We are excited to be the home for The Next Generation Fund. The Fund is a resource to help doctoral students and early career mathematicians as they establish their professional lives.
Early career mathematicians work intensely to establish their careers. Doctoral students strive to finish dissertations, and Ph.D. recipients compete for employment while working to deepen their research. Financial support can play a critical role in their success, yet traditional university and federal funding is increasingly difficult to obtain. To help early career mathematicians begin their professional lives, the Next Generation Fund to provide secure, dedicated support to these influential career-building programs:
AMS Graduate Student Travel Grants
The AMS, with support from a private gift, accepts applications for partial support for two types of AMS meetings: Joint Mathematics Meetings and AMS Sectional Meetings.
Mathematics Research Communities
The AMS's Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) are a professional development program offering early-career mathematicians a rich array of opportunities to develop collaboration skills, build a network focused in an active research domain, and receive mentoring from leaders in that area.
AMS Employment Center
The Mathematical Sciences Employment Center is held each January at the Joint Mathematics Meetings over a three and a half day period. It serves as a meeting place and information center for all employers and job seekers attending the Joint Meetings.
JMM Child Care Grants
The JMM Child Care Grants help early career scholars balance work and family expenses to attend the Joint Mathematics Meetings.
AMS Graduate Student Chapters
Graduate Student Chapters help mathematics graduate students augment their studies with specialized programming such as special lectures, interdisciplinary forums, and more.
Honoring Mentors
Who influenced you in mathematics? The Next Generation Fund celebrates the tradition of each generation helping those that follow, and commemorative gifts to the fund offer a special meaning.
If you would like to thank your mentor and pay tribute to those who helped you along the way, make a gift to the Next Generation Fund in your mentor's honor. Complete the "In Honor/Memory of" section when you make your gift online, or include a note if you give through the mail or by phone.
Why give? Emerging needs will have a ready source of support
What will the funding climate be twenty, fifty, or 100 years from now? What challenges will future mathematicians face as they establish their careers?
You can help prepare the way for emerging scholars by donating to The Next Generation Fund. As it always has, the mathematics community will create innovative programs to meet rising needs. AMS NextGen will grow over time and support those new programs as they develop.
Recognizing others when you give
Gifts of any amount in honor or memory of someone are a meaningful way to pay tribute to that person(s) and also to help rising mathematicians. Complete the "In Honor/Memory of" section when you make your gift online, or include a note if you give through the mail or by phone.
Named endowed funds can be created to support the Next Generation Fund. Naming a fund allows you to commemorate someone significant to you, perhaps a family member, colleague, or mentor while supporting early career mathematicians. The Maryam Mirzakhani Fund for The Next Generation is an example of a named endowed fund. To create a named endowed fund or to plan an estate gift to benefit The Next Generation Fund, please contact the AMS Development office at 401.455.4111 or contact the Development Office via email about NextGen