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Class BoundaryArc

Class BoundaryArc


public class BoundaryArc
extends BoundaryCircle
A class representing arcs of BoundaryCircles which contribute to the boundary of a fundamental domain.

Constructor Index

 o BoundaryArc()
Constructor for trivial BoundaryArcs.
 o BoundaryArc(Complex, double, int, int, double, double)
Constructor for non-trivial BoundaryArcs.

Method Index

 o copyArc()
Copies this BoundaryArc, by making a trivial BoundaryArc and then copying into it this's center, radius, index, start and end
 o makeNeg(BoundaryArc)
Makes a negative BoundaryArc corresponding to the input of a positive one.


 o BoundaryArc
 public BoundaryArc(Complex z11,
                    double dist,
                    int ndx,
                    int domaintype,
                    double a,
                    double b)
Constructor for non-trivial BoundaryArcs.

z11 - the (1,1) entry of the current trace's generator matrix
dist - the current axis distance
ndx - the index of this BoundaryCircle
domaintype - the selected index of outputpanel's Choice fordordirichlet
a - starting angle of this arc
b - ending angle of this arc
 o BoundaryArc
 public BoundaryArc()
Constructor for trivial BoundaryArcs.


 o makeNeg
 public static BoundaryArc makeNeg(BoundaryArc pos)
Makes a negative BoundaryArc corresponding to the input of a positive one.

pos - the positive BoundaryArc to be copied and negated
s the new negative BoundaryArc
 o copyArc
 public BoundaryArc copyArc()
Copies this BoundaryArc, by making a trivial BoundaryArc and then copying into it this's center, radius, index, start and end