ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: December  2011  Volume 58  Issue 11 
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This month features a memorial for the remarkable mathematician Peter Hilton, who worked with Alan Turing at Bletchley Park. It also has an enticing article about automorphic forms and Eisenstein series. Finally, there is a treatment of the combinatorial revolution in knot theory. And our Doceamus column discusses the elusive but important topic of mathematical maturity. --Steven G. Krantz, Editor (pp. )

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Peter Hilton: Codebreaker and Mathematician (1923-2010)

Jean Pedersen, Coordinating Editor

(pp. 1538)

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The Combinatorial Revolution in Knot Theory

Sam Nelson

(pp. 1553)

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Eisenstein Series, Crystals, and Ice

Benjamin Brubaker, Daniel Bump, and Solomon Friedberg

(pp. 1563)

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From the AMS Secretary

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