Benefits for AMS Members
You make a difference when you join. Together we do more for mathematics than we can on our own. Thank you for adding your voice.
Please enjoy these AMS member discounts, services, and special offerings. Join now
Discounts on Books

- One free eBook per calendar year from the AMS Bookstore (unavailable to Nominee members).
- Free access to the AMS Member Library.
- Free standard shipping on orders delivered to addresses in the United States (including Puerto Rico) and Canada.
- AMS Book Discounts (10 - 40% for AMS members) Discounts on AMS/MAA Press Titles (25% discount for individual members and 20% discount for domestic institutional members)
Discounts on Journals and other Publications

- Discounted article processing charge of \$247 for members who publish in either of our two gold open access journals: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B (\$1500 for nonmembers) and Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B (\$2750 for nonmembers): Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B and Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B.
- Notices of the AMS (electronic and print) | Bulletin of the AMS (electronic and print)
- Abstracts discounts (40% for individual AMS members)
- Research, Translation, and Distributed Journal Discounts (Select journals for individual AMS members. Further pricing information may be found here.)
- Electronic Mathematical Reviews® (eMR) Sections Discounts (20% off for individual AMS members)
- AMS Early View Articles
- Receive the bi-weekly Headlines & Deadlines e-Newsletter
- Email notification for Current Mathematical Publications (e-CMP)
Professional Development and Networking

- Access to the AMS Member Directory
- Discounted registration rates for the Joint Mathematics Meetings.
- Discounted registration rates for the AMS Sectional Meetings, Education Mini-Conference, Workshop for Department Chairs and Leaders, and Online Fall Virtual Graduate School Fair.
- Canadian Mathematical Society (meetings and membership deals for members)
- Your voice matters: Help steer the society's activities by volunteering and/or nominating colleagues to volunteer. The AMS has over 100 committees staffed by volunteers.
Honors, Travel Grants, Prizes and Awards

- Membership requirements for the following opportunities:
- AMS members are eligible for higher levels of support through the JMM Travel Grants for PUI Faculty.
- AMS Fellows must be AMS members for the year in which they are nominated as well as members for the prior three years as of July 31 of each year.
- Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics (AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize): A recipient must be a member of either AMS, SIAM or both.