids and are isomorphic in a way which preserves a certain endomorphism, if and only if the -algebras and are -isomorphic in a way which preserves a certain completely positive map Reference 4, Theorem 3.3. In this section we characterize one-sided conjugacy of general one-sided shift spaces (Theorem 4.4).

We start by lifting a one-sided conjugacy on the shift spaces to a conjugacy on the covers. The cover construction is therefore canonical, cf. Reference 25, Theorem 2.13.

Lemma 4.1 (Lifting lemma).

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a conjugacy;


there is a conjugacy satisfying .


(i) (ii): Let be a conjugacy and choose an integer such that

for and . Given integers , we show that

for with . Start by writing and for some and with and observe that and since is a conjugacy. Assume now that for some with . We need to show that .

Observe that for some with and, by hypothesis, . It is now easily verified that so that as wanted.

This defines an induced map determined by

for integers . It is readily verified that is a conjugacy satisfying using that is a conjugacy.

(ii) (i): Given and any , we observe that

This shows that is a conjugacy.


Let be a one-sided shift and let be the groupoid defined in Section 2. The map given by

for , is a continuous groupoid homomorphism. There is an induced homomorphism given by , for . We also consider two completely positive maps on as follows: Let be the canonical generators of and consider given by

for , and map given by

for . The next lemma describes the relationship between these maps. Recall that is the conditional expectation onto the diagonal subalgebra induced by the inclusion . The proof of the lemma below is a straightforward computation, cf. Reference 4, Lemma 3.1.

Lemma 4.2.

We have for . Hence extends to . Furthermore, .

For the next lemma, recall that is the AF core inside . A similar result was presented in Reference 4, Lemma 3.2 but we include a proof for the sake of completeness.

Lemma 4.3.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces. If is a -isomorphism satisfying , then on . If, in addition, , then on .


Recall that and the subgroupoid is principal. By Reference 50, Proposition 4.13 (see also Reference 14, Theorem 3.3) and Reference 43, Proposition 5.7 and its proof, there is a groupoid isomorphism and a groupoid homomorphism such that

for and . In particular, for since maps any unit in to . Then

so that on . If, in addition, , then

for by the above lemma.


We now characterize one-sided conjugacy of general one-sided shift spaces.

Theorem 4.4.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a one-sided conjugacy;


there is a conjugacy satisfying ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying , and


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for , , for , , and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for , and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying , for and .


The equivalence (i)(ii) is Lemma 4.1.

(ii) (iii): Let be a conjugacy satisfying . The map given by

for , is a groupoid isomorphism. Under the identification of and , we then have , and .

The implications (iii) (iv) and (v) (vi) are clear.

(iv) (vi) and (iii) (v): Let be a groupoid isomorphism as in (iv). This induces a -isomorphism satisfying and with for . The relation Equation 4.3 ensures that . This is (vi). If, in addition, , then for . In particular, and Lemma 4.3 implies that . This is (v).

(vi) (vii): As satisfies Equation 4.4 and is generated as a -algebra by , we also have . Furthermore, by Theorem 3.3. It therefore follows from Lemma 4.3 that .

(vii) (ii): Let be the homeomorphism induced by via Gelfand duality. The relation and the fact that for and ensures that is a conjugacy. The condition entails that .

Corollary 4.5.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces. The following are equivalent:


the systems and are one-sided conjugate;


there are a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying and ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying and .

If and are one-sided shifts of finite type determined by finite square -matrices and with no zero rows and no zero columns, respectively, then we recover Reference 4, Theorem 3.3.

5. One-sided eventual conjugacy

Matsumoto has studied one-sided eventual conjugacy of shifts of finite type Reference 39. A pair of shifts of finite type and are eventually conjugate if and only if the groupoids and are isomorphic in a way which preserves the canonical cocycle, if and only if the -algebras and are -isomorphic in a way which preserves the canonical gauge actions, cf. Reference 12, Theorem 4.1 and Corollary 4.2. We characterize eventual conjugacy for general shift spaces in terms of groupoids and -algebras (Theorem 5.3). We start by lifting an eventual conjugacy on the shift spaces to an eventual conjugacy on the covers.

Definition 5.1.

Two one-sided shift spaces and are eventually conjugate if there exist a homeomorphism and an integer such that

for and . An eventual conjugacy is a conjugacy if and only if we can choose .

A similar definition applies to the covers.

Lemma 5.2 (Lifting lemma).

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is an eventual conjugacy;


there is an eventual conjugacy satisfying .


(i) (ii): Let be an eventual conjugacy and choose according to Equation 5.1 and Equation 5.2. Then there is a continuity constant with the property that

for and . Fix integers and put . We will show that

where . Since , we can write and for some and with . In particular, . Assume now that for some with . We need to show that .

First observe that for some word with . This follows from the computation

By hypothesis, and we claim that .

In order to verify the claim first observe that

and since we have

Hence . This shows that there is a well-defined map given by

for all integers . It is straightforward to check that and that is an eventual conjugacy using the fact that is an eventual conjugacy.

(ii) (i): Given and any , we have

showing that is an -conjugacy.


We can now characterize one-sided eventual conjugacy of general one-sided shifts spaces, cf. Reference 40, Theorem 1.4. The proof uses ideas of Reference 12.

Theorem 5.3.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a one-sided eventual conjugacy;


there is an eventual conjugacy such that ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying , with for and

for ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for and Equation 5.3.


The equivalence (i) (ii) is Lemma 5.2.

(ii) (iii): Let be an eventual conjugacy satisfying . The map given by

for is a groupoid isomorphism. Under the identification , we have and .

(iii) (ii): Let be a groupoid isomorphism satisfying and . Identify , and . Then is of the form

for , and . Let be the alphabet of and consider the compact open bisection

for . Here, in . Then

is compact and open and contained in . Therefore

for some and some compact open and mutually disjoint subsets , тАж, , and compact open and mutually disjoint subsets , тАж,  of and integers , тАж, . In particular, is the disjoint union and

for . We can now define a continuous map by for . Since is the disjoint union of , , there is a continuous map given by for , and

for . Similarly, there is a continuous map which satisfies

for . Let . Then is an eventual conjugacy satisfying .

(iii) (iv): A groupoid isomorphism with induces a -isomorphism satisfying and with for . The relation ensures that for .

The implication (iv) (v) is obvious.

(v) (iii): By Theorem 3.3, . The reconstruction theorem Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 ensures the existence of a groupoid isomorphism satisfying for , where is the induced homeomorphism on the unit spaces, and . Since with for , the groupoid isomorphism satisfies .

Corollary 5.4.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces. The following are equivalent:


the systems and are one-sided eventually conjugate;


there exist a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying and ;


there is -isomorphism satisfying and for .

When and are one-sided shifts of finite type determined by finite square -matrices and with no zero rows and no zero columns, respectively, we recover Reference 12, Corollary 4.2 (see also Reference 39, Theorem 1.2).

6. Continuous orbit equivalence

The notion of continous orbit equivalence among one-sided shift spaces was introduced by Matsumoto in Reference 36Reference 37. It is proven in Reference 10, Corollary 6.1 (see also Reference 41, Theorem 2.3) that if and are shifts of finite type, then and are continuously orbit equivalent if and only if and are isomorphic, and if and only if there is a -isomorphism which maps onto . In this section, we shall for general shift spaces and look at the relationship between continuous orbit equivalence of and , isomorphism of and , and -isomorphisms which map onto (Theorems 6.4 and 6.6). When the groupoids are effective, the results simplify (Theorem 6.10).

Definition 6.1.

Two one-sided shift spaces and are continuously orbit equivalent if there exist a homeomorphism and continuous maps and satisfying

for and . The underlying homeomorphism is a continuous orbit equivalence and and are cocycle pairs for .

Similar definitions apply to the covers of one-sided shift spaces. Our first aim is to show that a continuous orbit equivalence between and can be lifted to a continuous orbit equivalence between and .

Observe that if is an orbit equivalence with cocycles and we define

then , for .

We need some additional terminology. Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles and . We say that is least period preserving if maps eventually periodic points to eventually periodic points,

for any periodic point with , maps eventually periodic points to eventually periodic points, and

for any periodic point with . We say that is stabilizer-preserving if maps eventually periodic points to eventually periodic points,

for any periodic point with , maps eventually periodic points to eventually periodic points, and

for any periodic point with . cf. Reference 10, p. 1093 and Reference 14, Definition 8.1. There are analogous definitions for a continuous orbit equivalence between covers.

Remark 6.2.

Not every cocycle pair of a continuous orbit equivalence (even between finite type shifts) is least period preserving, cf. Remark 6.5. However, we do not know if there is a continuous orbit equivalence which does not admit a least period/stabilizer-preserving cocycle pair. In Example 6.13, we exhibit an example of a continuous orbit equivalence between shifts of finite type which does not admit a cocycle pair which is least period preserving on all eventually periodic points.

Lemma 6.3 (Lifting lemma).

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles and . Then there is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles and .


We first verify two claims which will allow us to define the map . Then we show that with the prescribed cocycles is stabilizer-preserving.

Let and and suppose .

Claim 1.

There are integers such that .

Let . Then and . From the cocycle relations Equation 6.1 and Equation 6.2 we have


Hence if

then and , for some . If is eventually periodic, pick such that is periodic and ; if is aperiodic, let and let be the empty word. Set and and observe that and , and .

By the cocycle relations we have


from which we deduce that

It now follows that In particular,

is a multiple of тАФ if is aperiodic, we set . Without loss of generality, we may assume there is a nonnegative integer such that

The final equality follows from the hypothesis that is stabilizer-preserving. Set

Pick such that and are constant on and

Pick also such that and are constant on and

and such that and are constant on . Set and .

Let and suppose . Then , so and and . Put . Then and so .


Thus so

and this proves Claim 1.

Claim 2.

For each there is such that

Let and take with and and . By Claim 1, we may choose such that

The topology on generated by the sets is compact, so there is a finite set such that

Set and . Then the implication of Claim 2 holds.

We are now ready to prove the lemma. Let and set

Then there is a well-defined and continuous map given by

for and . A similar argument shows that there for is such that

and that there is a continuous map given by

for and , where and . Since is the inverse of , the latter map is a homeomorphism.

It is straightforward to check that . Define and by , and , . They are continuous. It is straightforward to check that for , and that for . Thus, is a continuous orbit equivalence.

We will now show that is stabilizer-preserving. Pick a periodic element and let . Then is periodic and if , then for some . Since is stabilizer-preserving, is eventually periodic and . Furthermore,

is a period for . In particular, is eventually periodic and as above for some . The above computation shows that divides . A similar argument using instead of shows that divides and thus that . This shows that . Since maps periodic points to eventually periodic points, it also maps eventually periodic points to eventually periodic points.


We shall next find conditions on and and for and that are equivalent to the existence of a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence between and . Recall the definition of from Equation 2.1.

Theorem 6.4.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces, let be a homeomorphism and let and be continuous maps. The following conditions are equivalent:


there are continuous maps and with and such that is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence;


there are continuous maps and with and and continuous maps and with , , , , and a homeomorphism such that is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence satisfying ;


there are


a groupoid isomorphism such that and ; and


a groupoid isomorphism such that and ;


there are


a -isomorphism such that , for and for each ; and


a -isomorphism such that , for and for each .


(i) (ii): This is Lemma 6.3.

(ii) (iii): It follows from Reference 14, Proposition 8.3 that there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying

for , and a groupoid isomorphism satisfying

for . We then have that , , and .

(iii) (i): Let be a groupoid isomorphism satisfying and . Put . Then and it follows from Reference 14, Lemma 8.4 that the map given by

is continuous. We claim that

By applying , it is easy to see that the left hand side is less than the right hand side. For the converse inequality, fix and suppose the right hand side of Equation 6.3 equals . Set and . Then by hypothesis, and since there is an such that . It now follows from Lemma 2.8(i) that . This means that there is a map such that . This map is continuous by Lemma 2.5. Set . Then is a continuous map satisfying and for . A similar argument shows that there are continuous maps satisfying and for . Then is a continuous orbit equivalence.

Finally, we show that is stabilizer-preserving. Observe first that an argument similar to the one used in the proof of Reference 14, Lemma 8.6 shows that is stabilizer-preserving. Fix an eventually periodic element . Then is eventually periodic, so is eventually periodic. Hence is eventually periodic. Now suppose is periodic with . Then is periodic with . Since we also have , and using that is stabilizer-preserving in the middle equality below we see that

which shows that is stabilizer-preserving.

(iii) (iv): It follows from Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 that there is -isomorphism such that , for , and for each . Since , it follows that and for . Similarly, there is a -isomorphism such that , for , and for each .

(iv) (iii): An application of Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 shows that there is a groupoid isomorphism such that . Since and for , it follows that . Similarly, there is a groupoid isomorphism such that and .

Remark 6.5.

It is natural to ask if in Theorem 6.4(iii) the groupoid isomorphisms and can be chosen to be inverses of each other, and if in (iv) the -isomorphisms and can be chosen to be inverses of each other. This is not the case in general.

Let be the shift space with only one point. Then is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to (which is not least period preserving), where and . The groupoid is canonically isomorphic to the integer group . If is a group isomorphism, then the conditions and imply that maps the generator to both and and this cannot be the case. Similarly, there is no -isomorphism satisfying and and .

We do not know if there are similar examples where and are not of finite type.

In Reference 37, p. 61 (see also Reference 40, p. 2), Matsumoto introduces the notion of a continuous orbit equivalence between factor maps of two one-sided shift spaces and satisfying condition (I) (implying that the groupoids and are effective). His factor maps can be more general than our and . In this case, he proves a result (Reference 37, Theorem 1.2 and Reference 40, Theorem 1.3) which is similar to the theorem below. Our results applies to all one-sided shifts.

Theorem 6.6.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following conditions are equivalent:


there is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence satisfying ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for .

Moreover, if is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence, then the equivalent conditions above hold.


(i)(ii): Let be a continuous orbit equivalence and let be continuous cocycles for . There is a groupoid homomorphism given by

for , The assumption that be stabilizer-preserving ensures that is bijective, cf. Reference 14, Lemma 8.8 and Proposition 8.3.

(ii)(i): A groupoid isomorphism restricts to a homeomorphism . If is the canonical cocycle for and is the canonical cocycle for , then the maps

constitute continuous cocycles for such that is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence, cf. Reference 14, Lemma 8.5 and Lemma 8.6. The condition implies that .

The equivalence (ii) (iii) is Reference 14, Theorem 8.2. If is a groupoid isomorphism, then the condition translates to the condition that the -isomorphism satisfies . The latter condition implies that by Theorem 3.3.

The final remark follows from Lemma 6.3.

Remark 6.7.

We do not know if there exist shift spaces and such that the conditions in Theorem 6.6 are satisfied, but there is no stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence between and .

Next, we show that we can relax the conditions in Theorem 6.4 for certain classes of shift spaces. First we need a preliminary result concerning eventually periodic points.

In Reference 42, Proposition 3.5, Matsumoto and Matui show that any continuous orbit equivalence between shift spaces containing a dense set of aperiodic points maps eventually periodic points to eventually periodic points. The result is only stated for shifts of finite type associated with irreducible and nonpermutation -matrices, but the proof holds in this generality, cf. Reference 10, Remark 3.1. Below, we give a pointwise version of this result applicable to all shift spaces. We do not know if any continuous orbit equivalence between shift spaces preserves eventually periodic points, but we show that this problem hinges on whether there exists a continuous orbit equivalence which maps an aperiodic isolated point to an eventually periodic isolated point.

Proposition 6.8.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a continuous orbit equivalence. Then maps nonisolated eventually periodic points to nonisolated eventually periodic points.


It suffices to verify the claim for nonisolated periodic points. Suppose for some word with , and let be a sequence in converging to . We may assume that for all .

Suppose now that . The cocycles for are continuous, so there exists such that for . In particular,

for . The sequences and both converge to in , so there exists an integer such that

whenever . This together with Equation 6.4 means that and hence , for . Since , the sequence is eventually equal to , so we conclude that is an isolated point. If is not isolated, then , and the observation

shows that is eventually periodic.


A similar result holds for covers.

Since any homeomorphism respects isolated points, we obtain the corollary below. Sofic shifts contain no aperiodic isolated points (cf. Lemma 2.6), so this result resolves the problem for this class of shift spaces.

Corollary 6.9.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces either containing no aperiodic isolated points or no isolated eventually periodic points, then any continuous orbit equivalence maps eventually periodic points to eventually periodic points. In particular, this applies to sofic shift spaces.

If and contain no periodic points isolated in past equivalence, then and as well as the covers and contain dense sets of aperiodic points. Hence the condition that a continuous orbit equivalence be stabilizer-preserving is superfluous.

Theorem 6.10.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces with no periodic points isolated in past equivalence and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a continuous orbit equivalence;


there is a continuous orbit equivalence satisfying ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying and for .


(i) (ii): Suppose is a continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles . Since and contain no periodic points isolated in past equivalence, it follows from Proposition 2.10 that and contain dense sets of aperiodic points. The proof of Theorem 6.4 (i) (ii) shows that there is a continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles and which satisfies .

(ii) (iii): Let be a continuous orbit equivalence and let be continuous cocycles for . The map given by

for , is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying .

(iii) (i): Let be a groupoid isomorphism satisfying . Then is a continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles and given as in the proof of Theorem 6.6 (ii) (i). We will show that there are continuous maps and which are continuous cocycles for such that , , and . By Proposition 2.10, and have dense sets of aperiodic points, so it suffices to show that and are constant on for an aperiodic .

Let be aperiodic and take . Set and . If is isolated, then is a singleton, so we may assume that is not isolated. Since and , it follows that

By Proposition 6.8, we know that is aperiodic, so .


Since we have , and . The point is aperiodic, so Lemma 2.8 implies that . By minimality in the definition of , it follows that . A symmetric argument shows that . Hence and are constant on . There are therefore cocycles for which satisfy and , and they are continuous by Lemma 2.5. A similar argument shows that there are continuous cocycles satisfying and . Hence is a continuous orbit equivalence.

(iii) (iv): This is Reference 14, Theorem 8.2. Note that if is a -isomorphism as in (iv), then by Theorem 3.3.

Corollary 6.11.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces with no periodic points which are isolated in past equivalence. The following are equivalent:


the systems and are continuously orbit equivalent;


there is a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism such that ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying .

Remark 6.12.

In Reference 6, the second-named author showed that when is a sofic shift, then is -isomorphic to a CuntzтАУKrieger algebra even in a diagonal-preserving way. However, Corollary 6.11 shows that for a strictly sofic shift the -algebra together with can be distinguished from a CuntzтАУKrieger algebra, cf. Remark 3.4.

6.1. Examples

We consider a few examples.

Example 6.13.

Let and be the vertex shifts of the reducible graphs

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=5, ->-/.style={thick, decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow{Straight Barb[line width=0pt 1.5]}}},postaction={decorate}}, node distance =2cm, thick, vertex/.style={inner sep=0pt, circle, fill=black}] \node(E) {$E:$}; \node[vertex, right of = E, label=left:{1}] (E1) {.}; \node[vertex, right of = E1, label=right:{2}] (E2) {.}; \node[vertex, below of = E1, label=right:{3}] (E3) {.}; \node[vertex, left of = E3, label=left:{4}] (E4) {.}; \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (E1) to (E1); \draw[->-, bend left] (E1) to (E2); \draw[->-] (E1) to (E3); \draw[->-, bend left] (E2) to (E1); \draw[->-, bend right] (E3) to (E4); \draw[->-, bend right] (E4) to (E3); \node(F) [right of = E2] {$F:$}; \node[vertex, right of = F, label=left:{1}] (F1) {.}; \node[vertex, right of = F1, label=right:{2}] (F2) {.}; \node[vertex, below of = F1, label=right:{3}] (F3) {.}; \node[vertex, left of = F3, label=left:{4}] (F4) {.}; \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (F1) to (F1); \draw[->-, bend left] (F1) to (F2); \draw[->-] (F1) to (F3); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (F2) to (F2); \draw[->-, bend left] (F2) to (F1); \draw[->-, bend right] (F3) to (F4); \draw[->-, bend right] (F4) to (F3); \end{tikzpicture}

Define a map by exchanging the word with the word except in the case . Furthermore, is fixed by and and . This is a homeomorphism. Consider the cocycles and given by

They are continuous and is a continuous orbit equivalence with the specified cocycles. Hence and are continuously orbit equivalent.

We will show that no choice of continuous cocycles of can be least period preserving on eventually periodic points. Let be any choice of continuous cocycles for . Let and . The computation

shows that and have the same parity. On the other hand,

shows that and have different parity. Then is odd while .

Below we revisit an example of Matsumoto Reference 36 of infinite and irreducible shifts of finite type that are continuously orbit equivalent. We show that they are not eventually conjugate.

Example 6.14.

Let be the full shift on the alphabet and let be the golden mean shift determined by the single forbidden word . Then and are infinite and irreducible shifts of finite type which are continuously orbit equivalent, cf. Reference 36, p. 213.

Suppose is an eventual conjugacy and that is an integer in accordance with Equation 5.1 and Equation 5.2. Then both and are constant sequences in , so they are both equal to . However, then

which cannot be the case. Therefore, and are not eventually conjugate.

Example 6.15.

Let and be the even and the odd shift defined by the following sets of forbidden words

respectively. The shift spaces are represented in the labeled graphs and below.

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=5, ->-/.style={thick, decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow{Straight Barb[line width=0pt 1.5]}}},postaction={decorate}}, node distance =2cm, thick, vertex/.style={inner sep=0pt, circle, fill=black}] \node(E) {Even:}; \node[vertex] (E1) [right of = E] {.}; \node[vertex] (E2) [right of = E1] {.}; \node[vertex] (E3) [below of = E1] {.}; \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (E1) to node[above] {$1$} (E1); \draw[->-, bend left] (E1) to node[above] {$0$} (E2); \draw[->-] (E1) to node[left] {$1$} (E3); \draw[->-, bend left] (E2) to node[below] {$0$} (E1); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=225, in=315] (E3) to node[below] {$0$} (E3); \node(F) [right of = E2] {Odd:}; \node[vertex] (F1) [right of = F] {.}; \node[vertex] (F2) [right of = F1] {.}; \node[vertex] (F3) [below of = F1] {.}; \draw[->-, bend left] (F1) to node[above] {$0$} (F2); \draw[->-, bend left = 60, looseness=2] (F1) to node[above] {$1$} (F2); \draw[->-] (F1) to node[left] {$1$} (F3); \draw[->-, bend left] (F2) to node[below] {$0$} (F1); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=225, in=315] (F3) to node[below] {$0$} (F3); \end{tikzpicture}

Define a map by exchanging the word by the word . This is a homeomorphism. Furthermore, the cocycles and given by

are continuous. Hence is a continuous orbit equivalence and and are continuously orbit equivalent. An argument similar to that of Example 6.14 shows that and are not one-sided eventually conjugate.

Observe that and and

so is least period preserving. A similar computation shows that is also least period preserving.

Example 6.16.

Let and be the edge shifts determined by the reducible graphs

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=5, ->-/.style={thick, decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow{Straight Barb[line width=0pt 1.5]}}},postaction={decorate}}, node distance =2cm, thick, vertex/.style={inner sep=0pt, circle, fill=black}] \node(E) {$E:$}; \node[vertex] (E1) [right of = E] {.}; \node[vertex] (E2) [right of = E1] {.}; \node[vertex] (E3) [below of = E1] {.}; \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (E1) to node[above] {$e$} (E1); \draw[->-, bend left] (E1) to node[above] {$c$} (E2); \draw[->-] (E1) to node[left] {$b$} (E3); \draw[->-, bend left] (E2) to node[below] {$d$} (E1); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=225, in=315] (E3) to node[below] {$a$} (E3); \node(F) [right of = E2] {$F:$}; \node[vertex] (F1) [right of = F] {.}; \node[vertex] (F2) [right of = F1] {.}; \node[vertex] (F3) [below of = F1] {.}; \draw[->-, bend left] (F1) to node[above] {$c'$} (F2); \draw[->-, bend left = 60, looseness=2] (F1) to node[above] {$e'$} (F2); \draw[->-] (F1) to node[left] {$b'$} (F3); \draw[->-, bend left] (F2) to node[below] {$d'$} (F1); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=225, in=315] (F3) to node[below] {$a'$} (F3); \end{tikzpicture}

Define a map by exchanging any occurance of by . This is a homeomorphism. The maps and given by

are continuous cocycles for . Hence is a continuous orbit equivalence and and are continuously orbit equivalent. A computation shows that is least period preserving on periodic points but not on eventually periodic points.

In light of Example 6.15 we can identify and with the covers and , respectively, and the cocycles above are induced from the cocycles on the even and odd shifts. The maps given by

are continuous cocycles for . Then is not least period preserving and not constant on the preimages of while is least period preserving on all eventually periodic points but not constant on the preimages under .

7. Two-sided conjugacy

In Reference 12, Corollary 5.2, the second-named author and Rout show that two-sided subshifts of finite type and are conjugate if and only if the groupoids and are isomorphic in a way which respects the canonical cocycle and if and only if and are -isomorphic in a way which intertwines the gauge actions suitably stabilized. In this section, we characterize when a pair of general two-sided shift spaces are conjugate in terms of isomorphism of the groupoids and and -isomorphism of and (Theorem 7.5).

Recall that if is a one-sided shift space and is surjective, then the corresponding two-sided shift space is constructed as the projective limit

We shall write elements of as , , , тАж and elements of as , , тАж.

Lemma 7.1.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let be the associated cover. Then is surjective if and only if is surjective.


If is surjective, then the relation ensures that is surjective. On the other hand, suppose is surjective and let . Take and integers such that . Since is surjective, there exists such that . We have

In particular, we may pick such that .


Following Reference 13, we let be the full countable equivalence relation on . The product of is defined exactly when in which case

Inversion is given as , and the source and range maps are

respectively, for .

Given a one-sided shift space , we consider the product groupoid whose unit space we shall identify with via the correspondence . The canonical cocycle is the continuous map given by , for .

We start by describing two-sided conjugacy in terms of sliding block codes on the corresponding one-sided shift spaces. Recall that a sliding block code between one-sided shift spaces and is a continuous map satisfying .

Definition 7.2.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a sliding block code. We say that is almost injective (with lag ) if there exists such that

for every . We say that is almost surjective (with lag ) if there exists such that for each there exists such that .

Almost injective and almost surjective sliding block codes between covers is defined analogously.

Lemma 7.3.

Let and be two-sided subshifts. If and are two-sided conjugate, then there is a surjective sliding block code which is almost injective. Conversely, if there exists a sliding block code which is almost injective and almost surjective, then and are conjugate.


If and are two-sided conjugate, we may assume that there exist a two-sided conjugacy and such that

for , . Therefore, there is a well-defined map given by

for every and with . The map is a surjective sliding block code. Furthermore, if then for .

Conversely, suppose is an almost injective and almost surjective sliding block code with lag . Define a map by

for . Note that for . Therefore is a well-defined sliding block code. We will show that is injective and surjective.

Suppose first that and for every . Then

for so is injective.

Now let and choose such that

Note that

so since is almost surjective with lag . Put and and observe that . Continuing this process inductively defines an sequence which is sent to via . Hence is surjective and thus a two-sided conjugacy.


Next we lift surjective sliding block codes on one-sided shift spaces to surjective sliding block codes on the covers.

Lemma 7.4.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a surjective sliding block code. Then there exists a surjective sliding block code satisfying .

If, in addition, is surjective and is almost injective with lag , then is almost injective with lag .


Since is a sliding block code there exists an integer such that

for and . We want to show that

for and integers .

Suppose where with . We need to show that . As is surjective and commutes with the shift, there exists a word with such that and . By hypothesis, and we claim that . Indeed, , so

by the choice of . This proves the claim.

Define by

for and integers . It is straightforward to check that the induced map is a surjective sliding block code satisfying .

Suppose now that is surjective and that there is such that implies for all . Equivalently, there exists a surjective sliding block code satisfying . An argument similar to the one above shows that there is an induced surjective sliding block code with . It is straightforward to verify that . Hence is almost injective.


We now arrive at the main theorem of this section which characterizes two-sided conjugacy of general shift spaces. The proof uses ideas of Reference 12. Let be the map , for .

Theorem 7.5.

Let and be two-sided shift spaces. The following are equivalent:


there is a sliding block code which is almost injective and almost surjective;


there is a two-sided conjugacy ;


there are a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying and


The equivalence (i) (ii) is Lemma 7.3.

(ii)(iii): Let be a conjugacy as in the proof of Lemma 7.3 and let be the surjective and almost injective sliding block code of Equation 7.1. By Lemma 7.4 there exists a surjective and almost injective sliding block code satisfying . Since is continuous, there exists such that

for . Define an equivalence relation on words of length in the following way: Two words are -equivalent, if there are and such that . Then if and only if and . For every -equivalence class , fix a partition

and bijections . Define by

for . Then given by

for , is a homeomorphism. Furthermore, the map given by

for , is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying .

(iii)(i): Suppose is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying the hypotheses of (iii). Define a map by for and some . Then is well-defined and continuous since is continuous. By an argument similar to one in the proof of Reference 12, Theorem 5.1, there exists such that is a sliding block code which is almost injective and almost surjective, say with lag . Define also by for and some . Then is continuous and . It follows that is a sliding block code.

Let and choose . Pick such that . If , then and is almost surjective.

In order to see that is almost injective, choose distinct such that . Choose distinct such that and and pick . Since is a homeomorphism, there are unique and distinct such that and . It follows that since is almost injective. Since , we have and . Hence and is almost injective.

(iii)(iv): A groupoid isomorphism induces a -isomorphism satisfying . Since , we also have . The relation ensures that Equation 7.4 is satisfied.

(iv) (ii): By Corollary 3.5, . From Reference 14, Theorem 8.10 there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying for , and . Since for , there is a homeomorphism such that .

Corollary 7.6.

Let and be two-sided shift spaces. The following are equivalent:


the two-sided subshifts and are two-sided conjugate;


there is a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying and ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying and .

If and are the two-sided subshifts associated to finite square -matrices with no zero rows and no zero columns, then we recover Reference 12, Corollary 5.2. See also Reference 40, Theorem 1.5.

8. Flow equivalence

It is proven in Reference 10, Corollary 6.3 (see also Reference 41, Corollary 3.8) that if and are two-sided subshifts of finite type, then and are flow equivalent if and only if and are isomorphic, and if and only if there is a -isomorphism which maps onto . In this section, we shall for general shift spaces and look at the relationship between flow equivalence of and , isomorphism of and , and -isomorphisms which map onto .

The ordered cohomology Reference 41, p. 868 of is the group

with the positive cone

The ordered cohomology of the cover is defined analogously. An isomorphism of cohomology groups is positive if it maps the positive cone onto the positive cone, and two maps are cohomologous if in .

Remark 8.1.

Recall that is the collection of groupoid homomorphisms from to . The first cohomology group of is the group

where is , for and , cf. Reference 41, p. 870. There is a canonical isomorphism given by , where

for , cf. Reference 10, Proposition 4,7.

The factor map induces a well-defined injective map given by , for . Note and . The ordered cohomology of a two-sided subshift is defined analogously, and there is a canonical isomorphism . This was shown in Reference 41, Lemma 3.1 for infinite irreducible shifts of finite type but as noted in Reference 10, Section 2.5 the proof holds for general shifts.

If is a one-sided shift space, then the stabilization of is the space with the shift operation given by

for . We define in a similar way.

The ordered cohomology for the stabilized system is the group

with the positive cone

The ordered cohomology is stable in the following sense.

Lemma 8.2.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let be the inclusion given by . There is a surjective homomorphism defined by , and an isomorphism such that . Moreover, and .


It is straightforward to check that is a surjective homomorphism. Since is a sliding block code, there is a well-defined surjective map given by . Any class can be represented by a map which is supported on . If , for some and , we may take supported on such that . Then on , so is injective.

It is clear the if . Conversely, let and assume that . Take supported on such that for , and note that and . Hence . Finally, .


We will write an element of as instead of , where and for some with . We then have that

Let be the map defined by , for . There is an injective homomorphism defined by

where are such that and . In particular, it the unique cocycle satisfying

for .

If and are conjugate subshifts, then they have isomorphic ordered cohomology. We give a one-sided decription below.

Lemma 8.3.

Let and be two-sided subshifts that are conjugate. Then there exist


a surjective and almost injective sliding block code and an injective homomorphism given by ;


a positive isomorphism satisfying and for ;


a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying ;


a homomorphism such that for ,


a homomorphism such that for ; and


a positive isomorphism such that for , for and .


(i): Since and are conjugate there is a surjective and almost injective sliding block code , cf. Lemma 7.3. The map given by for is an injective homomorphism.

Since is a sliding block code the map given by is well-defined and injective. In order to see that is surjective, recall that is almost injective and pick accordingly. Take . Define a map by , for . Since is almost injective with lag this is well-defined and is continuous, and . Hence is surjective. It is straightforward to verify that and .

(ii): By (the proof of) Theorem 7.5, there is a surjective sliding block code such that and a map such that the map defined by

is a groupoid isomorphism, and the map defined by

is a homeomorphism satisfying .

(iii): Choose such that and let be the map from Equation 8.1. Define by letting where for some . Since is a homeomorphism, is continuous. Let be the map defined by

for and with , and

for and . Let be the map defined by

for and with , and

for and . It is straightforward to check that and are homomorphisms, and that for , and for .

Let and observe that

for with , and

for . Hence induces a map given by for .

Suppose is supported on . Then

for . Since any element in can be represented by a map which is supported on , it follows that . Therefore, is a positive isomorphism.

Suppose is is supported on . Then

for . It follows that . Since and is an isomorphism, we conclude that . Any element in can be represented by a map which is supported on , so it follows that for every .


Let be a continuous map. Following Reference 43, we consider the space

with the shift operation given by

for . We equip with the subspace topology of with the product topology where is endowed with the discrete topology. Then is compact and Hausdorff, and is surjective if and only if is surjective. If is the alphabet of , then the pair is conjugate to a shift space over where is the injective sliding block code given by

for and , , тАж, . By a slight abuse of notation, we shall identify and and consider the two-sided subshift as well as the cover . Note that and are flow equivalent, cf. Reference 10, Section 5. A similar construction applies to two-sided subshifts.

We shall make use of the following characterization of flow equivalence. This is probably known to experts but we have not been able to find a proper reference.

Lemma 8.4.

A pair of two-sided subshifts and are flow equivalent, if and only if there are continuous maps and such that and are conjugate.


Suppose first that there are continuous maps and such that and are conjugate. It is well-known that is flow equivalent to , and that is flow equivalent to , cf. Reference 10, Section 5, so it follows that and are flow equivalent.

If and are flow equivalent, then there is a compact metric space with a flow and cross sections and which are conjugate to and , respectively, cf., e.g., Reference 3Reference 45. Let and be such conjugacies.

Set . Consider the return time function given by

for , and define the map by

for . Then is continuous and . Moreover, is conjugate to by construction. By continuity, there is an integer such that implies . It follows that there is a well-defined continuous map satisfying

for . Then is conjugate to , and is conjugate to . In particular, is conjugate to .

A similar argument shows that there is a continuous map such that is conjugate to . It follows that and are conjugate.

Lemma 8.5.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let be continuous. Then


there are an injective sliding block code and a surjective homomorphism given by

and a positive isomorphism given by ;


there are


a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying ;


a homomorphism satisfying for ;


a homomorphism satisfying for ;


a positive isomorphism such that , , and .


(i): The inclusion given by is an injective sliding block code, and given by Equation 8.2 is a surjective homomorphism. Since

for and , the map induces a well-defined surjective map given by for .

To see that is injective, notice that any element of can be represented by a map which is supported on . Suppose is supported on and for some . Let be given by for and . Then , so is cohomologous to zero.

Note that when . Conversely, let and take such that for all and . Then and if . Hence is a positive isomorphism.

(ii): Define by

where with and . Then is a homeomorphism.

Define by

for and such that and . Here, with and , and and , and

Then is a groupoid isomorphism such that .

(iii): Let be defined by

for and with , where is the integer part of , and

for and . Then is a homomorphism such that for .

Define by

for and with ,

for and with , and

for and . Then is a homomorphism such that for


for and , induces a well-defined map given by for . Since , it follows that . Since and are positive isomorphisms, is also a positive isomorphism.

Suppose is supported on . Then

for every . Since every element of can be represented by a map which is supported on , this shows that for every . Since and is an isomorphism, it follows that for .


Let us say that a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence , , , , from to is positive if and .

Lemma 8.6.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to . Then is least period preserving.


Since and , there are and such that , and and such that . If is periodic with , then

Since is stabilizer-preserving, we thus have that

A similar argument shows that for any periodic .

Corollary 8.7.

Let and be two-sided subshifts and suppose there is a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to . Then and are flow equivalent.


Let be a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to . It follows from Lemma 8.6 that is least period preserving, and thus from Reference 10, Proposition 3.2 that and are flow equivalent.


The proof of Reference 42, Theorem 5.11 shows that any continuous orbit equivalence between shifts of finite type with no isolated points is least period preserving and positive. However, if is the shift space with only one point, then is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to which is not positive. It follows from Reference 10, Proposition 4.5 and Proposition 4.7 that if and are shifts of finite type that are continuously orbit equivalent, then there is a least period preserving continuous orbit equivalence between and . We do not know if there are shifts spaces and that are continuously orbit equivalent, but for which there is no positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence between and .

Remark 8.8.

Suppose is a second-countable locally compact Hausdorff ├йtale groupoid such that is abelian and torsion-free, is an abelian group, and that is a cocycle. Then induces an action of the dual of on such that for , , and . In Reference 14, Section 4, a groupoid consisting of equivalence classes of pairs , where is normalizer of in that is homogeneous with respect to , and is a character of , is constructed, and it is shown in Reference 14, Proposition 6.5 that there is an isomorphism (it is in Reference 14 not assumed that is abelian and is a coaction of rather than an action of ).

This is used in Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 to prove that if is another second-countable locally compact Hausdorff ├йtale groupoid, and is a cocycle such that there is a -isomorphism such that and for all , then there is an isomorphism such that .

If we let denote the unique cocycle from to the abelian group , then any normalizer of in is homogeneous with respect to . In particular, a normalizer that is homogeneous with respect to , is also homogeneous with respect to , and there is a homomorphism that sends to . Since , it follows that is an isomorphism.

Therefore, the isomorphism constructed in Reference 14, Theorem 3.3 is equal to the isomorphism constructed in Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 such that .

We are now ready to characterize flow equivalence of general two-sided subshifts. The equivalence (i) (iv) in Theorem 8.9 below is a generalization of Reference 10, Theorem 5.3 (5) (6) which is formulated for shifts of finite type.

Theorem 8.9.

Let and be two-sided subshifts. The following are equivalent:


the two-sided subshifts and are flow equivalent;


there are


a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism such that ;


a homomorphism such that

for ;


a homomorphism such that

for ; and


a positive isomorphism such that , and for .


there are


a -isomorphism such that ;


a homomorphism such that

for and ;


a homomorphism such that

for and ; and


a positive isomorphism such that , and for ;


there are and such that there is a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence between and .


(i) (ii): Suppose and are flow equivalent. Then there are and such that and are conjugate. It therefore follows from Lemmas 8.3 and 8.5 that (ii) holds.

(ii)(iv): We shall identify . Since is compact and is continuous, there is an integer such that .

Define to be constantly equal to . Then given by

for , is a homeomorphism and defined by

for , is an isomorphism such that .

Define by

for . Then is continuous and . Note that if then the condition ensures that

so . By Lemma 2.5, there is a continuous map satisfying .

For each , there are exactly integers , тАж, such that . Arrange the integers in increasing order and define by

for . Define by

where are such that and

Then is an isomorphism such that .

We have that is an isomorphism and is a homeomorphism such that .

Let be defined by

for . Then . Set and define by

for . Then and . We thus have .

Similarly, where is defined by

Let , and let be defined by

Then and . Hence, .

It now follows from Theorem 6.4 that there are continuous maps and such that is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to and and .

Note that and . Since is a positive isomorphism, it follows that there are continuous maps such that is supported on and . Then for and

for . Thus, .

Similarly, and , so there are continuous maps such that is supported on and , and then for , and , for . This shows that .

We conclude that is a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence.

(iv) (i): We have that and are flow equivalent according to Corollary 8.7. Since and are flow equivalent, and and are flow equivalent, it follows that and are flow equivalent.

(ii)(iii): The isomorphism induces a -isomorphism satisfying , for . In particular, . The hypothesis, ensures that , for , and that for . Therefore, .

Let and suppose has support in . By Equation 8.3, has support in . It follows that

for . A similar argument using Equation 8.4 shows that , for and .

(iii) (ii): By Corollary 3.5, we have , so it follows from Reference 14, Theorem 3.3 that there is an isomorphism .

Let . It then follows from Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 that there is an isomorphism satisfying , and according to Remark 8.8, we have . Therefore, , for every . A similar argument shows that , for every . Finally, the restriction induces a homeomorphism such that .

The final remark follows from Corollary 3.5.


If we restrict to the class of shift spaces which produce effective groupoids, we can relax some of the conditions of Theorem 8.9.

Theorem 8.10.

Let and be two-sided shift spaces such that and contain no periodic points isolated in past equivalence. The following are equivalent:


the systems and are flow equivalent;


there is an isomorphism of groupoids and a homeomorphism satisfying and a positive isomorphism satisfying .


(i)(ii): This follows from the proof of Theorem 8.9 (i) (ii).

(ii) (i): Let be a groupoid isomorphism and be a homeomorphism satisfying . As in the proof of Theorem 8.9 (ii) (iv) we choose and . Let be constantly equal to . Then there is a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism such that .

It is not hard to see that the maps and defined in Equation 8.6 and Equation 8.5, respectively, are positive continuous orbit equivalences. Since and contain dense sets of aperiodic points, it follows from Theorem 6.10 that is a continuous orbit equivalence. By the hypothesis in (ii), is also positive. Hence is a positive continuous orbit equivalence. It this follows from Corollary 8.7 that and are flow equivalent. Since and are flow equivalent, and and are flow equivalent, we conclude that and are flow equivalent.


Finally, we restrict to the class of sofic shifts whose groupoids are effective.

Theorem 8.11.

Let and be two-sided sofic shift spaces such that and contain no periodic points isolated in past equivalence. The following are equivalent:


the two-sided subshifts and are flow equivalent;


there is an isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying .


(i) (ii): This follows from Theorem 8.9.

(ii)(i): As in the proof of (ii)(iv) in Theorem 8.9, there are , , a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism such that . It follows from Theorem 8.10 and its proof that is a continuous orbit equivalence and that is a continuous orbit equivalence. Since and are sofic shift spaces, the covers and are (conjugate to) shifts of finite type. By hypothesis, and have no periodic points isolated in past equivalence, so and , and thus also and , have no isolated points. It therefore follows the proof of Reference 42, Theorem 5.11 that the continuous orbit equivalence is positive and least period preserving. It follows that is also positive and least period preserving. It therefore follows from Corollary 8.7 that and are flow equivalent. Since and are flow equivalent, and and are flow equivalent, we conclude that and are flow equivalent.

(ii) (iii): This is Reference 14, Corollary 11.4. Note that if is a -isomorphism as in (iii), then by Corollary 3.5.

Corollary 8.12.

Let and be one-sided sofic shifts with no periodic points isolated in past equivalence. If and are continuously orbit equivalent, then and are flow equivalent.

Mathematical Fragments

Example 2.2.

The even shift is the strictly sofic one-sided shift space over the alphabet determined by the forbidden words (see, e.g., Reference 27, Section 3 for an introduction to sofic shifts). The space contains no isolated points, but is the unique element for which , so is isolated in past equivalence. Hence is isolated and is not continuous.

Lemma 2.5.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let be a map. Then the map satisfying is continuous if and only if is continuous.

Lemma 2.6.

Let be a one-sided sofic shift. If is isolated, then is eventually periodic.

Lemma 2.8.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let .


If and for some , then .


If is aperiodic and for some , then .

Proposition 2.9.

Let be a one-sided shift space. The following conditions are equivalent:


contains no eventually periodic points;


contains no eventually periodic points;


is principal.

Proposition 2.10.

Let be a one-sided shift space. The conditions


satisfies MatsumotoтАЩs condition (I);


contains no isolated points;

are equivalent and strictly stronger that the following equivalent conditions


contains no periodic points isolated in past equivalence;


has a dense set of aperiodic points;


is effective;

which are strictly stronger than


contains a dense set of aperiodic points.

Equation (2.1)
Lemma 3.1.

Let be a one-sided shift space. We have . If the groupoid is effective, then .

Lemma 3.2.

Let be the equivalence relation on defined above. There is a -isomorphism given by

for and .

Theorem 3.3.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces. If is a -isomorphism satisfying , then .

Remark 3.4.

Let be a strictly sofic one-sided shift space and let be its cover. Then is (conjugate to) a shift of finite type. Although it is possible that and are homeomorphic so that and are -isomorphic, there is no -isomorphism which satisfies . Indeed, if this were the case then Theorem 3.3 would imply that

so that inside , and is a homeomorphism. However, this is not possible when is strictly sofic. Foreshadowing Theorem 6.6 (below) this means that and do not admit a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence.

Corollary 3.5.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a -isomorphism satisfying . Then .

Lemma 4.1 (Lifting lemma).

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a conjugacy;


there is a conjugacy satisfying .

Lemma 4.3.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces. If is a -isomorphism satisfying , then on . If, in addition, , then on .

Theorem 4.4.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a one-sided conjugacy;


there is a conjugacy satisfying ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying , and


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for , , for , , and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for , and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying , for and .

Definition 5.1.

Two one-sided shift spaces and are eventually conjugate if there exist a homeomorphism and an integer such that

for and . An eventual conjugacy is a conjugacy if and only if we can choose .

Lemma 5.2 (Lifting lemma).

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is an eventual conjugacy;


there is an eventual conjugacy satisfying .

Theorem 5.3.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a one-sided eventual conjugacy;


there is an eventual conjugacy such that ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying , with for and

for ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for and 5.3.

Definition 6.1.

Two one-sided shift spaces and are continuously orbit equivalent if there exist a homeomorphism and continuous maps and satisfying

for and . The underlying homeomorphism is a continuous orbit equivalence and and are cocycle pairs for .

Lemma 6.3 (Lifting lemma).

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles and . Then there is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence with continuous cocycles and .

Theorem 6.4.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces, let be a homeomorphism and let and be continuous maps. The following conditions are equivalent:


there are continuous maps and with and such that is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence;


there are continuous maps and with and and continuous maps and with , , , , and a homeomorphism such that is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence satisfying ;


there are


a groupoid isomorphism such that and ; and


a groupoid isomorphism such that and ;


there are


a -isomorphism such that , for and for each ; and


a -isomorphism such that , for and for each .

Equation (6.3)
Remark 6.5.

It is natural to ask if in Theorem 6.4(iii) the groupoid isomorphisms and can be chosen to be inverses of each other, and if in (iv) the -isomorphisms and can be chosen to be inverses of each other. This is not the case in general.

Let be the shift space with only one point. Then is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to (which is not least period preserving), where and . The groupoid is canonically isomorphic to the integer group . If is a group isomorphism, then the conditions and imply that maps the generator to both and and this cannot be the case. Similarly, there is no -isomorphism satisfying and and .

We do not know if there are similar examples where and are not of finite type.

Theorem 6.6.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a homeomorphism. The following conditions are equivalent:


there is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence satisfying ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying with for .

Moreover, if is a stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence, then the equivalent conditions above hold.

Proposition 6.8.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a continuous orbit equivalence. Then maps nonisolated eventually periodic points to nonisolated eventually periodic points.

Equation (6.4)
Theorem 6.10.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces with no periodic points isolated in past equivalence and let be a homeomorphism. The following are equivalent:


the map is a continuous orbit equivalence;


there is a continuous orbit equivalence satisfying ;


there is a groupoid isomorphism satisfying ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying and for .

Corollary 6.11.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces with no periodic points which are isolated in past equivalence. The following are equivalent:


the systems and are continuously orbit equivalent;


there is a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism such that ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying .

Example 6.13.

Let and be the vertex shifts of the reducible graphs

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=5, ->-/.style={thick, decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow{Straight Barb[line width=0pt 1.5]}}},postaction={decorate}}, node distance =2cm, thick, vertex/.style={inner sep=0pt, circle, fill=black}] \node(E) {$E:$}; \node[vertex, right of = E, label=left:{1}] (E1) {.}; \node[vertex, right of = E1, label=right:{2}] (E2) {.}; \node[vertex, below of = E1, label=right:{3}] (E3) {.}; \node[vertex, left of = E3, label=left:{4}] (E4) {.}; \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (E1) to (E1); \draw[->-, bend left] (E1) to (E2); \draw[->-] (E1) to (E3); \draw[->-, bend left] (E2) to (E1); \draw[->-, bend right] (E3) to (E4); \draw[->-, bend right] (E4) to (E3); \node(F) [right of = E2] {$F:$}; \node[vertex, right of = F, label=left:{1}] (F1) {.}; \node[vertex, right of = F1, label=right:{2}] (F2) {.}; \node[vertex, below of = F1, label=right:{3}] (F3) {.}; \node[vertex, left of = F3, label=left:{4}] (F4) {.}; \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (F1) to (F1); \draw[->-, bend left] (F1) to (F2); \draw[->-] (F1) to (F3); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (F2) to (F2); \draw[->-, bend left] (F2) to (F1); \draw[->-, bend right] (F3) to (F4); \draw[->-, bend right] (F4) to (F3); \end{tikzpicture}

Define a map by exchanging the word with the word except in the case . Furthermore, is fixed by and and . This is a homeomorphism. Consider the cocycles and given by

They are continuous and is a continuous orbit equivalence with the specified cocycles. Hence and are continuously orbit equivalent.

We will show that no choice of continuous cocycles of can be least period preserving on eventually periodic points. Let be any choice of continuous cocycles for . Let and . The computation

shows that and have the same parity. On the other hand,

shows that and have different parity. Then is odd while .

Example 6.14.

Let be the full shift on the alphabet and let be the golden mean shift determined by the single forbidden word . Then and are infinite and irreducible shifts of finite type which are continuously orbit equivalent, cf. Reference 36, p. 213.

Suppose is an eventual conjugacy and that is an integer in accordance with Equation 5.1 and Equation 5.2. Then both and are constant sequences in , so they are both equal to . However, then

which cannot be the case. Therefore, and are not eventually conjugate.

Example 6.15.

Let and be the even and the odd shift defined by the following sets of forbidden words

respectively. The shift spaces are represented in the labeled graphs and below.

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=5, ->-/.style={thick, decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow{Straight Barb[line width=0pt 1.5]}}},postaction={decorate}}, node distance =2cm, thick, vertex/.style={inner sep=0pt, circle, fill=black}] \node(E) {Even:}; \node[vertex] (E1) [right of = E] {.}; \node[vertex] (E2) [right of = E1] {.}; \node[vertex] (E3) [below of = E1] {.}; \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=135, in=45] (E1) to node[above] {$1$} (E1); \draw[->-, bend left] (E1) to node[above] {$0$} (E2); \draw[->-] (E1) to node[left] {$1$} (E3); \draw[->-, bend left] (E2) to node[below] {$0$} (E1); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=225, in=315] (E3) to node[below] {$0$} (E3); \node(F) [right of = E2] {Odd:}; \node[vertex] (F1) [right of = F] {.}; \node[vertex] (F2) [right of = F1] {.}; \node[vertex] (F3) [below of = F1] {.}; \draw[->-, bend left] (F1) to node[above] {$0$} (F2); \draw[->-, bend left = 60, looseness=2] (F1) to node[above] {$1$} (F2); \draw[->-] (F1) to node[left] {$1$} (F3); \draw[->-, bend left] (F2) to node[below] {$0$} (F1); \draw[->-, looseness=30, out=225, in=315] (F3) to node[below] {$0$} (F3); \end{tikzpicture}

Define a map by exchanging the word by the word . This is a homeomorphism. Furthermore, the cocycles and given by

are continuous. Hence is a continuous orbit equivalence and and are continuously orbit equivalent. An argument similar to that of Example 6.14 shows that and are not one-sided eventually conjugate.

Observe that and and

so is least period preserving. A similar computation shows that is also least period preserving.

Lemma 7.3.

Let and be two-sided subshifts. If and are two-sided conjugate, then there is a surjective sliding block code which is almost injective. Conversely, if there exists a sliding block code which is almost injective and almost surjective, then and are conjugate.

Equation (7.1)
Lemma 7.4.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a surjective sliding block code. Then there exists a surjective sliding block code satisfying .

If, in addition, is surjective and is almost injective with lag , then is almost injective with lag .

Theorem 7.5.

Let and be two-sided shift spaces. The following are equivalent:


there is a sliding block code which is almost injective and almost surjective;


there is a two-sided conjugacy ;


there are a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying and


there is a -isomorphism satisfying and

Lemma 8.3.

Let and be two-sided subshifts that are conjugate. Then there exist


a surjective and almost injective sliding block code and an injective homomorphism given by ;


a positive isomorphism satisfying and for ;


a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying ;


a homomorphism such that for ,


a homomorphism such that for ; and


a positive isomorphism such that for , for and .

Equation (8.1)
Lemma 8.5.

Let be a one-sided shift space and let be continuous. Then


there are an injective sliding block code and a surjective homomorphism given by

and a positive isomorphism given by ;


there are


a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying ;


a homomorphism satisfying for ;


a homomorphism satisfying for ;


a positive isomorphism such that , , and .

Lemma 8.6.

Let and be one-sided shift spaces and let be a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to . Then is least period preserving.

Corollary 8.7.

Let and be two-sided subshifts and suppose there is a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence from to . Then and are flow equivalent.

Remark 8.8.

Suppose is a second-countable locally compact Hausdorff ├йtale groupoid such that is abelian and torsion-free, is an abelian group, and that is a cocycle. Then induces an action of the dual of on such that for , , and . In Reference 14, Section 4, a groupoid consisting of equivalence classes of pairs , where is normalizer of in that is homogeneous with respect to , and is a character of , is constructed, and it is shown in Reference 14, Proposition 6.5 that there is an isomorphism (it is in Reference 14 not assumed that is abelian and is a coaction of rather than an action of ).

This is used in Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 to prove that if is another second-countable locally compact Hausdorff ├йtale groupoid, and is a cocycle such that there is a -isomorphism such that and for all , then there is an isomorphism such that .

If we let denote the unique cocycle from to the abelian group , then any normalizer of in is homogeneous with respect to . In particular, a normalizer that is homogeneous with respect to , is also homogeneous with respect to , and there is a homomorphism that sends to . Since , it follows that is an isomorphism.

Therefore, the isomorphism constructed in Reference 14, Theorem 3.3 is equal to the isomorphism constructed in Reference 14, Theorem 6.2 such that .

Theorem 8.9.

Let and be two-sided subshifts. The following are equivalent:


the two-sided subshifts and are flow equivalent;


there are


a groupoid isomorphism and a homeomorphism such that ;


a homomorphism such that

for ;


a homomorphism such that

for ; and


a positive isomorphism such that , and for .


there are


a -isomorphism such that ;


a homomorphism such that

for and ;


a homomorphism such that

for and ; and


a positive isomorphism such that , and for ;


there are and such that there is a positive stabilizer-preserving continuous orbit equivalence between and .

Equation (8.5)
Equation (8.6)
Theorem 8.10.

Let and be two-sided shift spaces such that and contain no periodic points isolated in past equivalence. The following are equivalent:


the systems and are flow equivalent;


there is an isomorphism of groupoids and a homeomorphism satisfying and a positive isomorphism satisfying .

Theorem 8.11.

Let and be two-sided sofic shift spaces such that and contain no periodic points isolated in past equivalence. The following are equivalent:


the two-sided subshifts and are flow equivalent;


there is an isomorphism and a homeomorphism satisfying ;


there is a -isomorphism satisfying .

Corollary 8.12.

Let and be one-sided sofic shifts with no periodic points isolated in past equivalence. If and are continuously orbit equivalent, then and are flow equivalent.


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 46L55 (Noncommutative dynamical systems), 37A55 (Dynamical systems and the theory of -algebras), 37B10 (Symbolic dynamics)
  • Symbolic dynamics
  • shift spaces
  • groupoids
  • -algebras
Author Information
Kevin Aguyar Brix
School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia
Toke Meier Carlsen
Department of Science and Technology, University of the Faroe Islands, Vestara Bryggja 15, FO-100 T├│rshavn, the Faroe Islands
Additional Notes

The first named author was supported by the Danish National Research Foundation through the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation (DNRF92) and the Carlsberg Foundation through an Internationalisation Fellowship.

The second named author was supported by Research Council Faroe Islands through the project тАЬUsing graph -algebras to classify graph groupoidsтАЭ.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 7, Issue 5, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2020 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/53
  • MathSciNet Review: 4168660
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4168660}{article}{ author={Brix, Kevin}, author={Carlsen, Toke}, title={$\mathrm{C^*}$-algebras, groupoids and covers of shift spaces}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={7}, number={5}, date={2020}, pages={134-185}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4168660}, doi={10.1090/btran/53}, }


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