Federal Issues of Concern to AMS

Maintaining research strength across the breadth of the mathematical sciences must be an integral component of federal science policy. Mathematicians, our students, and institutes of higher education are impacted by federal policies. Our advocacy efforts focus on:

Urging increased and sustained federal funding for research and education in the mathematical sciences

The NSF supports more basic research in the mathematical sciences -- and done at colleges and universities -- than any other federal agency. The Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health provide further funding. We work with Congress, as these agencies' budgets are determined.

Cultivating talent by promoting programs that offer high-quality education in the mathematical sciences to all students

Our work in this area ranges from supporting students through college access and affordability (Upward Bound, Pell grants, student loan policies, etc.), to advocating for policies (such as tax policies) that help our graduate students. We follow reauthorizations of the Higher Education Act and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Our legislative watch also includes bills introduced on STEM education, broadening participation, and contingent faculty.

Supporting the global mathematics community through appropriate immigration, visa, and travel policies

Mathematical sciences profit enormously from unfettered contact between colleagues from all over the world. The U.S. is a destination of choice for international students who wish to study mathematics, and annually hosts many conferences attracting global participation. Our nation's position of leadership in mathematics depends critically upon open scientific borders. We support efforts to maintain the international collegiality, openness and exchange that strengthens the vitality of the mathematics community, to the benefit of our nation and the world.

AMS policy statements address these and other issues